Donnerstag, 28. April 2011

Rumänien: Ex-Agrarminister Ioan Muresan zu sieben Jahren Haft verurteilt

Rumänien: Ex-Agrarminister Ioan Muresan zu sieben Jahren Haft verurteilt
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Mittwoch, 27. April 2011

Rumänien: Ex-Agrarminister Ioan Muresan zu sieben Jahren Haft verurteilt

Ioan Muresan

Ioan Muresan, Rumäniens Agrarminister von 1997 bis 2000, ist am Mittwoch vom Obersten Kassations- und Gerichtshof zu sieben Jahren Haft verurteilt worden. Muresan war von den Antikorruptionsstaatsanwälten der Großkorruption bzw. der schweren Veruntreuung sowie Bestechung in kontinuierlicher Form angeklagt worden. Gegen das Urteil kann Muresan binnen 10 Tagen bei einem aus 5 Richtern des Obersten Gerichtshofes bestehenden Gremium in Berufung gehen.

Die Antikorruptionsstaatsanwaltschaft DNA hatte gegen Muresan bereits im Dezember 2003 Anklage erhoben, allerdings folgten daraufhin jahrelange verfahrenstechnische Hindernisse:

So etwa sorgte eine Änderung der Gesetzes betreffend die Ministerialverwaltung dafür, dass die Antikorruptionsstaatsanwaltschaft nun plötzlich nicht mehr befugt war, gegen Regierungs- und Parlamentsmitglieder zu ermitteln. Erst nachdem das Verfassungsgericht im Jahr 2008 die Immunität, sprich Narrenfreiheit, der hohen Würderträger einigermaßen zurechtstutzte, konnte das Gerichtsverfahren gegen Muresan wieder aufgenommen werden.

Muresan sorgte auch im Jahr 2007 für Aufruhr, als er seinem liberalen Amtsnachfolger Decebal Traian Remes einen Briefumschlag mit 15.000 Euro Bestechungsgeld überreichte, die ein heimischer Geschäftsmann und Bekannter Muresans hatte springen lassen, damit Agrarminister Remes ihm Aufträge zuschanze. Der ehemalige sowie der amtierende Landwirtschaftsminister hatten allerdings das Pech, während der trauten Bestechungsszene von den Antikorruptionsstaatsanwälten gefilmt worden zu sein – das öffentliche Fernsehen brachte den Mitschnitt wenige Tage später. Remes, der bis dahin seinen Rücktritt verweigert hatte, musste schließlich seinen Hut nehmen.

Mittwoch, 27. April 2011

Späte Erkenntniss von "Intellektuellen", in Tirana, das Albanien unsicher ist

Die selbst ernannten Professoren in Tirana, wie hier Ermira Danaj, kommt inzwischen auch zu der Erkenntnis, das Albanien viel unsicherer ist. Das schrieben wir aber schon vor einem Jahr, das es mit der Sicherheit immer mehr bergab geht, weil sich wie bewiesen auch noch Kriminelle freikaufen können. Ermira Danaj, aus der Familie der berüchtigten Dummschwafler rund um die Danaj Familie, labbert also kurz gesagt dumm daher, und diese privaten Universitäten, haben oft keine Lizenzen, und ihre Diplome sind Nichts wert.

Ein Musterbeispiel, wer so Alles Randale macht, im Mafia Staat Albanien: Kurzfristig aus dem Gefängniss entlassen nach 7 Jahren, für Drogen schmuggel und Frauenhandel, schon geht es wieder weiter im Partei Murks der Albaner. Emiljano Shullazi, der massiv SP Partei Veranstaltungen störte und Material zerstörte für die PD Partei. vor allem militant und total kriminelle sind die Mitglieder der Mafia Partei LSI, des Ilir Meta, aber teilweise machen auch SP Mitglieder aktiv in der Randale mit.

23.4.2011: Der Berufsverbrecher Emiljano Shullazi, wurde verhaftet: Als militanter Anhänger der PD Partei unterwegs

Machtkampf der Verbrecher Kartelle in Albanien

Wahlen 2011: Anschläge-Schiessereien

27 Apr 2011 / 09:03

Albanian Campaign Violence Threatens Turnout

Experts warn that almost daily violent incidents between rival political gangs in the campaign could scare independent voters away from the ballot.
Dardan Malaj
Socialist Party supporters during rally | Photo by : PS
As the May 8 local elections approach, dozens of violent incidents have been registered between opposition and government supporters since the starting gun for the race was fired on April 8.
The clashes that range from minor scuffles to exchanges of gunfire between supporters and the bombing of the home of an opposition candidate in Tirana will have negative effect on voter turnout, experts warn.

Ermira Danaj, a sociology professor at Tirana’s Marin Barleti University, notes that although campaign violence may reinforce the following of the party faithful, it may keep away the independent voters who do not line up with either feuding camp.

"Violence adds to the insecurity of undecided voters," says Danaj. "This group is affected the most by campaign violence, creating a distance between politics and the desire to be involved [in the electoral] process, which should be a moment for the expression for democracy," she adds.

Despite calls for calm from party leaders, campaign incidents have persisted, fuelling the atmosphere of uncertainty, says the coalition of local observers monitoring Albania’s local elections.

"The incidents are creating a climate of insecurity and fear which is reducing voters' trust in the electoral process," wrote the coalition in its April 11 report. 

Gentian Elezi, a political science lecturer at the European University of Tirana, says campaign violence always has a direct effect on voter behaviour.

“If the public perceives that the violence is coming from one political party, that party will be punished at the ballot box," he says,"but if both [political camps] are to blame, the result will be a lower turnout on election day."

This article was made possible through the support of the National Endowment for Democracy.

Dienstag, 26. April 2011

Serbische Tennisspieler erhalten Diplomaten Pässe

Serbian tennis stars get diplomatic passports

BELGRADE -- Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremić delivered diplomatic passports to Serbia's national tennis teams on Monday, ahead of the start of the Serbia Open ATP.
The diplomatic passports were delivered to Novak Đoković, Viktor Troicki, Janko Tipsarević, Nenad Zimonjić, Ana Jovanović and Bojana Jovanovski, while Jelena Janković and Ana Ivanović did not attend the ceremony due to other obligations.
“It is a great honor and pleasure for me to promote the diplomatic service in this way and to deliver passports to individuals who gave a great contribution to Serbian tennis,” Jeremić said during the ceremony staged at the Novak Tennis Center in Belgrade.

Recalling that the country experienced a very difficult period and that its bad image and reputation, as well as prejudices against Serbia, are still present in certain parts of the world, Jeremić pointed out that Serbian tennis players managed to change this to a considerable extent.


Montag, 25. April 2011

Albanian government allows sllavo Macedonian tables

Monday, April 25, 2011

Two weeks before local elections of 8th May, the municipality of Pustec is filed with signs with names of streets and squares in Macedonian language. Municipalities that once had the name Liqenas has included also the municipal officials of Gazi Baba of Macedonia, while campaigning for the official candidate of the governing coalition led by the DP, Edmond Temelko, who holds the post of president of the Alliance Party of Macedonians for European Integration.

In Skopje, the Macedonian media have promoted such a project, adding that it was a donation to the municipality of Gazi Baba, Skopje.

The daily Gazeta Shqiptare discovers that road signs are in two languages​​, Albanian and Macedonian Slavic, two are in Latin and one in Cyrillic alphabet. Institutions and road signs in the Slav-Macedonian language in 9 villages of the commune, named Pustec, in the Prefecture of Korca was settled on April 14th where present was also the Mayor of Gazi Baba, Toni Trajkovski, Teodor Petrov, President of the World Macedonian Congress and Tashko Ivanov, chairman of the Association of Aegean Macedonians.

Freitag, 22. April 2011

Festname eines prominenten Bürgermeisters, aus der Verbrecher Partei PTK des Hashim Thaci im Kosovo

Landraub durch Mord, eine uralte Tradition der Kosovo Verbrecher. Allein seit über 1.000 Hektar Land, sind den Serben geraubt worden, aber ebenso der Albanischen Bevölkerung vor allem im Raum Durres, in Plepa, Golem, Pista Ilyria.

22 Apr 2011 / 15:05

Kosovo Mayor Jailed For Extortion
Xhabir Zbarku
The mayor of Kosovo’s southern municipality of Kacanik, an influential figure in the governing Democratic Party of Kosovo, PDK, has been jailed for three years for extortion and illegal possession of weapons.

Lawrence Marzouk

Xhabir Zharku was found guilty of the crimes, along with three other defendants, at Pristina’s district court on Thursday.

In July 2006, Zharku, alongside Arsim Kolshi, Besnik Hasani and Nusret Cena, threatened to kill the winner in the auction of a publicly owned sheep farm unless he withdrew his bid.

The threatened man did so, allowing the second highest bidder, Kolshi, to buy the 30 hectares of land.

When police searched Zharku’s property, they found two automatic weapons, made in Iran, as well as explosives and a mortar.

Zharku, who was also mayor at the time of the offences, has been handed three years of imprisonment on the charge of extortion and given a fine of 1500 Euro on the charge of unlawful possession of weapons.

Kolshi was sentenced to three years prison for extortion and given a fine of 1500 Euro for the unlawful possession of weapons.

Besnik Hasani was sentenced to one year and two months prison and Nusret Cena was sentenced to one year and two months prison.

The prosecution was represented by an EULEX prosecutor from Kosovo’s Special Prosecution Office, SPRK.

Mittwoch, 20. April 2011

Kosovo: Over & Out

Over & Out

In late 2005, after being in Kosovo for a few months, I sent a report – entitled “Strategic Thoughts” – to UNMIK HQ in Pristina. It drew two conclusions: that the Kosovo Albanians could not be kept from having their own independent state and that the northern Kosovo Serbs would never accept being incorporated into it.

In that paper, I argued that “Serbs in the north will not accept direct rule from Pristina or by any 'Albanian' institutions. They would simply 'opt out' of Kosovo since they are, functionally, still part of and contiguous to Serbia. Any attempt to impose such an outcome, sanctioned by Belgrade or not, could lead to some form of mass exodus and/or an effort to resist, including perhaps through partition and violence.” 

Looking forward, I suggested that “the final status for northern Kosovo (the region including the three northern municipalities plus Mitrovica North) hopefully will be the result of negotiations between Pristina and Belgrade. However, from looking at the limited universe of successful (and unsuccessful) negotiations of tribal and ethnic conflict elsewhere, it seems that substantial local autonomy for the northern Kosovo municipalities would be an essential element of a stable and peaceful final settlement. This means K-Serbs in the north would essentially govern themselves within the context of the existing municipal governments and within an overall, Kosovo-wide decentralized political structure with some form of protected participation in national institutions…. The international community could not expect to integrate northern and southern structures if the idea is to ensure full compliance of the northern municipalities with Pristina. If we try, we will likely get nowhere and could instead contribute to a hardening of approaches on both sides. If our aim is instead to increase cooperation between northern municipalities and PISG, we may be able to achieve modest results if we focus on practical issues as free from politics as possible. But we will need more flexibility from K-Albanians, some degree of acceptance from Belgrade, and focused efforts from UNMIK to engage all significant K-Serb actors....We cannot dismantle parallel structures and ought not try. No matter what, these structures will remain in place because the K-Serbs require them in order to continue to function as a community.” 

I recommended that UNMIK's strategic objective should be to “deliver a stable, peaceful and functioning community of four municipalities to a final overall political settlement,” and that our tactics should be dialogue with all parties. 

It may be that those more influential than I have finally come to the same conclusion, as witnessed by the most recent ICG report, 

KLA - UCK Terrorists Info

  • Naser Kelmendi Mafia Clan
  • NATO secret Report: Xhavit Halili, Hashim Thaci, Osmani, Haradinaj
  • Frank Wisner - John Negroponte

  • Kritische Stimmen, eines Migranten, gegen die vollkommen korrupte Kosovo Regierung des Hashim Thaci!

          Qeveria e Kosovës e tërbuar  ndaj fjalës së lirë !

    Nga Asllan Dibrani

    Qeveria e Kosovës nuk po pajtohet me disfatën e turpshme pran popullit të Kosovës,dje në Universiteti AAB-Riinvest “Kryeministër"Thaqi me klikën e vet u mundua tu qes hi syve populli të Kosovës, me një stil te rrejshëm dhe bajat ! Thaqi mundet me i mashtrua vetëm  njerëzit  qe akoma janë të privilegjuar përmes qeverise,   nga djersa e popullit , ku e qoj ekonominë në një kolaps  shkatërrues  , ne një qorrsokak  te pa krye, me çka pretendon qe vetëm me një burim përfitues nga firmat dhe "Emigracioni Shqiptar" në Evropë tu vilen paret   përmes shërbëtorëve të vet në pikat doganore të Kosovës me plaçkitje, vjedhje,dhe keqtrajtim me një tatim marramendës  ku si pasojë në tremujorin e fundit  falimentuan mbi 2500 firma kosovare.

    Sherr i debatit u bë  studenti  Frashër Krasniqi 

     Prandaj sherr i debatit u bë  studenti  Frashër Krasniqi  gjatë prezantimi të planit ekonomik të Kosovës 2011-2014 nga "Kryeministri" Hashim Thaçi të mërkurën në kolegjin “AAB-Riinvest” e ka vënë në siklet kryeministrin, kur është pyetur nga studenti  aktivist i Vetëvendosjes nëse “Kjo qeveri u ka hipur skijave"  gjatë kohës së hartimit të këtij plani .

    IMG_5060 (2)

    Qeveria e Kosovës e tërbuar ndaj fjalës së lirë !

    Aktivisti i “Vetëvendosjes” Frashër Krasniqi, më pastaj ka shpërndarë pamflete dhe në të shkruar “KJO QEVERI I KA HYPUR SKIJAVE!". Më pastaj aktivisti i “Vetëvendosje” është nxjerr jashtë sallës, ku edhe është grushtuar dhe rrahur nga autoritetet qeveritare .Nga kjo rrjedh se nuk ka ma prestigj dhe imunitet kjo qeveri fantazmë, me krim të organizuar  në kurrizin e popullit.

    Ky argumentim i Lëvizjes VETËVENDOSJE! u përcoll me shpalosjen e parullës “Kjo Qeveri i ka hipur skijave” dhe shpërndarjen e fletushkave me argumentet e Lëvizjes VETËVENDOSJE! tek të pranishmit, të cilët tërë aktivitetin e miratuan me duartrokitje.,2,126173

    Nuk rrahet fjala e lirë!

    Nuk rrahet fjala e lirë e studentit të vetëvendosjes , nuk torturohet ma truri i shtresës se lart te universiteteve në Kosovë .Nuk fshihet ma  lufta e drejt e ushtarakeve qe e çliruan vendin  e sot u merren vlerat e tyre nga matrapaz  pseudoushtarak. Nuk rrahet ma fjala e lirë qe të shprehet, për revoltën  e masës se popullit qe janë ne buzë gremine, nga skamja si pasoje e qeverisjes se keqe. Nuk fshihet ma dhe nuk rrahet  revolta ndaj një "Qeverie Kukull" qe e detyroj popullin kosovar të kërkoj azil politik  në Serbi që deri dje na preu ,na vrau  e na torturoj ,edhe kjo është pasojë e qeverisë aktuale qe ja ka pru thikën në fyt popullit. Nuk fshihet ma fjala e lirë qe të thuhet se  dështoj regjistrimi i popullatës me përjashtimin e "Diasporës  Shqiptare". Nuk mund te fshihet dhe te rrahet  fjala e lirë kur thotë populli se qeveria aktuale na e shiti edhe pasurinë e trashëguar nga baballarët,  duke përfshire ,fabrikat dhe organizatat qe me mijëra punëtore dhe familje të Kosovës janë ushqyer, citojmë edhe të thënat  e popullit kudo qe dëgjohet  "Qeveritaret hajdut" na i shiten edhe gurët e Kosovës ...etj


    Freitag, 15. April 2011

    5,5 Tonnen altes Militär Material, wurde aus dem Ohrid See in Mazedonien geborgen

    Specially equipped diving teams have retrieved 5.5 tons of bombs and other explosive materials from the bottom of Macedonia’s Ohrid Lake. The explosives have been in the lake since the First and the Second World War.
    Датум: 14.04.2011, 23:20
    Од Охридско Езеро изнуркаа 5,5 тони експлозив

    Пиротехничарите и професионалните нуркачи што ја спроведуваат акцијата велат дека, за разлика од првата фаза на акцијата, која беше спроведена лани, сегашното вадење на мините, рачните бомби и на минофрлачките гранати заостанати од минатите војни било многу посложено
    Околу 5,5 тони разновиден експлозивен материјал е изваден од дното на Охридското Езеро во втората фаза од акцијата за чистење од неексплодирани убојни средства, што деновиве ја спроведува Дирекцијата за заштита и спасување. Пиротехничарите и професионалните нуркачи што ја спроведуваат акцијата велат дека, за разлика од првата фаза на акцијата, која беше спроведена во минатата година, сегашното вадење на мините, рачните бомби и на минофрлачките гранати било многу посложено.

    - Лани ние правевме визуелен преглед на сето она што беше видливо, значи, ги вадевме сите неексплодирани убојни средства што беа на дното и беа видливи. Но во оваа акција детектираме и вадиме убојни средства кои не лежат на дното, туку се закопани под песокот. Користиме специјални детектори кои детектираат метал и на еден метар под дното и специјална мамут-пумпа, која со помош на притисокот ги ископува убојните средства од дното - објаснува Љупчо Зајкоски, советник за неексплодирани убојни средства при Дирекцијата за заштита и спасување.

    Тој нагласува дека голем дел од извадените експлозиви биле закопани на дното во езерото, на само неколку метри од брегот.

    Donnerstag, 14. April 2011

    Droht eine Spaltung in Bosnien: Das Parlament der Republika Srpska fasst Entscheidung über ein Referendum

    Das Parlament der Republika Srpska fasst Entscheidung über ein Referendum Drucken
     Das Parlament der Republika Srpska hat die Entscheidung über die Ausschreibung eines Referendums angenommen, bei welchem sich die Bürger dieser Entität Bosnien und Herzegowinas darüber äußern werden, ob sie die Gesetze unterstützen, welche die Hohen Repräsentanten der internationalen Gemeinschaft in diesem Land eingeführt haben – vor allem die Gesetze über Gerichte und die Staatsanwalt. Das Referendum muss eine Woche nach Ablauf von 45 Tagen nach der Veröffentlichung der Entscheidung im Amtsblatt der RS abgehalten werden. Die Entscheidung wurde von 66 Abgeordneten unterstützt, zwei waren dagegen und sieben waren enthalten. Zuvor hat der Präsident der Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, in einer Ansprache vor den Abgeordneten erklärt, dass diese beiden Institutionen durch den Hohen Repräsentanten aufgezwungen wurden, was gegen das Daytonabkommen und die grundlegenden Interessen der Republika Srpska verstößt. „Das wurde auf Forderung der bosniakischen Politiker gemacht, mit dem Ziel, durch indirekte Mechanismen das Land zu zentralisieren“, sagte Dodik und fügte hinzu, dass die Gerichte und die Staatsanwaltschaft Bosnien und Herzegowinas Fälle von Kriegsverbrechen selektiv bearbeiten, zum Schaden des serbischen Volkes.

    • 14.04.2011

    Bosnien und Herzegowina droht Spaltung

    Serbische Teilrepublik schert aus

    Das Parlament in Banja Luka votiert für ein Referendum. Die Bürger sollen darüber abstimmen, ob zwei gesamtstaatliche Justizorgane aufgelöst werden sollen. VON ERICH RATHFELDER
    Regierungschef Milorad Dodik wirbt vor dem Parlament in Banja Luka für eine Volksabstimmung über die Abschaffung gesamtstaatlicher Justizorgane. Foto: dapd
    SARAJEVO taz | Die serbische Führung in Bosnien und Herzegowina macht Ernst mit ihrer Ankündigung, den Staat aufzulösen und die serbische Teilrepublik abzuspalten. Als Schritt in diese Richtung soll das Volk der Republika Srpska darüber abstimmen, ob die Staatsanwaltschaft und das oberste Gericht des gemeinsamen Staates abgeschafft werden. Das beschloss am Mittwochabend das Parlament der Teilrepublik in Banja Luka. 

    Montag, 11. April 2011

    Mafia Montenegro: Djukanovic's Clan Property

    Djukanovic's Clan Property

    Monitor weekly, 11 March 2011
    Djukanovic's Clan Property

    The state donated in the most beautiful Montenegrin town of Kotor thousands of square meters, including - cultural monuments, to Aco Alexander Djukanovic, brother of the former prime minister1SIZ! On the magical location, in Dobrota, on the beachfront. It is rumoured that he will move there.
    Djukanovic obtained in Dobrota, according to the Real Estate Agency data, approximately two thousand square meters of land by decisions of state authorities, and he bought as much. They ceded him a two-storeyed building of DPO and DSZ SIZ2 a monument of more than 290 square meters and three ancillary buildings - also cultural monuments. He, therefore, owns at this place, in cultural heritage monuments alone, a total 614 square meters! Why is state owned cultural heritage ceded to a private person? Maybe for Djukanovic's young revolutionary merits, in those years when he played music in rain at rallies of his brother's DPS3
    Aco's nephew Edin Kolarević also indebted somehow the country. Son of Ana Kolarević, sister of the bi-decennial prime minister and president, has in Dobrota 11 797 square meters, which are registered on his firm Sublime developments. All this land, Kolarević obtained through a decision of state authorities. Its value reaches millions of euros. .
    Decisions of state authorities did not do well to Djukanovic's clan only in Kotor. In Ulcinj, their's is the shore. At Port Milena, more than two and a half thousand square meters were ceded to the First Bank of Aco and Milo Djukanovic by decisions of state bodies. The land is under control of the Coastal Management Agency. It's not all. In this town, in the beachfront zone, Djukanovic's Bank owns 23 000 square meters, part of which are also under the control of the Coastal Management Agency.
    As if the sky is their limit. Assets in Kotor and Ulcinj are only a fraction of an impressive list of real estate registered on the closest relatives of the sacrosanct leader. According to available documents, of all family members, Aco Djukanovic has the most in Montenegro.
    He started from scratch. According to his own words, Aco earned his first cash by carrying bags at the Titograd railway station in the late eighties, near the building where he lived with his parents, brother and sister in a modest flat in gray urban neighborhood. And then, he says, he began to think
    The transition from physical to intellectual work coincided with the conquest of power by his brother Milo. Accidentally. Unemployed, Aco earned his first generous fees as a producer - jury member of the Montenegrin state television in 1991, at the last joint appearance for the European Song Conquest, before the death of Yugoslavia. The winner was Baby Doll, who sang Brazil. Djukanovic was recommended to the jury, perhaps, by the sound and other technical details for which he was responsible at pre-election rallies of his brother's party, which had almost plebiscitary support of the people and Slobodan Milosevic.
    TRANSACTIONS AND ACTIONS: After Baby Doll, Aco had a ball. As the older brother would say – he managed. According to the U.S. ICIJ, the wealth of the younger Djukanovic is estimated at 167 million dollars. It is not, however, clear on the basis of which methodology the Institute came to that figure. According to the data available to Monitor, his property in Montenegro alone, according to the Cadaster records and data from the Central Depository Agency (CDA) - is enormous and exceeds by far such estimate. How much and what Djukanovic owns outside our country is difficult to determine
    Most often mentioned is the Djukanovic's ownership of the First Bank, in which he owns 46.48 percent of shares where, together with his brother Milo and sister Ana Kolarević, he has the majority stake and control.
    The shares in the Nikšić Bank, which he later renamed the First Bank of Montenegro founded in 1901, Djukanovic bought for next to nothing. He was the only buyer who appeared at the auction through his Montenova company, that previously owned 12 percent of the bank's ownership. The 30 percent of shares, which the state was selling for 3 millions euros, he paid million and a half in cash and the remainder in frozen foreign currency savings bonds.
    Within a year, the bank has simply flourished and became the second largest in Montenegro. American ICIJ underlines that the year before privatization, the government deposits in the bank totalled only 23 million dollars, and in September 2007, after privatization, 127 million dollars.
    In the 11 months of operations in 2007, First Bank achieved a fantastic 390 percent growth rate. A lesser part of this should be credited to the business art of younger Djukanovic, while a much greater to the cosmic conflict of interest, about which the U.S. officials reported in the messages obtained by daily Vijesti through Wikileaks and the Europeans in the recently adopted Resolution of the European Parliament.
    Large public enterprises and ministries of Milo Djukanovic's government transferred their accounts to the First Bank In just two years, the shares have risen over hundred times. Aco's capital in the bank grew in September 2008 to over 100 million euros. With the growth of capital and deposits, also rose the credit activities.
    The problem in this, however, is that Djukanovic approved a large number of loans to friends and party loyalists, with poor or no collateral, so that the Bank quickly got in trouble. Aco, for example, approved credits worth several dozen million euros to Stanko
    Subotic Cane, a business friend of Milo Djukanovic, who is suspected of smuggling cigarettes. Vuk Rajkovic, a business partner of former Prime Minister, got a five million euros credit. Among the friends who withdrew loans from the Bank are Goran Sito Rakocevic, the best man of former prime minister and member of the first board of the First Bank, and Radmila Vojvodic, a close friend of Milo Djukanovic, also a member of the first Bank's board. Aco, himself, borrowed from the Bank.
    To save the First Bank from disaster, the government helped with a 44 million euros loan, which was returned in a strange way, through suspicious transactions in which one million traveled eleven times from the Pension Fund to the State Treasury in just one hour.
    The government was not the only one to help in the crisis. At rescue also came the public companies. All transactions for the sale of electricity utility EPCG shares to the Italian A2A went through the fraternal bank. Out of approximately the 400 million euros transaction paid through the First Bank accounts, some 50-100 million euros remained in the bank on the basis of which it maintains liquidity.
    COAL MINE, EPCG, INSTITUTE: Aco Djukanovic and A2A are together in the Coal mine. He has 10.5 percent of shares, A2A 39.49 percent, and the state 31 percent. Aco Djukanovic has over 75 percent of the Institute for Urban Planning and Design, whose spacious building is located on one of the nicest and most expensive locations in Podgorica, near the U.S. embassy. Djukanovic obtained the ownership of the Institute and its valuable real estate for only 2.7 million euros. Here again, he could pay part of the price by means frozen foreign currency savings bonds.
    At the moment when Aco overtook the Institute in 2007, this institution operated well and had a positive balance sheet. Otherwise, the Department has a long tradition; it was established in 1946 and was the most prestigious national institution in the field of spatial planning, design and engineering. Why was it privatized and what did the institution gain since?
    When Aco Djukanovic assumed control over the Institute, the same has received more lucrative business from Milo Djukanovic's government. A number of projects worth millions piled up, such as the one on the construction of a submarine cable under the Adriatic Sea, which the former prime minister agreed in direct negotiation with Silvio Berlusconi. Conflicts of interest did not stop here, they just multiplied.
    REAL ESTATE: NGO MANS accused the Djukanovic's for having a conflict of interest in the spatial planning for Bjelasica and Komovi, undertaken by the Institute. The only problem is not that the state commissioned the work, but that Aco has over 275 000 square meters of land in this area, while his nephew Edin has more than 45 000 square
    meters. A close family friend, Dragan Bećirović (killed on 10.4.2011), has 147 000 square meters. Bećirović is the owner of the company Beppler and Jacobson, suspected to belong partly to Djukanovic's. Vektra, a company of Dragan Brkovic, also close to Djukanovic's, has 38 000 square meters.
    In Herceg Novi, Aco's Invest nova (whose capital according to data from the Business Register is estimated at close to 12 million euros) owns seven parcels of about five thousands square meters. In Bar, the same company has two building lots on the prestigious Topolica location of about five thousands square meters.
    In Podgorica, the younger Djukanovic has thousands and thousands of square meters in land, residential and business premises. In the heart of the city, at the stadium of the Soccer team Buducnost, he has several thousand square meters of office space which, interestingly, according to the cadastral data, is owned by the Government of Montenegro. Does this mean that Djukanovic was a rentier to the government of his brother?
    Monitor wrote earlier, and this was not denied, that the Government of Montenegro gave Aco the right to use 7637 square meters of state land in Podgorica where the police building is located, including the right to become the owner.
    In the Brace Zlaticanina Street, in the city's downtown, Aco Djukanovic purchased a two storeyed building which belonged to Montenegrin PTT, now under mortgage for restitution. Media reported that the new owner got a square meter in this prestigious location for much less than the market price.
    In the Vuk Karadzic Street, also in the city's downtown, Djukanovic has over 1,300 square meters of business and residential space. In this building is the seat of his First Bank. The building was built in the Karadjordje's park, which the building usurpated.
    Djukanovic also has a stake in the residential / commercial building complex Krusevac. There, he has rented the office space to the electricity utility EPCG. Our rentier does not have to worry – he acquires easily the tenants, state institutions and public enterprises, which are safe payers. Rentier capitalism.
    BIG BROTHER AND SISTER: Sister Ana in Podgorica, according to the Real Estate Agency, owns four apartments and two commercial units, totalling 623 square meters. Unlike her brother Aco, whose properties are not encumbered by mortgage loans, Kolarević's property is under mortgage due to large loans.
    Kolarević, a former judge, now has a successful law firm at a prestigious address in St. Peter Cetinjski Boulevard, in the center of Podgorica. The law office Kolarević has been proclaimed several times to be the best in Montenegro by some western institutes. Whatever she takes, she gets done. She boasted herself to have a monopoly – she
    registers more than 80 percent of foreign companies in Montenegro, to many of which her brother Milo made possible to get a job.
    Although British sources claim that he is among the 20 world's richest rulers, Milo Djukanovic officially owns much less than his brother. A flat of about 200 square meters in Podgorica is registered on his name. His university (University Donja Gorica - UDG) extends over some impressive 12 000 square meters of land, received as a gift in Donja Gorica, while the building has more than 14 000 square meters. In UDG, Djukanovic has one quarter of the property. The property is under mortgage, since Djukanovic and partners raised multimillion credits for the construction of the university from two Montenegrin banks - CKB and Montenegro Bank. According to Monitor sources, Milo Djukanovic has problems in repayment of this credit.
    This is not the only credit of the multiple Montenegrin prime minister. For the 20 000 square meters of land in Budva, purchased through company Global Montenegro together with his partner and best man Vuk Rajkovic, he borrowed five million euros from Hypo Alpe Adria Bank. Milo Djukanovic, according to our information, also has a problem with the servicing of this loan.
    According to former prime minister's property file, his wife Lydia does not own real estate property. His son Blažo got as a gift from his uncle office space of 459 square meters in Podgorica, and has a flat of 124 square meters in Zabljak.
    It is known that autocrats hold at home only a fraction of their assets. When they step out from power, one usually finds outside wealth that is often measured in billions, in real estate, secret bank accounts, offshore companies of mysterious ownership structure, shares of foreign companies .... Just the businesses for which Milo Djukanovic was a suspect in Italy brought, according to various estimates, billions of dollars. Where did that money end up? It is suspected that the Montenegrin prime minister had a stake in some major privatizations, KAP4
    How much possess abroad the heroes of our times? At this point, we only know that Ana's son, Edin, as a student, bought an apartment in Manhattan for $ 900 000. He also sacrificed himself for democracy - by donating $ 250 to Barak Obama during the campaign. Just a bit for Djukanovic's, a lot for America. , for example, but there is no evidence for it.


    1 Milo Djukanovic, Montenegrin former prime minister and president 1991 - 2010
    2 Local public institutions
    3 Democratic Party of Socialists – DPS, Montenegrin ruling party
    4 Aluminium Industry Podgorica, the largest industrial company in Montenegro


    In the net

    Monitor weekly, 18 March 2011
    In the net
    Monitor research confirms what has already been suspected: Stanko Subotic Cane, accused of smuggling cigarettes and other suspicious activities, has business relationships with most influential people and companies in Montenegro.
    No wonder why Svetozar Marovic1 is silent. His problem is not only unfinished Zavala, trials and brother Dragan2

    SUBOTIC AND MAROVIC'S: Marovic and Stanko Subotic Cane publicly appeared for the first time on the famous photo from the Villa Montenegro, a few years ago, when Cane presented his 'Pasarella Project' - a fantasy that was supposed to link the island of Sveti Nikola with Budva. in custody. Clan Marovic has direct links with Subotic, a face from an Interpol arrest warrant.
    Stanko Subotic Cane does not own property in Montenegro under his name. Before Serbian authorities began to confiscate his estate, Cane officially owned the Villa Montenegro in Sveti Stefan, known for luxury and bacchanalia. Besides the villa, he owned a plot of several thousand square meters at the same location. He announced publicly his plans to build a tourist complex there. Interestingly, the same plans at the same site, also had the Sveti Stefan3 lessees Aman Resorts, and now the Restis Group. As of recently, however, Subotic's name no longer figures in the Montenegrin Real Estate Agency. But his companies are active and possess enormous assets.
    SUBOTIC AND DJUKANOVIC'S: Cane is in a number of combinations with the controversial company Beppler & Jacobson that manages the Hotel Avala in Budva, and the Hotel Bianca in Kolasin.
    Beppler & Jacobson is officially represented by Dragan Bećirović. Multiple sources, however, claimed that Bećirović is just the front player, and that the family Djukanovic and Stanko Subotic Cane are also inside. According to the Italian indictment4 , on which were both Milo Djukanovic and Stanko Subotic Cane, tobacco operations have brought billions to their protagonists, which were put in different ways in legal circulation .

    Djukanovic Used Immunity in Cigarette Smuggling

    Book: Djukanovic Used Immunity in Cigarette Smuggling

    Belgrade | 11 January 2010 | Bojana Barlovac

    Die Verbrechen des NATO und Deutschen Partner Djukanovic

    Anhörung zu schweren Vorwürfen gegen Premier Djukanovic

    03. November 2009, 15:25
    • Artikelbild
      Milo Djukanovic, Premier

    Laut Ex-Mitarbeiter Knezevic soll Djukanovic in Mordanschlag auf kroatischen Journalisten verwickelt sein

    Podgorica - Ein ehemaliger enger Mitarbeiter des montenegrinischen Premiers Milo Djukanovic soll zu seinen schweren Vorwürfen gegen den Ministerpräsidenten nun von Ermittlern befragt werden. Der seit Jahren in London lebende Ratko Knezevic hatte vor Monaten gegenüber Medien Premier Djukanovic beschuldigt, in die Ermordung des kroatischen Journalisten und Zeitungsverlegers Ivo Pukanic im Vorjahr verwickelt gewesen zu sein....

    Freitag, 8. April 2011

    Kosovo neue Präsidentin: Atifete Jahjaga

    07 Apr 2011 / 20:07

    Kosovo Elects New President

    Kosovo’s government has elected the deputy director of Kosovo police President of the country, in a remarkable turn of events.
    Petrit Collaku
    PristinaThe vote, at 6pm on Thursday night, followed an agreement between the government coalition and the main opposition party the day before on the presidential candidate, staving off fears that the government might collapse.
    Atifete Jahjaga, Kosovo's President | Photo by:
    After the election, newly elected President Atifete Jahjaga said: "Until yesterday, I had never thought to take a high, leading position in politics. But, as many of you, my fellow citizens, I was ready to serve whenever and wherever my country invited me."
    Jahjaga was named the new candidate after several rounds of talks on Wednesday night between the ruling Democratic Party of Kosovo, PDK, its coalition partner New Kosovo Alliance, AKR, and the opposition Democratic League of Kosovo, LDK, led by American Ambassador to Pristina Christopher Dell.
    In the first round of voting in the 120-seat parliament, 80 voted in favour – just enough to secure the two thirds majority needed to elect a president.
    Jahjaga is new to the political scene, and it is unlikely that she will serve out her full five-year mandate, as the parties agreed to hold new presidential elections within 18 months after rewriting the constitution to make the post directly elected by the public.
    Beghjet Pacolli, whose election as president was annulled last week, withdrew his candidacy for the revote during the talks....

    Berufliche Ausbildung der neuen Präsidentin des Kosovo, von Gnaden der US Mafia.

    A) Juristischen Nonsens Staats Examen, der Phristina Universität in 2000

    also geschenckte, gekaufte Titel, denn bis heute ist das Alles Nonsens und ohne Niveau in Phristina.

    CIA Ausbildung auf einem Führer Kurs, im Georg C. Marshall Centrum in Garmisch-Partenkirchen.

    Englische Sprachkurse in England und FBI Ausbildungskurs

    FBI Ausbildung


    Erfolge gegen die Organisierte Kriminalität im Kosovo: Absolut Null! ERfolg in der Organisation einer Funktion eines Polizei Apparattes: Null! unglücklich unglücklich 

      Atifete Jahjaga zgjidhet presidente, miratohet rezoluta e treshes

    Publikuar: E enjte, më 07 prill 2011,22,54856

    Und was von den Amerikanern kommt, siehe auch Kurs im Georg C.Marshall Centrum in Garmisch Parten-Kirchen, ist absolut negativ immer gewesen und nicht nur auf dem Balkan. Frau Jahjaga, wurde in Stellung gebracht, als Alles wie heute zu 100% unter Kontrolle der Kosovo Mafia war und so besorgte man sich schnell ein Juristisches Diplom, in Phristina, obwohl die Fakultät nicht arbeitete, bzw. die komplette Universität damals praktisch nichtd funktionierte, noch echte Professoren hatte. Das war in 2000. Da haben die Gestalten, mit 4 Jahre Schulbildung maximal, wie Ramuz Haradinaj, Hashim Thaci auch ihre Diplome erhalten, ohne Studium.

    Eigentlich eine billige Dolmetscherin, identisch wie der Mafiosi Lulzim Basha in Tirana, der nun Innenminister ist und auch nur ein Dolmetscher bei der UNMIK war.

    Kosovo's president "selected by U.S. envoy"

    PRIŠTINA -- Former Kosovo President Behgjet Pacolli says U.S. Ambassador in Kosovo Christopher Dell, rather than local political parties, selected the new president.
    Clinton meets with Jahjaga (Beta, file)
    Clinton meets with Jahjaga (Beta, file)
    Atifete Jahjaga was appointed to the office by the assembly in Priština on Thursday.
    Pacolli briefly held the position earlier this year, but was forced to step down when his election was deemed "unconstitutional".

    Now the businessman and New Kosovo Alliance leader says he never heard of Jahjaga before her name was brought up as presidential candidate, and claims that Hashim Thaci and Isa Mustafa "exchanged glances when the name was presented to them".

    "I said - I'm withdrawing. Then the U.S. ambassador opened up an envelope and said: you need to accept this because you're lose a great friend, and the U.S. agenda for Kosovo," Pacolli claims.

    "When U.S. Ambassador Christopher Dell produced the name of Atifete Jahjage from the envelope in order to suggest her as president, Hashim Thaci and Isa Mustafa were surprised," he told Priština-based TV Clan.

    In a statement of his own, Dell said his country cooperated with Jahjaga for many years.

    Dell said that she had "earned the admiration and respect of all those that worked with her, from U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to hundreds of U.S. policemen and women that were proud to
    serve next to her during the past 11 years".

    The 36-year-old joined the Kosovo police (KPS) as translator in 2000, and left it to become president of Kosovo as deputy general-director, holding the rank of major-general.

    Jahjaga elected as president of Kosovo

    Friday 8.04.2011 | 10:53 | Source: Beta, VIP | Comments: (3) | Send comment PRIŠTINA -- The Kosovo assembly appointed Atifete Jahjaga as president of Kosovo during the initial vote when a two-thirds majority is required.

    Dienstag, 5. April 2011

    Werden die Kosovaren endlich das Frauen Erbrecht umsetzen?

    In der Türkei gilt modernes Vermögensrecht, wo dann die Ehefrau das komplette Vermögen ersteinmal des Mannes etc.. erbt. Im Kosovo wird das trotz Gesetze, verhindert. Die Witwe erbt Nichts, sondern nur Männer, weil die Kosovaren eine vorsindflutliche Tradions haben, der Raub- und Plünderungs Hunnen und Taliban.

    Time for Kosovo women to inherit property!

    10 March 2011
    “I would shame my family if I demanded my equal share of property,” a female protagonist declares in the Albanian film Asking for inheritance - asking for trouble. The film and panel discussion that followed, focusing on female property and inheritance rights in Kosovo, was held to mark International Women’s Day.
    Members of the International Women's Day panel

    The event was part of a new monthly initiative started this year by the Office of the Presidency of EULEX Judges, the EULEX Best Practices Unit, and the EULEX Human Rights and Gender Office. Its aim: the identification of human rights and gender-related problems associated with the implementation of the rule of law.
    In his opening address, Alexander Hug, the Head of EULEX Human Rights and Gender Office (HRGO), said: “Our theme today focuses on the hiatus between theory and practice: Kosovo’s applicable laws guarantee gender equality, yet only a small percentage of women own land or other property.”
    The film showed that many Kosovo Albanian women do not receive any inheritance, either because they waive their right to inheritance in favour of their brothers, or because sometimes the inheritance claim before the court ignores them.
    The panel discussion raised several important points: firstly, women are assumed to waive such rights because of social pressures, like preservation of family harmony or avoidance of conflict. Although the film focused on Albanian women, Serbian women were said to face similar discrimination.
    The panel members included the acting president of the municipal court in Pristina, OSCE representative, directors of the Lawyers’ Association, NORMA and the Kosovo Gender Studies Centre, the EULEX Justice Component and the EULEX Property Rights Unit.
    A second issue was the judges’ failure in many cases to investigate the number of legal heirs, or, should they do so, the lack of accurate civil registries, resulting in unequal access to justice.
    Several other issues were identified. The courts are often left to formalize informal agreements prepared beforehand within the family, excluding women from property. Although the courts cannot solve problems rooted in discriminatory family customs, judicial institutions should strictly adhere to the applicable law. Municipal civil registries are incomplete, outdated, or underused leaving the courts unable to determine the precise number of lawful claimants. The NORMA representative said: “Property rights were traditionally based on oral agreements as the Kosovo Albanian population did not trust the state.”
    Solutions proposed include closer interaction between courts and municipal institutions, improving civil registries to include all family members, rapid notification of deaths to municipal courts, the use of sanctions for those ignoring the law, awareness campaigns targeting women and men, and learning from good practices in neighbouring countries.

    The current talks between Belgrade and Pristina may provide the US with an opportunity to shift away from a policy that has become dependent on one leader and upon giving full backing to all of Pristina’s political claims.
    By Gerard Gallucci
    Since December, news from Kosovo has been increasingly about the involvement of its political leaders in corruption, organ trafficking and organized crime, extending back to acts committed by the KLA during the war. EULEX is currently investigating the alleged involvement of senior officials who are former KLA members. These investigations may be, in part, an effort to make-up for EULEX’s failure to pursue allegations in a report, by Swiss Senator Dick Marty, on Prime Minister Thaci’s involvement in KLA organ trafficking. EULEX tried to deflect calls for it to investigate Thaci by blaming Marty for not passing on the names of witnesses. But some witnesses are dead and those living seem reluctant to entrust themselves into Kosovo’s witness protection scheme. So, EULEX apparently dug through its files and came up with the current investigation. But in the Balkans, it is hard to please everyone and former-KLA have been quite active in criticizing and demonstrating against EULEX.
    All this has led some to suggest that perhaps the creation of an Albanian-majority, independent Kosovo was a mistake. Some have charged too that none of the information on corruption and criminal involvement is really new but was previously covered up and ignored for political reasons. This is almost certainly true. Anyone working in the Balkans since the collapse of Yugoslavia will be quite familiar with the near ubiquitous links between political and criminal circles. Of course, traditional brigandage has characterized certain areas of Kosovo since time immemorial. And stories of human rights abuses and criminal activity by KLA figures were common in Kosovo. Some of these may not stand up to the demands for evidence, but the general picture has been known for some time.
    It seems certain that someone was protecting the Kosovo leadership from being investigated. Some cite reports that the US pressured UNMIK not to investigate charges into Thaci’s leadership. The US may also have played a role in ensuring that former KLA leader and prime minister, Ramush Haradinaj, was pulled in front of the Hague to get him out of Thaci’s way. Indeed, the US may have sought to punish a high-ranking UNMIK official for seeking to help Haradinaj as it had helped Thaci.
    It is no secret that the US judged Thaci to be key to maintaining control over the Kosovo Albanians. Keeping him as a trusted and cooperative prime minister became in itself an important element of US policy. In return for him keeping the lid on Albanian irredentism and for accepting the form – if not the substance – of the Ahtisaari Plan, Thaci received complete US backing both for him and for Pristina’s claim of independence and “territorial integrity” (meaning control of the north). Thus the US followed the path it has often used in backing the likes of the Shah of Iran, Mobutu, Pinochet, Saddam (before 9/11), Ben Ali, Mubarak and Gaddafi – swallow any reservations about the behavior of “your man” as long as he remains “your man.” Typically, the US was unable to extricate itself from these relationships until it was too late for a happy ending.



    Sonntag, 3. April 2011

    Wie geht es weiter mit Gjirokastro Airport?

    Die Pläne werden nun konkreter. Trotzdem plant man 4 Jahre, und wegen dem Chaos krimineller Politiker geht Nichts mehr weiter.

    Aeroporti i Gjirokastrës, plane për ta dhënë me koncesion
    2011-01-09 00:00:00
    Ing. Bexhet Çobani (K

    Italians to reconstruct Gjirokastra’s airport


    Among other goals, the 15m-euro project is intended to help provide a boost for regional tourism.

    By Erlis Selimaj for Southeast European Times in Tirana – 27/03/07

    Albania's Gjirokastra airport will receive a makeover.
    The Italian government, through a joint project with NATO structures, will undertake a project to rebuild and remodel the Gjirokastra airport in southern Albania. The renovated airport will be used for both civilian and military purposes. Authorities hope it will provide a boost for regional tourism and serve local and foreign businesses.

    Mediterranean tourism requires proper infrastructure and developed markets. The initiators of the Gjirokastra project hope the makeover will help achieve this.

    "It is a project which has to be taken seriously and we are looking forward to its completion," said Brigadier General Aldo Piccoti, the Italian military representative working in the framework of NATO forces.

    The first phase of rehabilitation should be completed in September. At that time, Italy's Aero-Club plans to hold a special tour, bringing members of Italy's business community to Gjirokastra via private jet.

    "Our aim is to promote tourism in the city," Deutsche Welle radio quoted Italian consul general Lorenzzo Tomassini as saying. The airport remodel will cost 15m euros.

    Albanian authorities are hoping to develop not only Gjirokastra, but also the southern cities of Saranda and Vlora, as top destinations. They would like to connect all three cities as hubs for domestic air flights. Vlora's Bisht-Poro airport is also being rebuilt by the Italian Defence Ministry in the framework of NATO programmes.

    At the moment Albania has only one international airport, which is undergoing a makeover and extension. Another, Kukesi Airport in the northeast, is under construction.

    Samstag, 2. April 2011

    Fifa schmeißt Bosnien aus allen Wettbewerben

    02. April 2011 09.30 Uhr, BZ

    Bosnien-Herzegowina wurde vom Weltfußball vorerst ausgeschlossen. Grund dafür ist, dass der bosnische Verband von Fifa und Uefa geforderte Statuten nicht fristgerecht umgesetzt hat.

    Der Vielvölkerstaat Bosnien-Herzegowina lehnt einen einzigen Präsidenten als Boss ab. Derzeit stehen der Organisation drei Chefs vor. Fifa und Uefa forderten, die Statuten bis Ende März zu verändern.Die Nationalmannschaft und die Klubteams dürfen bis zur Lösung nicht an internationalen Wettbewerben teilnehmen. Aus der Bundesliga sind davon die Bosnier Vedad Ibisevic, Sejad Salihovic (beide Hoffenheim) und Hamburgs Muhamed Besic betroffen.

    Kommentar: es geht auch um Korruptions Fälle und verschobene Spiele!

    Dzeko und Co. bangen: Bosniens Verband suspendiert

    Belgrad (dpa) - Edin Dzeko, Vedad Ibisevic und Zvjezdan Misimovic dürfen mit Bosnien-Herzegowina vorerst keine Länderspiele mehr bestreiten und bangen um die mögliche EM-Teilnahme.
    Der Fußball-Weltverband (FIFA) und die Europäische Fußball-Union (UEFA) suspendierten den nationalen Verband am Freitag bis auf weiteres. An dessen Spitze stehen ein Muslim, ein Serbe und ein Kroate - doch mit diesem wundersamen Trio wollten die internationalen Fußball-Verbände nicht leben und forderten einen einzigen Chef. Der zerstrittene Nationalverband konnte sich dazu nicht durchringen.
    «Es gibt absolut keine Chance, dass der Verband einen Ausweg aus dieser Sackgasse findet. Diese Leute sind unfähig, den Verband zu führen», schimpfte Nationaltrainer Safet Susic. Seine Mannschaft mit den Ex-Wolfsburgern Dzeko und Misimovic sowie dem Hoffenheimer Ibisevic hat in der EM-Qualifikation die Chance auf Platz zwei in der Gruppe D und soll ihr nächstes Spiel am 3. Juni in Rumänien bestreiten. «Den Spielern ohne deren Fehler die Chance zu nehmen, auf einer großen Bühne zu spielen ist, als würde man Leute unschuldig ins Gefängnis schicken», sagte Susic und appellierte an FIFA und UEFA, Verständnis für die vertrackte Lage zu zeigen.
    Die Bürger sind vom spektakulären Schritt der FIFA und UEFA geschockt. «Das ist doch wohl ein Aprilscherz!», schrieb ein Leser der Zeitung «Dnevni Avaz» in Sarajevo. Ein anderer sieht nur die tatsächliche Lage im Sport bestätigt: «In Bosnien halten die Serben ja sowieso nur zum Nachbarn Serbien und die Kroaten zum benachbarten Kroatien, nur die Muslime sind für Bosnien.» Einige erste Kommentare hoffen auf die heilsame Wirkung dieser sportlichen Ohrfeige: «Hut ab! Europa hat endlich mal den richtigen Schritt gemacht. Auf dass dieser Zirkus beendet wird.»
    Der Verband sah sich nicht einmal in der Lage, den Aufsehen erregenden Ausschluss zu kommentieren. Denn vor allem die Serben widersetzen sich allem, das auch nur entfernt den Anschein einer Zentralisierung des Landes erweckt. Mehr noch. Seit langem drohen die Serben mit der Abspaltung ihrer schon heute fast unumschränkt selbstständigen Landeshälfte und ihrem Anschluss an das benachbarte «Mutterland» Serbien. Erst in dieser Woche hatte Serbenführer Milorad Dodik ein Referendum angekündigt, mit dem die Serben die Auflösung des obersten Gerichts in Bosnien durchsetzen wollen, das wenigstens formal noch als Klammer für das ganze Land gilt.
    Die Vereinigung europäischer Proficlubs (ECA) hat den Ausschluss der bosnischen Vereine von internationalen Fußball-Wettbewerben kritisiert. «Auf keinen Fall dürfen diese Clubs Opfer politischer Themen innerhalb des Verbandes werden. Die Auswirkungen einer Suspendierung, die nicht auf das Verhalten der Vereine zurückzuführen ist, wäre schädlich für die Clubs und ihre Spieler», erklärte der ECA-Vorsitzende Karl-Heinz Rummenigge laut einer Pressemitteilung.
    In dem von Muslimen und Kroaten bewohnten zweiten Landesteil herrscht seit Wochen reines Verfassungschaos. Fünf Monate nach der Parlamentswahl wurde eine Regierung gebildet, allerdings ohne die Kroaten. Die boykottieren diese verfassungswidrig gebildete Regierung nach Kräften. Das Verfassungsgericht, das Klärung bringen sollte, hat sich als nicht zuständig aus der Affäre gezogen. Keiner weiß, wie es in dem armen Balkanland weiter gehen soll. Kroaten gegen Muslime und Muslime gegen Serben heißen die gar nicht sportlichen Paarungen.
    Selbst Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel scheint an der Dickköpfigkeit der Spitzenpolitiker und dem Chaos im Land zu scheitern. Nach vielen Gesprächen der Führer von Muslimen, Serben und Kroaten im Kanzleramt während der letzten Wochen hatten die allen Reformvorhaben eine Absage erteilt. Es geht in der Politik wie im Sport darum, das zersplitterte Land handlungsfähig zu machen. Nur gesamtstaatliche Institutionen schafften eine Chance auf dem Weg zur EU. Doch vielen Politikern scheint das Machtvakuum gerade recht, um ungestört ihren privaten Geschäften nachzugehen.
    aus der SZ