Freitag, 30. September 2011

Kronzeuge Agim Zogaj, im Fatmir Limaj Prozess, hat in Duisburg Selbstmord begannen

Der unter Zeugenschutz stehende Agim Zogaj, dessen Name erst nach dem Tod bekannt wurde, hätte unter anderem gegen Fatmir Limaj, einst einer der Kommandeure der terroristischen Kosovo-Befreiungsarmee UCK und heute populärer Politiker und Parlamentsabgeordneter, aussagen sollen.

Limaj steht unter Verdacht, während des Kosovo-Konfliktes Kriegsverbrechen gegen die serbische Bevölkerung begangen zu haben, und sitzt seit 22. September auf Beschluss eines EULEX-Richters unter Hausarrest. Ein Prozess gegen ihn und neun mutmaßliche Mittäter soll im Oktober beginnen.
Kronzeuge im Prozess gegen Ex-Verkehrsminister tot
28. September 2011 17:33

Laut EULEX-Mission wurde Leiche von Agim Zogaj in einem Park in Deutschland aufgefunden

Prishtina - Der Kronzeuge in einem im Kosovo bevorstehenden Kriegsverbrecherprozess gegen den früheren Verkehrsminister Fatmir Limaj ist tot. Wie die Tageszeitung "Zeri" unter Berufung auf die EU-Rechtsstaatsmission EULEX auf ihrem Internetportal berichtete, sei die Leiche von Agim Zogaj in einem Park in Deutschland aufgefunden worden. Weitere Details waren zunächst nicht bekannt. Die Todesursache soll von den deutschen Behörden untersucht werden. Zogaj war geschützter Zeuge der Anklage und war bisher unter dem Tarnnamen "Zeuge X" bekannt. ...

Witness in ex-KLA trial fears for safety, won’t testify

BELGRADE -- A potential witness of the prosecution in ex-Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) commander Fatmir Limaj has said that he does not want to testify for safety reasons.
Fatmir Limaj (Beta, file)
Fatmir Limaj (Beta, file)
The witness informed the deputy prosecutor on Thursday, after learning of protected witness Agim Zogaj’s death, that he did not want to testify in the Klečka case for safety reasons.
“The Serbian War Crimes Prosecution believes that justice in the region is jeopardized by Agim Zogaj’s death and expresses concern over the information that Zogaj, a protected witness in the EULEX Prosecution’s case against Fatmir Limaj, was found dead in a park in Duisburg, Germany,” it was announced on Thursday.

The Serbian prosecution stressed that its 2008 investigation against Limaj and 28 more KLA members had greatly contributed to EULEX Prosecution’s case.

Aside from Limaj, the EULEX indictment charges nine more persons with war crimes against Serb and Albanian civilians in the village of Klečka in 1999.

Key Kosovo war crimes witness found dead

Published: 29 September, 2011, 19:14
Edited: 29 September, 2011, 17:45

A key witness in a war crimes trial in Kosovo has been found dead in Germany. He had apparently committed suicide.
Nicholas Hawton, an EU spokesman in Kosovo, said on Wednesday Agim Zogaj's body was discovered in a city park in Duisburg, reports Associated Press.

Police believe that he hanged himself late on Tuesday.

"He committed suicide. There are no indications for a different explanation," police spokesman Stefan Bauer said, adding that an autopsy will be carried out on Thursday.

Zogaj was a protected witness in the trial of Fatmir Limaj. The ethnic Albanian and former transport minister under Prime Minister Hashim Thaci is suspected of unlawfully killing and torturing Serb prisoners during the 1998-99 Kosovo war. Many of the charges were based on Zogaj's witness statements.

Zogaj’s death will not affect the trial because the court will have his recorded testimony, assured the EU’s mission in Kosovo, which is responsible for the prosecution of Limaj.

Last week, the former commander of the Kosovo Liberation Army was put under a month-long house arrest by a judge of the EU Rule of Law Mission pending his trial for war crimes.

He was cleared of similar charges by a UN court in 2005 which ruled there was insufficient evidence to convict him.

Limaj, who remains an influential political figure in Kosovo, is also under investigation over alleged embezzlement of budget money during his time in the cabinet.

Kosovo: Zeuge in Kriegsverbrecher-Prozess tot in deutschem Park

ZEIT ONLINE - vor 1 Tag
Nach örtlichen Medienberichten hatte Agim Zogaj, dessen Name bislang geheim gehalten worden war, unter anderem gegen Ex-Verkehrsminister Fatmir Limaj ...
Duisburg : Kosovarischer Kronzeuge in Duisburg tot
Zeuge im Kriegsverbrecher-Prozess tot
Prozess gegen Kosovo-Minister: Wichtiger Zeuge tot NACHRICHTEN -

"Selbstmord" eines Kronzeugen

Der erneut wegen Kriegsverbrechen angeklagte kosovarische Politiker Fatmir Limaj kann seinem für Oktober angekündigten Prozess nun gelassen entgegensehen

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Dass nach der NATO-Invasion des Kosovo das Organisierte Verbrechen die Macht übernahm, lässt sich unter anderem aus einer geleakten Verschlusssache des Bundesnachrichtendiensts ersehen. Praktisch alle politischen Akteure in diesem Gebiet sind eng mit entsprechenden Strukturen verwoben. Ministerpräsident Hashim Thaci soll den Erkenntnissen des Europarats nach sogar in den Handel mit Organen von Angehörigen der serbischen Minderheit verstrickt sein, die in manchen Fällen lebenden Opfern entnommen wurden.
Bei Prozessen in Den Haag kam bisher praktisch nichts gegen albanische Kriegsverbrecher heraus. Das lag auch daran, dass Zeugen sich plötzlich nicht mehr erinnern konnten oder verstarben. Im Fall des freigesprochenen Ex-Premiers Ramush Haradinaj kamen beispielsweise von zehn Belastungszeugen neun bei Gewaltakten oder Verkehrsunfällen ums Leben und einer zog nach einem Anschlag auf ihn seine Aussage zurück. Ein Effekt, den man auch aus der Geschichte des Organisierten Verbrechens in anderen Ländern kennt.
Nun wurde bekannt, dass der Kosovo-Albaner Agim Zogaj, der als Kronzeuge in einem Prozess gegen den ehemaligen kosovarischen Verkehrsminister Fatmir Limaj aussagen sollte, tot in einem Park in Deutschland aufgefunden wurde. Zogaj war als Teilnehmer eines Zeugenschutzprogramms in die Bundesrepublik eingereist, was ihm aber möglicherweise nichts half, da auch hier albanische Mafia-Gruppen seit den 1990er Jahren sehr aktiv sind.

The past! crime Boss Georg Tenet, don nt wont help
Del Ponte holds secret meeting with Balkan intelligence chiefs

UN chief war crimes prosecutor Carla del Ponte met with Balkan intelligence service heads in The Hague on Tuesday.


THE HAGUE, Netherlands -- UN chief war crimes prosecutor Carla del Ponte and the heads of the intelligence services in three Balkan countries met in secret in The Hague on Tuesday (October 9th) to discuss possible actions aimed at arresting four remaining high profile war crimes fugitives: Radovan Karadzic, Ratko Mladic, Goran Hadzic and Stojan Zupljanin. Dnevni Avaz reported on Wednesday that BiH Intelligence-Security Agency General-Director Almir Dzuvo attended the meeting, along with Serbian counterpart Rade Bulatovic and Montenegrin counterpart Dusko Markovic. Tomislav Karamarko, head of Croatia's state security service, had to miss the meeting because of official business in the United States. This marked the first time the heads of the Balkan regional intelligence agencies gathered to exchange information on fugitives. (Dnevni Avaz,, AIA, HINA - 10/10/07)

Donnerstag, 29. September 2011

Die Internationalen Terror und Drogen Netze, der Bajraktari und Bytyqi Brueder, im Auftrage des Salih Berisha Mafia und Krasniqi Clan / Brooklyn

Heute ermittelt direkt das FBI, Interpol und Geheimdienste, wie der kriminelle Albanische Ministerpraesident Salih Berisha, diese Verbrecher Kartelle aufbaute, u.a. mit Hilfe des Lobby Vereines AACL, krimineller US Politiker, wobei Senator Eliot Engel, eine besonders unsaegliche Rolle spielt und rund um die FBI Verhaftungen der Krasniqi Brueder und des Albanischen Staatssekretaers Almir Rrapo im Verbrecher Kartell des Ilir Meta.

Bajraktari, Bytyqi (berüchtigt als Verbrecher in Durres bis heute, auch rund um die Bar DRENCIA) eine Legende des Verbrechens. Die Bytyqi Brueder, hatten bekanntlich direkte Ausweise des US State departments) und wurden in Montenegro damals bei ihren Terror Operationen gefasst und ermordet. Beruechtigste Verbrecher, auch rund um andere US Verbrecher, welche nach Albanien flohen.

Das Welt Terrorismus Mafia Kartell, des US Senators Eliot Engel, mit Salih Berisha und seiner primitiv Tropoje Idioten Mafia

Rund um die Verbrecher Kartelle, des US Senators Eliot Engel, der Krasniqi, Bajraktari, Bytyci - Sahit Muja, Almir Rrapo - Ilir Meta Mafia, welche Weltweit operieren. Man nennt es dann Aussenpolitik!
15 years NATO Reports over the most criminal enterprise Albania: “Albanian politicians have signalled a rare willingness”
1.10.2011: Albania - Salih Berisha’ s partners: crimes, terrorist, top mafiosi
City investigators shut out of Rep. Eliot Engel’s illegal apartment building
BY Benjamin Lesser and Alison Gendar


Të nderuar organizatorë të këtij sesioni shkencor.

Vërtetë është nder i madh për mua që me jipet mundësia të kontribuoi sadopak për të ndriçuar kontributin e atdhetarëve të vendlindjes sime, Mirashit dhe të fshatrave përreth në mbrojtjen të trojeve tona nga Suedia ku jam degdisur bashkë me shumë bashkatdhetarë nga Kosova dhe trojet e tjera etnike. Sot para juve audiencë e nderuar do shpalos momente nga jeta dhe veprimtaria atdhetare e komandant Ahmet Hajdin-Bytyqit dhe bashkëluftëtarëve të ti.

Unë që nga fëmijëria kisha dëgjuar për burrërinë dhe trimërinë e komandant Ahmet Hajdin-Bytyqi duke filluar nga oda e tim ati e deri në Skandinavi. Kjo ishte arsyeja që unë të paraqitëm me këtë kontribut modest për këtë personalitet të rrallë. Mungesën e burimeve dokumentare jam përpjekur ta kompensojë me të dhëna gojore nga kujtesa historike e popullit të kësaj treve për birin e vet shumë të nderuar, komandant Ahmetin.

Për të shkruar diçka për këtë figurë të ndritur e atdhetare isha gjithnjë i nxitur dhe nga babai im, i cili me fliste vazhdimisht për komandant Ahmetin dhe bashkëluftëtarët e tij, që ishin njëherësh bashkëmoshatarë dhe bashkëveprimtarë të tim ati, që më kishte shtruar si një peng amaneti që të përpiqesha që të kontribuoi që figurat e tilla të mos i mbulojë harresa.

Viteve të fundit ka filluar të shkruhet për shumë veprimtarët e paepur të çështjes kombëtare, por kjo nuk ka mundur të përfshijë të gjithë ata që punuan dhe luftuan për trojet e të parëve, për Shqipërinë Etnike siç është edhe Ahmet Hajdin Bytyçi me shokë.

Ahmet Hajdini-Bytyqi u lind me 1899 në fshatin Mirash, komuna e Ferizajt. Rridhte nga një familje e mesme fshatare. Në kohën e Jugosllavisë së Vjetër ishte veprimtar i Lëvizjes çlirimtare. Pas kapitullimit të Jugosllavisë, përkatësisht gjatë Luftës së Dytë Botërore u angazhua për jetësimin e Shqipërisë Etnike. Ishte përkrah veprimtarëve më të shquar të Lëvizjes Kombëtare të anës së Ferizajt dhe më gjerë si Adem Selim-Gllavicës, Isuf Dubovës, Qazim (Sefë) Llugaxhisë e të tjerë. Luftoi me pushkë në dorë në mbrojtje të kufijve etnikë, por edhe kundër bandave çetnike që vepronin në brendi të territorit të Kosovës. Komant Ahmeti mori pjesë në luftimet për rrethimin dhe asgjësimin e çerdheve çetnike në Ferizaj dhe rrethinë. Ai nën komandën e Isuf Dubovës në kuadër të repartit të policisë vendore luftoi për shpartallimin e një grupi të rrezikshëm të çetnikëve në fshatin Gërbollë, ku u likuiduan 7 prej tyre. Në këtë përleshje pati humbje edhe pala shqiptare. U vra një vullnetar nga fshati Pojatishtë dhe u plagos një policë nga Shqipëria.



NGA ideja deri te lindja e “KOSOVËS SË LIRË”

Nisma për të hapur një radiostacion të luftës doli nga disa anëtarë të Shtabit të Përgjithshëm të Ushtrisë Çlirimtare të Kosovës. Rreth kësaj nisme janë angazhuar, zëdhënësi i SHP të UÇK-së, Jakup Krasniqi, ndërsa idenë e kanë përkrahur dhe kanë ndihmuar: Azem Syla, Hashim Thaçi, Rexhep Selimi, Ramë Buja, Fatmir Limaj, Salih Veseli, Naim Maloku e të tjerë.

Lidhur me themelimin e radios, qysh më 22 qershor të vitit 1998, Ahmet Qeriqisë bashku me Ramë Bujën, kanë biseduar në fshatin Negroc me zëdhënësin e SHP të UCK-së, Jakup Krasniqi.
Më 23 korrik të vitit 1998, Nezir Myrtaj dhe Ahmet Qeriqi takuan në Kleçkë zëdhënësin Jakup Krasniqi, me të cilin biseduan lidhur me krijimin e kushteve për aktivizimin sa më të shpejtë të mediumeve informative të SHP të UÇK-së.
Angazhimi rreth hapjes së radios është ndërprerë me rastin e ofensivave serbe të korrikut dhe gushtit të vitit 1998.
Në fillim të tetorit të vitit 1998 Ahmet Qeriqi u konsultua me Shaban Shalën, përfaqësues i Drejtorisë Informative të SHP të UÇK-së, dhe të dy angazhohen për të sjellë teknikën e shtypshkronjës në Rrafshnaltë, meqë ishin krijuar kushte për nxjerrjen e një informatori ditor. Pajisjet teknike të shtypshkronjës asokohe ndodheshin në Krasmiroc të Drenicës.
Teknikën transmetuese të Radios, Shtabit të Përgjithshëm të UÇK-së ia dhuroi pronari i radios Zërit i Kumanovës, këngëtari, Ismet Behxheti.
Angazhimin rreth mbartjes ilegale të transmetuesit 250 wat, miksetës dhe pajisjeve përcjellëse, pas peripecive disa mujore nga kumanova i kanë sjellë në selinë e SHP të UÇK-së në Divjakë, ushtarët: Mentor Hoxha, Basri Beka, Shaqir Shaqiri, Islam Berisha Bajram Jashari, Bekim Haxhiu e të tjerë. Teknika transmetuese fillimisht ka qenë vendosur në malet e Qyqavisë e prej andej u bart në Fshatin e Ri, në Rrafshnaltën e Berishës.

Në nëntor të vitit 1998, bëhen përpjekjet e para për të vendosur antenën në Fshatin e Ri dhe për të filluar transmetimi më 28 nëntor të vitit 1998. Për shkaqe objektive u shty data e fillimit të hapjes. Në përpjekjen e parë për ta vendosur antenën, në Fshatin e Ri, Blerim Peja ka qëndruar së bashku me Xhevdet Gashin më 25 e 26 nëntor 1998, me ç rast kanë biseduar me komandant Musa Jasharin për vendosjen e antenës së Radios.
Në dhjetor të vitit 1998, Shtabi i Përgjithshëm i UÇK-së vendos të themelojë radion e cila do të quhet “Kosova e lirë” dhe Agjencinë e lajmeve “Kosovapres”, dy institucione informative të UÇK-së. Përgjegjës për radio u caktua, Ahmet Qeriqi, ndërsa për agjencinë, Berat Luzha..
Blerim Peja, Behxhet Krasniqi, Sheqir Zeneli, Xhevdet Gashi, Hilmi Ramadani, Selatin Qeriqi, Naim Ymeri, Vehbi Zeqiri, Nuhi Bytyçi, Abaz Zeka, Naim Bujupi, Fatmir Xhelili, Mustafë Gara, Zenel Kastrati, Nazmi Iballi, Fadil Berisha, Esat Brajshori, Hasan Gashi, Shaban Hoxha, Rauf Dhomi, Efraim Kastrati, Vijon Peja, Enver Kelmendi, Bedri Rama, Emin Olluri, Mehmet K. Berisha. Shyqri Galica, Agim Berisha, Sheremet Krasniqi, Ramadan Rizani, Heset Hamdiu Vehbi Qeriqi, etj.

Bashkëpunëtorët dhe korrespondentët nga zonat operative:
Zona Operative e Drenicës:

Gani Koci, Murat Musliu, Tahir Desku, Destan Bajraktari.

Zona Operative e Pashtrikut:

Besim Baraliu, Ilaz Kadolli, Xhavit Bajraktari (dëshmor i kombit), Selatin Qeriqi, Naim Imeri, Fadil Bajraktari, Ajete Zogaj, Naim Bujupi, Arbanë Qeriqi etj.
Die Null Ausbildung Idioten Truppe, damals in Durres, bei Ankunft mit der Faehre, wo oft Agim Ceku, direkt anwesend war.

"Atlantik Brigade" by Ambassador William Walker

Balkanblog: Wieder ein US Terrorist des "Atlantik Battallion" aus ...

Balkanforum » Blog Archive » The Terror UCK - KLA ...

Diese Albanischen Gangster hatten Ausweise des US Statedepartments und Drogen- Waffenhandel wurde im Balkan, genauso wie Embargo Bruch und der Frauen Handel direkt vom US Statedeparment und dubiosen dem CIA Verbrecher Georg Tenet angeschlossene Verbrecher organisiert. (Georg Tenet der erbärmliche CIA Chef, hat heute Angst das er angeklagt wird in den USA und war in der Albanischen Hafenstadt Himari geboren und griechischer Abstammung)!

nur noch im cache zu finden, weil der Berufs Verbrecher Josef DioGuardio, seine AACL Website saeuberte!

bytyqi | Albanian American Civic League - Cached
Sefedin Bajraktari: Judge, High Court for Infractions, Dragasu ... Becir Bytyqi: President, Communal Tribunal of Vucitrnu ...... UÇK ishte “grup terrorist”. ...

EU-Report Says Kosovo PM Hashim Thaci: Head of Organ Ring

Paten der Super Mafia: Joschka Fischer, Jo Biden, Blair: und die SPD-FES Mafia um Martin Schultz, Gernot Erler, Christoph Zöbel.
Dick Martys Bericht an den Europarat
Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights
Inhuman treatment of people and illicit trafficking in human organs in Kosovo*
Draft report
Rapporteur: Mr Dick Marty, Switzerland, Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe

Gerade wurde der Mafia Boss Arjan Selimi, erschossen, der zu diesen Welt weit operierenden Kartells gehoert, welche u.a. mit US Autos und Booten, Kokain Import nach Durres in Albanien betreiben, wie das FBI berichtet.

Sokol Kociu: sein guter Freund Drogen Boss: Moerder Arjan Selimi und Freund von “Inis Gjoni” wurde in Tirana erschossen

Arjan Selimi, der eigentlich in Haft sein sollte, wurde in Tirana erschossen. Lebensgefaehrte, von der”Bar Dame”, wie man das im Balkan nennt, von der prominenten In
Arjan Selimi mordete,  mit der Kalishnikov und wurde 2004 verhaftet. Sogenannte Prominente aus dem Show Gewerbe, gehoeren praktisch alle der Albaner Mafia rund um Clubs, Bars, Drogenhandel etc.. Er gehoerte, wie Dritan Dajti, zum Verbrecher Kartell des Sokol Kociu, welche ja bestens mit Hilfe der Deutschen Mafia mit neuen Identitaeten, dank Joschka Fischer und seinem Staatssekretaer Ludgar Vollmer ausgestattet wurden und mit Geschaefts Visa. siehe Visa Skandal der Deutschen.
Praktisch, konnten sich wie bewiesen, die Prominenz und Moerder, Drogen Bosse, bei der Mafia Null Funktion Regierung des Salih Berisha, ihre Freiheit gegen Geld erkaufen. siehe wikileaks und alle Details, um welche Personen und Verbrecher Clans, es geht.
In Tirana wurde der Super Mafiosi Arjan Selimi hingerichtet, der 2007, an die USA ausgeliefert werden sollte, aber unter neuen Albaner Pass, natuerlich Immunitaet hatte, mit dem Salih Berisha Drogen Kartell, wo ja Sokol Kociu, bis zu seiner Verhaftung in 2001, die Top Rolle, auch fuer die Mafia PD Partei des Salih Berisha spielte. siehe: Sokol Kociu, Berbella und Frederik Durda
Prominenten Killer und Kokain Boss Arjan Selimi (Armando Andoni - Freund von “Inis Gjoni”) , wurde in Tirana hingerichtet

Auch unter Brooklyn Mafia bekannt, welche auch direkt bei Durres illegale Immobilien haben und in die Zirkel um Dritan Dajti und “Lul Berisha” auch gehören. Der CIA und seine Drogen Kartelle!
Typisches US Mafia Auto in diesem Fall von der Tetova Super Mafia in Durres” Auto Nummern Schild “The best of America”

selbe Nummern Schilder!

Lefter Koca, der illegale Bau Genehmigen im Schloß Park gab und auf Antiken Grunde. Sein Appartment Block direkt auf der Öffentlichen Strand Promenade und gegenüber dem Museum gebaut, baute er illegale auf der Promenade und natürlich mit gefälschten Grundstücks Urkunden von einem Kosovaren, was gar nicht möglich ist. Kein Kosovo hat alten Grund Besitz in Durres, und an der Stelle, war 1939 noch das Meer!

US Mafia Patrons_ Senator Eliot Engel and Joe DioGuardi Tied to Muslim Terror Group
The best friends of the drug, money laundering Mafia in USA and the Bin Laden group, with Dana Rohrbaacher, John McCain, Wesley Clark. FBI - Interpol_ over the world terrorism mafia group of US Senator Eliot Engel, with Salih Berisha, Bajraktari, Bytyci - Sahit Muja 15 years NATO Reports over the most criminal enterprise Albania_ “Albanian politicians have signalled a rare willingness”

Dienstag, 27. September 2011

the assassination of "FARK' Armed Forces of the Republic of Kosovo and Ahmet Krasniqi

Die vielen Morde, der Todesschwadrone, des Hashim Thaci, der Haradinaj sind bis heute ungesuehnt, obwohl die Geheimdienste darueber auch ueber die Morde in Albanien, im Raum Durres, bestens Bescheid wussten. siehe Bar "DRENIcA'
Kosovo: Witness describes to UN tribunal rivalries between Albanian rebels
last update: September 26, 16:51

The Hague, 26 Sept. (AKI) – A prosecution witness at retrial of former Kosovo prime minister Ramus Haradinaj Monday described to the United Nations war crimes tribunal rivalries between the Kosovo Liberation Army and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kosovo (FARK) who fought against Serbian rule during 1998/99 conflict.

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The protected witness, listed as 077, told the tribunal a FARK brigade entered Kosovo from Albania in June 1998, but was ordered by Haradinaj, a regional commander of the KLA, to “go back where they came from”.

The KLA’s political leader was current Kosovo prime minister Hashim Thaci, while FARK was formed by a rival group headed by late Kosovo president Ibrahim Rugova.

Haradinaj came to FARK camp in the village of Papracani in western Kosovo, fired in the air and told FARK commander Tahir Zemaj to leave.

Zemaj reportedly criticised his behaviour saying: "We shouldn’t fight among ourselves”.

The FARK brigade was allowed to stay for a while and later left. The witness said he heard that Haradinaj’s aide, Idriz Balaj, known as Toger, came to the FARK camp and marched away five soldiers who were later killed.

The witness said he escaped to neighbouring Montenegro and later found refuge in a European country.

“I was faced with the prospect of being killed and that no one would know whether I was killed by Serbs of Albanians,” he said.

Haradinaj, who briefly served as prime minister after Kosovo was put under UN control in 1999, was indicted in 2005 for crimes against Serb, Roma and non-loyal Albanian civilians.

He and Balaj were acquitted in 2007 for lack of evidence, while a third accomplice, Lah Brahimaj, was sentenced to six years in jail. But the tribunal’s appeals panel ordered a retrial, saying the first trial was conducted in an “atmosphere of intimidation of witnesses”.

Several witnesses were killed or died mysterious deaths before and during the trial and many refused to testify.

Kosovo's ethnic Albanian majority declared independence from Serbia in 2008, a move opposed by Belgrade.

Kosovo has now been recognised by more than eighty countries, including the United States and 22 out of 27 members of the European Union.

Heute bringt man eine Historie rund um den Putsch von Salih Berisha in Tirana, der zusammen mit den Ahmet Krasniqi Leute im September 1998 ablief und wo man daran beteiligt war, um die Ermordung von Azem Hajdari. Ein Machtkampf der UCK tobte damals in Albanien mit sehr vielen Morden.

Politicians in Albania took sides in the rivalry between the KLA and the FARK, with the Socialist government in Tirana supporting Thaçi and the KLA, while the opposition Democratic Party of Sali Berisha supported the FARK. 30 members of the FARK were even jailed for taking part in violent anti-government demonstrations in Tirana in September 1998. The FARK said they only participated after the murder of Ahmet Krasniqi on September 21, 1998.

Such rivalries did not disappear after NATO troops entered Kosovo in June 1999 and the paramilitary groups were officially disbanded. Tahir Zemaj, a former Yugoslav army Lieutenant-colonel and KLA commander murdered with his son Enis and a cousin in Pec on December 21, 2002[citation needed], or in January 2003, had also been a leader of the FARK.
lt. Statement von Sokol Kociu, war Agim Tirana einer der Organisatoren der Ermordung von Ahmet Krasniqi, wobei Selbiger aus dem Albanischen Geheimdienst auch eine dubiose Rolle, bei der Freilassung von Fatmir Haklaj spielte dem Haupt Organisator auch bei der Ermordnung von Azem Hajdari, wobei es in Wirklichkeit um Waffen Geschäfte in den Kosovo ging.

Sokol Kociu, wurde nach diesem Statement (ca. 10 Tage später), festgenommen, in der Interpol Aktion "Orinoko" und kam erst wieder 2010 frei und ist heute ein hoch angesehener Mann, und als Dozent an der US Uni Kristial in Tirana angestellt.

Und der Albanische Staat verweigert sich bis heute, den Mord an Ahmet Krasniqi zu ermitteln, weil die Mörder direkt zu den Premiers von Albanien führen, die ihre Geschäfte Mafiös finanzieren.

Tahir Zemaj, in 2003 ermordet in der der Stadt des Ekrem Lukaj, Financier von Haradinaj und Thaci
Am 12. August 1998 genehmigte Bill Clinton den Kosovo Krieg!

Als erstes mussten die Konkurrenten bei der UCK ausgeschaltet, sprich ermordet werden!

ca. 150 Rugova UCK Leute, wurden in Albanien ermordet. Eventuell auch noch mehr!

Die Amerikaner ermordeten Leute, um Krieg zu haben. In Bosnien identisch. Man brauchte 5.000 Tode, und half mit Mörser Anschlägen, Scharfschützen nach auch in Sarajewo, was ein Canadischer und Französischer General bestätigte.

Ahmet Krasniqi,, wurde am 21 Agusut 1998 in Tirana erschossen! Andere Morde vor allem an Kosovaren folgten bzw. wurden diese Leute massiv bedroht, das Land zu verlassen.

Es gab damals Todesschwadronen in Albanien, wobei ein Teil der Todes Schwadronen von den US radikalen US UCK Terroristen aus dem AACL gesteuert wurden. Direkter Mentor war ebenso der US Botschafter Josef Limbrecht, ders ich oft mit dem Propganda Politiker Ferdinand Yhafferi (Schweigersohn von Kupliku) in Lokalen in Durres traf.

The Killers:

PDK's Haliti: hoping for a change


"If the PDK and AAK would form a coalition and agree on co-governance, the Kosovo government would gain a strong opposition in parliament, which would force it to function better, to be more transparent," the PDK's Xhavit Haliti says.

By Linda Karadaku for Southeast European Times in Pristina -- 02/07/10
Xhavit Haliti. [AFP]

Xhavit Haliti, a senior government official and a member of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), confirmed he has talked to Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) officials, about the possibility of forming a coalition in the next elections.

In an interview with SETimes, Haliti said there are people in both parties with the reputation and mutual trust needed to begin the talks.

SETimes: Are there ongoing negotiations between your party and the AAK of Ramush Haradinaj for a possible party coalition?

Haliti: We [PDK] talked with the AAK and the party's parliamentary group, but we cannot negotiate on a possible coalition before the elections are held.

We discussed the possibility of a coalition in the future elections. The AAK is still refusing the possibility of a coalition; publicly saying they have no interest in a coalition with the PDK.

SETimes: Were there any results, an agreement reached?

Haliti: No, there are no concrete results … but the relations between the main characters, from both parties, who had disagreements, have been smoothed over.

SETimes: Is a coalition between them possible?
Ahmet Krasniqi,, wurde am 21 Agusut 1998 in Tirana erschossen! Andere Morde vor allem an Kosovaren folgten bzw. wurden diese Leute massiv bedroht, das Land zu verlassen.

Es gab damals Todesschwadronen in Albanien, wobei ein Teil der Todes Schwadronen von den US radikalen US UCK Terroristen aus dem AACL gesteuert wurden. Direkter Mentor war ebenso der US Botschafter Josef Limbrecht, ders ich oft mit dem Propganda Politiker Ferdinand Yhafferi (Schweigersohn von Kupliku) in Lokalen in Durres traf.

June 25, 1999
CRISIS IN THE BALKANS: THE SEPARATISTS; Leaders of Kosovo Rebels Tied to Deadly Power Play
Albanian Authorities Accused of Collusion

As tensions rose, Thaci and the Albanian authorities decided to eliminate Krasniqi, according to former rebel commanders and two former Albanian officials interviewed in Tirana.

They said that in the middle of September 1998, Albanian police stopped Krasniqi and several aides and confiscated their weapons. Krasniqi's office in Tirana was raided by about 50 policemen and emptied of guns and munitions. On Sept. 21 at 11 P.M. on the way back from a restaurant in Tirana, Krasniqi ran into a police checkpoint about 300 yards from his office on Dibra Street, according to a former rebel commander who was with Krasniqi. Krasniqi and his two companions were again frisked for weapons and their vehicle was searched. The two cars behind Krasniqi, which carried aides, were not allowed through the checkpoint.

When Krasniqi and his two companions got out of their gray Opal jeep they saw three men emerge from the shadows with black hoods over their faces. The men, speaking with an Albanian accent that distinguished them from Kosovo Albanians, ordered the two men with Krasniqi to get down on the ground.

"Which one is it?" asked one of the gunmen, according to one of the commanders who was prone on the asphalt.

"The one in the middle," said another. The gunmen, who held a pistol a few inches from Krasniqi's head, fired a shot. He then fired two more shots into Krasniqi's head once he fell onto the pavement.

American officials also had reports that the rebel army had killed Krasniqi, but said there were also subsequent, conflicting reports from the region that he was killed by disaffected members of his own unit.

After Krasniqi's death, former rebel commanders said, the killings, purges and arrests accelerated. Rebel police, dressed in distinctive black fatigues, threw into detention anyone who appeared hostile to Thaci. Many of these people were beaten.

Thaci hat ohne Zweifel sehr viele Albaner vor allem umgebracht und zwar bevorzugt Gründungs Mitglieder der UCK.

25. June 1999


Among Thaci's alleged victims listed in the New York Times was rebel commander Ilir Konushevci - killed in KLA held territory after accusing Haliti of siphoning a profit off arms sales to the KLA. His death was blamed on the Serbs. Another was Ahmet Krasniqi, a former Yugoslav Army colonel who, sponsored by the administration of moderate Kosovar Albanian leader Ibrahim Rugova, brought 600 troops and $4.5 million to assist the KLA against the Serbs. Krasniqi, who Rugova hoped would bring legitimacy to the moderates on the battlefield, was assassinated in Tirana in September 1998, allegedly at the orders of Thaci and with the cooperation of the Albanian government. Two more KLA officers, Agim Ramadani and Sali Ceku, were killed in April of this year after opposing Thaci, and their deaths were blamed on the Serbs. Thaci did publicly threaten Rugova's life, after the moderate leader left for Italy and refused to back Thaci's self-declared bid for government. However the New York Times' allegations have been denied by Thaci and his associates and challenged by State Department spokesman James Rubin.

Im Anhang die Bar "Drenica", welche eine von 6 Anwerbe Stellen von Hashim Thaci Mafia Clan südlich Durres errichtet wurden. Thaci hatte und hat einen sehr schlechten Ruf in Durres bei der Bevölkerung
Pinki hat dieses Bild (verkleinerte Version) angehängt:

Mit dem Auftauchen der Kosovo Banditen, welche eine Schlüsselrolle auch bei den Unruhen 1997 in Albanien spielten im Auftrage der US - AACL Mafia und in Zusammenrabeit mit Islamischen Extremisten, tauchten in Albanien dann mit der Regierung von Ilir Meta auch Kolumbianische Drogen Bosse in Albanien auf (zeitgleich wurden einige in Süd Itailen verhaftet), welche mit der Hilfs Organisation Paneuropa nach Albanien gebracht wurden und dort Aufenthalts Genehmigung erhielten.

Eines der Haupt Gründe von Hilfs Organisationen International tätig zu werden ist die Unterstützung an die Menschen Schmuggler und Drogen Kartells, weltweite Verteil Netze auf zu bauen.


Mit 30 Abbildungen. Die Balkanstaaten drohen zur Beute korrupter Eliten und organisierter Verbrecher zu werden. In Serbien unter Milosevic erhielten Kriminelle planmäßig Polizeiausweise, 142 ungeklärte Morde wurden seitdem registriert. In Mazedonien unterhält die Polizei eigene Bordelle und in Tirana tritt die kolumbianische Mafia als Investor auf. In Bosnien und Mazedonien wird mit jeder Regierung der Zoll- und der Polizeichef ausgewechselt, blüht die Korruption. Wie können die EU-Staaten angemessen darauf reagieren? Soll man warten, bis die jungen Nationalstaaten mit dem Problem selbst fertig geworden sind, oder eingreifen, damit sich keine mafiaähnlichen Strukturen festsetzen? Norbert Mappes-Niediek beschreibt nicht nur die Praktiken der kriminellen Clans und zeigt ihr Vordringen nach Westeuropa auf, sondern unterbreitet auch Vorschläge, wie dem politisch begegnet werden kann. 

 Die Ermordung des Militär Chefs der FARK-UCK Ahmet Krasniqi 1998

Interview mit einem der groessten Balkan Verbrecher und Auftrags Moerder: Xhavit Haliti

Xhavit Haliti, spielt eine Schluesselrollfe nicht nur als Ex-Geheimdienst Offizier des Albanischen Sigurime, sondern in den Morden um die Todesschwadronen in Albanien, ab 1998 (vor allem gegen Rugova Leute, wo Dritte wie der US Botschafter J.Limbrecht und ein heutige Albanischer Minister mitmischten! Ein extrem primitiver Verbrecher, der tief nicht nur in Morde verstrickt ist, sondern auch in die Albanische Politik, den Drogen- und Waffenhandel mit der Italienischen und Russischen Mafia, zu den Bin Laden Kreisen und auch im BND Report 2005 usw.. ein Extra Kapitel erhielt. Xhavit Haliti, hat direkte und beste Verbindungen auch zu dem US Botschafter Josef Limbrecht gehabt, der durch seine Bin Laden Kontakte eine Legende ist und dann so ploetzlich in Albanien Mitte Mai 2002 starb, nachdem seine Verbindungen aufgeflogen waren, mit den Albaner Terroristen Camps, wo er sich von jungen Frauen versorgen liess, einem Spezial Gebiet, der Albanischen Mafia. Einer der ordinaersten Verbrecher des Balkan und Weg Bereiter der Prominenz auslaendischer Verbrecher Organisationen in Albanien.
Freude Freude Freude
Der NATO Geheim Bericht 47 Seiten, über den Super Verbrecher Xhavit Halili
Ein unglaubliches Verbrecher Kartell, was auch in Albanien, über 100 Hektar Land gestohlen hat und illegal ganze Horden von Verbrechern im Raum Plepa, Golem, Pista Ilyria und Shkozet bei Durres angesiedelt haben, auf besetzten und gestohlenen Grundstücken.
click to zoom
DasVerbrecher Kartell der Todesschwadron + Yhavit Haliti
Aktuelle Albanische Geheimdienst Reporte, ueber diese Verbindungen
SHIS Report Mafia Part 1
Albanian Secret Service Chief Fatos Klosi in 16.5.1998 in der “Albania” durch den Albanischen Geheimdienst Chef Fatos Klosi: KLA (UCK) is financed by Bin Laden The Times report gets even better:
“Klosi said he believed terrorists had already infiltrated other parts of Europe from bases in Albania. Interpol believes more than 100,000 blank Albanian passports were stolen in riots last year, providing ample opportunity for terrorists to acquire false papers.”
Wie aus dem Artikel hervor geht, zog gerne X.Halili mitFerdinand Yhafferie durch die Dörfer, der widerrum Mentor des Mafia Botschafters Josef Limprecht in Albanien war und heute Kultur und Tourismus Minister ist in Albanien. Damals Mentor von Verbrecher Banden
Organhandel Kosovo: --- ZDF Reportage am 13.07.2011 um 23:45 Uhr 

Hashim Thaci und seine Todesschwadronen ( 1 2 3)  

BND Dossier: Hashim Thaci, Haradinaj, Haliti sind die Dirigenten der Organisierten Kriminalität im Kosovo

Rechtsstaat? Lieber nicht!
47 Seiten NATO secret, im Januar 2011 geoutet
Die NATO läuft Amok, seitdem “secret” Dokumente über die Partnerschaft mit den Top Verbrecher und Todesschwadronen des Hasim Thaci und Xhavit Halili, veröffentlicht werden
Von Jürgen Roth

"Atlantik Brigade" by Ambassador William Walker

Balkanblog: Wieder ein US Terrorist des "Atlantik Battallion" aus ...

Balkanforum » Blog Archive » The Terror UCK - KLA ...

Diese Albanischen Gangster hatten Ausweise des US Statedepartments und Drogen- Waffenhandel wurde im Balkan, genauso wie Embargo Bruch und der Frauen Handel direkt vom US Statedeparment und dubiosen dem CIA Verbrecher Georg Tenet angeschlossene Verbrecher organisiert. (Georg Tenet der erbärmliche CIA Chef, hat heute Angst das er angeklagt wird in den USA und war in der Albanischen Hafenstadt Himari geboren und griechischer Abstammung)!

3 Extrem Verbrecher der UCK Atlatik Brigade, welche 1999 illegal in Montenegro die Grenze überschritten, verschwanden damals spurlos. Vor we...



Freitag, 23. September 2011

Kosovo: KFOR, EULEX and Pristina - Acting with Impunity

Eulex in Kosovo: a shining symbol of incompetence
The costly EU mission in Kosovo has betrayed its mandate – it must be audited and reformed

Andrea Capussela, Saturday 9 April 2011 12.00 BST
Article history

Eulex, seized by panic over its obligation to act on these allegations, at first said that it knew nothing of them, and challenged Marty to show his evidence. Only when pressed hard by Marty, Brussels and the foreign media did Eulex announce an investigation into the matter.

However, when asked whether Thaci (named 26 times in the report) was being investigated, Eulex officials immediately backtracked by saying that no "formal" investigation had been opened. These confused statements were used by Thaci to pronounce himself innocent and to decry the fecklessness of the EU mission: with sublime, if perhaps unintended, irony he repeatedly resisted proposals to transfer the investigation from Eulex to an ad hoc international body.

Eulex has become a symbol of incompetence, not of European values, and a costly veil that hides the shenanigans of the elite from the eyes of Kosovo's citizens.

No "Freedom Fighters", Just Criminals and Thugs

On the preceding pages, the latest Drugs & Crime UN report offers a rarely accurate analysis of the situation among the ethnic Albanians (both next door to Serbia, in neighboring Albania, and in Serbia itself, mainly in the southern Kosovo province), which led to formation of the Albanian terrorist KLA (UCK) and to the terrorist attacks in Serbia -- an unusually honest glimpse at the root-causes of Albanian insurrection and occupation of part of Serbia, impossible to find in the tons of worthless junk produced daily by the Western mainstream media.

The following excerpt effectively dismantles the pompous claims of heroic "struggle for freedom and independence" and disingenuous references to the "self-determination" of an ethnic group which has already exercised its right to self-determination with the formation of state of Albania.

No, it has nothing to do with "freedom", "independence" or "self-determination", it is all about illicit trade, crime without punishment, lawlessness, thuggery and insatiable greed.
Criminals, Terrorists or Politicians? In Kosovo-Metohija, all Three.

Excerpt from the UN Office on Drugs and Crime report for March 2008

[pg 52] According to an Interpol statement made before the U.S. Congress in 2000:

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Kosovo and the German Constitution

As President Koehler experienced a year ago the German Constitution as explained by the German Federal Constitutional Court is against sending German soldiers on attack missions outside NATO territory.

A siege definitely is a form of attack and the behavior of the German Army in Northern Kosovo has a lot of a siege. So it would be interesting to see what would happen when someone went to this Court with a complaint over the behavior of the German Army in Kosovo.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Kosovo: KFOR, EULEX and Pristina - Acting with Impunity

KFOR is trying to close alternative crossing points in north Kosovo to keep the locals Serbs isolated from Serbia proper. As fast as they string barbed wire across one, the Serbs open another. One could see this as an episode of the Keystone Kops were it not so flagrantly illegal and beyond NATO's UN mandate. That NATO has acted without restraint to support the imposition of Pristina authority in the north is clear. And there is no one apparently to hold it to account. Impunity.

EULEX says Kosovo is one customs zone and they award the game to Pristina. It and KFOR dutifully transport Pristina's police and customs officials to the Gates. EULEX is clearly taking sides and not acting in a neutral fashion as required by the November 2008 agreement with the UN. But it seems accountable to no one. Impunity.

The Kosovo government arrests 13 Serbian truck drivers contracted by Trepca North for export of its product. The drivers come from Serbia proper and are arrested at the customs office in south Mitrovica. They were presumably there to comply with Kosovo regulations. Yet Pristina orders their arrest for illegally entering the still disputed Kosovo "state." The 13 reportedly could face three years in prison. Belgrade appeals to EULEX to intervene but EULEX - wrongly - claims it is in Kosovo only to monitor the police. (Under the 2008 agreement with the UN, it took over UNMIK's executive authority for rule of law.)  So neither Pristina nor EULEX have any responsibility to correct this clear violation of the truckers' human rights. Impunity.

The Quint has power enough to guarantee such impunity. But it sets an example that will haunt the "Western powers" in the future. And it still may do nothing more than provoke further conflict.
UN - NATO Contributed to the Establishment of a Mafia-State in Kosovo ( 1 2)

UN Report March 2008: Albanian Organized Crime the Biggest Threat 

U.S. Recognition Of An Al-Qaeda Infiltrated Kosovo Is Indefensible

  Guardian: Eulex in Kosovo: a shining symbol of incompetence

Donnerstag, 22. September 2011

Der Mord am Mafia Richter Konomi, der aktiv 1.000 Hektar Land stahl in Albanien

Ur Eigentuemer, ist lt. Internationalen Recht, dieser grossen Grundstuecke, eine Italienische Agrar Firma: E.I.A.A., welche die Grundstuecke damals in 1940 kaufte, bzw. deren Rechts Nachfolger. Verbrecher Clans, wie direkt Argita Berisha, Ilir Meta, haben dort neue Luxus Villen, natuerlich!

Skerdilajd Konomi, ein typischer Mafia Richter in Albanien, den man in die Luft gesprengt hat

 Die Empoerung, war gross in Albanien, aber wie wir vor 3 Tagen schon berichteten, gab es Geruechte, das es sich um einen  Mafia Richter handelte, der unter einem der vielen korrupten und inkompetenten “Salih Beisha” Regierung eingesetzt wurde (Aldo Bumci), um Land zu stehlen, mit gefaelschten Grundstuecks Urkunden im Raum Durres. Als Chef der AKKP, in Durres, hatte er ein kurzes Gast Spiel, und machte kurz gesagt Nichts, mit Ausnahme, fuer seine Mafia Klientel, 800 Hektar Land im Golf von Laze zu stehlen, wo heute auch die neuen Regierungs Luxus Villen stehlen. Der Vater Fotaq Konomi, beantragte die Ausstellung, dieser Grundstuecks Dokumente, praktisch bei seinem Sohn, welcher die AKKP Agentur leitete in Durres. Ein besonders extremer Fall, von Korruption und “conflikt of interest”, was Alles ebenso ueber die Regierung von Salih Berisha sagt, welche die Fatos Nano - Ilir Meta, Mafia Regierung im Schnellgang topten. Aktiv dabei auch bei  rund um die Grundstuecks Faelschungen im Raum Hamalaja und andere hohe Regierungs Vertreter, deren Familien wie Patozi (4.000 gefaelschte Grundstuecks Urkundne in der Bucht “Generale” mit Albin Xhillari), Ferdinand Poni (Vlore), war damals der nun in die Luft gesprengte Richter Skerdilajd Konomi!
Argita Berisha, aber auch der Boss der Skrapari Bande: Ilir Meta, haben natuerlich dort neue Luxus Villen erhalten, als Gegenleistung!
9.9.2011: Den Richter Skerdilajd Konomi, hat man am hellichten Tage in Vlore in die Luft gesprengt

Spahiu: Konomi’s murder, a clear message
The vice Chairman of the High Council of Justice declared for Top Channel’s program “Top Story” that the murder of Judge Skerdilajd Konomi was a clear message that the executors wanted to transmit.

He emphasized that Konomi was killed for his qualities as a judge, and he also denounced the impunity of justice members. Spahiu emphasized that there are many crimes in Albania for which everyone knows who the author is, but no one mentions it. For this, Spahiu blames the state mechanism.
For the terror case of Konomi, the journalist Marko called during "Top Story" that : "The Albanian President, must to call the National Security Council, for the terrorist attack for the case Konomi’s murder.
During the popular emission "Top Story" o Top Channel TV, Spahiu also, the Head of "Albanian Red and Black Alliance" made a strong debate with the Journalist Stavri Marko for the census process in Albania. Marko declared himself the sentiments as Helleno Epiriot by family origin from Himara and accused for the massive propaganda against the Hellenic Community standing: "Tirana continues to terrorize a big part of Albanian citizens that they do not have sentiments of Albanian nationality"

From his part
Spahiu over all declared that : "Greece is financing and sporting the Census as "13 point" that EU is using pressing to Albanian State, for the raise of Northern Epirus Autonomy"

Die Namen der Verfassungs Richter in Tirana, welche das Urteil sprachen: Besnik Imeraj, Gani Dizdari, Fatos Lulo, Andi Celiku, Medi Biei !
Emra VIP në dosjen e pronës së Konomit
Emra VIP në dosjen e pronës së Konomit
2 13/09/2011 07:47 Lindita Çela / Flamur Vezaj Skedilajt Konomit, gjyqtarit të ekzekutuar me bombë me telekomandë në qytetin e Vlorës, i janë […]
Prona e tyre rezulton të jetë e regjistruar për herë të parë në vitin 1919 në emër të Miltjadh Shallvarit, (daja i trashëgim-lënëssve të paditsave)  me emër “Cifligu Rushkull dhe Cifligu i Ri”.
Në vitin 1933, pas vdekjes së Miltjadh Shallvarit, prona e mësipërme  nëpërmjet një testamenti kalon në favor të bashkëshortes së Miltiadhit, me emrin Sllava Maria Lubica.
Testamenti kundërshtohet nga trashëgimtarët e Miltjadh Shallvarit të cilët në vitin 1934 ngrenë padi në Gjykatën e Durrësit dhe pas një procesi që zgjat 10 vjet fitojnë të drejtën e bashkëpronësisë e pronës së madhe “Cifligut Rrushkull dhe Cifligu i Ri”.
Në vitin 1940, ndërkohë, Sllava Maria Lubica kishte lidhur kontratë emfiteoze për këtë pronë me shoqërinë  italiane agrikulturore E.I.A.A.
Në vitin 1946 paditësit kanë paraqitur në Gjykatë një notë traskiptimi kundra shoqërisë italiane
Në vitin 1947 kjo pronë konfiskohet nga shtet shqiptar në kuadër të reformës agrare.
Në vitin 2007, Zyra Rajonale e Kthimit dhe e Kompesimit të Pronave në Durrës, pasi ka marrë kërkesën e trashëgimtarëve të  ish pronarëve, Ana Mitro, Fotaq Konomi, Vasillaq Goxhomani dhe Eleni Mima, fillimisht me  vendimin nr  172.dt.01.08.2007 u ka pranuar kërkesën  për njohjen e së drejtës së pronësisë dhe u ka kthyer në natyrë sipërfaqen e tokës prej 157.2 ha si dhe ka vazhduar procedurat për njohjen dhe  kthimin e pjesës tjetër të tokës.
Vendimi i mësipërm rrëzohet dy muaj më pas nga Zyra Qëndrore e Agjensisë së Kthimit të Pronave, me vendimin e dt 01.08.2007. Pikërisht këtu fillon dhe kalvari i sorrollatjes së dosjes nëpër gjykata të trashëgimtarëve të familjes Konomi.
Gjykata e Shkallës së Parë i dha të drejtë familjes Konomi dhe të tjerëve në tetor 2009
Gjykata e Apelit Durrës në maj 2010 e rrëzoi vendimin e Gjykatës së shkallës së Parë
Gjykata e Lartë e regjistroi këtë cështje në 27 korrik 2010 dhe e mori në shqyrtim në maj të 2011, (shumica e dosjeve presin deri në 2 vjet për shqyrtim nga kjo gjykatë, porn ë këtë rast është vepruar vërtet shpejt). Gjykata e Lartë mori vendim në 14 qershor të këtij viti në favor të familjes Konomi dhe të tjerëve. Rreth 3 muaj pas këtij vendimi, Skerdilajd Konomi vritet në qendër të Vlorës

Bikinis and hijabs contrast on Albanian beach


Bikinis and hijabs contrast on Albanian beach
Albanian women wearing conservative Islamic attire swim in the sea in Spille, southwest of Tirana. (File Photo)
Albanian women wearing conservative Islamic attire swim in the sea in Spille, southwest of Tirana. (File Photo)
September has seen devout Muslims again flocking to Albania’s only “burqa beach” after the Ramadan holy month, where women bathe in full hijab − a short distance from the “other” Albania where girls romp in scanty bikinis.

The contrast is not to everyone’s liking but is a testament to Albania’s centuries-old tradition of religious tolerance, which even survived nearly half a century of a communist rule that tried to stamp out all religion.

About two-thirds of this Mediterranean state’s 3.2 million residents are Muslim. Much of the rest is Christian − both Orthodox and Catholic − and co-habitation among the different faiths is the norm in EU-hopeful Albania.
Albanian beaches have room for everyone: hijab, burka, bikini, bathing suit
Arta, an Albanian citizen
“To each their own,” said Selim, a Muslim who gave only his first name.

more see: