Freitag, 27. April 2012

Der Gangster Salih Berisha, kauft sich einen Besuch bei der Lügnerin Hillary Clinton, durch die Lobby Gruppe Podesta und VARTA

Die Podesta Mafia, kassiert aus dem Albanischen Staatshaushalt: 184.234 $, für die US Reise, des Balkan Terroristen: Salih Berisha! Die selbe US Mafia, welche auch noch auf einem NATO Gipfel den Sturz von Mubarak verhindern wollte. Ebenso kassiert die US Lobby Firma VARTA. Frank Wisner, war in den Vorständen der Prominenz der grossen Betrugs Firmen wie ENRON, AIG wie andere prominente Gestalen, wie Richard Holbrook und Salih Berisha traf sich nun auch mit dem Europa Gangster: Daniel Fried! Teure Reisen, wo nur die berüchtigten korrupten US Ganoven gut verdienen. Die Öl Firma Bankers Petrol usw.. u.a. mit Wesley Clark, bezahlt bekanntlich auch keine Steuern in Albanien durch frisierte Ausgaben und plündert Albanien. Dafür dürfen diese primitiven Verbrecher an der Macht bleiben. Hillary Clinton zeigt der Welt, wie korrupt sie ist, und als Lügnerin mit den wildesten Geschichten rund um einen angeblichen Terrorismus, Libyen Viagra Lüge usw.. ist man Welt weit bekannt nun auch als Vernichter des Albanischen Volkes und als Partner von Kriminellen. Victoria Nuland als Beraterin der Lügnerin Hillary Clinton, immer auf Krieg programmiert So wird NATO Politk bekanntlich vor aller Augen gemacht und hoch kriminelle Gestalten überall gedeckt. siehe auch: Regierungs Gelder, für Lobbying in den USA: nun darf Salih Berisha in die USA reisen Aus der NATO Website: Setimes: “Obama should demand from Mubarak to step down”, lobbyist like John and Tony Podesta, ">While the U.S. is spending millions of dollars to promote the democracy in the world and has even begun wars to export the democracy, in Washington there are actors who openly defend the dictators. For a fee, of course. Large lobbying companies have been paid continuously by the Mubarak of Egypt, who since the end of the 80s received the official consensus of the US, until the Egyptian people removed him from power, through violent and painful protests. While representatives of human rights or organization interested in the democracy raised their voice against Mubarak and his massacres, such as Freedom House, which on February 2 wrote “Obama should demand from Mubarak to step down”, lobbyist like John and Tony Podesta, paid by the Egyptian dictator, continued to represent his interest to the administration of Obaba. Also, there are large lobbying companies which still defend the interest of the bloody Qaddafi or even of Kim Yong-Il of North Korea and of other sick tyrants, who survive through deals with the most powerful state in the world and, at the same time, oppress without mercy their own people. One of this lobbying companies that affect the American policy-making in favor of dictators is Podesta Group, founded by John and Tony Podesta. These have defended for many years the interests of the Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak and of the leader of North Korea, Kim Yong-Il. The American press proved this, who has been very critical toward the activity of the lobbying companies who favor dictators. The Podesta Group is the same lobbying companies paid by the Prime Minister of Albania Sali Berisha, accused as a dictator and killer of protestors on January 21. Setimes US Mafia mit Frank Wisner, Patton Bogg’s foreign affairs advisor - Alb Petrol Frank Wisner mit seiner Firma Patton Boogs ist ein Sonderfall an krimineller Dummheit des CIA, und im Gefolge die ganzen Ja-Sager der NATO und EU Politik. Verstand braucht man ja nicht in der Politik, noch beim Militär. siehe der Kriegs Treiber und Ober Dummi, Georg Tenet, oder gar der Geschäftemacher Richard Holbrook, der schon entsorgt wurde, als Partner des Frank Wisner. 27 Prill 2012 - 14:02 Berisha bleu vizitën në SHBA 200 mln lekë për lobuesin


Të tjera rreth shkrimit

"Podesta", kontrata me diktatorë, kundër Kosovës A jane transparente lobimet? 2 pyetje dy pergjigje Berisha: Klinton në Tiranë për 100 vjetorin e Pavarësisë FOTO VIDEO Berisha takon Fried: Marrëdhëniet mes dy vendeve shumë të mira SHBA,Berisha informon Engel “Klimë normale në Kuvend”
TIRANE- Pa kaluar as 12 orë nga takimi i kryeministrit Sali Berisha me sekretaren amerikane të Shtetit, Hillari Klinton, nga Thesari i shtetit shqiptar kanë kaluar në adresë të kompanisë amerikane të lobimit “Podesta Group Inc” 184.234 dollarë të drejtuar nga John Podesta.

Pagesa është kryer në rrugë bankare, nga Raiffeisen Bank në Shqipëri, në drejtim të llogarisë bankare të kompanisë së sipërpërmendur në Uashington. Afro 200 milionë lekë të vjetra nga taksat e shqiptarëve janë shpenzuar kështu për të shpërblyer ata, që kanë “çelur” rrugën e kryeministrit në takimet e tij me zyrtarët amerikanë, ashtu si edhe në të kaluarën."
Në fakt, midis qeverisë shqiptare dhe kompanisë së konsulencës "Podesta Group" ekziston një marrëveshje e hershme, e nënshkruar për palën shqiptare nga Gjergj Lezhja, sekretar i përgjithshëm i Kryeministrisë, në emër të Këshillit të Ministrave. Afati i fundit i saj ishte 31 marsi i këtij viti, por në të parashikohet rinovimi, me vullnet të të dy palëve, çdo gjashtë muaj. Pagesa e parashikuar në adresë të kësaj kompanie është 60 mijë dollarë në muaj. Por, pa kaluar ende as një muaj nga rinovimi, qeveria shqiptare ka parapaguar mikun e saj në Uashington për tre muaj njëherësh. Ajo është treguar sërish dorëlëshuar për të hapur me mjete financiare nga buxheti rrugën e kryeministrit në SHBA, siç ka bërë edhe në të kaluarën, madje edhe në raste të fushatave elektorale të partisë në pushtet.
Pak kohë më parë qeveria vendosi një pagesë, po prej 200 milionë lekësh të vjetra, për kompaninë amerikane Patton Boggs, e njohur si firmë lobuese për qeverinë shqiptare. Patton Boggs po përgatit privatizimin e kompanisë Albpetrol dhe do të marrë edhe përqindje për këtë. Firma amerikane, në përbërje të së cilës është edhe Frank Wisner, u akuzua nga Geri Kokalari se ka mbuluar vizitën e mëparshme të Sali Berishës në Nju Jork. Ajo ka nënshkruar një kontratë me qeverinë shqiptare në vitin 2008 për këtë çështje, por më vonë ka nënshkruar një tjetër kontratë në vitin 2010. Ëisner, një ish-diplomat, përfaqësues special i SHBA në bisedimet që u organizuan për Kosovën, kërkoi një vit më parë që ish- presidenti egjiptian, Mubarak të qëndronte në pushtet, edhe pse ai ishte në grahmat e fundit.

Janë të njohura shumat deri në 500 mijë dollarë amerikanë, që qeveria Berisha ka dhëne, prej vitit 2006, për ish-sekretarin për Sigurinë të Shteteve të Bashkuara Tom Ridge dhe skandalin që shpërtheu në Uashington, pasi ish-zyrtari i lartë nuk kishte treguar në organet kompetente të vendit të tij fondet e marra nga qeveria shqiptare. Skandali "Rixh" u mbyll, por jo "rubineti" i fondeve, që qeveria e Berishës dha vazhdimisht për lobistët në SHBA.

Sa më shumë shtohen problemet për një qeverisje tashmë shtatëvjeçare nga koalicioni i djathtë dhe vetë Berisha në krye të tij, aq më shumë ai e ka ndjerë nevojën e lobimit jashtë vendit. Tashmë opinioni shqiptar po "bombardohet" me takime të zyrtarëve të niveleve të ndryshme, kryesisht nga SHBA dhe Britania, me VIP-at e politikës shqiptare, aq sa në media zenë vend edhe hollësi për konferenca shtypi, fjali të caktuara, etj. Ndërkohë që, për opozitarët takimet kanë rëndësi në promovimin e tyre, qeveritarëve u duhen për të treguar se të huajt i mbështesin ende, pavarësisht problemeve në vend. VIP-at në pushtet kanë në favor të tyre buxhetin e shtetit.
Shkrimi eshte botuar sot ne gazetën


Albanian Mafia fueling Al Qaeda terrorist activity in US: Kosovo schools and orphanages open


The FBI Seal where the circle of stars represe... Chief perpetrators of drug and people smuggling, human body part and weapons sales, sex slavery, passport theft, forgery, abductions and murder, the Albanian Mafia remains to be domineering in their criminal activity both domestically and abroad. “The Albanian criminal enterprises, operating largely in New York and other Eastern seaboard cities, represent a major challenge to federal agents because of their propensity for violence and brutality,” FBI officials indicate. “They are a hardened group, operating with reckless abandon,” said Chris Swecker, the FBI assistant director for the Criminal Investigative Division according to a CNN report. Interpol stated that “Kosovo Albanian Mafia hold the largest share of the heroin market in Switzerland, in Austria, in Belgium, in Germany, in Hungary, in the Czech Republic, in Norway, and in Sweden.” The head of Sweden’s anti drug unit believes that the gangs supplied “hundreds, maybe thousands, of kilos of heroin” to the Scandinavian countries. The Albanian Muslim Mafia clans are dispersed in Kosovo and Macedonia as well as Albania proper. The Italian Mafia and the Albanian Mafia “I hate these f**** Albanians,” a captain in the Genovese crime family was captured saying on tape. The captain continued, “If you have a beef with them you have to kill them right away. There’s no talking to them.” Reports indicate that the Albanian Mafia including immigrants from Kosovo has replaced the Italian La Cosa Nostra Mafia, an offshoot of the Sicilian Mafia. To understand the capacity and how far the arms reach of the Albanian Mafia is to understand briefly the magnitude of La Cosa Nostra aka The Italian-American Mafia: There are five main New York City Mafia families, known as the Five Families: the Gambino, Lucchese, Genovese, Bonanno and Colombo families. The Italian-American Mafia aka La Cosa Nostra dominated organized crime in the U.S. It used this status to maintain control over much of the organized crime activity in Chicago, Detroit, Boston, Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Philadelphia, Providence, New Jersey, and New York City, as well as in other cities in the Northeastern United States and across the country, such as Las Vegas, Tampa, New Orleans, Miami, Kansas City, Milwaukee, and many others. La Cosa Nostra often referred to as the “original Mafia,” was at one time thought to be one of the largest organized crime groups in the United States and held dominance of the National Crime Syndicate. The Albanian Mafia has been thought to greatly exceed this dominant power and poses as an outstanding figure as one of the most violent crime organizations in operation particularly with their strong connections in Europe union. Replacing La Cosa Nostra in its rank, size, power and figure in organized crime, the Albanian Mafia holds itself as a domineering force in the Mafia underworld. Further, a predominant Catholic Mafia is being replaced by a predominant Muslim Albanian FIS. The Gambino crime family recruits ethnic Albanian assassins In the 1970s, the Italian Mafia, more specifically the Gambino family recruited and employed Albanians as couriers, transporters, and more significantly assasins as a result of their proficiency. By 1996, ethnic Albanians were the main assassins for the Gambino family. At least two of the Gambino Family’s major players or “high level associates,” including Zef Mustafa were of Albanian enthnicity. Mustafa allegedly made over $700 million for the Gambino family, was later arrested for a $19 million dollar internet heist, and subsequently released on a $5 milliion bond disappearing from the United States. Reputation “The ethnic Albanian mafia is very powerful and extremely violent,” said Kim Kliver, chief investigator for organized crime with the Danish National Police. “If you compare them to the Italian Mafia, the Albanians are stronger and not afraid of killing.” “The Albanian criminals were special from the beginning,” said Francesca Marcelli, an organized-crime investigator for the Italian government. Marcelli continued: “When they started appearing here in 1993, they were much different than other immigrants. They have strong motivations and are very violent. Some of them actually pulled machine guns on the son of an Italian Mafioso. To do that in Italy is unbelievable.” In the north of Italy, the Albanians have taken the prostitution racket away from the country’s toughest Mafia branch, the ‘Ndrangheta. A representative from the Polish Mob in 2002 was found saying: “I’m willing to do business with just about anyone. Dominicans, Blacks. Italians. Asian gangs. Russians. But won’t go near the Albanian mob. The Albanians are too violent and too unpredictable.” Ties to Kosovo Liberation Army and Al Qaeda Alleged ties to Al-Qaeda, the Albanian Mafia, one of the most powerful criminal organizations in the United States and Europe stretches throughout the United States, Canada, Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia. The FBI believes largely that the Albanian Mafia could be involved in “terrorist financing,” adding more specifically, “ties to organizations suspected of involvement in terrorist financing.” Even more so, support of Al Qaeda prove notable in the following: Even more so, support of Al Qaeda prove notable in the following: Yossef Bodansky, former Director of House Task Force on Terrorism, committed to saying, “The Albanian mob will not commit acts of terrorism…but will aid Al Qaeda..The role of the Albanian Mafia-tightly connected to the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA a declared terrorist organization) is laundering money, providing technology, safe houses and other support to terrorists within this country.” Most if not all of the KLA has been trained and financially supported by Al Qaeda. (Kosovo was marked as a potential recruiting ground for Islamic extremists. The large numbers of young Muslims living in abject poverty in Kosovo plays ideally into the hands of terrorist recruiters. Al-Qaeda is extremely interested in the region because the Muslim families are large and teenagers make up half of Kosovo’s population, making Kosovo a prime reservoir for the recruitment of young Mujahedeen.)
  • 24 Wahhabi mosques , 14 orphanages and 98 primary and secondary Wahhabi funded schools have been built in Kosovo since 1999. Wahhabism Islam across the spectrum from revival and reform to global jihad is thought to be the chief spiritual source of the Al Qaeda terrorists.
(Chairman Kyl, Senate Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Homeland Security on Thursday, June 26, 2003 stated: “I come before this body to describe how adherents of Wahhabism, the most extreme, separatist, and violent form of Islam, and the official sect in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, have come to dominate Islam in the U.S. “) …………. 1.10.2011: Albania - Salih Berisha’ s partners: crimes, terrorist, top mafiosi The lie of salih Berisha: first he steals weapons in 1997 and then sold weapons from 1998 Photos of OSCE - NATO observers, about the arms trade in his home near Tropoje, there was already the beginning of 1998 and media reports, such reports

Sincerely, Eliot L. Engel MEMBER OF CONGRESS “Geheimes” NATO Dokument, dokumentiert nochmal die Top Verbrecher im Kosovo: Hashim Thaci und Xhavit Halili Zerschlagung Jugoslawiens: Die CIA Operation “Roots” in english: Killer swadron: Xhavit Halili and Hashim Thaci together with Ramuz Haradinaj KLA is financed by Bin Laden Albanian Secret Service Chief Fatos Klosi in 16.5.1998 in der “Albania” durch den Albanischen Geheimdienst Chef Fatos Klosi: KLA (UCK) is financed by Bin Laden und oben links: Ferdinand Xhafferie, war der Kommunikator, für den Super Verbrecher der Todes Schwadrone: Xhavit Halili, einem Salih Berisha, bestens bekannt, wie dieser Artikel gut beweist, und besonders peinlich. Einfach peinlich der korrupte US Senator Eliot Engel, wo die Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt, warum er ein illegal gebautes Haus in New York besitzt, von der Albaner Mafia in Brookyln geschenckt bekommen.

Enid Alvarez/News

Congressman Eliot Engel is a part owner a Bronx home with an illegal basement apartment. .......... 2003: Idiot Mafia Boss: ENGEL, US HOUSE MEMBERS URGE U.N. TO RESUME KOSOVA PRIVATIZATION US Lobbyisten only gangsters, for robbering the Kosovo and serbien property! Member of the U.S. House of Representatives Salih Berisha, als Spezialist, für Betrugs Firmen, seit 20 Jahren The oldest pyramid system, partner of Salih Berisha in 1991! He was cruising in Tirana, with a white Rolls - Royse Hajdin Sejdia and the Hole for Albanians Hajdin Sejdia is one of the most outspoken characters in Albania just after the breakdown of the communist system.He first came in the beginning of 1991, as a very successful businessman, and as introduced himself as the President of “Ilira Holding” company, he found the right terrain to do whatever he wanted. It was the time of the system’s overthrow, therefore no one had the willing to verify the background of the “Kosovar brother”. Sejdia managed to contact directly the highest spheres of the society. With a surprising easiness, he managed to receive a permit from the back then prime minister Adil Carcani to build a “Sheraton” Hotel behind the Palace of Culture in the centre of Tirana. But, a “small problem” emerged; he had not taken permission from the well-known Sheraton network. He loaned money from citizens and commenced the workings, promising to build a five-star hotel named Sheraton. Meanwhile, Albanian who were listening this name for the first time thought goods will fall from the sky and that Hajdin Sejdia was the best man in the world. Soon, bulldozers started excavating tons of earth making a giant hole, which afterwards and still now is known as the “Hole of Hajdin Sejdia”. The hole remained opened till today, after Sejdia fled with all his heavy-tonnage vehicles. With such action, people remained shocked, as he had taken money from them and gave a good lesson to them not to trust anyone. But Albanians did not properly learn the lesson because they lost money again in the pyramid schemes some years later. He did not come back to Albania until late 90s. Now with a decision of Prime Minister Berisha, the hole has started to be filled up to wipe off this memory from Albanians’ minds. the Salih Berisha, crime system in Tirana Betrug ohne Ende!

Turpi/ Kur Sali Berisha mashtron në emër të Hillari Klinton Oft dabei im Hintergrund, der Profi Gangster: Der PD Abgeordnete Fahri Balliu, war Partner von Delijorgji einem der groessten Verbrecher Albaniens um Waffen- und Betrugs Immobilien Geschaefte

Fahri Balliu

Fahri Balliu: Inhaber des Schmieren Blattes Gazetta 55

Donnerstag, 26. April 2012

Der Albanische Mafia Boss Dritan Celaj und seine Cannabis Export Bucht: Kakomese

Direkt aus der Bucht von Kakomese, in Besitz des Mafia Bosses Dritan Celaj und seiner Firma Riviera, werden Tonnen Weise Cannabis mit Schmuggler Booten geschmuggelt. Oft sind diese Boote in Korfu, oder Italien beheimatet. Direkt beteiligt sein dortiges Wach Persoanl von mindesten 4 Personen, also kurz gesagt: Dritan Celaj persönlich. Die Zufahrts Strasse ist abgeriegelt und nur Dritan Celaj und seine Mafia hat dort Zugang. Die gesamte Bucht ist das damals letzte Dokument nach Gesetz 7665 "Priority Zone Touristik" mit vielen Polizei Einsätzen und in einem Betrugs Projekt, als einen erfundenen Investor den Club Med. Dritan Celaj, ist Miteigentümer in Geldwäsche gewesen, oder immer noch von: Credins Bank, Hotel International, Euromax, Versicherung und anderer Firmen, als reine Geldwäsche Projekte rund um die Fatos Nano und Vlore Mafia. Ein Mafiosi eng mit der "Camorra" und "Sacra Corona Unita" verbunden. 20 Tonnen weren nach Griechenland und Italien gebracht im Jahr. Salih Berisha’s Drogen Export mit Dasho Aliko: beschlagnahmte Schmuggler Boote: Italien - 1,5 Tonnen, Korfu - 1,0 Tonnen Cannabis

Die Griechische Polizei, hat schon mehrere Treibjagden auf die Schmuggler Boote des Dritan Celaj gemacht, denn die Albanische Polizei ist identisch mit kriminellen Clans, und wird von ihnen bezahlt. Die Albanische Polizei, ist sowieso vollkommen inkomptent, wie ein neuer PAMECA Bericht darstellt, ebenso in viele Verbrechen Landesweit verwickelt, wie es bei den Salih Berisha Banden üblich ist. siehe Peinlichkeit der EU Polizei Mission PAMECA III: die dümmsten Kriminellen werden hohe Polizei Chefs in Albanien

Club Med distanziert sich von dem Mafia Projekt des Dritan Celaj in Albanien

Die Bucht von Kakomese, welche in einem Mafia Projekt der Fatos Nano Gruppe und der Vlore Verbrecher Bande um Dritan Celaj,ein Club Med Projekt in 2004 starten wollte.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009 Club Med quits Albania resort, cites land problems By Benet Koleka TIRANA, June 16 (Reuters) - France's Club Mediterranee has quit a project to operate a holiday resort on Albania's Ionian coast after a prolonged dispute over the ownership of the site, a letter by Club Med revealed on Tuesday. The five-year old controversy over who owned the horseshoe shaped bay facing Greece's holiday island of Corfu illustrates the confusion over title to property in post-communist Albania, a tangled problem deterring investment. The European Union, which expects Albania to break with its history with free and fair elections on June 28, has also urged it to solve the problem of disputed titles to attract foreign investors and meet the criteria for membership. 'There's no project for a Club Med in Albania,' Florence Le Gall, Club Mediterranee's director of regional development, wrote to villagers claiming ownership of the land at Kakome, near Sarande in southern Albania. Chrystel Baude, a Club Med spokeswoman, confirmed the authenticity of Le Gall's letter. more see: more info Balkanblog und

Das Problem Projekt des Club Med, mit geklauten Grundstücken
26 Prill 2012 - 08:10 Sarandë, kapen 2 tonë drogë do kalonte në Korfuz

SARANDE- Policia kufitare e Sarandës sekuestron dy tonë lëndë narkotike në Gjirin e Kakomesë. Nga të dhënat e para mësohet se droga është gjetur në një furgon të braktisur me targa VL 2269 C, rreth 13 km larg Sarandës. Operacioni i policisë është kryera pak pas mesnatës së të mërkurës, 25 prill dhe droga kishte destinacion Greqinë.

Policia kufitare pikasi dhe një gomone të cilës iu vu në ndjekje për disa orë por nuk arriti ta ndalojë. Gomonia u largua në drejtim të kanalit të Korfuzit. Një grup hetimor është ngritur për të zbuluar organizatorët e këtij trafiku droge si dhe prejardhjen e drogës.

Shtatë persona, prej të cilëve katër roje private të Gjirit të Kakomesë, u shoqëruan, pasi dyshohet si të implikuar. Policia saktësoi se lënda narkotike ka përshkruar mbi 100 km rrugë kombëtare, nga Lazarati (Gjirokastër) në Sarandë, duke shmangur postbllokun policor ngritur në aksin rrugorë Jorgucat-Kakavijes.
“Trafikantët kanë shfrytëzuar një kamion frigoriferik, tashmë i bllokuar, për të shmangur kontrollin policorë”, saktëson policia, raporton atsh.

Ky është i dyti rast gjatë këtij viti, që policia e Sarandës bllokon një sasi të konsiderueshme lëndë narkotike. Dy muaj më parë, pothuajse në të njëtin vend, u bllokuan 1.5 ton hashash, ndërsa tre person u ndaluan.
(sg/ Ein Interview, mit dem Profi Gangster auf Vlore! Er spricht in 2008, immer noch von dem Club Med Projekt, wo er nie ein Papier von dem Club Med, einen Vertrag vorlegen konnte. Längst hat sich der Club Med, von den Projekt distanziert. Mr. Dritan Celaj Director General, Founder (Atlantik Sh.a.) Rund um das damalige sehr umstrittene Genehmigungs Verfahren, was nur eine Projekt Genehmigung erhielt nach Gesetz 7665, keine Baugenehmigung. Später wurde durch Beschluss der Mafia Stadt Vlore, in 2008 die Baugenehmigung nachgeholt. Salih Berisha, und seine Partei war gegen die Vergabe von so grossen Grundstücken und versprach, das niemand mehr wie 10 Hektar erhält. Selbst änderte die Salih Berisha Mafia dann Alles und gab mit gefälschten Unterlagen 100 Hektar Grundstücke und auch 275 Hektar. Inzwischen taucht Dritan Celaj, erneut mit einem Mord auf. rund um die Euromax Kette, Geldwäsche mit der Serbischen Mafia, wurde wohl der Geheimdienst Offizier Iso Copa in Durres ermordet, der hinter diesen Betrugs Grundstücks Geschäften und Geldwäsche Hauptverantwortlicher Ermittlungs Offizier war.

Polizei verhaftet bei Kakome 15 Demonstranten, welche gegen den Grundstücks Diebstahl und das Projekt des sogenannten “Business Mannes” Dritan Celaj protestieren

Der Polizei Chef von Diber: Shemsi Premci tritt zurück, wegen der Hysenbelliu - Salih Berisha Mafia

Grekët kapin 300 kg drogë shqiptare

Një sasi prej 275 kilogramësh drogë e llojit kanabis sativa u sekuestrua sot nga policia greke...