Freitag, 31. Mai 2013

Milosevic's Geheimdienst Chef: Jovica Stanisic und der Chef der Red Baretts: Franko Simatovic wurden vom ITCY frei gesprochen

Stanisic, arbeitete direkt auch für den CIA
Serbia Awaits Freed State Security Officials
Serbian state security officials Jovica Stanisic and Franko Simatovic are returning home to Belgrade after the Hague Tribunal found them not guilty of war crimes in Bosnia and Croatia.

Stavros Markos um SManalysis - vor 14 Stunden
Ex-chiefs of state security, Red Berets acquitted SOURCE: B92, BETA, TANJUG THE HAGUE -- The Hague Tribunal on Thursday acquitted of all charges former Serbian state security officials Jovica Stanišić and Franko Simatović. (Beta/AP) Stanišić is former head of the State Security Service (DB), while Simatović commended DB's Special Operations Unit (JSO, aka Red Berets). Stanišić and Simatović stood accused of crimes against non-Serb civilians in Bosnia and Croatia, in the period between 1991 and 1995. The decision to free them of all charges was made by the majority of the Trial C... mehr »

Mittwoch, 22. Mai 2013

Visa and the balkan - Cutting the Visa Knot - How Turks can travel freely to Europe

European Stability Initiative - ESI
ESI newsletter5/2013
May 21, 2013

Dear friends of ESI,
A new ESI report, part of the ESI Schengen White List project supported by Stiftung Mercator, analyses the current stalemate between Turkey and the European Union concerning visa liberalisation. It also suggests a concrete way forward:
Visa liberalisation has been a crucial element in the EU's relations with Romania, Serbia and Albania. Yet until recently it had not even appeared on the agenda of talks between Brussels and Ankara.
On 21 June 2012, the Council invited the Commission to establish a dialogue with Turkey with a view to launching a visa liberalisation process. Almost a year has passed since these Council conclusions. The dialogue on visa liberalisation has yet to begin.
Is this the future of EU-Turkey relations: silence, frustration and an inability to talk even about issues of truly common interest?

Cecilia Malmstrom
Cecilia Malmstrom
The EU offer
From the European Commission's point of view, what needs to happen next is obvious. Turkey must accept what the EU Council specified as the single most important condition for a visa liberalisation dialogue: signing a readmission agreement with the EU. Then the Commission would hand over to Turkey a list of official requirements for visa free travel, known as the "roadmap".
As leaders in Ankara understand it, however, the EU's offer to them is as follows:
"Please fulfil our 70 conditions. Spend more on border control. Help us close your borders to irregular migration to the EU. Ratify and implement a readmission agreement to take back tens of thousands of irregular migrants who reached the EU by transiting Turkey. Offer everybody the possibility to apply for asylum in Turkey and treat the asylum seekers well so they do not go to the EU. Once you do all this, the EU might vote on whether or not to lift the visa requirement for Turkish citizens. Unfortunately we cannot tell you now when such a vote will happen. Nor do we know whether such a proposal would get enough votes to pass in the Council. In the meantime, please trust in our good intentions."
In the eighth year of accession talks, however, trust in the EU is a scarce resource in Ankara.

Egemen BagisGordian KnotAhmet Davutoglu
Egemen Bagis and Ahmet Davutoglu; will they cut this knot?
Cutting the Visa Knot in five strokes
Never before has a country negotiated EU accession for years without its citizens able to travel to Europe without a visa. As Turkey and the EU move towards the fiftieth anniversary of their strategic relationship, which started with the 1963 Association Agreement, the time to address visa liberalisation is now.
The EU has not resisted the temptation to model the visa liberalisation process after the EU accession talks. However, the EU-Turkey visa dialogue cannot be successful if it is seen as a quasi-accession exercise. Both sides want something: the EU wants a readmission agreement and help in addressing illegal migration from Turkey; Turkey wants visa-free travel.
ESI suggests that Turkish diplomacy cut the Gordian knot of visa free travel in five strokes.
  1. Turkey should remind the EU that the visa dialogue is not part of the accession process and that instead, it is a negotiation between equals. Turkey should state publicly at the outset that it will not accept everything in the EU roadmap.
  2. Turkey should declare that it will sign, ratify and then even implement the readmission agreement in line with its legal obligations. However, it should also make clear that under the terms of the readmission agreement negotiated with the EU it will not be obliged to take back third-country nationals until three years after the agreement enters into force.
  3. Turkey should confirm that it expects to see steady and measurable progress in the mobility of bona fide Turkish visitors to the EU, including a decline in the rejection rate for visa applications and an increase in the share of long-term multiple-entry visas issued.
  4. There are vital areas where Turkey can help build trust inside the EU. One is reducing irregular migration to the EU via Turkey's land and maritime borders. Another is readmission of irregular third-country migrants. Since Turkey is under no legal obligation to do so for three years, it can decide on the numbers to take back from EU member states all by itself.
  5. Turkey should set a realistic deadline for the conclusion of the visa dialogue. By the end of 2015 at the latest, Turkish travellers should enjoy visa-free travel to the EU. If until then the EU fails to vote on visa liberalisation, or if the vote is negative, Turkey should notify the EU that it will void the readmission agreement.
For more detail please read the whole ESI report on Cutting the Visa Knot!

ESI in Brussels
In recent weeks we have presented ESI research in Vienna, at the OSCE's annual Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting (on freedom of movement in Europe); in Edirne, speaking about the promise of Europeanisation; in Budapest, at a debate on Building Sustainable Peace in the Western Balkans,moderated by the president of Central European University, John Shattuck; in Bratislava, discussing EU enlargement in SEE at a meeting of the European People's Party.
On Wednesday 22 May we will present our analysis at two events in Brussels:
At 12:30, the Open Society European Policy Institute and ESI organize an event and debate on the Balkans on the eve of Albanian parliamentary elections in June 2013:
Lost in limbo? EU enlargement and the southern Balkans – Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia
Then at 19:00 the Representation of the State of Baden-Württemberg to the European Union, ERSTE Stiftung, and ESI invite to an event on:
Croatia's European transformation - a film screening of 'Twilight of Heroes – Croatia, Europe and the International Tribunal' followed by a debate.
As always we are loo

Montag, 20. Mai 2013

Die US Terroristen mit Tom Rich, bringen neue Terroristen nach Europa

Einfach peinlich, das Europa schweigt. Die Alt bekannten MEK Terroristen, Profi Kriminelle von den Amerikaner ausgebildet, erhalten Asyl in Albanien. die ersten 14 sind bereits eingetroffen. Eines der merkwürdigen Geschaefte der Hillary Clinton bei dem letzten Besuch. In Tirana wurden schon einmal Uiguren untergebracht, vor Jahren. Davon lebt eine ganze Industrie der Amerikaner diese Leute zu betreuen.

Stavros Markos um SManalysis - vor 8 Stunden
* *Iranian MP Warns Tirana Hosting MKO Terrorists Endangers Albania's National Security * * * TEHRAN (FNA)- The relocation of the members of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, also known as the MEK, PMOI and NCRI) in Albania will threaten the country's national security, an Iranian legislator warned on Sunday. * On Thursday, US State Department Spokeswoman Jen Psaki said that the 14 members of the MKO left their camp in Iraq on Wednesday "for permanent relocation in Albania." Tirana recently offered asylum to 210 members of the MKO members. Speaking to ICA... mehr »

Bis vor kurzem auf der Terroristen Liste, 20 Jahre lang von den USA finanziert, will man die Langzeit Terror Organisation nun in Albanien unterbringen. Das ist die einzige Politik, welche die USA auf dem Balkan haben, neben Drogen und Waffen schmuggel.
Tom Rich, erhielt als Berater von Salih Berisha: 500.000 $ und taucht in Albanien mit dem Gangster Damir Fazllic auf. Tom Rich, ist auch der Lobbyist fuer die Terroristen Organisation MEK. Wie so viele korrupte US Politiker, angefangen von Madelein Allbright, oder dem Gangster Frank Wisner, hat man eigene Lobby Firmen und kassiert, fuer das Desaster!
Die iranische Oppositionspartei “Volksmodjahedin” (MEK) sah sich am 17. Juni in Security unter dem Minister Tom Rich ein ehrgeiziges Projekt in Angriff genommen worden: Alle… weiter  05.04.2003: Merkwürdige Anfragen aus dem Irak .. aus der website des Verfassungschutzes

Support for the listed “terrorist” group People’s Mujahedin of Iran

Former Pennsylvania governor Edward Rendell included Ridge among a group of former U.S. officials who have been lobbying and building support for the “de-listing” of the People’s Mujahedin of Iran (MEK, also PMOI, MKO) from the U.S. State Department’s list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations.[24] MEK has been accused of successful and unsuccessful attempts to kidnap or murder U.S. officials in the 1970s. They joined Saddam Hussein’s military to fight against Iran in the U.S.-backed 8 year war between Iraq and Iran that produced 1.5 million casualties. They have also been accused of partnering with Israel’s Mossad in the assassination of several of Iran’s nuclear scientists.[25] Ridge has been among those investigated for receiving tens of thousands of dollars for their lobbying efforts for the organization.[24]
Kommentar: deshalb brauchen die kriminellen US Politiker, staendig kriminelle Partner Weltweit und dulden den Drogen- wie Waffen Handel und die Deutsche Regierung schweigt wie immer zum Thema und finanziert den Murks mit.
update: 16.5.2013: die ersten 14 Terroristen, von den USA ueber 20 Jahre ausgebildet, kamen in Tirana an
Mbërrijnë në Tiranë 14 muxhahedinët e parë
Fourteen Iran exiles head for new life in Albania

Friday, 17 May 2013

Albanian national flags have been put up ahead of the first anniversary of Kosovo's independence in the town of Kacanik, on Feb. 15, 2009. (Reuters)

AFP, Washington -
Fourteen Iranian opposition members have left a former U.S. military base in Iraq heading for Albania as part of U.N. attempts to resettle hundreds of exiles, a U.S. official said Thursday.

Tirana has offered to resettle some 210 members of the People’s Muhajedeen of Iran, or Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK) currently housed among about 3,000 people in Camp Liberty, near Baghdad.

State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the first 14 residents had left Wednesday “for permanent relocation in Albania.”

“The United States expresses its appreciation to the government of Albania for its generous humanitarian gesture,” she added in a statement.

But she also urged MEK leaders to “cooperate fully” with the relocation process being organized by the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees and to help U.N. monitors have access to camp residents.

“It is the responsibility of the MEK leadership to facilitate for the residents... free and unfettered access to U.N. human rights monitors,” she said.

A February mortar and rocket attack on Camp Liberty killed seven people, according to the group, and there has been deepening concern about the safety of the residents.

The MEK was founded in the 1960s to oppose the shah, and after the 1979 Islamic revolution that ousted him, the group took up arms against Iran’s clerical rulers.

Then Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein allowed the MEK to establish a base called Camp Ashraf, northeast of Baghdad, after he launched the 1980-88 war with Iran.

But almost all MEK members in Iraq have now moved to Camp Liberty from Camp Ashraf as part of a U.N.-backed process to resettle them outside the country.

The MEK says it has now laid down its arms and is working to overthrow the Islamic regime in Tehran by peaceful means. Britain struck the group off its terror list in June 2008, followed by the European Union in 2009 and the United States in September 2012.

Dienstag, 14. Mai 2013

Griechenland wird durch die illegale Migration destabilisiert

Eigentlich ist es in allen EU Ländern das Selbe. Korrupte Migrations Vereine und Hilfs Organisationen wie die OK profitieren von der Migration, ebenso oft Politiker, welche die Schleuser Mafia Vertreter eingekauft haben. Monday, May 13, 2013

 RIEAS Research Institute for European and American Studies
Strategic Analysis 
Greece over the past decade has become a source country concerning the entrance of an unspecified amount of illegal immigrants, mostly from Asian and African states, that enter mainly through the Greek-Turkish borders and with the complicity or indifference of the authorities of the neighbouring country, despite the bilateral and international  agreements that have been sealed for this matter.
Illegal immigration is actually an asymmetrical threat aimed at destabilizing the Greek state and it is of critical interest to view it under the prism of Ankara’s stance concerning Greece’s role in the region. In simple terms Turkey uses the masses of desperate people being gathered in its territory in order to inflict great losses in the Greek economy and alter its ethnic and social profile. The latest information that have verified the above writings are videos and images depicting the Turkish Coast Guard deploring immigrants in the Greek Islands; that were shown in Greek national TV without any denial from the other side.
Turkey as a Eurasian Crossing
The Turkish authorities have announced from time to time that they expel some 100,000 illegal immigrants from their territory each year, whilst between 1995 and 2005 they managed to expel over 575,000 and arrest 6,100 smugglers. Even though the flow of people from the East to the West seems unstoppable, and an 8 billion USD illegal industry has been created, cantered on the main metropolitan Turkish centres.
The same criminal groups that are apt into securing great earnings from the modern slave trade, are also involved in the narcotics and arms trade, thus presenting the real magnitude of the threat involved which is the multiplication of organized crime activities and the existence of a multifunctional parallel crime syndicated state in Turkey that is also a threat to Greek and European stability.
The prices for a “crossing” between the Turkish shore and the Aegean Islands – a few miles apart- costs from 2,000 to 5,000 US dollars and for an illegal route from Turkey to Northern Europe the smugglers demand up to 15,000 USD. The immigrants from the African countries travel to Izmir, Istanbul and Mersin through vessels crossing the Mediterranean Sea, whilst Arabs come mostly through the Syrian-Turkish borders. The Asians (Pakistani, Kurds, and Afghani) pass through the Iranian-Turkish borders and it has to be noted that both countries do not have a visa regime, although Teheran is accused by the world community as a sponsor of terrorism. Therefore the flow of people from Iran to Turkey is in fact unconstrained and there has not been pressure to Ankara to alter this state of affairs with its neighbour.
At this point it has to be noted that between Middle East, Iran and Greece there is only one country apart and that it Turkey. That is one of the main reasons USA does not lift the visa between Greece and the States because there is a real threat of terrorists, criminals and other travelling through the Atlantic once reaching Greek territory. As it was mentioned before that is much easier that originally though, judging by the fact that from Central Asia to the Aegean the border controls are either lax or non existent.
Once reaching Turkish territory the immigrants are literally stashed in old warehouses or decaying apartments and wait for their transfer. In the meantime -a period up to 2 years- they work as underpaid manual workers in the local tourist and industry businesses, thus minimizing labour costs in Turkey.
Currently it can be safely estimated that there are 1 million illegal immigrants “in transit” from Turkey to Europe and many of them will end up in Greece and allocate themselves in the newly founded ghettos in the centre of Athens, in the port of Patras or in various locations in the countryside, thus adding up to the 2.5 million illegal aliens already present in Greece.
Greece and Turkey had signed a bilateral agreement concerning organized crime and illegal immigration (17/12/2005), although it has not been practically put into action and most importantly Athens already accuses the other side that it does not conform at all in the obligations written in the official documents, such as re-acceptance of expelled people from Greece that had left previously the Turkish coastline.
The Stakes Involved
Greece is on the front line of the European periphery, meaning its actions have wider ramifications for the overall security architecture of the Continent.
There are three parameters by which the issue can be viewed upon.Firstly there seems to be a trial by the Turkish state to exhaust the Greek security, police and military forces that apart from their conventional duties have to deal with the increasing problem of persons crossing daily and in great numbers the borders in land and in the sea. Additionally to that the creation of large Muslim communities will play a destabilizing role concerning the societal balances of Greece as recent experience in France, UK, Italy and the Netherlands has shown.
Moreover the undocumented aliens are responsible for the introduction of hygiene issues into the Greek territory and diseases such as tuberculosis that were almost extinct, have gain in strength recently. Further the Greek state budget is pressured due to the increased health, education, security, humanitarian and transport needs of a large number of people that don’t pay taxes nor do they bring capital into the country but instead they transfer abroad the largest amount of the wages they gain in Greece.
Lastly illegal immigration is a suitable terrain for the infiltration of European space by terrorists, criminals, espionage agents and any other category of the population wishing to avoid control and detention. Thus the future of Europe and Greece is being compromised due the lack of the basic principles of security in the international system, which is the verification of the identity of the passengers, a key factor for the existence of a stable and peaceful environment in the present day globalized era.
Athens should realize that the time has passed where the issue could have been resolved though the use of intellectual debates and non-practical dialogue between oblivious politicians.Actually the climax is near judging by the fact that the overpopulation in the East and the global economic crisis will arrive shortly, thus creating further strain in the borderlines.
Therefore some practical steps are needed:
The domestic intelligence network of Greek informants and collaborators that cooperate with their Turkish counterparts should be neutralized and disbanded before any sustainable gain could be made.
The role of Turkey as discussed above and the regime relating to border crossings in the Middle East, should be made vocally known by the Greek Foreign Ministry to the global forums, conferences and the international organizations. The pampering of states and regimes that degrade the security of other societies should be brought to a halt and the full consequences of their actions should be publicly known.
For the moment the Greek diplomatic authorities are extravagantly at ease with the current distressful situation and completely out of tune in relation with the above proposed action.
Moreover the Greek patrol guards and teams should be able to make sensible use of their light firearm arsenal, since illegal crossing is in direct violation of a country’s independence and the numbers are so great that they constitute a sort of an invasion.
Furthermore that does not mean the killing of innocent civilians, but rather the use of hard power composed by the new technology “non lethal weapons”, the targeting of the smugglers-criminals involved, even the use of psychological warfare techniques into the territory of the neighbouring country before even the preparation of the crossings begins.
The Greek state could also make use of its bilateral relations with countries such as Pakistan, Iran, Syria and others in order to persuade and pressure the foreign governments to take responsibility for their citizens ending up in Greece, many times without documents and passports. The creation of online data-bases with the latest techniques of facial recognition that verify for the identity of every immigrant can assist to that. It has to be noted that any initiative by Athens to those states will only have a minimal effect since the governments in there are mostly interested in dealing with their social issues by allowing the immigration of large numbers of unemployed and unskilled citizens and there are also indications concerning the initiatives by Islamic groups to form strong communities in Europe by exploiting the religious faith of the newly comers.
The stance of Greece should be in overall terms, that of a state that considers it s territory a “non suitable illegal immigration route” and make it know in an international level. Although the Greek governmental officials seem rather hesitant into implementing the above recommendations, the historical necessity and the international obligations of the country might activate them rather soon than latter.

Sonntag, 12. Mai 2013

US Experte: Die Kosovo Vereinbarung, trennt den Serbischen vom Albanischen Teil des Kosovo

Man hat ganz einfach genug, von dem kriminellen Enterprise, welche Null Bildung haben und Nichts in die Bildung, Schulen und Universitäten investieren, wo man nur Diplome und Titel fuer kriminelle Zirkel verkauft.
Senior adviser to the U.S. Department of State: Die Kosovo Vereinbarung, trennt den Serbischen vom Albanischen Teil des Kosovo

> “Agreement divides Kosovo into Albanian and Serbian part”
The Brussels agreement divides Kosovo into an “Albanian heartland with a Serbian appendage”, the New York Times has reported.
Close the entire text of the article here
The text’s author Columbia University Professor David Phillips assessed that Serbia did not recognize Kosovo’s independence and that the agreement accepted Serbia’s continued role in protecting the interests of Serbs in northern Kosovo.
“In effect, it divides Kosovo into an Albanian heartland with a Serbian appendage,” Phillips said and added that “the deal validates the violent nationalistic agenda of a greater Serbia advanced by Slobodan Milošević“.

However, he said that the Brussels agreement “also encourages aspirations for a greater Albania among ethnic Albanians in Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro”.

Phillips believes that “the deal will not reconcile the two Balkan nations or help them gain admission to the European Union”.

According to him, “the West needs a fresh approach for the Balkans, an arrangement somewhere between partition into monoethnic mini-states and a continentwide superstate”.

“This middle way — call it “interest solidarity” — would preserve national sovereignty and borders, while enabling members of ethnic and other groups to cooperate with their counterparts in the region, in fields like trade, transport, education, media and the arts,” he added.

Phillips noted that “the lure of EU membership was supposed to overcome those enmities” but that the attempt was not successful.

“As Turkey has learned well, some European nations just don’t want a majority-Muslim country in their club. Some also disparage the Balkans as bastions of fiscal instability and as havens for drug traffickers and criminal gangs,” he pointed out. 

“Building ties of common interest beyond its borders has helped stabilize Northern Ireland since 1998. It could improve relations between Sunni and Shiite Muslims in the Middle East, and offer new outlets for the dreams of ‘stateless’ Kurds in Turkey, Iraq and Iran,” he stressed.

“This will work only under governments that promote minority rights, and among parties with leaders ready for peace,” Phillips concluded.

David L. Phillips

David L. Phillips

Former Non-Resident Fellow, The Future of Diplomacy Project

David L. Phillips is currently director of the Program on Peacebuilding and Rights at Columbia University's Institute for the Study of Human Rights. Phillips has worked as a senior adviser to the United Nations Secretariat and as a foreign affairs expert and senior adviser to the U.S. Department of State. He has held positions at academic institutions as executive director of Columbia University's International Conflict Resolution Program, director of American University's Program on Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding, visiting scholar at Harvard University's Center for Middle East Studies, professor at the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, and as adjunct Associate professor at New York University's Department of Politics. He has worked at think-tanks as deputy director of the Center for Preventive Action at the Council on Foreign Relations, senior fellow at the Preventive Diplomacy Program of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, senior fellow at the Atlantic Council of the United States, and project director at the International Peace Research Institute of Oslo. During his fellowship with the Future of Diplomacy Project, Phillips will be writing a book entitled "Diplomacy Backed by Force: How America Helped Realize Kosovo's Independence."

How to Heal Balkan Wounds for Good
Minority rights are the key to dissolving the enmity between Serbia and Kosovo.
May 10, 2013, Friday

Die serbischen Hartliner Bischöfe Amfilohije und Atanasije, lesen eine Toden Messe auf die Serbische Regierung

Serbien: Bischöfe drohen Regierung mit dem Tod
Metropolit Amfilohije Radovic (April 2009): Todesdrohung gegen die RegierungZur Großansicht
Metropolit Amfilohije Radovic (April 2009): Todesdrohung gegen die Regierung
Zwei Bischöfe haben in Serbien einen handfesten Skandal ausgelöst: Die Geistlichen drohten der Regierung in Belgrad und dem Parlament mit dem Tod, unter anderem mit einer symbolischen Totenmesse. Medien und Regierungsvertreter reagieren mit Empörung.

Ivica Dačić (Tanjug, file)

“Implementation plan to be done in seven to ten days”

Thursday 9.05.2013 | 09:16 | Source: Večernje novosti | Comments: (8) | Send comment
BELGRADE -- A plan for the implementation of the Brussels agreement will be completed in seven to ten days, Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dačić has stated.

Justiz Verfahren gegen korrupte Prominente

Miroslav Mišković (Tanjug, file)

Prosecutor indicts Delta Holding owner

Thursday 9.05.2013 | 16:19 | Source: Tanjug | Comments: (2) | Send comment
BELGRADE -- The Organized Crime Prosecution indicted Delta Holding owner Mirolsav Mišković and his associates on Thursday.

Dušan Borovica (Tanjug, file)

Police arrest company owner on corruption charges

Thursday 9.05.2013 | 15:42 | Source: B92, Večernje novosti | Comments: (0) | Send comment
BELGRADE -- Owner of several Borovica system companies Dušan Borovica was arrested on Wednesday, B92 has learned.
Naser Keljmendi: Polizei fasst berüchtigten Mafiaboss im Kosovo 
SPIEGEL ONLINE - Panorama - 06.05.2013Naser Keljmendi soll den Heroinhandel aus der Türkei nach Westeuropa kontrolliert haben. Seit Jahren wurde der aus dem Kosovo stammende Mafiaboss mit internationalem Haftbefehl gesucht. Nun verhafteten ihn die Ermittler in der Hauptstadt des Landes. mehr...

Samstag, 4. Mai 2013

Medien - Politik - Mafia: eine Einheit im Balkan

Viele mussten im Balkan schon auswandern, etliche wurden ermordet! Es gibt nur wenige richtige Journalisten im Balkan, wobei man die Bestechungs Rolle des Bodo Hombach sehen muss, der praktisch in jedem Balkan Land, bis vor kurzem praesent war, bis die Betrugs Abteilung der EU: OLAF gegen die WAZ ermittelte. Detuschland hatte die Moeglichkeit fuer eine richtige Presse im Balkan, aber nicht mit einem Pyschopaten der SPD, der in so viele Betrugs und Bestechungs Faelle verwickelt ist, inklusive der West Deutschen Landesbank wie ein Bodo Hombach. Journalisten unter Druck in Südosteuropa
Offiziell gibt es in Südosteuropa seit über 20 Jahren Pressefreiheit. In der Praxis stehen aber viele Medien unter dem Einfluss von Politik und Wirtschaft. Die Finanzkrise hat die Situation verschlimmert.
"In Südosteuropa üben politische Parteien großen Druck auf Journalisten aus", sagt die bosnische Reporterin Elvira Jukić-Mujikić, die für ein Netzwerk für investigativen Journalismus auf dem Balkan tätig ist. Im DW-Gespräch kritisiert sie, dass in ihrem Heimatland Bosnien-Herzegowina die politischen Machthaber entscheiden, wer die wichtigsten öffentlichen Sender leiten soll. Chefredakteure und Intendanten würden manchmal sogar 20 Mal am Tag von Politikern angerufen, die ihnen mitteilten, welche Geschichten veröffentlicht werden sollten und welche nicht. Dieses Muster der Einflussnahme gelte auch für Serbien, das sich auf dem World Press Freedom Index 2013 von "Reporter ohne Grenzen" auf Platz 63 findet. Bosnien-Herzegowina liegt auf Platz 68 und Bulgarien hat sich im Vergleich zum Vorjahr sogar von Platz 80 auf Platz 87 verschlechtert.
Richard Meares auf dem Treffen Economic and Political Reporting from Southeast Europe in Berlin, 26.02.2013 (Foto: Tobias Bohm/DW) Richard Meares: "Über wichtige Werbekunden wird nicht kritisch berichtet."
In Mazedonien sei der Einfluss der Politiker auf die Medien sogar noch offensichtlicher, beklagt Maria Sevrieva, freie Journalistin aus Skopje, im DW-Interview. Viele der führenden politischen Akteure waren bis vor kurzem auch die Besitzer fast aller Medien des Landes. Das habe sich nur durch den Druck der EU auf den Beitrittskandidaten Mazedonien geändert. Doch obwohl einige Medienunternehmen jetzt andere Besitzer haben, sei der Einfluss durch die Politik immer noch stark: "Die Regierung zahlt die größten Summen für Werbung in den mazedonischen Medien - also kann man sagen, dass der größte Teil ihres Einkommens direkt von der Regierung abhängt."
Verlust von Werbekunden durch kritische Berichte
In Albanien (Platz 102 auf der Press Freedom Index-Liste) sind einige Besitzer von Bauunternehmen auch Eigentümer von Zeitungen oder TV-Sendern - und unterstützen bestimmte Politiker. "Oft geht es ihnen um eine Baugenehmigung oder andere Vorteile", erklärt Fatjon Kodra, der in Albanien als Journalist arbeitet.
Selbst wenn sie nicht die Besitzer von Medienunternehmen sind, beeinflussen Geschäftsleute in Südosteuropa deren Inhalte. Richard Meares kennt solche Fälle: Der freie Journalist und Trainer hat oft mit Reportern aus den Balkan-Ländern zu tun, die über Korruption berichten. Einer von ihnen habe ihm erzählt, dass ein kritischer Bericht über eine Firma dazu geführt habe, dass sich diese als Werbekunde zurückzog. "Die Journalisten, die ich auf dem Balkan treffe, sagen, dass ihre Chefs sie meist schon im Vorfeld davon abhalten, Beiträge zu schreiben, durch die man Anzeigenkunden verlieren könnte", sagt Meares im DW-Gespräch.
Mann steht an einem Zeitungskiosk in Albanien 
(Foto: Aida Cama/DW) Auf den Medienmärkten in Südosteuropa herrscht ein harter Konkurrenzkampf
An Druck von Außen seien Journalisten in Südosteuropa gewöhnt, gibt er zu bedenken: "Während der kommunistischen Diktaturen konnte die Staatsmacht bestimmen, was publiziert wird". Heute habe sich alles verlagert: Der Druck komme eher aus dem wirtschaftlichen Bereich als aus dem politischen, meint Meares. "Was schlimmer ist, ist schwer zu sagen. In vielen dieser Länder ist ohnehin beides miteinander verwoben, weil Politiker oft gleichermaßen mächtige Geschäftsleute sind. Somit ist das manchmal gar nicht richtig zu unterscheiden."
Selbstzensur und familiärer Druck
Das sieht Goran Milić anders. Er arbeitet seit 43 Jahren als Journalist und Reporter und ist heute Leiter des Nachrichtenprogramms von "Al Jazeera Balkans". Journalisten würden sich "selbst unter Druck setzen, weil sie wissen, was das Publikum lesen wird und was nicht", behauptet er.

In Albanien sind Medien ebenso wie in jedem Wahlkampf ueberwiegend in Hand krimineller Politik Zirkel.

Saturday, May 4, 2013


Political elections in Albania, mission impossible

At least OSCE mission, both  EU & Washington, have urged the Albanian political class, to be responsible for the fate of Albania.

Otherwise, despite the democratic institutional aid but also integra-tion questions to Albania in NATO, the country is threatened by the failure of democratic state-building, and risk the global formatting of the new Albania

Albania, the only country in Europe, was celebrating the 100th anniversary of the declaration of independence last year, even demanding border states, territories denied for Albania, it seriously threatens dissolution, or formatting of its constitutional and institutional, in the event that parliamentary elections fail.

but it has an even greater danger, because this country, never in the history of 100 years away, has not held free elections. And the result, so bring, a serious investment in the Western alliance, especially from USA, by placing a veto, to bring Albania in NATO.

In 100 years of state dictatorship in half, and half in a totalitarian state, has turned the attention of Western alleances, sed to seriously discuss what we will do with Albania?

On the other hand, we worried that the country may incur the same situation as in 1997, but the Western alliance and NATO, have reinforced the view that in Albania, electoral situation may bring chaos and it certainly can not be accepted, but that measures should be deal.....