Samstag, 31. Oktober 2020

Mit Bestechung erpresst, die EU und NATO weitere sinnlose Covic Massnahmen, obwohl die ganze Wirtschaft zerstört wurde und Gesundheit

Die lange geplante Fake Pandemie, wo das Organisierte Verbrechen mit Angela Merkel, der EU Commission, dem IMF, WHO den selben sinnlosen Unfug organisiert, weil man Milliarden stahl, hoch kriminelle Impfstoff Forschung mit bekannt kriminellen Firmen finanziert, sogar Impfstoff produzieren lässt, der nichte einmal zugelassen ist. Nach der kriminellen "Schock Therapie" wird überall jeden Land zerstört, man wandert aus, oder betreibt Kriminelle Geschäfte nach und in Europa.**


NBER-Studie: Maskenpflicht und Lockdown brachten nichts

Veröffentlicht am 3. September 2020 von VG.

Die Todesfallzahlen sanken und sinken — aber nicht wegen der Massnahmen.

Erstmals belegt eine Metastudie, dass Lockdowns und Maskenzwang keinen Einfluss auf den Verlauf von Covid-19 hatten. Die Studie stammt vom renommierten, 1920 gegründeten National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). Die Einrichtung ist ein unabhängiges, mit mehr als zwei Dutzend Nobelpreisträgern verbundenes Institut in den USA.

Das NBER hat den Einfluss nicht-pharmazeutischer Massnahmen auf die Zahl der Todesfälle analysiert und kommt zum Schluss, dass sie in allen untersuchten Ländern unabhängig von den ergriffenen Massnahmen sanken. Das berichtet das American Institute of Economic Research (AIER).

«Die Schlussfolgerung des Papiers ist, dass die ... beobachteten Datentrends wahrscheinlich darauf hindeuten, dass nicht-pharmazeutische Interventionen (NPIs) - wie z.B. Sperrungen, Schließungen, Reisebeschränkungen, Aufenthaltsverbote, Veranstaltungsverbote, Quarantänen, Ausgangssperren und Maskengebote – die Virusübertragungsraten insgesamt nicht zu beeinflussen scheinen»,
resümiert AIER.


Lockdowns and Mask Mandates Do Not Lead to Reduced COVID Transmission Rates or Deaths, New Study Suggests - 26. August 2020

Covid-19, PM Rama: From next week, masks mandatory in every urban environment, even on the street

Sonntag, 25. Oktober 2020

Der "Roma" Mafiosi: Hamdi Bajram, starb mit 64 Jahren in Mazedonien

 Eine rein kriminelle und korrupte Gestalt, mit Schleuser Touren, schon vor 20 Jahren. Zuviel, gefressen und gesoffen, das war sein Problem: Hamdi Bajram


Sein Schleuser Reise Büro, schloss man 2010, aber man findet dann neue Wege

Former MP Amdi Bajram dead at 64


Former MP and politician Amdi Bajram has died.

Bajram, 64, was president of the Roma Union for many years.

One of Amdi Bajram’s legs was recently amputated.

The hospital where he was treated says that he had heart problems, and was positive for Covid – 19.

Romani language media write that the longtime politician died at the Phillip II clinic due to heart problems.

Amdi Bajram last week organized a wedding with 600 guests for his granddaughter in Turkey, after previously canceling it due to the coronavirus in Macedonia.

Freitag, 23. Oktober 2020

Balkan Drogen Clans, hatten ein "Shot out" in Columbien

 Von Sokol Kocio, bis Darko Saric, die Chef der Drogen Clans sind eine Legende in der Welt, was mit Daut Kadrinosky schon begann, vor 30 Jahren.


Donnerstag, 17. September 2020

Marcos and Soldado: Colombian Shootout Sheds Light on Balkan Drug Ties

Illustration. BIRN/Igor Vujcic
October 22, 202008:13
BIRN pieces together a Serbian man’s final hours in the home of an alleged drug trafficker in Colombia, offering a rare glimpse into the deepening ties between Balkan drug gangs and the South American country.

This article is also available in: Bos/Hrv/Srp

Stanimirovic did not die in a game of Russian roulette, as media reports first claimed.

In fact, it appears a drunken argument set in chain a confusing series of events in Colombia’s Meta department southeast of the capital Bogota on the night of March 31 this year, in which two police officers and an alleged drug trafficker also died.

Investigators say a number of key questions remain unanswered, but details pieced together by BIRN offer a rare glimpse into Balkan organised crime activity in the South American nation, a growing trend that the authorities are struggling to understand.

“I don’t think, given where it happened and the manner of his death, that he was a tourist,” said a high-ranking member of the Colombian National Police who spoke on condition of anonymity. “He wasn’t here doing ecotourism.”

The quiet ‘Marcos’

Dejan Stanimirovic. Photo: Colombian National Police

Stanimirovic, who grew up in Belgrade and ran a karate club in Spain, entered Colombia from Ecuador across the Rumichaca Bridge, sometime in the middle of March. This time, he was alone.

Investigators who spoke to BIRN said the Serbian citizen had visited the country before, possibly in January. He was known locally as ‘Marcos’. 

According to Colonel Gustavo Berdugo Garavito, commander of the Colombian National Police in Meta, Stanimirovic travelled 1,000 kilometres to the Meta town of Guamal and the home of Jose Vicente Rivera Mendoza, known as ‘Soldado’, or Soldier.

Rivera was an alleged drug trafficker in Meta, where the Andes meet the westernmost section of a vast belt of tropical savanna known as Los Llanos, The Plains. 

Situated between zones of coca production in the mountains and jungles of Colombia’s south and east and export points via Venezuela, Los Llanos are an expansive thoroughfare for narcotics and other contraband and long an area of activity for illegal armed groups..................

Sonntag, 18. Oktober 2020

Die Staatanwaltschaft durchsuchte die Österreichische Schweighofer Holz Mafia in Rumänien

 Komplette Wälder wurden in diesem Bestechungs Modell in Rumänien von den Profi Verbrechern aus Österreich sogar verkauft, obwohl die Verträge den Verkauf der Wälder ausdrücklich verbieten.
 Von krimineller Energie getrieben, mit gefälschten Verträgen operierend, ein Österreichischen Banken und Geschäftsmodell im Balkan, wo die Hype Alpe Adria nur der kleinere Teil war, zu 70 % der Verluste von der Mafia Bank eines gefährlichen Vorstandes inzeniert der Raiffeisenbank.


Die Mafiösen Umtriebe der Österreichischen Holz Firma Schweighofer in Rumänien: mit der lokalen Mafia die Wälder abholzen

 Ein Standard Geschäft Österreichischer Mafia Firmen, wo schon Milliarden spurlos verschwanden in der Ukraine, dem Balkan, wo wir die Familie Depisch mit ihrem Chrom Imperium, Bauhaus, Alpine nennen wollen.

Man nützt die Lücken in einem schlechten Adminstrativen System aus, kalkuliert korrupte Beamte ein, betreibt hochkriminelle Auslands Bestechung und kein Österreicherischer Staatsanwalt nimmt Ermittlungen auf, obwohl das lt. den Parinser Antikorruptions Konvention für jeden Verdacht und Hinweis einer Auslands Bestechung gilt. 41 Minuten Doku, über die Verbrechen

Die Raiffeisenbank Österreich, war schon haftbar für die kriminellen Umtriebe mit der Hypo Alpe Adria, und hat mit kriminellen Clan überall auch in der Ukraine Milliarden in Schwarzen Löchern verschwinden lassen.
Das nun auch noch illegale Wald Rodungen in Rumänien mit Mafiösen Personen organisiert wird, sollte nicht verwundern.

Schweighofer hat Langzeit Kriminelle als Partner in Rumänien, dann wird wie überall nur noch Alles zusammen gefälscht, was auch der Geldwäsche und dem Kredit Betrug wie immer dient.
Holzindustrie Schweighofer ist Teil der Schweighofer Gruppe und hat seine Wurzeln in einem österreichischen Familienunternehmen mit mehr als 400 Jahren Tradition im Holzgeschäft. Kernbereiche der Gruppe sind heute die Holzindustrie, Zellstoffproduktion, Forstwirtschaft, Bioenergieerzeugung und Immobilienentwicklung.

Das Leimholzplattenwerk in Siret, Rumänien
Seit 2002 ist Schweighofer in Rumänien aktiv. 2003 wurde dort das erste Sägewerk eröffnet. Heute beschäftigt das Unternehmen, das mittlerweile u. a. auch in Tschechien, Bulgarien, Deutschland und der Ukraine tätig ist, über 2.500 Mitarbeiter an fünf verschiedenen Produktionsstandorten in Rumänien und ist in Europa ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich der Holzverarbeitung.
Seit Anfang 2015 ist die Firma Schweighofer mit schwerer Kritik im Zusammenhang mit der illegalen Abholzung von rumänischen Urwäldern konfrontiert. [3] [4] [5] [6][7]

Luftaufnahme des Sägewerks in Rădăuți, Rumänien

Romanian prosecutors raid Austrian timber producer’s local factories

Prosecutors from the Directorate for Combatting Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) raided on Wednesday morning, May 30, Austrian group Schweighofer Holzindustrie’s factories in Radauti and Sebes.
The prosecutors are investigating illegal timber transactions which damaged the state budget by EUR 25 million, according to judicial sources quoted by local Mediafax.
Update: In a statement, Holzindustrie Schweighofer said it is cooperating with the Romanian authorities “and fully supports their efforts in the investigation started on May 30, 2018.”
“The company is offering all available information that might help the ongoing investigation and is assisting the authorities in all matters that might lead to a correct investigation based on fully transparent data. Holzindustrie Schweighofer is the first interested to bring light into this situation. The company has not been yet notified of the scope of the investigation.”
A total of 23 searches were taking place on Wednesday morning in Alba, Suceava, Hunedoara, Brasov and Bihor counties as well as in Bucharest. Some of the searches also targeted the offices of the Forestry Directions and Forest Guard.
According to an official press release of the Romanian Police, managers of a local company have coordinated the acquisition of wood sourced from illegal logging activities, starting 2011. The same people were also involved in rigging timber auctions. The company was not named.
Schweighofer Holzindustrie has been accused of processing wood from illegal logging activities in the past but denied the allegations.
Romania’s Competition Council to finalize investigation on timber market this year
Austrian timber “baron” sells his forests in Romania to Swedish group

Samstag, 17. Oktober 2020

Unnütze Forderungen der EU Mafia, durch Robert Bosch: Serbien soll seine Verfassung ändern

 Eine der unnützten Ratten der EU Diplomaten, fordert von Serbien die Änderung der Verfassung:

Dutch Diplomat Says Serbia Has to Change Its Constitution, Not Kosovo

Former ambassador of The Netherlands to Kosovo, Robert Bosch criticised the EU special Envoy for the Prishtina-Belgrade dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak on his statement about changing Kosovo’s Constitution.

“I cannot imagine that an experienced diplomat as Lajcak in his capacity of special EU-envoy has asked Kosovo to change the constitution in order to make ASM [Association of Serb-majority Municipalities] possible,” Bosch wrote on Facebook.

He added that Serbia needs to change its Constitution as it claims Kosovo as part of its territory.

“As Edita Tahiri rightly said, it is Serbia that has to change the constitution as in the annexe of 1244 it is said that for Kosovo the situation of 1989, autonomous entity, is valid again. Guess Lajcak has to do some homework,” Bosch wrote.

Kosovo’s former chief negotiator in talks with Serbia, Edita Tahiri had told Lajcak that to reach a final agreement, Serbia should change its constitution by removing Kosovo from it.

Miroslav Lajcak sparked strong reactions in Kosovo following his statement that the Constitution of Kosovo “is not a Bible” and it should change.



Donnerstag, 15. Oktober 2020

20 Jahre, der Kriminelle Unfug, des Frank Walter Steinmeier, Angela Merkel, beim Aufbau krimineller Kartelle mit "Ilir Meta" in Europa

Der Visa Skandal lässt grüßen, aber daraus haben die korrupten Banden des Auswärtigem Amtes Nichts gelernt.

Uralte bekannt, Ilir Meta, verkauft an Kriminelle die Albanische Staatsbürgerschaft, wo es erneut 382 aus dem Kosovo sind. Die Skandale sind unendlich, wie sein Staatssekretär: Almir Rrapo schon vor Jahren zeigte. Das Super Betrugs Geschäft, des Ludgar Vollmer, war der Einstieg in das Geschäft, der Gross Kriminalität, mit neuen Identitäten. Bundesdruckerei Geschäfte, für Bestechung, und für die Organisierte Kriminaltät in Albanien.

Mord Drohungen von „Nard Koka“ gegen den Journalisten „Carlo Bollino, weil Fotos von Ilir Meta, mit Super Drogen Gangstern wie Altin Hajri und Xhevdet Troplini publik wurden

Super Drogen Boss Party, wo 2 links neben Ilir Meta, Leonhard (Nard) Koka ist. Dirket neben Ilir Meta: Xhevdet Troplini und Altin Hajri, die Mord und Drogen Maschine der LSI Partei

Albanischer Aussenminister Ilir Meta: eine Legende im Drogen Schmuggel. FBI verhaftet den Berater: Almir Rrapos

Bundesdruckerei Skandal des Ludgar Vollmer in 2002 des Ilir Meta
Reine Bestechungs Orgie der Deutschen damals wie auch Berlinwasser das dümmsten PPP Projekt mit den Idioten der KfW schon damals und Betrugs Qualität wurde damals beanstandet. Fraport damals ebenso schon, Weltweit.

Alle Gross Kriminellen, haben die Telephon Nummer auf dem Handy, von Ilir Meta, der Ehefrau Monika, Edi Rama usw. auch die in Deutschland sind.

Das Verbrecher Kartell des Ilir Meta, Ehefrau: Monika Kryemadhi mit Al Qaida, den Drogen Kartellen Teil II

Das Verbrecher Kartell des Ilir Meta, Ehefrau: Monika Kryemadhi mit Al Qaida, den Drogen Kartellen Teil II

Emrat/Meta dha 382 shtetësi për hir të ‘interesit kombëtar’, paraqiti si ‘heronj’ zyrtarë e biznesmenë të Kosovës të dënuar e akuzuar për vrasje, mashtrime, vjedhje dhe falsifikime

Zbulohet njerëzit e krimit dhe korrupsionit në Kosovë që Ilir Meta u dha nënshtetësinë pa respektuar procedurat dhe protokollet e sigurisë, me qëllim për të marrë pasaporta shqiptare dhe lëvizur pa viza në zonën Shengen. Presidenca i paraqiti si ‘intelektualë’ dhe ‘heronj’.

Ilir MetaAdriatik Doci 
15 Tetor, 18:40 | Përditesimi i fundit: 15 Tetor, 20:15

Thellohet skandali i dhënies së 382 nënshtetësisë shqiptare të huajve nga Ilir Meta, duke kompromentuar rëndë institucionin e Presidencës dhe shndërruar atë në fabrikë qokash, paligjshmërie dhe interesash të dyshimta. Sot presidenca e ka reaguar kundër investigimi të që dje e ka botuar listën e plotë me emrat, duke sulmuar gazetarë dhe duke i paraqitur përfituesit e nënshtetësisë me procedura të veçanta si ''familjarët e Dëshmorëve të UÇK-së dhe artistët e intelektualët e spikatur shqiptarë në Kosovë, Maqedoni të Veriut e Diasporë''. 

Në fakt një pjesë e personazheve që janë pajisur me nënshtetësi shqiptare nga Ilir Meta pa plotësuar kushtet ligjor, por me justifikimin e interesit kombëtar dhe 'meritave të veçanta', janë pjesë e kupolës së krimit, korrupsionit politik dhe ekonomik të shtetit të Kosovës.

Balla në Report Tv: Meta bën fushatë skutave për LSI-në me eksponentë kriminal! Blushi:  Nxirre buburrecin tënd ta faktojë para shqiptarëve

Këta persona me dosje duket se nuk e kanë pasur aspak të vështirë të vinin në lëvizje Ilir Metën, për të marrë në pak ditë nënshtetësinë shqiptare, duke anashkaluar kushtet ligjore dhe procedurat që normalisht zgjasin rreth një vit. Meta i ka dhënë nënshtetësinë në emër të ''interesit kombëtar'' pa kryer verifikime rreth të kaluarës së tyre siç e parashikon ligji për shtetësinë në pikën 6 të nenit 9 shumë njerëzve që tani, pavarësisht nga kaluara e tyre, kanë fituar të drejtën të lëvizin pa viza në të gjithë vendet SHENGEN të Bashkimi Evropian.

Një nga ''aset kombëtare'' që Ilir Meta e ka shpërblyer me nënshtetësi i është për shembull Arsim Ramadanit, zyrtar i Telekomit në Kosovë, i njohur për drejtësinë, pasi së bashku me vëllain e tij Burim Ramadanin e Arben Kiçinën kanë qenë të dënuar me formë të prerë për vrasjen e pesë anëtarëve të familjes Hajra në vitin 2001. Ata ishin shpallur fajtor, por u falën me një dekret shumë të përfolur të presidentit Hashim Thaçi. Një tjetër ''aset i kombi'' i vlerësuar nga Ilir Meta është Fatmir Matoshit, ish-ministër i Ambientit dhe Planifikimit Hapësinor, gruaja e të cilit u shfaq në një video me një tufë eurosh në dorë. Ai tha se 150 mijë euro i ishin gjendur rastësisht gruas së tij në dorë dhe se paratë ishin pjesë e një loje mes miqsh. Pjesë e listës është edhe biznesmeni Kujtim Bucaliu, i dënuar nga me 4 vjet burg si dhe 15 mijë euro gjobë për mashtrimin e Komunës së Prishtinës sa i takon furnizimit me naftë. Shtetësinë e ka marrë edhe Ibrahim Bucaliu, biznesmen i hidrokarbureve, i akuzuar për ndotje dhe mashtrim ndaj blerësve me kompanitë e tij.

Në emër të interesit kombëtar, Meta i ka dhënë shtetësinë pa plotësuar kriteret Bekim Xhoni, një hetues i akuzuar për manipulim provash, për t’i faturuar një të pafajshmi një vrasje në tentativë. Në listën prej 382 emrash rezulton edhe Haki Shatri, ish-ministër Financash, i hetuar për keqpërdorim të parasë publike dhe korrupsion, Elmi Reçica i akuzuar nga prokuroria për deklarim të rremë të pasurisë si deputet si dhe Dukagjin Kryeziu i dënua me 4 muaj burg për trajtim të papërgjegjshëm mjekësor. Lista vijon me ish drejtorin e Agjencisë së Inteligjencës së Kosovës, Bashkim Smakajt, i përfolur për shumë skandale në Prishtinë, ndërsa vëllai i tij është arrestuar për vjedhje.

Pa plotësuar kushtet e ka marrë shtetësinë shqiptare edhe Fitim Sadiku, i përfshirë në skandalin e përleshjeve me grushte e shkelma brenda Ministrisë së Jashtme, në të cilën shërbente si sekretar i përgjithshëm. Në emër të interesit kombëtar, Meta u ka dhënë shtetësinë kryetarit të Federatës së Futbollit të Kosovës, Agim Ademi, i dënuar me 9 muaj burg për kërcënim me vdekje të një personi, biznesmenin Ekrem Lluka i përmendur në aferën 'Telekom' në Kosovë si dhe Burim dhe Besnik Barakut të akuzuar nga prokuroria për sulm fizik ndaj Besim Sylejmanit në Prishtinë.

Në të njëjtën formës ka marrë shtetësinë shqiptare me firmën e Ilir Metës edhe Besnik Mustafa, djali i Isa Mustafës, i akuzuar nga Prokuroria e Kosovës për keqpërdorim të detyrës zyrtare dhe falsifikim të dokumentit zyrtar. Në listë është edhe Rrustem Berisha, ministri i Forcës së Sigurisë së Kosovës (FSK), i akuzuar nga Prokuroria për mashtrim me listat të veteranëve të luftës, duke dëmtuar me 68 milionë euro buxhetin e shtetit të Kosovës. Me firmën e Metës dhe pa paplotësuar kushtet shtetësinë e shqiptare e ka marrë edhe Shpejtim Bulliqi, ish-deputet i akuzuar dhe kryesuesi i Komisionit Shtetëror për Shënjimin e Vijës Kufitare me Malin e Zi, i akuzuar se uzurpuar 985 metra katrorë tokë publike si dhe biznesmeni Valon Lluka, i akuzuar për përfitimin e një prone në Gjakovë me vlerë 2 milionë euro, në konflikt interesi. Meta i ka dhënë shtetësinë, duke anashkaluar gjithë procedurën e zakonshme, gjithmonë në emër të interesit kombëtar edhe nuses së djalit të Ylli Ndroqit Mariam (Mayram) Semen Ndroqi (Akopian/Arzumanyan).

Pjesa tjetër janë këngëtarë dasmash,  diskotekash, futbollistë, zyrtarë federatës së futbollit dhe sporteve të tjera, zyrtarë ministrish etj., që të gjithë të pajisur me nënshtetësi nga Ilir Meta në shkelje të ligjit, por në emër të interesit kombëtar dhe që sot vetë presidenca paraqitet në publiku si ''familjarët e Dëshmorëve të UÇK-së dhe artistët e intelektualët e spikatur''. Pothuajse asnjë prej tyre sot nuk banon në Shqipëri, por e kanë marrë nënshtetësinë thjeshtë për të siguruar një pasaportë shqiptare, me qëllim për të lëvizur pa viza në zonën Shengen. Janë qoka personale apo politike që presidenti Ilir Meta duhet të justifikojë.

Deutsche Politiker, Diplomaten und die Drogen Kartelle mit Hekuran Hoxha, Saimir Gjepali, Admir Hoxha

steinmeier meta

 Als Chef der Skrapari Bande bekannt, Ex-Sigurime Hilfs Polizist an der Uni: Ilir Meta und seine vollkommen korrupte und kriminelle Polizei auch ein Legende schon in 2000

Kommentar: Gut das die Welt, die hoch kriminellen Albanischen Aussenminister haben, deren Haupt Erwerbs Quelle, der Verkauf von Diplomaten Pässen an die Mafia ist und der jetztige Innenminister Lulzim Basha, war zuvor ja auch Aussenminister, wo 2 Drogen Diplomaten in 2009-2009 verhaftet wurden! Prost Mahlzeit, über die dreisten Vorstellungen, das man Visa Freiheit haben will und jeder Ganove sich einen neuen Namen, neuen Pass und auch Diplomaten Pass erkaufen kann.
United States v. Bruno Krasniqi, et al.
Defendant Age Residence
BRUNO KRASNIQI 26 Staten Island, New York
SAIMIR KRASNIQI 29 Staten Island, New York
ALMIR RRAPO 27 Tirana, Albania
FLORIAN VESHI 26 Brooklyn, New York
ERKLIANT SULA 25 Staten Island, New York
SKENDER CAKONI 44 Queens, New York
DUKAJIN NIKOLLA 26 Bronx, New York
JNAZIH NASSER 35 Queens, New York
GENTIAN NIKOLLI 33 Queens, New York
SHKELZEN BALIDEMAJ 39 Branford, Connecticut
PLAURENT CELA 29 Brooklyn, New York
ALBERT TAMALI 32 Detroit, Michigan
GENTIAN CARA 37 Toronto, Canada
MARJAN TAMALI 35 Toronto, Canada
JOANNA PAKULSKI 36 Toronto, Canada
For Immediate Release
June 8, 2010 United States Attorney’s Office
Southern District of New York
Contact: (212) 637-2600
Sixteen Members of International Organized Crime Group Charged with Kidnapping, Narcotics, Robbery and Firearms Crimes
NEW YORK—Sixteen defendants were charged today with various counts of kidnapping in aid of a racketeering enterprise, narcotics trafficking, robbery and firearms possession, announced Preet Bharara, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, George Venizelos, the Acting Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Office of the FBI, and Raymond W. Kelly, the Police Commissioner of the City of New York.
Bruno Krasniqi, Saimir Krasniqi, Elton Sejdaris, Erkliant Sula, Skender Cakoni, aka “Neri,” Gjovalin Berisha, aka “Cuz,” Nazih Nasser, aka “Naz,” Plaurent Cela, and Gentian Nikolli, aka “Genti,” were arrested this morning at their respective homes in New York by members of the Joint Organized Crime Task Force, which includes agents of the FBI and detectives of the New York City Police Department (NYPD). Shkelzen Balidemaj was arrested this morning in his home in Branford, Conn. Gentian Cara, Marjan Tamali and Joanna Pakulski, each residents of Canada, were arrested this morning by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police based on requests for their provisional arrest in connection with the Indictments. Three defendants remain at large.

Auch unter Brooklyn Mafia bekannt, welche auch direkt bei Durres illegale Immobilien haben und in die Zirkel um Dritan Dajti und “Lul Berisha” auch gehören. Der CIA und seine Drogen Kartelle!

31 Immobilien beschlagnahmt, im Klement Balili, Ilir Meta, Steinmeier Drogen und Geldwäsche Kartell

Das kriminelle Enterprise der Skrapari Bande LSI, von Ilir Meta, mit Steinmeier, mit „Dod Doci“, wo 47 000 m2 Küstengrundstücke gestohlen wurden

Montag, 12. Oktober 2020

Jeder Unfug, wird von der EU für die Zoran Zaev Banden des Georg Soros finanziert

 Ausbildung von Eseln, Friseuren und es gibt auch in Albanien: auf dem Papier stehende Erdbeben Hunde usw..

Brother of SDSM official gets €83,240 EU funds for training a donkey


Goran Velkovski, the brother of SDSM MP Dime Velkovski, has received 83,000 euros for training a donkey. The money once again came from the EU, and once again it was given by Macedonian based “National Agency for European Education Programs” Erazmus+ run by Lidija Dimova.


The corruption in Macedonia with EU funds is absurdly high (Lidija Dimova has purchased two brand new VW cars worth 90,000 euros).

Despite this, Goran Velkovski has been successful in training the donkey. Although it doesn’t have the ability to form a coherent sentence yet, at this time, the donkey is in charge of Macedonia. Money well spent.

Least, but not last, Macedonia’s corrupt public prosecutors are ignoring a document shown below by an individual who exposes multitude of crimes precisely with the project awarded by Lidija Dimova to Zoran Zlatkovski (the one where a hairdresser received 270,000 euros for European education, while Ss Cyril & Methodius University and other Universities received 0 euros).

Mittwoch, 7. Oktober 2020

Gefälschte Pharma Produkte, fluten den Markt in Europa, als Internationalem Betrugs System

Ausser Geschwätz passiert in Europa Nichts, man versucht Pharma Müll, Betrug sogar im Ausland oft durch Erpressung abzusetzen, wie heute den PCR Test, obwohl der Betrugs Müll: Nichts anzeigt, weder Viren, oder eine Infektion. Sogar der Betrugs Schweinegrippe Impfstoff, wurde als Entwicklungshilfe in Afrika durch Dirk Niebel entsorgt, und heute bildet die jeweilige Regierung neue Mafiöse Strukturen, welche PCR Test usw. vertreiben, wo Betrug Tür und Tor geöffnet ist, wenn dann Ausländer in Deutschland Firmen gründen, den Betrug auch verkaufen, an Apotheken


Counterfeit pharmaceutical and healthcare products pose a threat to European consumers

A lab attendant crushes a sample of pharmaceuticals at the laboratory of the Polish Customs Service in Przemysl.

With a global pandemic still wreaking havoc across the globe and while the world awaits a vaccine for COVID-19, much of the public’s attention is focused on the pharmaceutical industry.

New Europe’s Elena Pavlovska spoke with the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) about the health and safety risks that counterfeit pharmaceutical and healthcare products pose to consumers, as well as the main objective of the counterfeiters.

The interview follows a new study released by EUIPO and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. The research has found that counterfeit medicines can be harmful to a patient’s health, because they do not comply with intellectual property law.

The study is part of the #YourHealthIsPriceless campaign, which aims to raise awareness of the harms that counterfeit pharmaceutical and healthcare products can cause.

NEW EUROPE (NE): What are the most common and most dangerous consequences of the trade in counterfeit medicines? What can the consumption of counterfeit medicines lead to?

European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO): The 2020 OECD-EUIPO Trade in Counterfeit Pharmaceutical Products Report states that the trade in counterfeit medicines have adverse consequences not only on the health and well-being of people who consume and ingest them, but also on producers, governments, and economies.

The impact of counterfeit medicines falls in four main categories: (1) impact on individuals who consume counterfeits that may not meet their medical needs; (2) legitimate producers suffer economic losses and bear costs of ensuring that supply chains are not infiltrated by counterfeiters; (3) government which manage health care in their countries and so deal with the medical consequences of counterfeits; and (4) entire economies, in terms of impact of organised crime on society, impact on the environment from manufacturing and storing counterfeits.

For patients, the most serious consequences include adverse effects (toxicity) from wrong active ingredients; failure to cure diseases, thereby increasing mortality and morbidity; progression of antimicrobial resistance and drug-resistant infections.

Thus, counterfeit medicines can have very serious effects on the health of consumers. They are often produced in unhygienic conditions and by unqualified personnel, leading to dangerous changes in the molecular structure of the medicine, loss of confidence in health care professionals, health programmes and health systems, lost income due to prolonged illness or death, and lost productivity costs to patients and households when seeking additional medical care.

NE: Which countries are the largest producers of counterfeit pharmaceuticals and which countries are suffering the biggest losses in terms of illnesses and losses of life from the illegal trade?

EUIPO: According to the 2020 OECD-EUIPO Trade in Counterfeit Pharmaceutical Products Report, the production of counterfeits is carried out on all continents both on an industrial scale and on a smaller and less sophisticated scale. The packaging and the medicines are often manufactured and printed in different countries and then shipped to a final destination where they are assembled and distributed. For example, fake medicines originating in Asia might be packed in falsified packaging originating in Africa or the reverse. Products are sometimes concealed or smuggled and declared as something other than medicines.

Globally, in terms of key provenance countries, India remains the main provenance economy of counterfeit pharmaceuticals, being the origin of 53% of the total seized value of counterfeit pharmaceutical products and medicines worldwide in 2016. It was followed by China, United Arab Emirates, and Hong Kong (China). In terms of the number of global customs seizures, Singapore (17.5%), Germany (7.8%), Switzerland (5.7%), Australia (2.8%) and Egypt (2.5%) are also identified as key provenance economies.

According to the data gathered in the OECD/EUIPO database on global customs seizures, between 2014 and 2016, the top four provenance economies for counterfeit pharmaceuticals traded worldwide (India, Singapore, China, and Hong Kong [China]) are the same as for the period 2011-2013.

In the EU, the range of provenance economies of counterfeit pharmaceuticals imported to the EU is more limited. However, it is interesting to note that the top three provenance economies of fake medicines and pharmaceutical products imported to the EU are exactly the same as for those traded worldwide. In terms of value, India is the main provenance economy of counterfeit pharmaceuticals shipped to the EU, being the origin of 47% of the total value of counterfeit pharmaceutical products and medicines seized by EU customs authorities. It is followed by China (37%) and Hong Kong (China) (8%). Although a main source of counterfeit pharmaceuticals globally, the United Arab Emirates is not an important provenance of these type of fake goods for EU economies. The provenance economies of Singapore, Switzerland, Australia, and Chinese Taipei are more important.

As for countries suffering the biggest losses in terms of illnesses and losses of life from the illegal trade of counterfeit medicines, it is a challenge to obtain accurate data on this, for a number of reasons. For example, in cases where people suffer illnesses or succumb to death, ingesting counterfeit medicines is not usually reported as the direct cause of the illness or death. Rather, it is the symptom or dangerous effect to the body resulting from the counterfeit medicines that is cited as the cause. Moreover, consumers of counterfeit medicines are not the only ones susceptible to illnesses or death from such illicit products, as even people who produce, manufacture, and traffic such goods can be exposed to its toxic and dangerous substances.

Nevertheless, some studies indicate that while counterfeiters could likely attain a far higher rate of return or profit in developed countries, it is surmised that the low risk of detection greatly enhances the appeal of the lower-price markets, particularly in low- and middle- income economies. The 2020 OECD-EUIPO Trade in Counterfeit Pharmaceutical Products Report cites various studies that estimate that the prevalence of substandard and falsified medicines in low- and middle- income countries was 13.6%. Among the studies included a report that the highest prevalence of the falsified and substandard medicines was registered in Africa (18.7%), where thousands of patients die each year as a consequence of fake anti-malaria drugs and other fake medications, and Asia (13.7%). A study carried out by the UNODC in 2013 examining transnational crime in East Asia and the Pacific includes a close examination of the situation in pharmaceuticals, where forensic testing revealed that one-third to two-thirds of the samples tested in the region were fraudulent.

A table loaded with illegal painkillers at the customs office in Essen, Germany. EPA-EFE//ROLF VENNENBERND

NE: Who is actively pursuing the counterfeiters and has anyone been caught and punished so far?

EUIPO: The 2020 OECD-EUIPO Trade in Counterfeit Pharmaceutical Products Report cites various specific cases of law enforcement operations in countries around the world, including international cross-border operations with a number of countries cooperating, which have been conducted in order to seize counterfeit medicines and stop their illegal trade..........................

Betrug als System in Europa, inklusive Erpressung, mit Covid-19, für Pharma Geschäfte der Super Ratten, der EU und aus Berlin

Dienstag, 6. Oktober 2020

Georg Soros, führte mit Angela Merkel, Junckers, den Krieg gegen Salini, Strache, Kickel, Orban,weil diese Leute, nicht die Migrations Mafia fördern wollten

Criminal Trial: Soros Attempting to Lock up Populist Leader Matteo Salvini for Protecting Italy’s Borders


Last Saturday, Oct. 3, former Italian Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini went on trial in Catania, Siclily, for alleged “kidnapping“ even though the prosecutor calls the case “baseless.“

MINA reveals how leftist NGOs backed by George Soros and the EU are trying to lock up the head of Italy’s leading opposition party.

In July 2019, the Italian Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini refused to let 116 illegal migrants ashore off the coast guard ship “Bruno Gregoretti” in Catania until other European countries agreed to take in the illegal aliens (Italian: “Clandestini”).

As Il Giornale reported, the prosecutor in Catania believes the case is “baseless”. Sending a  Minister of the Interior to prison for protecting his country’s borders would certainly be unprecedented in legal history.

Salvini voiced confidence Saturday, and was supported by his political rivals Giorgia Meloni (Fratelli d’Italia) and Antonio Tajani (Forza Italia) in Catania. A majority of Italians supports Salvini’s law and order stance on illegal migration, reports Lorenzo Pregliasco on YouTrend .

What few people know however, is that the case against Salvini is not being pressed by the Sicilian DA or the “kidnapped” migrants, but by left-wing NGOs funded by the EU and George Soros Open Society Foundations, as Il Giornale reports.

The only plaintiffs to support the case out of the 116 illegal migrants is the Nigerian couple Jafra and Aishat Saha, who had to wait 20 hours in Catania harbor to go ashore in Europe while pregnant.

The case is actually being filed by NGOs which belong to the leftist Italian “community organizers” ARCI, Associazione Ricreativa e Culturale Italiana, which operates youth, culture and community centers in all of Italy, as well as its allies in the environmental NGO Legambiente. Both organizations are closely tied to the ruling leftist PD party. Legambiente president Gianfranco Zanna was a member of the Communist Youth PCI. “The only plaintiffs in this case are civil society organizations”, boasted Legambiente attorney Daniela Ciancimino.

While Legambiente claims to be an  environmental organization, migration is somehow part of its agenda as well, as the group explains. “Why do we care about migrants? We were always concerned about the environment, and people are part of that environment, no matter what their passport, because we have been practicing human ecology for 39 years, which Pope Francis also supports,” was Legambiente’s awkward explanation.

As the major organization of the Italian Left (Sinistra Italiana), ARCI has over one million members and is closely allied with the ruling PD and the Open Society Network in Italy. Arci works closely with Italian NGO “Mediterraneo – Saving Humans” to ferry illegal migrants  to Europe.

Soros-financed “Lawfare” NGOs such as ASGI (Association for Juridical Studies on Immigration)),A Buon Diritto and CILD (Italian Coalition for Civil Liberties and Rights) have been fighting for “No Borders” policies in Italian and EU courts for years, including the landmark 2012 case “Hirsi Jamaa et al. vs. Italy”, which effectively prevented EU nations from protecting their borders.

In 2018, together with ARCI and the Global Legal Action Network (GLAN), ASGI filed suit before the  European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in the case “GLAN-ASGI”, to further criminalize border protection. In February 2020, U.S. conservative activist Jay Sekulow’s European Center for Law and Justice (ECLJ) documented the massive influence of Open Society Foundations on the ECHR, as MINA reported.

– In 2018, ASGI received $385,715 from Open Society, according to their website 
– In 2016, CILD received  $575,000 from Open Society, according to their website 
– ARCI recieved $1,700 in 2016, $61,840 in 2017 and $149,760 in 2018 from Open Society

According to the EU Financial Transparency System (FTS), in  2015-2019, ARCI and its subsidiaries such as ArciGay and ARCI Strauss culture organization received at least €3.409.206 direct funding from the EU (2015: €194,324; 2016: €135,311; 2017:  €874,252; 2018: €1,238,031;  2019: €967,298).

In other words: The charges against Matteo Salvini are being pressed by NGOs which are funded by Open Society and EU taxpayer Euros.

EU Budget Rapporteur 2019 MEP Joachim Kuhs (AfD) told MINA: “For a left-wing NGO, which is closely related to the current government, to file criminal charges against the previous administration for protecting their country’s borders, funded by the EU and Open Society, must outrage any thinking person who holds our democracy dear. Taxpayer Euros may not be used to fund political hit jobs. The EU must immediately stop all funding to partisan, politically motivated NGOs.”

Grenzübergänge in Montenegro, fielen auf 20 % durch die erpressten EU Maßnahmen rund um Covid

Nur noch 20 % Grenzübergänge, in Montenegro, durch die Covid Erpressungs Geschichten der EU. Identisch in den anderen Balkan Ländern

Montenegro: Traffic on border crossings at 20% of last year’s figures

Montenegro: Traffic on border crossings at 20% of last year’s figures

Since the opening of the borders with the countries of the region on August 14, at the three land border crossings to Montenegro in Herceg Novi – Debeli Brijeg, Sitnica, and Kobila, traffic has been ranging around 20% of the same period last year.

Contrary to expectations, most traffic was recorded at the Sitnica border crossing with Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially during the weekend. There were no significant traffic oscillations at the busiest crossing with Croatia, namely Debeli Brijeg, or the smaller crossing of Kobila – with more than 22,500 passengers and almost 8,000 vehicles last weekend.

According to local media reports, since the opening of the borders, 33,626 passengers and 11,634 vehicles have crossed the Sitnica border crossing, amounting to 40% of last year’s figures. This border crossing is predominantly used by the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, while the verification of documents and tests, depending on the number of vehicles, passengers, and time of day, takes between ten minutes to an hour or more.

As of August 15, 33,090 persons and 12,633 vehicles were registered at the Debeli Brijeg border crossing, which generated 20% of the turnover compared to the same period last year.

The least used was the Kobila border crossing, where 1,465 people and 671 vehicles entered/exited Montenegro, a 90% drop YoY.

According to the Border Police Department, passengers generally have the correct tests for COVID-19, so an unknown number of people have returned from the border crossings after being denied entrance.

Media report that “it is not pleasant to wait in a line of traffic under the sun, but if it is comforting, on many borders in the region and Europe, there is a wait of several hours”. They recall that there were long queues at the Karavanke tunnel on the Slovenian border with Austria. Travelers had to wait from 6 am to 1 pm inside their vehicles, without food and water, in order to cross the border. This wait has been caused by the new regulation related to Covid-19, according to which every car entering Austria must be inspected. /ibna