Montag, 2. Februar 2009

Georg Soros: Cheating, manipulation, documents falsification and Spin-offs basic methods in Albania

English / Soros creates G99 party with Milva Ekonomi and Erjon Veliaj
The Besa’s speculation authoress Milva Ekonomi, founder of a new party
Cheating, manipulation, documents falsification and any other law avoiding implement, are the Soros Spin-offs basic methods in Albania. On this base is build the political group G99. A spin-off build by the main Soros supporter: Milva Ekonomi, Remzi Lani, Delina Fico, Valdete Sala, Piro dhe Maklen Misha, Floran Pustina, Igli Totozani, or the second level persons inducted on MJAFT as Ferhati, Erion Veliaj, Arbjan Mazniku, Endri Fuga, Marinela Lika, Olta Xhaçka, Alken Myftiu.
G99 is a new name into an old Mafia Net created by Soros in Albania. It is a new name borne by the fiscal conditions treaties of MJAFT with the international donators. This is a similar story with the 3 Besa`s mega-scandal, because is a Soros speculation “normal” practice.
On the top of these mechanisms stands the creator of the 3 Besas Milva Ekonomi on 1998. a criminal fiscal scheme in order to seal the Albanian money and to rebuild the usury system.
As the 3 Besas scheme, also the 9 year creation of 9 MJAFTS with the meaning to create the Soros political group G99, was the last game of Milv Ekonomi and Erion Veliaj is based on the same methodology:
Soros creates some programs. Turns them in to spin-offs, presents them as independent and they creates other organisations with the same name or different names but the same stipendiary, appropriates the public assets, take the international funds destined to the fight against the poverty, hit and destroy the fair competition using the Soros media, corrupts foreigner employees, and at the end finish the cycle by ‘capturing” the government on the high ideal’s name and put it on the own interests protection.
On the 31 January the 9 MJAFTS founded by Soros concludes themselves cycle on the G99 creation! The G99 creation was planed to happen 50 days before the election in order to steal as much international money as possible, using MJAFT and the other spin-offs. This plan was destroyed by the scandal published on Sot magazine where was proved the G99 political group illegitimacy. As published on Sot magazine the Soros political group represented by the same persons as MJAFT Milva Ekonomi and Erjon Veliaj was registered by the Tirana Court non-governmental organisation, in order to avoid the parties laws. One of these laws is the non to be financed by international organisations. The main reason why the source of a quarter million USD G99 expenses not declaration by Milva Ekonomi and Erjon Veliaj, was the manipulation international funds scheme.

The 9 Soros spin-offs that creates G99

1991. First spin-off: Soros Foundation Tirana, represented by Milva Ekonomi, Remzi Lani, Valdete Sala, Piro Misha, Delina Fico, Çapajev Gjokutaj
2000. Second spin-off: National Debate Organization, Soros spin-off till 1997 and founder of MJAFT represented by Arbjan Mazniku, Marinela Lika, Endri Fuga, Floran Pustina, and Valdete Sala. This is an important source for G99 financiering.
2000. Third spin-off: Balkan Youth Link created by Erjon Veliaj and the account number in USA is controlled by him.
2002. Fourth spin-off: Youth Ledearship Institution founder of MJAFT and represented by Erjon Velia, Endri Fuga, and Denis Behluli.
2004. Fifth spin-off: Mjaft foundation created by the previous spin-offs, has used the international money in the micro-credit market as the Besa’s model.
2005. Sixth spin-off: Urban Village created by Erjon Veliaj’s brother Arber Veliaj with the meaning to do illegal business with tobaccos and bet companies.
2006. Seventh spin-off: Mjaft Centre founded by Milva Ekonomi, Alken Myftiu, Klotilda Ferhati, Erjon Veliaj, Arbjan Mazniku, Marinela Lika, Endri Fuga, Holta Xhaçka.
2006: Eighth spin-off: Agenda Institute fuonded by Milva Ekonomi, Arbjan Mazniku, Marinela Lika, Gjergj Filipi, Genci Kojdheli, Ajola Xoxe, Erjon Veliaj.
2008. Ninth spin-off: G99 founded by the eight previous spin-offs.

The illegal transformation of G99 Association in to the Political Party G99
According to the Albanian laws about the NPOs it is impossible to transform a non-profit organisation in to a political party. According to the articles 42, 43 there is not any legal space to transform a NPO in a political party. Meanwhile the MPO has to be dismissed it is illegal to transfer the finances by a political party propriety.
This way the G99 association is forced to give back all the money and assets donated by international institutions. According to the law G99 could not take possession of any of MJAFT proprieties. This proprieties are been appropriated legally by Erjon Veliaj. Apart from the law restriction it is known that G99 is in posses of many financial activities. Veliaj now is the Rama’s right hand and is become a “friend” of the biggest businessmen operating in Albania.
In the same time Milva Ekonomi as the executive manager of the Soros usury system is in a big crisis during these days, as a consequence of the Soros activity discrimination. She is trying to use hers best soldier Veliaj on the scheme defence, because also hi is involved on the unlicensed credit-giving.

1 Kommentar:

  1. Soros-Kampagne: Krieg gegen Drogen gefährdet Weltfinanzsystem

    Nachdem der oberste UN-Drogenbekämpfers Anonio Maria Costa, gerade erklärt hatte, gewaschene Drogengelder stützten das zerstörte Finanzsystem, verlangte ein führender Vertreter der Soros' Legalisierungskampagne, die Verfolgung von Drogenkonsumenten und Drogenhändlern zu stoppen - da dies gravierende Folgen für das System hätte.

    Zur Zeit beschäftigen wir uns tatsächlich nur mit der Spitze des Eisberges.
    Das wäre mal ein richtige Beschallungsherausforderung für Merkel,
    wo sie mal richtig Luft aus den Hosenanzug raus lassen könnte.
