Freitag, 5. Juni 2009

Mord Aufrufe in der Kosovo Presse gegen die Journalistin Jeta Xharra

Wie schon bei Rugova in 1999, werden Personen mit der Unterstellung das man Serbischer Agent ist (damals war Ferdinand Yhafferi mit dem US Botschafter Josef Limprecht sehr aktiv) praktisch zur Ermordung frei gegeben, durch die Kosovo Mafia Clans.

Jeta Xharra, ist eine Journalistin, welche wie andere prominente Journalisten im Umfeld der Verbrechen der UCK - KLA ermittelt. Alle diese Journalisten haben bis heute Mord Drohungen erhalten.

Dies zum Demokratie Status des Kosovo und der dortigen Medien, welche alle in Hand von Mafia Clans sind.

Deutschland unterstützt und finanziert diese Morde und Umtriebe, was ja Nichts Neues ist über die Aktivitäten des Auswärtigen Amtes und deren Mafia Politiker

RELEX Supports Kosovo Journalist
Pristina | 05 June 2009 |

Jeta Xharra
The EU’s External Relations Committee office in Pristina, RELEX Kosovo, vows support for freedom of speech as the campaign against journalist Jeta Xharra intensifies.

In the letter, sent to the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network, BIRN, on June 5, Renzo Daviddi of RELEX Kosovo stressed that the “European Commission fully supports [top western enjoy to Kosovo] Pieter Feith’s statement of yesterday” for BIRN’s efforts to end the campaign against Xharra and to ensure the survival of freedom of speech in the republic.

Feith on Thursday sent a letter of support to BIRN, praising the organization’s work in the region and vowing to consider how to take against the continuing threats.

The RELEX representative also vowed to take the matter up with Kosovo authorities.

Xharra is the host of a popular current affairs program, “Life in Kosovo”, produced by BIRN and aired weekly by public broadcaster RTK.

The show has frequently come under attack for its investigation of issues such as alleged atrocities committed by the Kosovo Liberation Army, KLA, among other issues. In the past days, Xharra has been the victim of an intensifying campaign due to the 31 May airing of a programme looking into freedom of speech in Kosovo. The Infopress tabloid newspaper, beholden to the government for advertising revenues, has labeled her a “spy for Serbia” and published threatening letters from readers.

“Free and independent media, free from political pressure and threats is one of the main pillars of democracy,” Daviddi wrote in the letter.
“We take any attacks on the freedom of media very seriously and we will respond accordingly. I can reassure you that we will take up this matter with the Kosovo authorities during our policy and technical dialogue next week at the plenary SAP Tracking Mechanism meeting. We will also continue to monitor developments and report in the 2009 progress report which is currently in preparation,” he wrote.

On June 4, a group of nine NGOs and dozens of individuals also sent a letter of support to BIRN amid increasing tension.

Von der hoch kriminellen Geci Familie wird der Journalist bedroht, welche direkt auch in den BND Berichten auftaucht und engstens zu dem ordinären Verbrecher Umfeld des Hashim Thaci gehört.

Sabit Geci, Gangster Top Boss und Oberhaupt des Kosovo Verbrecher Clans der Geci, wo heute sein Sohn Alban, schon unrühmliche Erfahrung im Gefägnis machen musste.Sabit Geci, hatte praktisch die Chef Leibwächter Funktion für die Todes Schwadronen von Hashim Thaci übernommen und war ebenso in Morde im Raum Durres - Plepa an Kosovo Albanern 1998-99 verwickelt.

Waffenschmuggel und ein wenig aus dem Kosovo
— abgelegt unter: blog

An important part of the 'Ndrangheta is still the weapons smuggling. Both weapons such as explosives are sold or purchased particularly with the states of Serbia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Moldova sold or purchased. Since the beginnung of the nineties the 'Ndrangheta has closed contact with criminal groups from these states. In the last years arms smuggling groups from Ndrangheta cooperate with Albanian OC groups. There is evidence that the albanian mafia sold to the 'Ndrangheta weapons and the money is invested in real estate in Kosovo and outside. In this case the current political main players in Kosovo, with its dark history, are playing an important role. You could look in the enclosed file.You could see the old criminal networks from Xhavit Haliti, the Thaci family or Geci family.

Detail Aufstellung in Graphik Darstellung über die Kosovo Super Verbrecher Banden, inklusive der Geci Familie!

Graphische Darstellung in pdf Format, der Kosovo Verbrecher Clans auf Grund der BND Reports

Kriminalität | 24.03.2010

Richter bedroht kosovarischen Journalisten

Journalisten, die von Gerichtsprozessen oder über Ermittlungen berichten beklagen zunehmende Gewaltandrohungen durch mutmaßliche Straftäter. Der Journalistenverband fordert schnellere Ermittlungen gegen die Täter.

Vehbi Kajtazi ist ein junger Journalist der Tageszeitung Koha Ditore. Seine Spezialität ist der Enthüllungsjournalismus. Deshalb erhält Kajtazi viele Drohungen: "Ich wurde innerhalb eines Jahres von derselben Person zweimal bedroht. Es war ein ehemaliger Kommandant der Kosovo Befreiungsarmee (UCK). Er hatte mich bedroht, weil ich über Straftaten seiner Söhne berichtet hatte. Ein anderes Mal hat mich sogar ein Richter des Kreisgerichts in Prishtina bedroht, weil ich berichtet hatte, dass ein Ermittlungsverfahren gegen ihn läuft."
Kajtazis Arbeit ist nicht immer ungefährlich. Oft geht er Fällen nach, in denen hochrangige Staatsbedienstete in Korruption und Vetternwirtschaft verstrickt sind. Auch berichtet er über Ermittlungen der Staatsanwaltschaft und über Gerichtsverfahren gegen Mitglieder einflussreicher Interessengruppen, denen Verbindungen zur organisierten Kriminalität nachgesagt werden.
Drohungen erschüttern das Sicherheitsgefühl

26 February 2010


"Koha Ditore" journalist allegedly threatened over critical reporting

Incident details


Vehbi Kajtazi, Journalist
(IPI/IFEX) - Vienna, 25 February 2010 - The South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), an affiliate of the International Press Institute (IPI), strongly condemns threats against Vehbi Kajtazi, a journalist for the daily newspaper "Koha Ditore", in Pristina, by a former commander of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) - Ushtria Clirimtare e Kosoves, or UCK.

Kajtazi wrote a critical article about the amnesty for a group of prisoners, including Alban Geci, the son of Sabit Geci, a former KLA Commander, on 18 February 2010. After the article was published, Sabit Geci allegedly threatened Kajtazi for supposedly slandering his family. When he was asked by the newspaper what he was doing, he denied that he had threatened the journalist. He said: "I do not threaten, I act."

After he received the threat, the journalist reported on it on 23 February 2010 in an article entitled: "Sabit Geci: I do not threaten, I act".

Kajtazi reported the case to the Kosovo Police (KP) where he was advised to forget about the threat and not to continue to press charges as the court was not going to take any further action in the case.

Kajtazi was also allegedly threatened by Sabit Geci in April 2009 when he published details of the charges against Geci's two sons, following an attack on the house of Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci.............................

BND Quellen: Die Geci Familie gehört zu den absoluten Top Verbrecher Familien des Kosovo.

Threats against Kosovo journalist condemned
26 February 2010 | 13:07 | Source: B92
VIENNA -- The South East Europe Media Organization (SEEMO) issued a statement strongly condemning threats against Vehbi Kajtazi.
Kajtazi is a journalist for the Albanian language daily newspaper Koha Ditore, published in Priština.

He allegedly received threats by a former member of the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA).

SEEMO noted in its statement that “Kajtazi wrote a critical article about the amnesty for a group of prisoners, including Alban Geci, the son of Sabit Geci, a former KLA Commander, on 18 February 2010. After the article was published, Sabit Geci allegedly threatened Kajtazi for supposedly slandering his family. When he was asked by the newspaper what he was doing, he denied that he had threatened the journalist. He said: 'I do not threaten, I act'."

After he received the threat, the journalist reported on it on 23 February 2010 in an article entitled: "Sabit Geci: I do not threaten, I act".


1 Kommentar:

  1. Watchdog group says Kosovo journalists face threats


    PRISTINA, Kosovo -- Journalists are a target of threats from nationalist militants and extremists of all kinds, according to a Reporters Without Borders (RWB) report on the state of press freedom in Kosovo, published on Tuesday (July 20th). It concludes that professional and financial punishments are often imposed on journalists who uncover scandals. Although violence against journalists is rare, the RWB says financial sanctions against their families are commonplace and frequently result in self-censorship. According to the report, politicians often disparage journalists for their lack of professionalism, yet try to influence editorial stands. (Zeri, Express, Koha Ditore, Kosova Sot - 21/07/10; Kohavision - 20/07/10)
    Kosovo journalist targeted


    PRISTINA, Kosovo -- Journalist Caslav Milisavljevic claimed on Tuesday (July 20th) that an explosive device thrown in his yard was a politically motivated attack. Sources say that the hand grenade tossed at the house in Zvecan, outside Mitrovica early Tuesday caused no injuries, but damaged three vehicles. Milisavljevic is editor-in-chief of Radio Mitrovica. Three groups -- the Independent Association of Journalists of Serbia, the Union of Kosovo Journalists of Kosovo, and the Association of Professional Journalists of Kosovo -- condemned the attack. This is the third incident in the area in recent weeks. In early July, one man was killed during a protest, and days later, Kosovo Serb lawmaker Petar Miletic was injured in an attack. (Koha Ditore Zeri - 21/07/10; Klan Kosova, Kohavision, Telegrafi, RTK - 20/07/10)
