Das Haus der Familie Katuci in Burrel - Albanien, was ca. 3 km von nächsten Haus entfernt liegt!
Es gibt keine logische Erklärung das dort jemals ein UCK Organ Handels Zentrum im Hause der Familie Katuci in Burrel war. Das ist Unfug, denn ein Transport auf Stassen ohne Asphalt damals, wäre undenkbar gewesen.
Der Autor sprach selbst mit einem Burrel Einwohner (den er schon 8 Jahre kannte), der eng mit der Haus Besitzer Familie Katuci bekannt ist.
Deshalb die einfache Frage: Warum lässt man die Familie Katuci nicht in Ruhe und konzentriert sich auf das Militär Krankenhaus von Tirana, Krankenhäuser in Durres!
Abdulla Katuci aus Burrel! Haus Besitzer des Fake Hauses von Del Ponte.
Die Katuci Familie in Burrel, Bericht in der Koha
Wie der damalige Geheimdienst Chef Fatos Klosi bestens ebenso weiß, kontrollierte die UCK ein komplettes Stockwerk des Militär Krankenhauses in Tirana und benutzte Krankenhäuser auf Grund von Abmachungen schon von 1991 auch in Kukes, Tropoje usw..
In der offiziellen History der UCK, machte man selbst Seitenlang ein UCK Gefängnis in Kukes publik, wo man Serbische Gefangene hatte in einer alten Fabrik. Was ist mit diesen Leuten geworden? Niemand geht diesen von der UCK veröffentlichten Fakten nach, obwohl die Medien die Story Seitenlang mit Fotos brachten.
Shqiptarë të vrarë në Kukës, zbulohet burgu i UÇK-së
Pervers wird es dann von der EU, wenn man Untersuchungs Kommisionen einsetzt, welche die Familie Katuci belästigt, aber nicht den veröffentlichten Fakten, wie den hier gezeigten UCK Bericht nachgeht, über die Serbischen Gefangenen im Lager von Kukes. Es bestand sogar regelmässige Hubschrauber Verbindung damals mit Kukes, welche auch ein Hashim Thaci benutzte. Warum werden nicht gezielt Fragen an Bislim Zyrapi oder den damaligen Geheimdienst Chef Fatos Klosi gestellt?
Noch ein Video auf Youtube auf Albanisch
Damals wurden Kinder in Tirana entführt und verschwanden spurlos. Alle wussten das die Kinder getödet wurden, zum Zwecke der Organ Entnahme und viele Bürger von Albanien,haben damals für 3.000 $ eine Niere verkauft und leben auch in 2009 noch!
Und in diese Verbrechen waren auch Kosovaren und Israelische und Italienische Ärzte verstrickt, wie Techische Ärzte. Nur eben die Burrel Sache stimmt nicht, und so wohl von den Fakten eher ablenken.
Der Europarat hat heute mitgeteilt, das an der Burrel Story Nichts dran ist!
AntwortenLöschenFundi i pretendimeve për trafikim organesh
Nick Thorpe
Shtëpia e Verdhë
'Shtëpia e Verdhë' ka qenë në qendër të hetimeve
Për vite të tëra kanë qarkulluar histori lidhur me serbë të rrëmbyer dhe të vrarë për t'iu marrë organet në muajt që pasuan luftën në Kosovë.
Sipas disa burimeve (pranë secilit nga investigimet), tre hetime paralele të kryera nga hetuesit nga Serbia, Bashkimi Evropian dhe Këshilli i Evropës, nuk arritën të gjenin prova që Ushtria Çlirimtare e Kosovës (UÇK) kishte trafikuar organet e personave të ndaluar.
Siç pretendohet, dhjetëra serbë të marrë robër ishin çuar në një shtëpi në qytetin e Burrelit nga qershori 1999 deri në maj 2000 dhe në mënyrë sistematike iu ishin marrë organet e trupit, për t'i shitur.
IN Englisch gibt bei der BBC auch die Story
AntwortenLöschenEnd of the road for Kosovo organ claims?
Page last updated at 9:23 GMT, Thursday, 27 May 2010 10:23 UK
By Nick Thorpe BBC News, Pristina, Belgrade and Tirana The “Yellow House” in Albania where organs were alleged to have been removed Blood was found on the floor of the “yellow house”
For years rumours have circulated about Serbs abducted and killed for their organs in the months following the Kosovo war.
Three parallel international investigations, by war crimes investigators from Serbia, the European Union, and the Council of Europe, have failed to uncover any evidence that the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) trafficked the organs of captives, according to sources close to each investigation.
Dozens of predominantly Serb captives were allegedly taken to a “yellow house” near Burrel in central Albania from June 1999 to May 2000, where their organs were systematically removed and sold, according to accounts presented by Carla del Ponte, former war crimes prosecutor at The Hague Tribunal in her 2008 autobiography.
But the failure to find either the original sources, or any new evidence since 2004, may mean that the story was unfounded.
The Council of Europe report, due to be published next month by investigator Dick Marty, is expected to focus rather on political demands to the governments involved, rather than to uncover new facts.
“The fact is that there is no evidence whatsoever in this case,” said Matti Raatikainen, head of the war crimes unit of Eulex, the European Law and Justice Mission in Kosovo.
Matti Raatikainen, head of the war crimes unit of Eulex Matti Raatikainen says the scandal has distracted from the search for remains
“No bodies. No witnesses. All the reports and media attention to this issue have not been helpful to us. In fact they have not been helpful to anyone.”
The main problem, he said, was that the scandal created by the allegations has distracted attention from the real work of finding the remains of 1,861 people still missing from the war and its aftermath, and prosecuting their killers - in Serbia, Kosovo and Albania.
We talked in his makeshift office in a cluster of containers at the Alpha-Bravo base near Pristina airport, as the latest May storm battered the roof.
Burly policemen came and went, surprised to find their boss talking to a journalist. Mr Raatikainen, a quiet Finnish policeman, is not known for his love of the media.
Loose ends
In 2009, a special BBC investigation found evidence of KLA detention camps in Albania, especially in the north-east Albanian town of Kukes. Earlier this month, Eulex made the first arrest in connection with that case.
Details have also emerged that Albanians suspected of disloyalty to the KLA were interrogated in a hotel in the Albanian coastal town of Durres, and transferred to Kukes.
Continue reading the main story
I still believe something happened there… but nothing on the scale of what has been suggested
Serbian source
But constant revelations in the Serbian press that new evidence, or new witnesses have emerged for the organ-trafficking allegations, have all proven either false, or unsubstantiated.
After the war in Kosovo, American journalist Michael Montgomery came across former KLA soldiers who said they had transported Serb and Albanian prisoners, dead and alive, across the border from Kosovo to Albania.