Dienstag, 24. November 2009

Wahlen auf Albanisch: Die Haradinaj -Kosovo Mafia schiesst die Wahl Sieger aus

Tension Grows in Kosovo Town After Shooting

Pristina | 24 November 2009 | Petrit Collaku
Mimoza Kusari at Gjakova Rally
Mimoza Kusari at Gjakova Rally
Gjakova's municipal building in western Kosovo was fired at in the early hours of Tuesday morning, raising tensions in a town already divided by the recent election.
Kosovo police reported that windows were broken in the attack and that they found 15 shells of 7.62 mm calibre. Police described the case as a ‘threat to public safety’.

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, AAK, condemned the attack claiming that it was a criminal act towards Kosovo institutions and called its main political rival in the town, New Kosovo Alliance, AKR, to distance itself from the incident.
"AAK invites all political parties, even those from the  opposition in this town, particularly the AKR branch in Gjakova, to distance themselves quickly from this criminal act against Gjakova municipality, a vital institution of Kosovo’s Republic,” AAK statement reads.
Gjakova has been at the centre of electoral fraud claims following the local elections on Sunday.
The preliminary results from the Central Election Commission show that AAK won 52.8 per cent, while AKR gained 40.7 per cent, ensuring the AAK candidate, Pal Lekaj, was elected mayor without the need for a second round.
The candidate from the coalition AKR and Democratic League of Dardania, LDD, Mimoza Kusari-Lila, has accused the AAK of electoral manipulation.
"Representatives of AAK in the Gjakova municipality have ensured a victory without the runoff for their candidate. In fact, this would not happen unless the polling centre would be well managed," said Kusari-Lila in a press conference last week.
She has released a video that shows officials from AAK and the Reformist Party Time, ORA, filling the ballot boxes in Demjan village, ultimately damaging her party’s outcome, she says.
AKR held a protest in Gjakova last week attracting hundreds of protesters.

Kommentar: wie in Mazedonien, wo man die Mafia Partei von Ahemit DUI ebenso versuchte mehrfach wählen und mit der Waffe schon die Wahl Lokale betrat.

Artikel aus 2002, welcher auch in 2008 nur mit anderen Vorzeichen geschrieben sein könnte.

WILD WEST IN THE BALKANS An ethnic Albanian rebel riding through the village of Sipkovica,
West Macedonia, Aug 2001 photo FONET
Original Albaner Bandit aus 2001!
und hier historische Fakten der Albaner Banditen in der Region

aus dem Balkanblog.

Demokratie bringen nach Methode NATO, Steinmeier und Joschka Fischer Art eben!

Und hier das Video, wo die Gangster Truppe des Haradinaj Clans mit der Mafia Partei AAK, direkt die Wahl Urnen füllt!

1 Kommentar:

  1. Appeals panel wants some Kosovo election results annulled


    PRISTINA, Kosovo -- The Election Complaints and Appeals Commission (ECAC) on Tuesday (November 24th) asked the Central Election Commission to annul results in 15 polling stations in Kosovo, eight of them in the Gjakova/Djakovica municipality. The ECAC says that about 1,500 votes cast at these stations during the November 15th municipal elections involved false signatures.

    Early Tuesday, gunmen fired at the municipal building of Gjakova/Djakovica, breaking windows. A 41-year-old man has been arrested and questioned as the main suspect in the incident. Political parties downplayed any link between the attack and local elections results. (Koha Ditore, Express, Lajm, Zeri, Kosova Sot - 25/11/09)
