Freitag, 15. Januar 2010

Kroatischer Kriegs Verbrecher Ahmet Makitan in Schweden verhaftet

Ahmet Makitan Arrested in Sweden

| 14 January 2010 |
A person named Ahmet Makitan, also known as Maks, is reported to have been arrested in Sweden on 12January, 2010 on suspicion that he participated in crimes against Serb civilians in the "Dretelj" detention camp.
The Swedish Prosecution suspects that Makitan participated, when working as a guard in the camp, in the murder, kidnapping and torture of detained civilians between May and August 1992. Among other things, he is suspected of having participated in the unlawful detention of civilians, torture and violence which caused suffering among victims, and inhumane treatment of these people.

"On Thursday, January 14 the Prosecution will make a decision concerning an eventual custody order motion. If the motion is filed, discussion will take place on Friday," BIRN's Justice Report was told by the Swedish Prosecution's press service.

As announced by the Swedish Prosecution, Makitan's arrest came as the result of a long investigation, which included an investigation of 70 people, cooperation with "many countries" and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, ICTY.

"The Tribunal always cooperates with the governments in the region in terms of helping them locate perpetrators of war crimes," ICTY spokesperson Nerma Jelacic told Justice Report. She was not able to provide further details about the identity of the arrested person or the crimes of which he is suspected.

Swedish media, which published the suspect's identity, say that Makitan was born in Stolac and has Swedish citizenship.

Available data suggest that Makitan was associated with physical, mental and sexual abuse of detainees in "Dretelj" detention camp.

"Dretelj" detention camp, near Capljina, was controlled by the Croatian Defence Forces, HOS, during 1992. Most detainees were Serb civilians, who were held in inhumane conditions, while female detainees were raped.

Croatian Operation Storm War Crimes Probe

Sarajevo | 13 January 2010 |
General Ante Gotovina at the trial (ICTY)
General Ante Gotovina at the trial (ICTY)
A Zagreb county court began hearing on Tuesday an investigation about war crimes committed in the village Grubori, near Knin, in August 1995 during the military operation code named Oluja (Storm). The court heard the first five of about 70 witnesses that will be called, according the media.

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