Donnerstag, 17. Juni 2010

Eine Verhaftung im Blutrache Sprengstoff Anschlag bei Tirana

Suspect Arrested in Albania TV Bomb Blast

Tirana | 15 June 2010 |
Albania police
Albania police
Tirana police arrested a man on Tuesday suspected of killing two people and wounding three others, after packing explosives into a television given to the victims. The suspect, 25-year-old Luan Dervishi, is accused of packing a TV with explosives and sending it to the home of the victims on Monday via a taxi driver, presenting the TV as a gift from a local broadcaster. The explosion, which went off on 9.40 am on Monday, killed 71-year-old Xhevdet Xhebrahimi in his home in the village of Sauk, close to the Albanian capital. A family friend, 36-year-old Luan Braja, was also killed in the blast, while three other members of Xhebrahimi’s family were wounded.
Dervishi is suspected of planting the bomb out of revenge. Xhevdet Xhebrahimi allegedly killed the uncle of the suspect, Naim Dervishi, in 1997.
Local police said that Luan Dervishi had used a fake alias while putting his plan into action in an effort to evade police following the explosion.

Kommentar: normaler Albanischer Alltag, das es einen Blutrache Mord, oder einen Sprengstoff Anschlag gibt. Diesmal wurde ien Haus mit 600 Gramm Tritol in die Luft gesprengt, dabei kamen 2 Leute um und 3 wurden verletzt. Meistens geht es um Grundstuecks Grenzen, weil jeder irgendwo wild herumbaut, wie im Wilden Westen und Grundstuecke, ohne zu  fragen illegal bebaut

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