Sonntag, 26. Dezember 2010

10 Festnahmen in Montenegro, rund um den Bürgermeister Rajko Kuljaca und die Betrugs Invest Firma "Zavala Invest"

Das die hoch kriminelle Familie des Montenegrinischen Vize-PM Svetozar Marovic, direkt in solche verbrecherischen Aktivitäten, wie Geldwäsche, Unterschlagungen und einer gigantischen Umwelt Zerstörung beteiligt ist, kann im Balkan nicht überraschen. Es erinnert an die Zustände, der Albaner Mafia, welche sich dort auch Politiker, Minister und Regierung nennen. Identisch in Bulgarien, Rumänien, aber auch in Griechenland und Süd Italien.
Brüssel und Washington hat starken Druck gemacht, das ebenso letzte Woche: Dukanovic zurück tritt, wo nur noch die Alternative blieb: Verhaftung, wie bei dem Kroatischen Präsidenten Ivo Sanader.

Aktualisiert am 24.12.10, um 13:57

Bürgermeister der Tourismusmetropole Budva festgenommen

Eine neue Siedlung mit kleinen Luxus-Villen, genannt "Russian village", in der Nähe von Budva (Archiv)
Eine neue Siedlung mit kleinen Luxus-Villen, genannt "Russian village", in der Nähe von Budva (Archiv)
Quelle: Keystone
Der Bürgermeister der montenegrinischen Tourismushochburg Budva, Rajko Kuljaca, ist wegen gross angelegter Korruption festgenommen worden. Mit ihm seien auch sein Stellvertreter Dragan Marovic und acht weitere Personen in Untersuchungshaft genommen worden.
Das berichteten die lokalen Medien am Freitag in der Hauptstadt Podgorica. Den Männern wird vorgeworfen, für einen der grössten Bauskandale im Land verantwortlich zu sein.
Die Stadt Budva hatte russischen Investoren ohne jede rechtliche Voraussetzung die Halbinsel Zavala vor den Toren des Touristenzentrums überlassen, um dort Luxusappartments für Superreiche zu bauen.
Inzwischen ist der Investor abgesprungen und die früher wegen ihrer Naturschönheit bekannte Halbinsel ist seit Jahren mit stillgelegten Rohbauten verschandelt. Der Dachverband der Bürgerinitiativen MANS hatte vor zwei Jahren Strafanzeige wegen Korruption gestellt.
Die Aktion der Staatsanwaltschaft und der Polizei hat hohe politische Wellen geschlagen, weil der festgenommene stellvertretende Bürgermeister ein Bruder des bisherigen Vize-Regierungschefs Svetozar Marovic ist. Die beiden Brüder galten seit langem als die heimlichen Herrscher von Budva und als praktisch unantastbar.

Brother of Montenegrin deputy PM remanded in custody
26 December 2010 | 12:18 | Source: Tanjug

24. 07. 2009. | 08:51 [Print article]
Inspection ordered demolition of facility at Zavala cape near Budva
Source Beta, 24. 07. 2009.

Ministry of Spatial Organization and Environment Protection of Montenegro
public company

- The Space protection inspection has ordered the demolition of the facility that was built without building permit at Zavala cape near Budva, while the criminal charges will be pressed against investor "Zavala invest" from Budva - the Ministry of Spatial Organization and Environment Protection announced yesterday (July 23, 2009).

According to the announcement, the inspection has determined that the works on construction of path and platform, as well as plateau of concrete pillows, at about 150 square meters, are underway, while the facility at about 25 square meters has already been built at the beach, which is something that requires building permit or consent from public company "Morsko dobro".

If the investor fails to do what it is ordered to do, the demolition will be carried out the Space protection inspection.

Non-government organization MANS estimated yesterday that the works in the vicinity of Zavala cape near Budva, which had been carried out by Russian company "Mirax" whose daughter-company was "Zavala invest", had been illegal, and it asked the police to investigate and process that case as soon as possible.

MANS said in the announcement that "Mirax" violated the Law by "building without building permit, taking over someone else's land and destroying environment".

Artikel aus Montenegro, mit allen Namen der Mafia Gruppe aus der Politik.

PODGORICA 25. 12. 2010

Durutović očekuje pritvor zbog političkog momenta

Advokat privedenih budvanskih funkconera Rajka Kuljače i Dragana Marovića veruje da bi njegovim klijentima mogao biti određen i pritvor zbog, kako tvrdi, političkog momenta koji je prisutan u tom procesu
Crnogorski premijer u ostavci Milo Đukanović, međutim, smatra da oko hapšenja budvanskih čelnika nema mesta senzacionaizmu, kao i da se to dogodilo u okviru redovnih aktivnosti tužilaštva.
       Ovo je prva velika akcija crnogorske policije uperena protiv jakih političkih igrača, u Budvi ali i u Crnoj Gori. Krivičnom prijavom Vrhovnog državnog tužilaštva - Ođeljenja za suzbijanje organizovanog kriminala i korupcije obuhvaćeni su pored Kuljače i Marovića i Dragan Žimić, Slobodan Đurović, Stevan Vučetić, Sreten Tomović, Novak Stanojević, Marko Kaloštra, Dragan Sekulić, Natalija Panina, Miodrag Minić te poslanik DPS-a Đorđije Pinjatić.


2 Kommentare:

  1. 23 Mar 2011 / 16:34
    Corruption Indictment Filed Against Budva Officials

    Montenegrin prosecutors have filed an indictment against a number of high-ranking officials from the city of Budva for allegedly embezzling several million euros.

    Montenegro's State Prosecutor's Office filed an indictment on Tuesday against the mayor and deputy mayor of the Municipality of Budva, Rajko Kuljaca and Dragan Marovic, and nine other people on suspicion of abuse of position and embezzlement in the "Zavala" case.

    The suspects are accused of abusing their official positions to allow Zavala Invest, a company part-owned by Russian tycoon Sergey Polanski, to illegally construct about 40 villas at Budva’s nearby Zavala Cape, Montenegro’s top summer resort.

    In addition to Kuljaca and Marovic, the indictment was filed against members of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) Djordjije Pinjatic, Dragan Zinic, Slobodan Djurovic, Stevan Vucetic, Sreten Tomovica, Novak Stanojevic, Marko Kalostra, Dragan Sekulic, Miodrag Minic, and Russian national Natalia Panini, former director of "Zavala Invest", the Prosecutor's Office said in a statement.

    Dragan Marovic is the brother and closest associate of one the country’s most powerful politicians, Svetozar Marovic, while Djordjije Pinjatic, a DPS deputy, is also one of Svetozar Marovic’s close associates.

    The prosecution asked the court to extend the custody of the defendants, who were arrested in December, noting that their release could "undermine confidence" in the ability of the prosecutor and the courts to prosecute and judge the case, and pointing to the gravity of the charges.

    Police arrested the officials in the resort of Budva on December 24, days after the resignation as prime minister of Milo Djukanovic, head of the ruling Democratic Party of Socialists, DPS.

  2. 18 Jul 14
    Montenegro Court Jails Former Mayor

    Courts on Thursday jailed the former mayor of the resort of Budva, his deputy and nine others in the so-called Zavala case.
    Dusica Tomovic

    Podgorica’s High Court on Thursday jailed 11 indictees in a case involving illegal construction work at Zavala hill in Budva in 2007 and 2008.

    Rajko Kuljaca, former mayor of the coastal resort, and Dragan Marovic, his deputy, were found guilty of abuse of office to the benefit a private company, Zavala Invest, and to the detriment of the municipal budget, of more than 800,000 euros.

    Kuljaca was jailed for five years, while Marovic, the brother of Svetozar Marovic, former president of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, was jailed for four.
