Freitag, 10. Dezember 2010

NATO und die geheimen Folter Gefängnisse im Kosovo

Eigentlich Nichts Neues, über den Amerikanischen Schrott, was sich im Balkan herum treibt und der Partnerschaft mit den Top kriminellen Clans im Balkan.

Das läuft bekanntlich unter Humanitären Interventionen, Demokratie bringen usw.. : man meint Geschäfte machen im Rechts freien Raum.

03 Dec 2010 / 09:38

Wikileaks: NATO Blocked Kosovo Secret Prison Probe

An investigation into secret CIA prisons in Kosovo was hampered by the alliance's refusal to answer questions, a Wikileaks memo reveals.
Lawrence Marzouk
A Wikileaks memo says the Council of Europe's Secretary General, Terry Davis, threatened to go public about the use of a NATO facility in Kosovo as a secret prison after the alliance failed to cooperate with a CoE investigation.
According to a memo dated December 2005, the alliance had failed to provide adequate responses to seven requests for information sent by the Council, CoE.
The comments were made in a meeting between Davis and the US ambassador to France. “Given NATO's obstructionism", Davis told the ambassador, "he would have no choice but to "go public" over the issue in early 2006,” the memo reads.
According to the memo, Davis said that Kosovo was a “black hole” for the CoE committee on the Prevention of Torture, CPT, as NATO was not cooperating with his requests for information.
At the time, the CoE rapporteur, Dick Marty, was investigating US use of secret prisons and extraordinary rendition in Europe and in January 2006 he produced his first report.
Extraordinary rendition is the abduction and illegal transfer of a person from one nation to another.
Since 2001, it is believed that the US has used rendition and secret prisons to move terrorist suspects across the world and sometimes to countries where torture is used to extract information, it is alleged.
In the 2006 report, entitled "Alleged Secret Detentions in Council of Europe Member States", the CoE complained that it had not been able to inspect camps in Kosovo.
According to the report, Gil-Robles, the CoE’s Commissioner for Human Rights, had concluded that NATO’s Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo had “many parallels with Guantanamo: prisoners arrested without recourse to any kind of judicial procedure or legal representation”.
Bondsteel is one of the US's largest post-war military bases on foreign soil and is located in southern Kosovo.
The memo released by Wikileaks goes further than the CoE report, saying that it was suspected that the US used Kosovo as a secret CIA prison.
“Davis concluded that others, but not he, had begun to 'connect the dots' and were speculating that Kosovo might be a site for secret CIA prisons free from international scrutiny,” it reads.
A more lengthy CoE report, released in June 2006, entitled "Alleged Secret Detentions and Unlawful Interstate Transfers involving Council of Europe Member States", again described Kosovo as a “black hole” for CoE's inspections.
“This is frankly intolerable, considering that the international intervention in this region was meant to
restore order and lawfulness,” the report said.
The report also revealed that a fax from the Egyptian Ministry of European Affairs, sent to the Egyptian embassy in London, intercepted by Swiss Intelligence Services, listed Kosovo as the site of a CIA secret prison.
NATO has consistently denied the claims. When contacted yesterday, the organisation’s Brussels headquarters refused to comment.

Hier taucht dann bei einem Balkan Treffen, Dritt-klassiger Spazier Gänger mit Westerwelle auch Vlora Citaku auf, die Original in Georg Soros Sytl, viel Dumm Schnack wie ein Klein Kind von sich gibt.Einzige Qualifikation: Tochter von irgendeinen Politiker und dann wird man mit 29 Jahren, Vize Aussenminister. Tradition, wie man auch rund um die Albanische Parlaments Politiker Josefina Topalli sieht. Ausbildung, Verstand, Hoch Schul Ausbildung braucht man nicht. Man wird dann auch als Verwandter Konsul in Mailand, und das ohne Schul Bildung und zu dumm für jede Art von Arbeit.


Profile: Vlora Citaku- Kosovo's new challange 

Story image 1
Photo: Jaser Veseli, KIJAC NewsNet
Vlora Citaku, Deputy Foreign Minister of Kosovo


by Vlora Citaku. KIJAC NewsNet
March 02, 2010
“Many people say America is a land of opportunity; a place where dreams come true," says 29-year-old Vlora Citaku. "Guess what? I have news for you. Kosovo is too.”
Citaku is Kosovo's Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and a member of Parliament.
In her life, Citaku has witnessed the misery of being a refugee and the glory of being among the people who signed Kosovo’s Declaration of Independence on February 17th, 2008.
Vlora was been a part of Kosovo politics since 1999. “Being involved in politics was not a choice,” says Citaku. “It was a lifestyle, a way of surviving.“ Vlora graduated from the University of Prishtina with a degree on the linguistics and law.
In Kosovar politics, Vlora says she has managed to challenge the stereotypical image that you must be old and be a man. She admits that it has not been easy, but says she will not give up until she reaches the very top. “ I too have a dream and it will come true,” says Citaku. “I will not give up until a woman’s role in Kosovo politics is considered natural.”
Vlora Citaku is currently studying at Kosovo Institute for Journalism and Communications.

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