Donnerstag, 24. Februar 2011

Im Null Funktion Staat Albanien, gibt es eine Lebensmittel Überwachung, welche natürlich auch nicht funktioniert

Europa hat Albanien aufgefordert, endlich die Staats Institutionen in Funktion zu bringen und ebenso bestehende Gesetze umzusetzen.

Es gibt sogar eine Lebensmittel Überwachungs Institution, welche tatsächlich in einer einzigen Show-Aktion, umfangreiche Lebensmittel, welche zum Teil schon lange abgelaufen waren auch beschlagnahmte. In Albanien kann man Deutsche Marken Marmelade sogar kaufen, aber mit Ablauf Datum vor über 10 Jahren. Bis zu 70% der Lebensmittel hat ein abgelaufenes Datum, wo wir die Details, der einzigen Kontrolle veröffentlichen. Aktuelle Beschwerden der Bevölkerung, werden wie in allen Institutionen, angefangen bei dem Versuch von Anzeigen, einfach ignoriert. Man fühlt sich belästigt!
Genc Juka
Genc Juka, left with Salih Berisha :: Chef der National Food Authority (NFA)

Nachdem eine Null Funktion Institution geschaffen wurde, welche eng mit der Lefter Koca, Agron Duka Mafia verbunden ist (Armando Duka, ist Fußball Präsident und hat mit seinem Bruder neben Drogen Labors, auch eine Hähnchen Mast Fabrik, illegal bei Durres gebaut) sieht es so aus!

Die EU hat Albanien aufgefordert, das man endlich dafür sorgt, das die Instiutionen funktionieren. Bei der Lebensmittel Kontrolle, wird Non Stop neuer Betrug bekannt und rund um Juka, geschieht Nichts, ausser am Anfang mal ein wenig PR, für eine Null Funktion Institution. Kontrollen gibt es nicht und so grassiert der Betrug ohne Ende in allen Bereichen. Hier falsche Gewichts Angaben.

Genc Juka, left with Salih Berisha
The establishment of this authority is a very important step forward in the process of European integration. Integration implies above all a process of standards which have dynamism; they never get frozen, but get more and more consolidated.
- National Food Authority (NFA) is set up on a solid concept of reform: it has merged 5 inspectorates into one. The reform targets to make it serious, fair and competent. Likewise, it targets to bring NFA and inspectorates out of arbitrariness.
Prime Minister Sali Berisha attended today the inauguration ceremony of National Food Authority. Also attending the ceremony were Minister of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection Genc Ruli and Ambassador Helmuth Lohan of the European Commission Delegation to Albania, an institution which provided a great assistance in drafting of the legislation on functioning of this authority and up to refurbishing of the premises. Mr. Lohan expressed his enthusiasm for setting up of such an important institution targeting to achieve the integration standards into the European family.
In his greeting speech in front of the staff of this institution and journalists, PM Berisha said:
Today, we inaugurated a major institution, the National Food Authority. On this occasion, I express deep gratitude to the European Commission for the all-round assistance from the beginnings with drafting of the law of this authority up to refurbishing this rather fine and functional building.
Ladies and gentlemen!
The Establishment of the National Food Authority in Albania is a fee-based contract that aims to improve the food safety system in Albania. No standard is more important than food and water. This is vital for the citizens and Albania as a whole. I believe that the staff of this institution, by your devotion and knowledge, will add authority to it and turn it into one of the most serious and competent institutions of the country. The government will strongly support you in fulfillment of these vital obligations for the Albanian citizens. The food safety is related with health and life insurance. The National Food Authority is built on a solid concept of reform: it has merged 5 inspectorates into one. And I would like to reveal plans of a reduction into 11 of the 36 inspectorates of the country. The reform does not intend to shelve inspection role, but to make it more serious, fair and competent. Also it targets to strip the inspectorates of their arbitrariness. You should make all efforts so that to have safe food. But, on the other hand you shall try also to be fair with the producers and business. And this is one of the main goals of the reform because sometimes the inspectorates’ burden on the business happens to be heavier than the fiscal burden. We should take account of the fact.
Mr. Chairman of the National Food Authority!
The establishment of this institution implies great job, but transparency in the work of the institution is decisive. We would like the staff have the highest expertise level, but we also look for them being highly responsible and transparent in relation to the food producers countrywide.
The establishment of this institution is an important step forward in the process of European integration. Integration implies above all a process of standards which have dynamism; they never get frozen, but get more and more consolidated. I am happy to inaugurate today the National Food Authority just few days after the European Commission forwarded further questions in the framework of the Questionnaire. I was impressed at the speed the Commission reacted. It means we should do the utmost to consolidate the standards that approach us to the EU. May success attend you and I assure you of government support so that you accomplish your great mission.
Thank you!


Die Albanische Lebensmittel Kontrolle, beschlagnahmt uralt Lebensmittel in Tirana Super Märkten

Nachdem Tausende oft schwer erkrankten, als man uralte Lebensmittel kaufte, bzw. auch Restaurants in Vlore und Sarande wie Durres, uralte Lebensmittel verarbeiteten, die nicht einmal gekühlt werden, treten die neuen Inspektoren für Lebensmittel Kontrolle ihr Amt an.

Metzger in den MAT Bergen
Das man in Albanien Lebensmittel verkauft, welche teilweise wie Deutsche Marmelade vor über 15 Jahren abgelaufen waren, ist durchaus nicht so selten. Jetzt wurden auch abgelaufene Lebensmittel auch im grössten Super Markt in Tirana beschlagnahmt.
Es gibt teilweise vorbildliche Super Märkte, aber auch Kathastrophen Zustände, welche man eher hinter dem Ural vermutet hätte und nicht in Europa. Ein Grund ist, das Viele “Beratungs” resistent sind und es ihnen auch vollkommen egal ist.
siehe auch
Voll kommene Anarchie herrscht in den Albaner Bergen, wo man im Dreck schlachtet und Hunde um das frische Fleisch herum laufen, aber das sind halt die besonderen Vorstellung über Hygiene und Vermeidung von Krankheiten, wie das Desaster dieser Berg Albaner auch an in den Küsten Orten zeigte.

Schlachthof und Metzger in 1967 in Deutschland
In Fiere, waren 70% aller Lebensmittel uralt, die Verfall Zeiten überschritten! Details!
AKU: Ja supermarketet me mallra të skaduara
Qarku Tiranë
U inspektuan këto supermarkete CONAD (Tek qendra Kristal), EUROMAX (Tek QTU), BIG MARKET, KMY
Masat administrative: Sekuestrim e asgjësim i produkteve të cilave u kishte kaluar afati i skadencës, u janë lënë detyra për zbatim
Qarku Elbasan:
U inspektuan supermarketet e mëposhtme: HAKO, ROAD-HOUSE, ECO-FOOD, EL–FRIGO
Masat administrative: Sekuestrim e asgjësim i produkteve te cilave u kishte kaluar afati i skadencës, i janë lënë detyra për zbatim
Qarku Lezhë:
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Masat administrative: Sekuestrim e asgjësim i produkteve të cilave u kishte kaluar afati i skadencës, pezullim licence deri në plotësimin e kushteve të punës, gjobë, u janë lënë detyra për zbatim
Qarku Fier:
U inspektuan supermarketet e mëposhtme VËLLEZERIT META, EURO 1 dhe magazinat ushqimore EURONUVA, APOLLON
Masat administrative: Sekuestrim e asgjësim i produkteve të cilave u kishte kaluar afati i skadencës (mbi 70% të produkteve), gjobë, u janë lënë detyra për zbatim
Qarku Gjirokastër:
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Masat Administrative:Sekuestrim e asgjësim i produkteve te cilave u kishte kaluar afati i skadencës, i janë lënë detyra për zbatim
Qarku Kukës
U inspektuan supermarketet e mëposhtme KOVAÇI dhe magazinën ushqimore VËLLEZERIT DEDJA
Masat administrativ: Sekuestrim e asgjësim i produkteve të cilave u kishte kaluar afati i skadences (kryesisht produkte me origjine shtazore), u janë lënë detyra për zbatim
Qarku Korçë
U inspektuan supermarketet e mëposhtme ELISABETA 1 DHE 2 dhe magazinën ushqimore. SOAD-BESHI, ERNIKA
Masat administrative: Sekuestrim e asgjësim i produkteve të cilave u kishte kaluar afati i skadencës, u janë lënë detyra për zbatim
Qarku Dibër
U inspektuan supermarketet e mëposhtme KUDRET ÇENGA dhe magazinën ushqimore. TOMÇINI SH.P.K
Masat administrative: Sekuestrim e asgjësim i produkteve te cilave u kishte kaluar afati i skadencës, u janë lënë detyra për zbatim

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