Montag, 28. März 2011

Planungen auf Albanisch: Das neue Parlament in Tirana - "Made in Austria" // Alles wurde gefälscht

Wie bei den Hypo Alpe Adria Projekten, die sich in Luft auflösten, oder wo die Leasing Nehmer nicht einmal im Balkan existierten, machen Österreicher lustig weiter.Der Architekt, ist halt Österreicher, wo dann Alles ganz erheblich teurer wird, und man Profite macht, wie beim Bau des Rogner Hotels, vor 15 Jahre, als es dann auf dem Papier, plötzlich 10 Millionen Teurer wurde, was einer Preis Steigerung von 70% entsprach.
 50.000 €, wurde nur für PR ausgeben, für eine Internet Umfrage, die man natürlich gut manipulieren konnte. Der Archtekt: Wolfgang Prix, der Albqanischen Pseudo-Ideen der Mafia Baufirmen in Tirana umsetzte:  Alle Bäume müssen zerstört werden, keine Grün Flächen Planungen, aber Alles muss zubetoniert werden: Da durfte die Albaner Mafia viel mitreden.

Nun sucht man noch ausländische korrupten Idioten, welche das finanzieren und Sex Wünsche, werden vor Ort gerne bekanntlich erfüllt, für Willige aus der Internationalen Gemeinschaft.

28 Mar 2011 / 07:51

Austrians to Build Albania's New Parliament

After an international jury on Thursday awarded Coop Himmelblau of Vienna the project to build Albania’s new parliament, questions are being asked what this project will cost.   
Besar Likmeta
Tirana Plans to build a new parliament for Albania have advanced, after a jury announced the name of the winning firm tasked with building the complex.
The new assembly will be built on the site of the former pyramid-shaped mausoleum of Albania’s Stalinist dictator Enver Hoxha, which for the last two decades has served as a cultural centre.
"There has been a thorough discussion of the urban and architectural qualities, including sustainability, projected costs and the proper representation of Albania’s democracy at the centre of the capital," the chairman of the jury, Johhanes Ibeliengs, said, announcing the winning bid.

Twelve international architectural firms took part in the competition.

Although the government previously said it planned to spend up to 40 million euro on the new assembly, the costs of the project designed by Austrian architect Wolf D Prix remain unclear.

Prix's architectural firm is known for its bravura designs and complex forms - but also for repeated cost overruns in their projects......

 New Parliament House, SP: Winner already chosen
25/03/2011 15:40

New Parliament House, SP: Winner already chosen
Viennese journal “Wiener Zeitung” clearly indicates on its March 12th edition that the winner for the new Parliament House is the project offered by “Wolfgang Prix” studio. Even though it is clear that the studio was already chosen, the Parliament Speaker organized a competition on which she spent at least 100.000 euros.

Socialist deputy Taulant Balla published the facts of the public expenditures.

“This is the article that mentions the “Wolfgang Prix” as the already chosen winner. Expenditures are public money thrown away. More than 50.000 euros spent on Internet voting advertisements, when the winner was already chosen.  Please add to this sum the 2 million euros spent on the “Pyramid” reconstruction and 700.000 euros spent on the existing Parliament House.” Balla declared.

The Viennese newspaper states that the construction cost of the new Parliament House will make tax payers’ pockets hundreds of millions of euros lighter. The journal also indicates that the project includes a luxury apartment for the Parliament Speaker.

1 Kommentar:

  1. 11 Millionen REchnung erreicht das Parlament von dem Architekten Prix, und das Geld wird er nie bekommen. Die Albaner haben das schon in den Papierkorb geworfen.

    Parlamenti i ri në ngërç, projekti fitues kërkon 11 mln euro
    SHKRUAN: Fejzi Braushi 27-11-2011 10:47

    Rrezikohet projekti i shpallur fitues i kompleksit të ri parlamentar, pasi studioja vjeneze që fitoi vendin e parë i ka dërguar një faturë të kripur prej 11 milionë eurosh Kuvendit të Shqipërisë. Merren në shqyrtim ofertat e projekteve që zunë vendin e dytë dhe të tretë
