Sonntag, 15. Mai 2011

Erfolgreiche Polizei Operation, gegen den Polizei Inspektor Ervin Hysa, und dem Albanischen Drogenhandel

Seit langem sichtbar, weil praktisch erneut praktisch keine Polizei in Albanien funktioniert, nachdem der Innenminister Lulzim Basha, wieder 8.700 Nord Albanische Gestalten aus Tropoje, Kukes einstellte, das die Polizei erneut die alte Tradition des Transportes fuer die Schleuser und Drogen Mafia uebernommen hat. Deshalb funktioniert praktisch Nichts in Albanien, weil man mit seinem Geschaeften unterwegs ist.

Der Polizei Inspektor Ervin Hysa, des Innenministeriums, wurde verhaftet in seinem Luxus Audi und mit 147 Kg Cannabis.
Trafiku i drogës, arrestohet punonjësi i Ministrisë së Brendshme

Arrestohet në flagrancë një punonjës policie i cili u kap me 75 kilogramë lëndë narkotike te tipit mariuanë. Sipas burimeve të policisë mesohet se në bazë te informacioneve të marra në rrugë operative, eshte bërë i mundur ndalimi i automjetit, te shtetasit Ervin Hysa, inspektor në Repartin e Sigurisë së Brendshme dhe Ceremonialeve pranë Ministrisë së Brendshme, nga kontrolli i të cilit rezultoi se ky shtetas transportonte 75 kiligramë lëndë narkotike të tipit marijuanë. Droga ishte blerë në Lazarat,dhe do të transportohej drejt Tiranës. Lenda narkotike u gjet në bagazhin e automjetit te tij Audi Q7, e ndarë në 10 pako të mëdha. Ndërkaq policia ka sekuestruar në cilësinë e provës materiale, lënden narkotike, automjetin Audi Q7, si dhe nje arme zjarri pistoletë të tipit beretë.…680&IDFoto=2680
Kommentar: was wir ja schon frueher schrieben. Die Poizei ist erneut mit eigenen illegalen Geschaeften beschaeftigt und faehrt im Auftrage der Drogen Kartelle wieder die Drogen durchs Land. Eine alte Tradition bei der Albanischen Polizei, was erneut unter dem Minister Lulzim Basha eingefuehrt wurde. Und ansonsten ist man beschaeftigt, mit seinen illegalen Lokal und Appartment Bauten, als Partner der Drogen Mafia. Albanien wird gerade ausverkauft.

Der fruehere Generalstaatsanwalt Sollaku, zum Thema Organhandel

Trafiku i organeve, Sollaku: Hetimet u kryen!

Ish-prokurori i përgjithshëm Theodhori Sollaku deklaron gjatë një interviste dhene për Top Channel se, shteti shqiptar i ka dhënë të gjithë ndihmën e nevojshme gjykatës … Lajmi i plote

Brussels’ Declaration on local elections in Albania

12. May 2011. | 06:38

Source:, Alsat

The European Union evaluates that the Albanian voters voted in a massive way, and the authorities responsible for this process had taken all the necessary measures for everything to go as it should.

It seems that the highest evaluation from the European Parliament (EP) will be given to the citizens for their participation in the voting process.

Through his spokesperson, the European Commissioner for Enlargement, Stefan Fule, gave his preliminary evaluation for the local elections. The EP recommends the acceptance of these elections’ problems in order to make the necessary changes.

“The European Union attentively followed Sunday’s elections in Albania, and OSCE’s preliminary report. According to this report and the latest developments, the process was accompanied by tensions and polarization between the participating political parties. But a full judgment can be given only after making a final analysis until its end.

This means that we will take into consideration the counting process, their report and the solution of complaints about the electoral process.

The European Union evaluates that the Albanian voters voted in a massive way, and the authorities responsible for this process had taken all the necessary measures for everything to go as it should.
So, we especially evaluate the commitment of all citizens in the normal proceeding of this democratic process,” said Natasha Buttler, spokesperson of the European Commissioner for Enlargement, Stefan Fule.

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