Montag, 12. Dezember 2011

Arachische Kosovo Verbrecher Plünderungs Clans wünschen Visa Befreiung für ihre Plünderungs Feldzüge

Was haben diese traditionellen Verbrecher Clans, mit ihre Plünderungs Kultur überhaupt mit einer Kultur zu tun?, sollte die Frage sein, besonders wenn diese Gestalten selber vorführen auch noch in 2011, das man primitiver ist wie Tiere. Überall in Albanien, haben diese primitiven Clans, die komplette Küste vernichtet, auf ihren terrroristischen Plünderungs Feldzügen und die Bäume und Strände der Einheimischen Albaner vernichtet, besetzt, illegal bebaut (über 10.000 Hektar), alle Gesetze und Eigentums Recht ignoriert, sogar in UNESCO Kultur Erbe wie Gjorokastre illegal gebaut. Minister, Richter, ja sogar die Kosovo Präsidentin Atifete Jahjago, kommen Mafiös und mit krimineller Energie, mittels gefälschter Schulzeugnisse und Ausbildungs Diplome in hohe Stellungen, denn dumm umgibt sich mit dumm, im Club des Schweigens, über die eigene Inkompetenz und Dummheit.

Mit gefälschten Diplomen zur 2. höchsten Polizistin —–>; Präsidentin des Kosovo aufsteigen: Atifete Jahjaga

President of Kosovo:

Atifete Jahjaga

2009, begann eine interne Inspektion bei der Kosovo Polizei, wer wo sich seine Qualifikation für den Polizei Dienst erworben hat, denn wie in Albanien, wird Alles zusammen gefälscht, inklusive Schul Zeugnisse und mit Bestechungs Geld. Fake Universitäten wie auch in Tetova, oder Rumänien, sind eine Legende. Und dann kann man verstehen, warum die Albaner Polzei Direktoren so dumm sind und Nichts kapieren! Im Kosovo durften ja Organ Handels Kliniken, mit Hilfe krimineller Deutscher Ärzte agieren, aber eben auch bei den hoch bezahlten UNMIK Gestalten wie Jürgen Rückers SPD Sabbler und als vollkommen korrupt historisch gesehen, agieren. Jeder kann im Kosovo seinen Staat ausrufen, Hochschulen leiten, oder sonstige Firmen und technische Reparaturen anbieten, ohne jegliche Qualifikation.
Der Betrug an Tausenden von Studenten mit ungültigen Diplomen, durch Betrugs Universitäten in Albanien 

Der langjährige Balkan Experte Wolf Oschliess, zählt die Lügen Märchen, die Verbrechen dieser Kultur unter dem Niveau von Tieren zusammen, wo Mord und Plünderung wie bei den "Hunnen", zur Kultur gehört. Der Umgang mit Frauen, ist sowieso ein Skandal und einmalig in der Welt, bei diesen Banditen Clans, ebenso die Schein Heiraten mit Ausländern, um kriminelle Aktivitäten zuverschleiern. Aktuell verkauft die Albanische Regierung, sogar an Gesuchte und Islamische Terroristen, neue Identitäten an Islamische Terroristen. Das man mit System in einer Region ohne Kultur und Justiz, auch noch angeheiratete Ausländer mit System ermordet, ebenso jeden ausländischen Partner ausraubt und betrügt, sei am Rande erwähnt, was diese Verbrecher Kultur seit Jahren treibt. Echte Investoren haben praktisch komplett den Albaner Raum verlassen, denn dieser Non-Stop Terror ist schlecht länger auszuhalten.

Wahrheitsliebe ist Mangelware seit 100 Jahren Ist Albanien eine Gefahr für den Frieden auf dem Balkan? Im Jahr 2012 werden die Albaner lautstark den 100. Jahrestag ihrer „Unabhängigkeit“ begehen. Anlass genug, um geschichtliche Hintergründe des „unabhängigen Kosovo“ und der albanischen Mentalität zu beleuchten.

Visa liberalisation for Kosovo "once all conditions are met"
Kosovo wasn't given a start date to begin negotiations on visa liberalisation, but the EU reaffirmed its commitment to open the issue once all conditions are in place.
By Linda Karadaku for Southeast European Times in Pristina -- 12/12/11
photoWith nearly one-third of Kosovars living in the diaspora, visa liberalisation remains on the top of the government's agenda. [Reuters]
Although Kosovo didn't receive a start date to begin negotiations on visa liberalisation at the EU summit on Friday (December 9th), the country was given hope with a commitment from the Union that the issue is still on the agenda
"Kosovo has a clear political commitment of the EU for the goal of visa liberalisation, obviously following the procedure that all the other countries of the Western Balkans needed to fulfil," EU spokesperson Maja Kocijancic told SETimes.
The EU Special Representative in Kosovo, Fernando Gentilini, said that the Council's conclusions adopted on December 5th, and fully endorsed by heads of EU members states on Friday, represent an important step forward.
"It is now clear that dialogue on visas will start and that Kosovo will benefit from visa liberalisation once all conditions are met," Gentilini said, adding that it is important for Kosovo to "redouble its efforts and concentrate to address the challenges and steer forward the reform processes".
"It would also be important for Kosovo to continue to be constructive in the dialogue with Serbia and in implementation of the related agreements," the EU special representative said.
In response, Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci said the European perspective of Kosovo has been translated into a concrete offer for the first time, "in a unique way, from all the states of the EU".
"[The] summit confirmed the conclusions of the foreign ministers, which very clearly foresee for Kosovo the opening of the dialogue on visa liberalisation, the opening of negotiations for trade relations, Kosovo's approach in the Community programmes and Kosovo's membership in the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development," Thaci told reporters in Pristina, after returning from Brussels.
Thaci said the visa liberalisation process is probably the most important for Kosovo, as one-third of its citizens are in the diaspora, mainly in EU countries.
The Council of the EU discussed Kosovo as well on Monday (December 12th), saying it welcomes Kosovo's commitment to its European agenda, "including through sustained efforts in areas such as visa, trade and judicial system and the establishment of a council for EU integration".
"It also welcomes the improved integration of Serbs south of the Iber/Ibar River ... [and] invites Kosovo to launch an inclusive and long term agenda for northern Kosovo in close co-operation with the EU, and welcomes the Commission's intention to offer its full support."
The Council reaffirmed that Kosovo would benefit from the prospect of eventual visa liberalisation "once all conditions are met".
Flamur Salihu, a spokesperson for the European Integration Ministry, said liberalisation moves Kosovo and its citizens closer to the EU, adding that with it come responsibilities.

Albanian Mafia government: Albanian biometric passports & Links to International Terrorist Rings

Exclusive report by Gjergj Thanasi: Albanian biometric passports & Links to International Terrorist Rings

Ioannis Michaletos 10 Dec 2011 In the following exclusive investigative report, the acclaimed journalist from Tirana-Albania, Gjergj Thanasi outlines the serious security issues relating to the Albanian biometric passport system and the links with international organized crime and terrorist rings and with the Iranian intelligence establishment especially. The Problematic Albanian Biometric Passports and the Links to International Terrorist Rings By Gjergj Thanasi
The equipment of the Albanians with biometric identity cards and passports was a must in order to have Albanians travelling in European Union countries without visa restriction. The removal of travel restriction was a kind of an European  gift to Albanians on the eve of Christmas  2010.Such passports are highly reliable and a tough barrier to criminals and terrorists penetrating Europe under false names. The system is really false proof. The only way to evade the system is to collude with the Albanian authorities issuing the passports, thus stealing the identity of somebody else.
Unfortunately this is precisely what happened in Albania. Almost from the very beginning Albanian emigration police as well as several European border police controls  detected individuals equipped with regular Albanian biometric passports having ‘borrowed” the identity of somebody else. Judging by the covering of the Albanian media such falsified biometric passports are almost a daily occurrence.
The bearers of falsified Albanian passports range from ethnic Albanians citizens of the Republic of Kosova(they still need a visa to travel to Europe), to Albanians being under expulsion or travel bans in European countries. The new identity help them to travel and stay in Europe up to 90 days in succession without any difficulty. There are cases when even convicted criminals, or wanted individuals (Albanian citizens) are equipped with a biometric passport with a new identity, thus evading justice and facilitating their criminal activity in Europe as well as in Albania. Only  casual finger prints checks by one or another European law enforcing agency has resulted in pin pointing  individuals with a criminal record or even  wanted persons having a new identity. Albanian media like the newspaper Investigimi (an article by Durim Sula) and Durres Bulevard(an article by Dr. Idriz Tafa) have also made public of evidence that terrorists from Yemen and elements of Iranian Revolutionary Guard, the so called Quds Force are in possession of  Albanian biometric passports with typical Albanian names and surnames.
Mr. Armand Teliti the Director General of the Albanian General Register Office during a session of the security sub comity of the Albanian Parliament answering the questions of MP Gazmend Oketa  (wright wing) and MP Gamir Bizhga (left wing) admitted that Albanian authorities have detected over 500 cases of biometric passports issued to persons with a “borrowed”  identity. The Albanian media has directly accused Mr. Teliti of being part of the system issuing such problematic passports .Up to now  only the bearers of such passports have been detained by the emigration police. In a couple of cases the civil servants of remote villages register offices and employees of Aleat-Safran concessionary company have also been arrested. Such cases are under trial or have received short term prison sentences as well as fines according to Albania law.
No body but the gang issuing the false passports knows the exact number and identity of the bearers of such false biometric passports. According to the newspaper Investigimi American security specialists are actively collaborating with Albanian Secrete Service SHIK to identify Iranian citizens equipped with Albanian biometric passports. The newspaper quoting Albanian Secret Service sources links the murder and the burning of the body of Isa Copa a high ranking officer of Albanian Secret Service (late  October 2011 in the outskirts of Durres the main port of Albania)with the affair of the Iranian citizens equipped with Albanian biometric passports and bearing Albanian names and surnames.
This is not the first scandal concerning Albanian passports. In 2002 the deputy minister of the interiors Bujar Himci and col. Veli Myftari Director General of the Albania Police force were arrested for funds embezzlement amounting to four million USD concerning the issuing of the Albanian passports. They landed in prison after the official complaint of Euroget an American company which was unlawfully prevented from bidding for the production of the Albanian passports. The claim of this company was strongly supported by the Charles Levesque the then economic officer of the Us Embassy in Tirana.
It is obvious, in this case top civil servants ended in prison only for funds embezzlement, while now we have serious allegation of collusion with terrorists and yet only small fry is facing justice.

Salih Berisha und der Super Verbrecher Clan der Haklaj's in Tropoje als engste Partner, im Putsch in 1998 in Tirana und zuvor bei der Ermordung von Azem Hajdari, einem billigen Banditen, Waffen Schmuggler wie auch Treibstoff Schmuggler, während dem UN Embargo gegen Jugoslawien.

Geheimdienst Treffen zwischen "Arkan" und Gazidede 1995 in Tirana ( 1 2)

Aus Österreichischen Militär Quellen ! Von Prof. Dr. Wolf Oschlies

NATO, die Privat Armee der kriminellen Kosovo Banden. 

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