Mittwoch, 14. Dezember 2011

Salih Berisha und seine Todes Schwadronen mit Ilir Kumbaro

Gestern hat Europas Ober Gangster und alter Bin Laden Freund, einen Schlag Anfall erlitten und war wie man heute hörte auch vor wenigen Tagen beim Arzt in Frankreich.

Donnerstag, 26. August 2010
Ilir Kumbaro, Ex-Geheimdienst Direktor des SHIS, wurde erneut in England festgenommen
Agim Shehu beim Prozeß in Tirana, als damaliger Vize-Geheimdienst Chef!

Nun will dieser Balkan Profi Verbrecher, welcher vollkommen den Tourismus ruiniert hat, mit seinen DP und Tropoje Verbrecher Banden, seinen Rückzug einleiten. Aber das hatten ihm schon im Juni höchste FBI, CIA und Italienische Geheimdienst Generäle klar gesagt, das er aus der Politik verschwinden sollte. Selbst die BBC, brachte inzwischen TV und Reports, über die Extrem Verbrecher, welche 100.000 Pfund den Britischen Steuerzahler kosteten und unter einer gestohlenen Idendität in England lebten und Asyl beantragten. Salih Berisha hat auch zu anderen Mord- und Todesschwadronen beste Beziehung u.a. mit Xhavit Halili, eine Legende der Morde gegen Rugova Leute in 1998 und später nochmal in 2000-01, als im Kosovo gewählt wurde.

Alte gut bekannt Verbrechen, rund um die Ermordung des Rezmi Hoxha beschäftigen unverändert die Albanische Welt, rund um die Mord Schwadronen des Salih Berisha und seines Geheimdienst Direktors Ilir Kumbaro, der unter falsche Idendität (ein Sport bei Albanern) in London lebte.Hintergrund war damals das Salih Berisha sich u.a. auch mit Milosevic Geheimdienst Leute traf, welche sogar direkt in Tirana einflogen und bei den dortigen Grenz Kontrolle ohne Kontrolle passieren konnten, weil u.a. der Innenminister Agron Musaraj, mit Salih Beisha, Azem Hajdari, Fatmir Mediu: Waffen und Treibstoff Transporte über den Grenz Übergang Hani e Pot, nach Montenegro organisierten.

Jeder wusste davon, der Spiegel brachte damals sogar in 1994 eine Kurzmeldung, das die Mafia Regierung des Salih Berisha, den UN total Embargo Bruch organisierte und die Serben mit allen versorgten, was gewünscht war. Mitwisser und Spione, für Milosevic und Grigoric in Mazedonien sollten ausgeschaltet werden. Remzi Hoxha wurde in Lezhe entführt, gefoltert und die Leiche wurde trotz aufwendigen Prozess seit Jahren nicht gefunden.
Kumbaro is accused by Albanian prosecutors for following offences:

1.On/before 30.09.1995 the abduction Avdyl Loshaj

2. On/before 18.10.1995 the abduction Ziso Kristopulli.

3. On 21.10.1995 abduction of Remzi Hoxha.

4. Between 1.09.1995 - 30.11.1995 being a public official or person acting in an official capacity and intentionally inflicted severe pain and suffering on Avdyl Loshaj in the performance or purported performance of his official duties.

5. Between 24.09.1995 - 17.10.1995 being a public official or person acting in an official capacity and intentionally inflicted severe pain and suffering on Ziso Kristopulli in the performance or purported performance of his official duties.

6. Between 21.10.95 - 19.02.03 being a public official or person acting in an official capacity and intentionally inflicted severe pain and suffering on Remzi Hoxha in the performance or purported performance of his official duties.

Albanian Torture Suspect On The Run In UK

Former Albanian intelligence chief Ilir Nazmi Kumbaro

Police believe Ilir Nazmi Kumbaro has left London


12:22pm UK, Wednesday December 07, 2011

A former Albanian intelligence chief accused of torture and kidnapping in his homeland is on the run in Britain, police believe.

Ilir Nazmi Kumbaro, 58, failed to turn up for an extradition hearing at Westminster Magistrates' Court on December 1.

Scotland Yard said he was not thought to pose a threat to the public as a warrant was issued for his arrest.

The suspect - wanted for a string of torture and kidnapping offences said to have taken place in Albania in 1995 - claimed asylum in the UK in 1996 by posing as a Kosovan refugee, officers said.

Mr Kumbaro, who told authorities he was fleeing Serb persecution, had been living on incapacity benefits in west London.

We believe that Ilir Kumbaro has not fled the UK but has in all likelihood left London and is being harboured by friends.
Detective Superintendent Pete Rance

Using the name Shaqa Shatri, he had been granted indefinite leave to remain in the UK and was issued with a passport.

He was also given incapacity benefits at his Fulham home after claiming he was suffering from depression and post-traumatic stress disorder before his arrest in 2008.

Detective Superintendent Pete Rance said: "We believe that Ilir Kumbaro has not fled the UK but has in all likelihood left London and is being harboured by friends.

"Although he does not pose a threat to members of the public, he is wanted in Albania where he faces charges of kidnap and torture.

"One of his alleged victims, a father of five, has not been seen alive since 1995.

"The seriousness of his alleged crimes is the reason we want to find him. This is a high-profile international investigation that has involved public expense in the UK.

"It is only right that we seek to arrest Ilir Kumbaro and put him back before the court that, in good faith, had entrusted him with bail."



UN picture of the real Shaqa Shatri

The date of birth of the real Shaqa Shatri matches the one on the ID card

They had been hunting for Mr Kumbaro following a request from the Albanian authorities in June 2008.

On 2 September 2008, detectives from Scotland Yard's extradition unit, led by Det Sgt Peter Rance , arrested the man calling himself Mr Shatri at his flat in Fulham.

When cautioned the man said: "I am not Ilir Kumbaro, I am Shaqa Shatri."

Mr Kumbaro told detectives that the other people in his flat were his female cousin Naxhie Axemi and a male friend called Ervin Kumbaro.

Stolen identity  

 11 Dhjetor, 2011

Aktualitet / Video | nga AMA-News


BBC, raport special për zhdukjen e Ilir Kumbaros dhe abuzimet


Mediat theksojnë se autoritetet britanike “nuk verifikuan prejardhjen e Ilir Kumbaros, i cili u fut në Britani si shtetasi kosovar Shaqa Shatri, që vinte për të shpëtuar nga lufta në Kosovë, ku i kishin vrarë gruan dhe djalin.

Më pas, me gruan dhe djalin e vrarë ai bënte një jetesë luksoze në Londër, falë të ardhurave që i derdhte shteti për paaftësinë fizike dhe mendore që kishte pësuar nga “trauma” e pretenduar në Kosovë. Ne raport flitet se si ky njeri jetonte ne shtepi luksoze, sulmonte gazetare e fotoreportere duke treguar sa agresiv qe ishte dhe prap shteti anglez e mbante.

Po ashtu jepen dhe deshmi te familjareve te Remzi Hoxhes i cili eshte torturuar dhe vrare me pas nga SHIK- u i Sali Berishes.

Ilir Kumbaro wird an Albanien ausgeliefert
Kumbaro lebte mit falschen Namen:  Shaqa Shatri !

Der echte Shaqa Shatri von Prizren hat nun den falschen Kumburo identifiziert. Kosovaren erhielten damals leichter Asyl in Europa.

Former Albanian intelligence head arrested in London faces extradiction

Kosovo ex-secert service head false ID. Photo BBC Kumbaro’s false ID
A British court yesterday cleared the way for his extradition of the former Albanian intelligence chief, who is wanted for torture and kidnapping. The etradition must be approved by Foreign Secretary David Miliband.
Ilir Kumbaro, 55, who was wanted worldwide for torture and kidnapping, was arrested at his flat in Fulham, in west London, the BBC reported. He had lived in Britain under an assumed identity for 13 years while receiving government benefits. When he entered the UK in August 1996 under the name of Shaqa Shatri, Kumbaro had convinced the country’s immigration authorities that he was a refugee from Kosovo fleeing Serbian persecution. Under his false identity, Kumbaro was granted indefinite leave to remain and issued with a British passport.
According to BBC, it was an apparent slip-up that had brought Kumbaro to the arrest. In order to claim incapacity benefits for his depression, he had to register with the Health Authority. Instead of registering as Shaqa Shatri, Kumbaro inexplicably used his real name.
The images of Kumbaro from Albanian intelligence files, including one of a young Kumbaro in communist uniform, had an uncanny resemblance to the man living in Fulham, BBC marks.
Kosovar Shadow of Albanian Murder Suspect
Pristina | 02 April 2009 | 

 Arben Sefgjini Chef der Albanischen Finanz Polizei entlassen, wegen Ermordung von Remzi Hoxha in 1995


13 Dec 2011 / 13:44
Albania Officials Helped Killer Escape, Says Victim's Son
The son of a businessman killed in 1995 has accused Tirana’s Supreme Court and senior state officials of helping a former secret service officer wanted over the case to jump bail in Britain.

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