Dienstag, 10. Januar 2012

EU Commission: Albanische Mafia Politiker sind zu blöde zum wählen

Seit 8 Monaten ist der Volks Terrorist, Mafia Boss, extrem Verbrecher, Bin Laden Freund, Chef für den Bruch des UN Waffen und Treibstoff Embargos ab 1994 im Balkan, Chef der Land- und Grundstücks Mafia isoliert, Aber Dumm Gestalten wie Salih Berisha und seine Hirnlos Regierung, kapieren sowieso Nichts und Gesetze kennen diese Gestalten sowieso nicht.

Mit solchen "State Caputure" Ländern, wo nur noch die Mafia etwas zu Sagen hat, wie im Kosovo, Montenegro, Bulgarien, verdienen sich die angeblichen EU Experten eine Goldene Nase, weswegen Selbige gar keine Lust haben, solche Staaten in Funktion der Gesetze zu bringen.

Oft sind die EU Experten, nur dämliche Parteibuch Gänger, welche zu dumm sind in Europa einen Job zu finden. Also organisiert man einen Non-Stop Konferenz Tourismus, was man in Albanien gut kennt.

Heute ist Albanien weniger Demokratie, als in 1997, oder 1990, denn man hat keinen Respekt mehr vor Menschen und dem Eigentum Dritter. Mörder und Drogen Bosse kaufen sich frei bei der korrupten Justiz, wo die EU Justiz Mission EURALIUS, Millionen gekostet hat und ein negatives Ergebniss sogar hat.

Eine richtig funktionierende Polizei gibt es nicht in Albanien, weil die Salih Berisha Mafia, wieder Tausende von total Idioten in den Polizei Dienst steckte, als Parteigänger aus Kukes und Tropoje, welche Null Schulbildung und Kultur haben. Aber dafür darf man nun 5 Polizei Ausbilder nach Afghanistan entsenden, weil die Bankrott Betrugs Macht USA es so wünschen.

Albania unable to hold elections, EU admits

Published: 20 July 2011
In an unprecedented statement, EU High Representative Catherine Ashton and Enlargement Commissioner Štefan Füle lamented yesterday (19 July) the failures of the Albanian electoral system, urging the EU hopeful to undertake deep parliamentary reform.


Every Albanian election since the fall of communism in the early 1990s has been marred by accusations of fraud, but the last parliamentary and mayoral elections left the country in political paralysis.
National elections, held on 28 June 2009, saw Albania's dominant post-communist politician Sali Berisha clinch a second four-year term as prime minister. The opposition Socialists refused to accept the results and accused his government of corruption and vote fraud.
The opposition has boycotted parliament ever since, making it impossible for the country to adopt much-needed reforms on the road to EU accession. Key decisions require a three-fifths majority in parliament to be adopted.
A similar scenario developed place following the 8 May mayoral elections. The opposition candidates claimed that their leader Edi Rama had won the Tirana mayoral contest by 10 votes. But the ruling Democratic party denounced what it claimed was a misplacing of ballot boxes, declaring a victory for their candidate Lulzim Basha by 95 votes, which was confirmed by the court. In return, the opposition accused the government of "stealing votes".
Tensions have been brewing in the impoverished EU hopeful, which has not been immune to violence. Three people were killed during protests in January, which the Prime Minister Sali Berisha himself likened to the 'jasmine revolts' on the other side of the Mediterranean.
Albania has said it would like to achieve EU candidate status by the end of this year.
Ashton and Füle lamented the fallout from the recent mayoral vote in Tirana (see 'Background') and used simple and unusual wording to convey the message that the electoral system in Albania needs "urgent" and "thorough" reform.
"The elections in Tirana were not good as they demonstrated beyond doubt that the electoral framework needs to be reformed," the top EU officials stated.
In their written message, Ashton and Füle call on the Albanian authorities to follow the recommendations of the Venice Commission, the Council of Europe's specialised body set up to provide urgent constitutional assistance to Central and Eastern Europe.
"It is time for political forces in Albania to overcome the political stalemate and return to a level of political dialogue that would allow the proper functioning of key democratic institutions, notably the parliament," the two representatives state.
EU officials recently denounced the "lack of political maturity" in Albania, who officially says it would like to achieve EU candidate status by the end of this year.
In an unprecedented gesture, European Commission President José Manuel Barroso cancelled a trip to Albania last May, signalling that patience with the EU hopeful was wearing thin in Brussels circles.
EU insiders had hoped that Croatia's recent successful closure of the accession negotiations would give new momentum to the remaining membership hopefuls in the Western Balkans: Albania, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Kosovo. However, with the exception of Serbia, the region's EU hopefuls appear to have provided more disappointment than success recently.
Albania has experienced a difficult transition to democracy partly due to the fact that under communism, the country was a de facto autarchy which had almost no contact with the outside world.

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