Mittwoch, 25. Januar 2012

Neue Festnahmen von Wahhabiten Terroristen in Bosnien -Bosnia Swoops on Wahhabi Terror Suspects

Alles Subjete, welche der kriminelle Bill Clinton und der Terror Pyschopat Georg Tenet, mit seinen CIA Ganoven in den Balkan holten, inklusive dieser ganzen Kopf Abschneider Banden und Afghanistan Veteranen, der Taliban und Co. 25 Jan 2012 / 15:21
Bosnia Swoops on Wahhabi Terror Suspects
Bosnian police detained three persons from the village of Gornja Maoca on Wednesday as a part of a probe into last year's attack on the US embassy in Sarajevo
Elvira Jukic
Raids in the northeast village of Gornja Maoca, known as a centre of the hardline Islamic Wahhabi movement, began early on Wednesday under a warrant of the State Prosecutor and resulted in three arrests.

The State Prosecutor has not revealed the identities of the three suspects but confirmed that the action formed part of an investigation into the US embassy attack last year.

“The activities are being conducted to gather evidence in the case pending against Mevlid Jasarevic, the suspect in the terror attack on the US embassy,” the State Prosecutor's Office said.

Mevlid Jasarevic, 23, opened fire on the American embassy on October 28 last year. There were no fatalities and Jasarevic was disabled by a sniper.

Jasarevic has been in custody ever since, as are the two men who drove him to Sarajevo from Gornja Maoca on the day of the attack.

Jasarevic has appeared twice before the State Court. On both occasions he was remanded in pre-trial custody for periods of 30 and 60 days respectively. An indictment has yet to be issued.
Dino Pecenkovic and Munib Ahmetspahic have admitted that Jasarevic paid them to drive him to the capital on October 28.

Zeljka Kujundzija, a spokesperson for the State Investigative and Security Agency, SIPA, which carried out the operation, told Balkan Insight that the raids on the village were now complete. She declined to give any further details.
Uhapšen Nusret Imamović, vođa najveće vehabijske zajednice u BiH
Uhapšen Nusret Imamović, vođa najveće vehabijske zajednice u BiH
Srna - 25.01.2012 12:23
BRČKO– U akciji Državne agencije za istrage i zaštitu (Sipa) u Gornjoj Maoči je danas uhapšen vođa najveće vehabijske zajednice u BiH Nusret Imamović, javio je dopisnik Srne sa lica mjesta.
Tokom prijepodneva u Gornjoj Maoči je pretreseno više lokacija  po nalogu tužioca iz Posebnog odjeljenja za organizovani kriminal, privredni kriminal i korupciju Tužilštva BiH.
Kako je potrđeno u Tužilaštvu, aktivnosti su provedene s ciljem prikupljanja dokaza u predmetu koji se vodi protiv Mevlida Jašarevića osumnjičenog za teroristički napad na Ambasadu SAD u Sarajevu.
Policijski službenici Agencije za istrage i zaštitu BiH (SIPA) pretresli su  pet lokacija na području Gornje Maoče.
Pretresi koji su započeli u ranim jutarnjim časovima izvedeni su po naredbi Tužilaštva BiH, uz asistenciju policijskih službenika MUP-a Tuzlanskog kantona.
Prema nezvaničnim informacijama, poliijska akcija je završena.
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