Sonntag, 22. Januar 2012

Serbische und Albanische hohe Militärs klagen gegen ihren Staat, wegen Pensionen und auf Wieder Einstellung

Generals without morale
Former generals file lawsuit against State and request salaries although in pension
Generals Bozidar Delic and Momir Stojanovic have filed lawsuits against the State requesting payment of several tens of thousands of EUR, ‘Blic’ learns. Two retired, but politically active generals found a reason for fling lawsuits against their own country in formal omission. Namely, they have been informed about sending into pension in writing only. Although oral information about retirement is in the regulations, to use such omission as an excuse to take money is not a matter of respect of regulations but a matter of morale.

Bozidar Delic
Both generals were sent into pension in 2005 in line with the law. Since then they have been receiving their pensions orderly. Delic’s pension is about 95,000 Dinars and Stojanovic’s about 92,000.

That however seems to be not enough and Delic is requesting payment of outstanding salaries for the time when he was receiving pension. As ‘Blic’ learns this is a period from April 1, 2005 to September 15, 2011 inclusive. A well informed ‘Blic’ source says that Delic’s lawsuit does not specify what particular amount he is claiming but calculation says that it is about EUR 72,000 for the period of six years.

Momir Stojanovic

Delic obviously thinks he is entitled to that money from the budget although he is at the same time a pensioner and an employee. As we learn as of June 11, 2008 the general is employed at the Serbia Parliament. He is the SRS deputy and his monthly salary is about 105,000 Dinars. That together with his pension is about 200,000 monthly. Or, a general and a deputy, get five average pays in Serbia per month.

Kudret Cela, hat seit 1996, höchst rangige Posten inne, auch als Navy Akademie Leiter und hat in Durres, wie Vlore einen besonders guten Ruf, auch in der Bevölkerung.
 Kudret Cela, dient 29 Jahre im Militärund hätte mit 33 Dienst Jahren Anspruch auf eine Lebenslange Ruhestand Zahlung in Höhe des Gehaltes eines Admirals, was wohl verhindert werden sollte! Als einer der wenigen echten Fachleute im Militär, wurde auch eine Weiter Verwendung in der Reserve verhindert, damit Kudret Cela, keine höchst Ansprüche an Pension stellen könnte. Richter Rilinda Aegis, überprüft nun auf Grund der Verfassung diese Ansprüche! Für die Motivation im Albanischen Militär, sind solche Vorgänge bestimmt nicht von Vorteil: “erst denken und dann handeln” ist bei der vermurksten Dumm Bande des Salih Berisha schon vor 15 Jahren unbekannt gewesen, mangels Bildung und Intelligenz.
Er verweigerte 1997, das Auslaufen der Durres Flotte, für eine Rück Eroberung des Marine Stützpunktes Sarande, wo Zeitgleich Salih Berisha den Befehl gab, Sarande zubombardieren. In Folge landeten die MIGs und Torpedo Boote in Italien. Admiral Kudret Cela, und der ebenso entlassene General: Vladimir Qiriazi und : Arian Zaimi, werden ebenso gegen den Verteidiungs Minister klagen, auf Wieder Einstellung. Hintergrund dürfte wohl die Weigerung sein in 2010-11, der “Privatisierung der Küsten Militär Stützpunkte zuzustimmen, weil Freunde von Salih Berisha und Arben Imani, Selbige Gewinn bringend auch im Internet anboten und sich die Verkaufs Gewinne teilen wollten. Andere schmutzige Geschäfte, rund um den Verrat von NATO Geheimnissen:
Two generals sue the Albanian state
19/01/2012 19:45
Two generals sue the Albanian state
Two generals sued the Minister of Defense and the Albanian President after they were discharged from the army. They demand to return to the post they belong to, according to the grade. 

Former Commander of the Marine Forces, Admiral Kudret Cela and Major General Arian Zaimi, a military adviser at the Ministry of Defense, filed a suit at the Civil Court of Tirana.
The vice Commander of the Doctrine and Training Command, Brigade General Vladimir Qiriazi declared that he will also file a suit at court, when contacted by phone by Top Channel.
The vice Commander of the Doctrine and Training Command, Brigade General Vladimir Qiriazi declared that he will also file a suit at court, when contacted by phone by Top Channel.
The former Chief of the General Army Forces Headquarters, Mayor General Maksim Malaj, declared that he has no comment for the moment, through a phone conversation with Top Channel.

20.1.2012: 2 höchst rangige Generäle verklagen den Verteidigungs Minister auf Wieder Einstellung

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