Samstag, 17. März 2012

Noch ein OSCE Skandal: Wolfgang Grossruck fälschte die Reports über die Wahlen in Albanien

Im Gangster Staaat Albanien, gibt es ganz neue Statements, von dem damaligen US-Botschafter John Withers, rund um die primitive Deppen Mafia des Salih Berisha, Lulzim Basha und Ilir Meta! Die Wahlenl waren eine Farce und die gefälschten Wähler Listen und ID Karten, sind ein uralt Thema, wie Mehrfach wählen. Auffällig ist ebenso, das der jetzige OSCE Botschafter Eugen Wohlfahrt, keine Wahl Rechts Reform zustande bringt, nach 1,5 Jahren, und genau das war vor über 10 Jahren ebenso verlangt worden.
Etliche  Verurteilungen gab es in Albanien, wegen Wahl Fälschung u.a. in Lazarate wie immer kontrolliert von der Cannabis Mafia des Salih Berisha, wie auch nun in der Ortschaft Ruzhdie bei Fiere, einer Hochburg des Enkled Alibeaj usw..! Withers, sagt sogar im kompletten Interview, das man auch in Zukunft mit diesen Wahl Fälschungen rechnen muss, welche absolut peinlich sind. Die Wahlen damals waren eine Farce, erklärt im aktuellen Interview, der damalige US Botschafter, wie er es damals in den wikeleaks Depeschen festhielt.

Aber viele Komiker der OSCE, hatten mit sowas einen schönen Urlaub und gut dotierte Jobs, im Welt weit agierenden Theater der Unfugs Gestalten der OSCE, welche fast schon ein sinnlos Kommando, wie die UN ist.

Und zwar für die OSCE, das sie sowas überhaupt als korrekte Wahl darstellte. Das heisst bei diesen Leuten, wir können so weiter machen, denn wir haben Wolfgang Grossruck.

"They have manipulated the most basic and democratic right, the electoral process”, he underlined."

“Unfortunately, the Albanian leaders, even when they are at the age of Prime Minister Berisha or Lulzim Basha, they lack of this trust. It has a vital importance for Albania to find other leaders, men or women, young or old, from whatever religion or ethnicity, but that have democracy fire is still shining”, Withers” Top-Channel 

Der Super Skandal der OSCE (Wolfgang Grossruck, der Lobbyist und Bestechungs Aktivist der Österreiche), als man erneut gezielt total gefälschte Wahlen in Albanien 2009 als korrekt bestätigte, obwohl die Doppel Wähler, vor vielen Wahl Lokalen in der frühen Morgen Stunden schon warteten, als militante Gestalten des Salih Berisha leicht erkannt, was Selbige sogar bestätigten, wenn man wie meine Person direkt nachfragte.

Der OSCE Betrüger und Betrugs Lobby: Wolfgang Grossruck ist wieder in Tirana Peinlich wird es, wenn eine wichtige Albaner Presse, den Berufs Kriminellen Wolfgang Grosruck ebenso als Betrüger bezeichnet, der recht munter im Auftrage der primitiven Albaner Mafia, gefälschte Berichte verfasst.Auslands Bestechung, ist für alle Europäer strafbar, lt. Pariser Anti Korruptions Konvention von 1998, von allen EU Staaten ratifiziert.

Sonder Modell eines Österreichischen Idioten: Wolfgang Grossruck
Natürlich: Bestechungs Lobbyist besucht den dümmsten und kriminellsten PM der Welt: Salih Berisha
Sogar mit Erpressung, u.a. keine Verlängerung der OSCE Arbeits Verträge usw.. arbeitet Grossruck! W. Grossruck gehört verhaftet
Mutige OSCE Erklärung: Man wird erpresst, Fakten über die Wahlen in Albanien zu fälschen
Fälschungen ohne Ende

Die Parlament Wahlen in 2009 in Albanien und Kommunal Wahlen in 2011 !

C O N F I D E N T I A L TIRANA 000360 SIPDIS DEPT FOR EUR/SCE E.O. 12958: DECL: 06/09/2019 TAGS: PGOV [Internal Governmental Affairs], KDEM [Democratization], KCRM [Criminal Activity], PHUM [Human Rights], PREL [External Political Relations], AL [Albania] SUBJECT: HOW TO STEAL AN ELECTION, ALBANIAN STYLE REF: A. TIRANA 392 B. TIRANA 247 AND PREVIOUS Classified By: AMBASSADOR JOHN L. WITHERS FOR REASONS 1.4 (b) AND (d). ¶1. (C) Summary: Although the conduct of Albanian elections has shown steady improvement over the years, ODIHR election assessments since 1996 read at times like a how-to guide for flawed and rigged elections. Allegations of vote buying, bribery of electoral commissioners, fraudulent voter IDs, voter intimidation, and even violence have marred many previous elections. Although this election cycle has been fairly quiet so far - both ODIHR interim assessments have been generally positive - members of the opposition Socialist Party (SP) allege daily that the ruling Democratic Party (DP) is planning to steal the election (but offering little evidence to back the claim). The ruling Democratic Party (DP) also alleges fraud on the part of the SP - also with little supporting evidence. In order to get a better feel for what form these “frauds” might take, Post spoke with several SP and DP candidates, and civil society representatives to get a better feel for what a rigged election might look like. It is important to note, however, that ODIHR and other observers have seen no credible evidence as of yet of concerted plans or efforts to manipulate the upcoming parliamentary elections by either side. Sadly, as this cable was being drafted, a DP activist was killed by an SP activist with an AK-47 outside of Durres in a squabble over campaign posters. PM Berisha and SP Leader Edi Rama both condemned the act and appealed for calm. End summary. It All Began in 1996. . . ————————- ¶2. (C) The blatantly rigged 1996 parliamentary contest marks the low point for Albanian elections. Marred by serious irregularities including violence, ballot stuffing, police intimidation of opposition candidates and incompetent election administration, the elections were a disaster, and led in part to the collapse of civil order one year later. The masterminds of the rigged 1996 Democratic Party victory were then-President (now PM) Sali Berisha, and then-Ministry of Interior official (now Deputy Interior Minister) Ferdinand Poni. The fact that Berisha is once again the head of government, with Poni now in charge of ID cards, has many in the SP worried that history will repeat itself with these elections. In a sad development that occurred as this cable was being drafted, a DP activist was shot and killed by an SP activist in a dispute over campaign posters near Durres. Both PM Berisha and SP leader Edi Rama have condemned the act and appealed for calm. JUST DROP THIS BALLOT IN THE BOX PLEASE ————————————— ¶3. (C) One tactic, used both in Albania and around the world to rig elections, is known as “carousel voting” and goes like this: early on Election Day morning, one “militant” will remove an empty ballot from the polling center. (Note: Militant is the preferred nomenclature for hardcore party activists or anyone involved in electoral mischief. End note.) This militant will then fill out the ballot with a vote cast for whichever party he supports. He will then give the ballot to a prospective voter outside the voting center and promise him ALL 5,000 (USD 50) if he puts the completed ballot in the box and returns the empty blank ballot issued to him in the voting center to him. The process is repeated throughout the day and across the country. In other versions of this scheme, less charitable militants will not offer you money but will threaten to beat you up or cause you to lose your job if you do not comply with the plan. This plan is practically foolproof as you are handing someone a previously completed ballot and receiving the empty ballot back, thus not allowing for any deviation once in the ballot booth. WOULD YOU LIKE A BALLOT WITH YOUR PIZZA? —————————————- ¶4. (C) Another technique, used to great effect in prior elections, according to some of Post’s contacts, is to have filled-in ballots delivered with pizzas to counting centers on election day. These ballots are then dropped into the ballot boxes and counted as valid votes. Apparently no one checks if a polling center counts more votes than there are people on the voter registry, however this could change this year. Commissioners have also been know to receive “fees,” sometimes up to EUR 500, to “close their eyes” for several minutes during the counting process to allow the militants to do their dirty work. Video cameras have been mandated by the new electoral code to combat this type of behavior, but it is easy to imagine them being switched off briefly, someone “accidentally” blocking the camera, or tricks being pulled outside of the cameras’ view. Both parties this year have alleged that the other side is bribing or planning to pay off electoral commissioners this year, although no one has of yet offered any proof of said scheme. MY NAME IS EDI OR BARDI OR VJOSA OR ARDI —————————————- ¶5. (C) Yet another ploy is multiple voting. According to this scheme, someone will try to vote several times in a district or region using the same identity papers. A bit more complex are schemes where people could obtain multiple voter IDs. Under this plan, militants will apply for and receive IDs for people who are known to be out of the country, are dead, or are not planning to vote for whatever reason. The IDs will all have the same picture on them, matching the militant’s face, but will have different names and personal information. Although the SP firmly believes that such a scheme is possible, ID card producer Aleat and the Interior Ministry claim it is not, and point to the fact that biometric controls on the new ID cards have stopped at least eleven attempts by voters to get multiple IDs using phony identification documents. ¶6. (C) Nevertheless, manipulation of the ID cards remains the SP’s biggest single worry next to the large-scale disenfranchisement of non-passport holders (reftels). A senior SP official told PolOff on June 11 that the GOA had purposely delayed the rollout of ID registration centers in “five key areas.” The delay, he alleged, is causing a last-minute rush for IDs in those areas, and the better-organized, better-funded DP is in a stronger position to get IDs quickly to its supporters, while SP and other voters struggle. But on June 11 a DP official told PolOff that SP local officials were purposely hindering the issuance of ID cards to voters in parts of Tirana. Neither the DP nor SP officials offered any proof to back their claims. SEE, I VOTED DP! DON,T FIRE ME! —————————— ¶7. (C) The current Albanian patronage system is so entrenched at all levels that it often leads to voter intimidation. For example, it is possible for a janitor in a school in Elbasan to lose his job if the government changes. In the past, state and municipal employees have been routinely forced to attend campaign rallies, do campaign work, or vote for a certain party or risk losing their job. In previous elections some voters even photographed themselves with their completed ballot in order to show it to their superiors at work to prove their loyalty. The threat of losing one’s job for not voting properly is quite real and one SP candidate said her mother would vote DP just to prevent the havoc that is caused when a new government comes to power. To add to the confusion, although the Democratic Party controls the central government, many local governments are controlled by the SP or even the Socialist Movement for Integration (LSI), meaning civil servants can be subject to pressure from any party, depending on where that employee works. ODIHR’s second interim report said ODIHR has received numerous unverified reports of pressure on state employees and even school children to attend DP rallies around the country. ¶8. (C) COMMENT: Certainly the main burden in ensuring a good election falls on the GOA. However, none of these unsavory tactics are party specific, and could be and have been used in the past by any party in an attempt to gain an advantage. This year both parties have pledged to run a clean campaign, and PM Berisha has repeatedly “guaranteed” to all who will listen that this year’s election will be Albania’s best ever. However, the stakes are very high for PM Berisha this election, particularly with the persistent rumors concerning the involvement of members of Berisha,s own family in the Gerdec scandal. The winner take all atmosphere that is Albanian politics also does not help matters and probably encourages illicit behavior. Furthermore, while party leaders might not condone fraudulent activities, mid-level hacks looking to make a name for themselves could attempt to pull some shenanigans. Although ODIHR has seen little so far to indicate widespread fraud by any party, the potential is real, particularly given past deeds by both major parties. The more than 3,000 observers will need to be paying close attention on election day. WITHERS

Die Adminstrativen, Lehrer, Studenten wurden erpresst, an allen Wahl Veranstaltungen teilzunehmen, welche zu einem perversen Spektakel mutierten, als neo-Kommunistische PR-Show im Stile des Enver Hoxha!

“You see, I voted for DP for not being fired”, is the sub-title of this cable that describes the intimidation of the state administration for participating in DP electoral meetings, where they are obliged to be photographed for not being fired. The US embassy considers this a serious threat for losing the job.

The conclusive comment of this cable, written by Ambassador Withers, says that the potential for having other manipulations in these elections is real, taking in consideration the past electoral developments and the current political parties.

“The expectancy of these elections remains high for Prime Minister Berisha, especially after the constant voices that members of the Berisha familly are part of the Gerdeci scandal”, the cable concludes.

Der Gangster Wolfgang Grossruck, und seine PR für die Albaner Mafia:

TIRANA, Albania — OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Deputy Chairman Wolfgang Grossruck said on Friday (August 21st) that he June 28th general elections were Albania’s best ever. Grossruck was in Tirana to meet with Democratic Party (DP) leader Sali Berisha, and Socialist Movement for Integration (SMI) leader Ilir Meta. “We saw a lot of improvement and therefore we can say that they were the best elections ever organised in Albania. Nevertheless, there is still a lot of work to be done and more to be achieved. I invite Albanian politicians to collaborate for the good of this country,” Grossruck told Berisha. Opposition Socialist Party (SP) leader Edi Rama disagreed, saying the elections were a “deformation of democracy”.
In other news, Meta’s decision for SMI to enter a coalition with the ruling DP has caused a division among party members. Senior SMI member Pellumb Xhufi told journalists on Friday the deal with is self-destructive for the party. “The votes given to the leftists cannot be a vote in support of Berisha’s government. We do not want to command respect to anyone, but we cannot accept any talks with the DP,” Xhufi said. (Makfax, Alsat, BTA – 22/08/09)

Das die Kommunal Wahlen gezielt mit falschen ID Karten gestohlen wurden in Tirana, ist bekannt.

Das es ebenso bei den Parlamentswahlen bereits so war, durch den Berufs Verbrecher Ferdinand Poni (enger Verwandter u.a. als Grundstücks Direktor in Vlore verhaftet, wegen Urkunden Fälschungen in Sarande)

How to steal elections
02/09/2011 19:55

How to steal elections
“How to steal elections, Albanian style.” This is not the title of a manual for stealing elections, but a cable of the US Embassy that was published today on Wikileaks, showing all misdeeds of 1996.

“The manipulated elections of 1996 show the lowest point for the Albanian elections, filled with irregularities, violence, artificially filled ballot boxes, police intimidation against opposition and an incompetent administration of the process. These elections were destructive and brought the country to collapse and civil war one year later”.

This is how the US Embassy describes the situation of the elections on that year, a manipulation behind which stood Sali Berisha, then President of the country from the Democratic Party, and the Interior Minister of the time, now Deputy Minister, Ferdinand Poni.

“The fact that today Berisha is the head of the government and Pony the director of the Identity Cards project has concerned the Socialist Party that the same situation will be repeated again”.

The US embassy sends a detailed report to the US State Department 16 days before the General Elections of 28 June 2009, describing all the manipulations that were used in Albania, such as sending ballots with pizza boxes, while the security cameras were switched off during the manipulation.

The cable also describes the concern of the Socialist Party for equipping DP militants with identity cards which are produced with the names of emigrants outside Albania. These identity cards have the picture of the militant, but the generalities of someone else.

“You see, I voted for DP for not being fired”, is the sub-title of this cable that describes the intimidation of the state administration for participating in DP electoral meetings, where they are obliged to be photographed for not being fired. The US embassy considers this a serious threat for losing the job.

The conclusive comment of this cable, written by Ambassador Withers, says that the potential for having other manipulations in these elections is real, taking in consideration the past electoral developments and the current political parties.

“The expectancy of these elections remains high for Prime Minister Berisha, especially after the constant voices that members of the Berisha familly are part of the Gerdeci scandal”, the cable concludes.

Salih Berisha, hat schon vor praktisch 20 Jahren, eine hoch kriminelle Clan Klientel Politik, mit seiner primitivem Polizei Apparat betrieben, indem es zu wilden Grundstuecks Raub Orgien kam, welche unveraendert anhalten. Damals hatte er illegale kriminelle Dekrete u.a. erlassen, das seinen dummen Nord Albaner Banden erlaubte, ueberall zu siedeln, wo es “besser” sei und alle Grundrecht, Baugesetze ausser Kraft gesetzt. Praktisch sind alle hohen Polizei Direktoren Posten, von seinen Tropoje Banden besetzt, welche ihre Aufgabe und Gesetze sowieso nicht kennen.
Salih Berisha, Sokol Hoxha
Salih Berisha und der Sohn von Enver Hoxha privat unterwegs
“To Paron”, berichtet über ein Video, wie Argita Berisha (Tochter des Salih Berisha) erneut Betrugs- und Bestechungsfälle organisiert 

Komplett gefälscht, der aktuelle Russland Bericht, über die Präsidenten Wahl!
Wo man gute Geschäfte macht, rund um die Privatisierung und Gas- und Öl, werden alle Fälschungen ignoriert, wie in Aserbeischan, Georgien, Kosovo, Albanien usw.. und ansonsten erfindet man Wahl Fälschungen im grossen Paket, obwohl jeder Hintergrund fehlt, wie nun in Russland.
Montag, 12. März 2012

Rußland-Wahl: OSZE-Beobachter widerspricht offiziellem OSZE-Bericht

Hier ‘mal wieder ein klassisches Beispiel dafür, wie Organisationen wie die OSZE, UNO und Co. arbeiten bzw. welche Absichten wirklich dahinter stecken. Das gilt zumindest für einzelne, aber entscheidende Mitarbeiter.
Nicht nachvollziehbar
Die OSZE (Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa) hat an den Präsidentenwahlen in Rußland am 4. März heftige Kritik geübt. Demnach soll es in jedem dritten Wahllokal zu Unregelmäßigkeiten gekommen sein. Im Interview mit der Wiener Zeitung widersprach dem Stefan Schennach (SPÖ), der für den Europarat als Wahlbeobachter in Rußland war:
(…) Ich kann das Urteil der OSZE überhaupt nicht nachvollziehen. Als ich davon gehört habe, dachte ich, ich bin bei einer anderen Wahl gewesen. Die OSZE müßte mit Tausenden Beobachtern vor Ort gewesen sein, um so etwas überhaupt feststellen zu können. Ich selbst habe als Mitglied der Delegation des Europarates zwei Dutzend Wahllokale besucht. Nur zweimal habe ich die Note »schlecht« vergeben – aber nicht wegen Betrugs, sondern etwa deshalb, weil ein Wahllokal in einer Apotheke war und man nur schlecht zwischen Wählern und Kunden unterscheiden konnte. Die Berichte meiner Kollegen waren übrigens gleichlautend.
(…) Als ich 2008 für die OSZE in Georgien als Wahlbeobachter im Einsatz war, haben wir – im Gegensatz zu dieser Wahl in Rußland – wirklich empörende Verstöße festgestellt. Da tauchten, als das Ergebnis nicht stimmte, plötzlich zusätzliche Boxen mit Stimmzetteln auf, ein haarsträubender Wahlschwindel fand vor unseren Augen statt. Und wir waren fassungslos, als wir sehen mußten, daß der damalige Leiter der OSZE-Mission, obwohl er noch keine Berichte von uns hatte, die Wahl in Ordnung fand. (…)

“Wenn OSZE recht hat, war ich bei einer anderen Wahl”

Von Gerhard Lechner
  • Wahlbeobachter Schennach hat in Russland keine Verstöße festgestellt.

“Wiener Zeitung”:

Die OSZE (Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa, Anm.) hat an den Präsidentenwahlen in Russland heftige Kritik geübt. Demnach soll es in jedem dritten Wahllokal zu Unregelmäßigkeiten gekommen sein. Deckt sich das mit ihren Beobachtungen?
 Verwandte Artikel

Stefan Schennach: Nein. Ich kann das Urteil der OSZE überhaupt nicht nachvollziehen. Als ich davon gehört habe, dachte ich, ich bin bei einer anderen Wahl gewesen. Die OSZE müsste mit tausenden Beobachtern vor Ort gewesen sein, um so etwas überhaupt feststellen zu können. Ich selbst habe als Mitglied der Delegation des Europarates zwei Dutzend Wahllokale besucht. Nur zwei Mal habe ich die Note “schlecht” vergeben - aber nicht wegen Betrugs, sondern etwa deshalb, weil ein Wahllokal in einer Apotheke war und man nur schlecht zwischen Wählern und Kunden unterscheiden konnte. Die Berichte meiner Kollegen waren übrigens gleichlautend.

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