Mittwoch, 25. April 2012

Top Polizei Direktor, bezichtet Salih Berisha, Bujar Nishani, und Hysni Burgaj als Mitglieder der Albaner Mafia

Was sowieso jeder weiss! Bujar Nishani verkaufte als Justiz Minister, für 30.000 € Notar Lizenzen, für Notare, welche Selbige auf Grund von Fälschungen verloren hatten. Er hat wie jeder Mafia Boss, eine sehr teure Uhr am Handgelenk, schon vor über 5 Jahren. Das Antritts Geschenck, der Mafia. Jeder weiss, das hoch kriminelle Polizei Direktoren, Strohdumm und inkomptent sind und krminelle Clans, inklusive Land Besetzung und illegalem Bauen decken. Former director of special forces and police recently director of the Debar Shemci Prençi has resigned, blaming fierce Minister of Interior, Bujar Nishani, Director General of Police Hysni Burgaj and other structures to police about the mafia, chrome Bulqizë. After submitting the resignation in Burgaj office, said he was Prençi found only in owning clans fight in front of Bulqiza underground, which have extended strands up in Tirana. Prençi said he took this decision to give yourself the freedom necessary in the fight against crime. Stating that the Prosecutor will denounce all violations that had found the former director of the Dibra district closed his statement that will use all the spaces to make it clear to the public what is happening with the mafia caves Bulqiza . A year ago, denounced the prosecutor Shemsi Prençi the Deputy Interior Minister Avenir Peka, at that time minister in office, due to an order for the special forces used an incident during the election campaign.

Peinlichkeit der EU Polizei Mission PAMECA III: die dümmsten Kriminellen werden hohe Polizei Chefs in Albanien 
The Police Assistance Mission of the European Community to Albania has drawn a detailed report sinking the Ministry of the Interiors and the State Police while belying all the propaganda of the power on the alleged success of the police in the fight against crime and trafficking.
SOT newspaper is in possession of a copy of the full PAMECA report of more than 100 pages which analyses the failures and successes of the police. Differently from the utopian depiction of the old propaganda of the Ministry of the Interiors, the mission states eleven reasons why the Albanian police has failed.
1. The lack of a data processing directorate to lead and control and take responsibility for the collection and control of intelligence;
2. Lack of computers for all state police officers connected with Memex system;
3. Lack of standard operational procedures to control police information;
4. Lack of a logistic server based on geographic division;
5. Insufficient knowledge on scientific evidence.
6. Lack of consuming articles for the Directorate of the Scientific Police;
7. Insufficient capacities for DNA tests;
8. Unfair division of tasks among specialists (some bear the brunt);
9. The failure of the police can be also attributed to the lack of willingness from the chiefs to ensure a consistent and increasing intelligence supply from the police officers as well as the inquiring structure experts.
10. Lack of civil recruits knowledgeable in certain fields of science and technology;
11. -The State Police can be intruded by the power in decision making processes.
1-Budget caps hamper the efficient enlargement of Memex system
2-Lack of funds to acquire the computer program for analysis specialists in districts
3-Lack of coherent procedures in compliance with the European Convention for Human Rights to control and use intelligence and Secret Human Resources of Information
4-Fund shortage in the Scientific police Department
5Lack of approved procedures in exchanging information
6-Low motivation and insufficient financial treatment

Mafia Clan of Democratic Party of Albania

Prime Minister Sali Berisha
  1. kukRexhep ARAPI, resident in Katund Sukth, nicknamed “KEPI” has a criminal record as follows:
  1. In the year 1991 (in March) he has killed at the Port of Durrës, for feud issues the citizen A. Cyrbja, resident in the Katund Sukth village; has been arrested for this crime in 1994 and has been released because of lack of evidence.
  2. In April 1997, in collaboration with Gëzim Aleksin, resident in K.Rruget Shijak (arrested for armed robbery, convicted for 12 years in prison, is being tried as a member of the ‘Kanun’ band) have kidnapped for the purpose of profit the business partner of Lul Alimadhi (The Shoe Firm in Qendër Sukth) and has released him after taking the fee of 150 million Italian liras.
 Bevor: Fatos Nano (Ilir Meta Drug Allegations
Gjoka Super Market-Shiak! 15 years drug and prostitutions center
The Gjoka Supermarket is the main center for the trafficking of drugs that comes from Turkey and Macedonia and the supply base for many criminal groups in Durres and Tirana and also the location where the cars that will be traveling to Italy and carrying drugs are supplied. Dashi currently owns an armored vehicle which has the licence plate: DR 51 90 C. It must be noted that Dash Gjoka is the main source of supply for all the drugs suppliers in Albania because it is a well known fact that a close friend and financial supporter of I.M, S. Olldashi. The latter meets with Gjoka almost every week. Oftentimes, the Democratic Party MPs Bamir Topi, Ridvan Bode, S. Olldashi etc come to dine or to supply in this supermarket, since they are close friends with Dashi.
The main and most loyal soldier of his is his driver, the citizen Artan Rami Bode, resident in Xhafzotaj, the newphew of the MP Ridvan Bode. He is also engaged in settling jobs for Dashi as far as the drug and women traffic goes, being a key figure. Artan, together with his Dashi’s older brother, Nazmi (called Nexhi) make the rules by smuggling merchandise from the Durres Port, both have been members of the Voting Center commission no.1402 for Mr. Olldashi.
Other friendly relationships of Gjoka are Hekuran Hoxha (Roni) and Fundim Dedja, both sentenced in Italy and other countries, for drug trafficking aimed at the Italian territory. Currently Gjoka is the head of the area Xhafzotaj Commune-Shikaj and even more, where all drug traffickers are supplied only by him. Strong evidence suggests that he has an arsenal of sophisticated weapons in his residence and a high security vault containing millions of Euros in Cash. It must be noted that Gjoka’s drugs goes through the port of Durres and Vlora and almost each cargo that is stopped in Italy is Gjoka’s and all the arrested men are his as well.

Pyschopaten wie Salih Berisha und Konsorten sabotieren die Justiz Reform in Albanien, in der Denkweise Antiker Berg Banditen Stämme   

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