Sonntag, 6. Mai 2012

Bildung und Albaner: Mafia Universitaeten, die nur Diplome verkaufen

Sogar Renzi Bosis, Sohn des ebenfalls vor kurzem verhafteten prominenten Italienischen Politiker Umberto Bossi, kaufte sich ein Diplom in Tirana, bei einer beruechtigten Mafia Universitaet. Im Kosovo und Mazedonien ist die Situation vor 10 Jahren auch schon identisch gewesen, das man vom Verkauf der Diplome lebt und selbst die Durres Universitaet ist auf Null Standard, seitdem viele echte Professoren entlassen wurden und die "Neuen" zu dumm sind, einfachste Unterrichts Plaene zu erstellen. Die Studenten sitzen ihre Zeit vor allem in "Cafe s" ab.

In Albanien ist die Bildung inzwischen auf Null Standard! Die Studenten sitzen ueberall in den Cafes herum, wissen nicht was sie tun sollen. Auch in Durres inzwischen gut bekannt, das Idioten nun Professoren sind, die nicht einmal einen Semester Plan erstellen koennen. Diplome erhaelt man fuer Geld und herumsitzen. Der Sohn vom Ex-Lega Nord Chef: Bossi hat sich auch ein Diplom in Tirana besorgt. Rund um die Ermittlungen und Festnahmen, gegen Umberto Bossi fand man die Dokumente. Bei dieser Mafia Universitaet in Tirana, wo etliche Fakultaeten keine Lizenz haben ist der von Deutscher Polizei und der HSS aufgebaute Super Drogen Boss Sokol Kociu heute taetig, der im Visum Desaster der Deutschen Botschaft vor 10 Jahren ebenso eine wichtige Rolle spielte, rund um das Mafia Projekt, der Doris Schroeder-Koepp, Welthungerhilfe usw.. und krimineller Deutschen Diplomaten. ein BKA Bericht gibt Auskunft. 8 Tonnen Kokain ist ja auch etwas und da waren Deutsche gerne behilflich unter dem Taxifahrer Joschka Fischer, denn ueber Sokol Kociu, war in 1996 bereits Alles bekannt, als der noch Polizei Praesident von Durres war und Haupt Financier der Albanischen Gangsters Salih Berisha. 06 Maj 2012 - 09:12
Mafia e diplomave, fijet çojnë te Kristali, në Kiev e Prishtinë Ja sekseri shqiptar i diplomës së Bossit
Mafia e diplomave, fijet çojnë te Kristali, në Kiev e Prishtinë
SKANDALI/ Për të përfituar diplomë shqiptare kundrejt pagesës, djali i Umberto Bosit ka përdorur një rrjet mafioz diplomash, të organizuar në shkallë ndërkombëtare, kreu i së cilës është në burg që prej dhjetorit. Në "rrjet" përfshihen, veç Kristalit, edhe universitete nga Ukraina e Kosova. (Në foto: (djathtas) Giorgio Salvade', kreu italian i organizatës së shitblerjes së diplomave nga vendet e Ballkanit dhe Evropës Lindore; (majtas) Faqja në internet e Shoqatës Kristal Europe, që ofron shërbime për studentët në universitetin Kristal të Tiranës, atë Rezonanca të Prishtinës dhe Medicina Ecologia të Kievit).
Minister Myqerem Tafaj und der totale Absturz der Bildung wird immer peinlicher Bossi’s son graduated in Albania 03/05/2012
Bossi’s son graduated in Albania
Renzo Bossi, the son of Umberto Bossi, has a diploma from an Albanian private university, discovered by the Naples and Milan Prosceution investigation against the Lega Nord party. The document was found in a folder named “family”, in the safe of the person who was responsible for the finances of “La Lega Nord”, Francesco Belstio. According to “La Reppublica”, the diploma was released on 8 October 2008 by the Kristal University in Tirana, where Renzo Bossi was graduated for Business Management, Economy. Besides this document, there was another diploma for Pierangelo Moscagiuro, partner of the Lega Nord Senator, Rosy Mauro. Moscagiuro was graduated in Political Sciences, and the diploma was also released in 2010, on 29 June. The investigators suspect that both diplomas have been bought with the Lega Nord funds. Bossi results registered in 29 subjects, and he has the best results in financial contability, maths and statistics. Umberto Bossi, the historical leader of the Lega Nord, the man who seemed to be the eternal leader of the party that promised to turn Italy into a federal state, and create a greater autonomy for the north, was obliged to resign on April. The Prosecution discovered suspicious funds of this party, which were used for personal expenses of Umberto Bossi and possible ties with the Ndranghete, the powerful mafia from Calabria. The investigations revealed personal expenses for the Bossi family, his villa, luxury cars and studies for his children. Vlora – Fire at the deposits wells at the port

Im Null Funktion Staat einer Idioten Mafia, will nun Salih Berisha, die privaten Mafia Schulen und Universitäten finanzieren
Dieser Eintrag stammt von Gjoka Am 17.2.2012 @ 14:28 In others - sonstiges | 1 Kommentar
 Aus der Regierungs Erklärung des Welt Terroristen und extrem Verbrechers Salih Berisha geht rund um die Partnerschaft mit der Skrapi Bande des Ilir Meta hervor, das man nun die Mafiösen privaten privaten Schulen und Universitäten auch noch finanzieren will. Entsprechende Gesetze sind in Vorbereitung! Albanien wird ein Idioten Staat, wo ausgebildete Lehrer, Ärzte, Polizei Direktoren gefeuert werden und durch Null Verstand Gestalten und einer Idioten Mafia ersetzt wird, welche keine Schul Zeugnisse haben, aber gefälschte Ausbildung Titel. [1] Mero Baze, einer der ältesten und prominenten Journalisten schrieb gerade einen Artikel, über die militanten Partei Gänger, mit Null Schulbildung und gefälschten Diplomen, welche überall auch im Schulwesen die Direktoren Posten erhalten und die komplette Bildung ruinieren, welche ins Bodenlose abgestürzt, identisch bei der Polizei und im Gesundheitswesen.
Die New York Times, schrieb gerade einen Artikel über die Null Genehmigung der Mafia Universität “New York Universität - Tirana”, das auch hier nie eine Genehmigung, oder eine Kontrolle aus New York bestand, so das die Ilir Meta und Salih Berisha, den ganzen Staat inklusive der Schulen mit Parteigänger, besetzt haben, einer auch in 1996 schon gut dokumentierten Dumm Klasse, ohne Bildung, aber mit gefälschten Diplomen und Ausbildungs Wegen, was man an der Idiotie, diverser Minister, im Gesundheitswesen, Polizei Direkoren, Justiz Ministern sehr schnell erkennt.
Tonin Qjuraj
Mafia Boss Tonin Gjuraj (nun Leiter der privaten Mafia Universität New York - Tirana, wo man mit Sicherheits Nichts lernen kann), wurde Botschafter, obwohl das Diplomatische Gesetz vorschreibt, das man mindestens 15 Jahre im Auswärtigen Amte und in Diploamtischen Missionen gearbeitet hat, was wieder einmal Alles sagt, weil solche Posten praktisch auch unter Salih Berisha, direkt an die Mafia verkauft werden. Lebensläufe, Arbeits Tätigkeiten sind wilde gefälschte Storys, wie immer in Albanien und wertlos, wie auch sein Professoren Titel.
[2] New York Times, über die Betrugs Universitäten in Tirana, welche Mafiös organisiert sind
Die angebliche [3] Universität New York - Tirana, hat zuviel Ausehen in den USA erregt, weil Tausende von diesen gefälschten Diplomen auftauchten mit Null Bildungs Albanern und so gibt es den nächsten Artikel in der New York Times, über die Betrugs Maschinerie, der Albanischen Regierung, welche diesen Mafiösen Betrug nicht beendet, obwohl wie im Teil I, bewiesen die Fakten dem Minister bekannt sind.
New York Universität - tirana
Man wirbt für die falschen Titel
PM Berisha: New law on pre-university educational system, a major reform proposal

-          The draft law notably increases schools’ autonomy and adopts a new approach on the role of parents and pupils in our educational system.
-          The draft law sets the best educational standards in the core of the pre-university educational system.
-          The draft law puts special emphasis on learning of two foreign languages and new standards in training of the teachers.
-         The draft law creates greater space for participation of the private sector in education of the children; it reflects the reality, but it places on a more solid legal basis a welcome reality that must get consolidated.

The prime minister spoke during meeting of the Council of Ministers today about several issues related with the educational system in our country as the draft law “On pre-university educational system in the Republic of Albania” provided a starting point for discussion.

The prime minister highlighted the fact that this draft law follows up the great efforts made for the consolidation of the pre-university system in Albania. He added that the draft law has been prepared while adhering to the most advanced principles of education in the OECD and EU member countries. “The draft law sets the best educational standards in the core of the pre-university educational system,” said the prime minister.

While giving a brief history of the pre-university education development, the prime minister said that this system suffered a significant decline after the fall of communism. After the collapse of the secondary agricultural schools the educational system was abandoned in a massive way especially by the low-paid teachers and thus marking a culminating point.

In this context, the prime minister emphasized that during the recent years the government has placed the teacher and its noble mission in the epicenter of its efforts for development of education. “Their salaries have got increased like in no other country. Albania is among the few countries with salaries of the teachers above the average in the salary scale. Their salaries have got increased by about 120% beginning from 2006 and until now. This step has influenced teachers not to leave the job as the competition is increased and the teaching staff got consolidated,” said the prime minister.

Appreciating that the Law on pre-university education stipulates new standards for the qualification of the teachers, the prime minister said that the government will do its best to transform teaching profession into the most serious of the society. “Nothing is more serious for a family and society than the education of the children and it can be realized only through the training, education and constant qualification of the teachers, the update of their knowledge in the fields they teach the children”, said the prime minister.

The prime minister highlighted the fact that the draft law notably increases schools’ autonomy and adopts a new approach on the role of parents and pupils in our educational system. Likewise, the prime minister emphasized that the draft puts special emphasizes on the learning of two foreign languages through giving a new breathing space to this important dimension of education of the children in Albania. “The Albanians are born polyglots. No other has the organs of speech fit to speak every language like the Albanians. And here stems their passion for the foreign languages. The citizens of this country are wise enough to begin knowledge on other civilizations and nations via language. Hence, a first and a second language are already scheduled in the pre-university educational system. Naturally, the first foreign language has already been stipulated by law. One must not forget that the Albanians are francophone; they are fluent in Italian; they have to be more open toward Spanish, German, but even to Chinese as a second foreign language. Our educational system must reflect the world we are living in and this world speaks by itself. Therefore, it is indispensable that our educational system must carry in a certain percentage the Chinese language as a second foreign language,” said PM Berisha.

Also the draft law creates greater space for participation of the private sector in education of the children; it reflects the reality, but it places on a more solid legal basis a welcome reality that must get consolidated.


February 12, 2012
In Albania, Can a U.S. Diploma Deliver?

TIRANA, [6] ALBANIA — Rising above the dingy back streets of the Albanian capital, the silhouette, instantly recognizable, shines out like a promise: the [7] Statue of Liberty, symbol of America, land of opportunity — and also the logo of the University of New York, Tirana (U.N.Y.T.), where students pay more than $32,500 for what a sign in the lobby describes as “the only real European and American education” in the country.
On its elaborate Web site, U.N.Y.T. paints a glowing picture of students enjoying a typical American university experience — complete with student union, college sports, and campus social life — without having to ever leave Albania. Although known locally as [8] “New York University-Tirana” — the name listed on its official charter from the Albanian government — the school has no connection with the campus in Greenwich Village. Nor does it have a dining hall, dormitories, gym, or stadium — the Web page covering sports has been “under construction” for more than a year. The photograph of a library, featured on the cover of the school’s handsomely printed brochure, was in fact taken elsewhere, school officials concede.
Bevis Fusha for the International Herald Tribune
The entrance to the University of New York, Tirana.
D.D. Guttenplan (12 February 2012), [10] In Albania, Can a U.S. Diploma Deliver?, [11] The New York Times, retrieved February 14, 2012

Wilson Tirana
Die [12] Mafia Schule “Wilson” in Tirana, wo Neanderthalter ohne Kultur und Bildung, Lehrer sind, was nur noch von der [13] Tetova Universität getopt wird, des [14] Berufs Verbrechers Fadil Suleimani (erhielt sogar Einreise Verbot in die USA, EI, EFTA Staaten) und seiner Frau, wo die KAS schon vor über 10 Jahre Berichte schrieb. Matürlich eng mit der Familie Destani verbunden, denn die gesamte Verwandschaft, muss mit Diplomen versorgt werden, damit man an der Hamburger Universität studieren kann, rund um die Peinlichkeit der Osmani Mafia.
[15] Mit gefälschten Diplomen zur 2. höchsten Polizistin —–> Präsidentin des Kosovo aufsteigen: Atifete Jahjaga

[16] President of Kosovo:
[17] Man kauft sich Schul Zeugnisse und Titel in Albanien
[18] Tausende von gefälschten Diplome und Titel der Mafia Universität Tetova, sind erneut Schlagzeilen
[19] 7 Hoch Schul Lehrer der neuen Uni in Kamzes, sind der Korruption angeklagt.
[20] 7 Direktoren der Steuer Behörde wegen gefälschten Diplomen angeklagt.
American pedophile in Albania 02/05/2012 19:40

American pedophile in Albania
Seven years after our country was shocked by a pedophile scandal at the “Femijet e Tij” Center, (His Children), in the Albanian capital, where three foreigners had abused with homeless minors, another scandal is expected to end up in court soon. Top Channel has secured the prosecution file against the US citizen, Carl Stephan Kaminski, today 70 years old, who arrived in Albania under the name David Gerard Golderstein. He will be prosecuted in absence for pedophilia with grave consequences against three children during 2003-2006. One of the abused children, according to the prosecution, is still being cured for serious psychiatric problems, with the diagnosis “refractory schizophrenia” and is unable to communicate. The minor showed these problems after he was abused. The Prosecution says that Kaminski has entered Albania as a tourist and has mostly lived in Durres. During this time he has abused with children in a house that he had rented. “He has abused with three minors when he was living in the rented house. The defendant even took naked pictures of the children, promising to delete them”, the Prosecution file says. The pedophile was discovered recently after a notification that arrived in 2011 by the US authorities. According to the documents that Top Channel has secured, after abusing with the children he has left during the time when another pedophilia scandal shocked the country, that of the British citizens, David Brown, Dino Kristodulu and Robin Arnold. But Kaminski was arrested by the German Police near Rosenheim, for traveling with false documents under the name David Gerard Golsderstein, as a Belgian citizen. In this country he was sentenced with one year and four months for falsification of documents. After finishing the sentence, the 70 year old was handed over to the US justice, where the authorities were looking for him for sexual abuses with minors. When he was 30 years old, he was also sentenced in Massachusetts for pedophilia. The US prosecutors found pornographic videos of him with the Albanian minors, and have immediately notified the Albanian Prosecution that opened the case. The Albanian prosecution asked the extradition of Carl Stephan Kamisnki, based on the extradition tractate of 1993. Und in Tirana brennt einer der Schrott Appartment Haeuser ab! Tiranë, zjarr në bodrumin e pallatit, dëme materiale 04/05/2012 04:30

Tiranë, zjarr në bodrumin e pallatit, dëme materiale
Një zjarr i fuqishëm përfshiu orët e para të së premtes bodrumin e një pallati në zonën e Komunës së Parisit në kryeqytet. Nga burimet e para njoftohet se zjarri ra në bodrumin e pallatit “Shtator 90”, pranë “Eleonorës”, që përdorej si mobileri. Edhe pse zjarrfikësit u vonunan, për fat të mirë zjarri i rënë shkaktoi vetëm dëme materiale, ndërsa paniku përfshiu banorët e pallateve përreth. Ajo që kishte të bënte me vonesën e zjarrfikësve ishte vështirësia që banorët hasën për të njoftuar shërbimin zjarrfikës. Për shkak të një problemi teknik u njoftuan gabimisht zjarrfikësit e Durrësit, për të cilët shkoi alarmi. Më pas zjarrfikësit e Durrësit fikën aparaturat që të bëhej e mundur lidhja me Tiranën. Si përfundim edhe pse zjarrfikësit mbërritën në vendngjarje me vonesë bënë të mundur shuarjen flakëve.

1 Kommentar:

  1. Umberto Bossi's son reacts
    10/05/2012 22:30

    Umberto Bossi's son reacts
    The son of Umberto Bossi, Renzo Bossi, distanced himself from the diplomat that the Italian investigators found in the party’s safe and that appeared to have been bought in Albania. The diploma said that Bossi had followed three years in the Tirana private “Kristal University”, only one year after he had received the high school diploma in Italy. Bossi declared that he had never been in Albania and that he doesn’t know Albanian. He also added that he was not aware of the existence of this document.

    “Initially I preferred to not talk about that document, because I trust the court and that’s the only place where I will answer, but now I feel obliged, against my will, to stop the media that have started a campaign against me by wanting to make the judge”, declared Renzo Bossi, the son of the Lega North leader, Umberto Bossi.

    “They wanted to use me against my father in order to intimidate him from rerunning as federal secretary”, he underlined,.

    Renzo Bossi asked to be left alone, since he has shown full will for giving up every political position and allowing the Lega to continue with its projects.

    “I will start everything from the position of a simple militant. After 10 years, when I will be 33 years old and with more experience, I will see. Meanwhile, I want to study and build my future. I might work as a construction worker or farmer, so that I can enjoy the clean air. The last two years with suits and tie were too much for me”, he declared.
