Samstag, 19. Mai 2012

Gefälschte "Marken" Computer für das Bildungs Ministerium in Tirana, wurden von dem Italienischen Zoll beschlagnahmt

Das Bildungs Ministerium in Tirana, kaufte 7.000 Computer ein, für die Ausstattung der Schulen und Ministerien. Kosten 374.000 $ ! 534 $ also pro Einheit, was man leicht direkt beim Marken Hersteller damit auch besorgen kann. Geliefert wurden nur uralt Schrott, total gefälscht aus China über eine Serbische Firma. Der Frachter mit den gefälschten Waren ist von der Italienischen Guardia de Financa beschlagnahmt, weil Piraten Artikel automatisch in Europa beschlagnahmt werden. Das ganz normale Geschäft, einer primitiven  Mafia Regierung in Tirana.

Bildungs Minister Myqerem Tafaj, noch peinlich.
  • 15.5.2012: Einzige Regierungs Aktion: teure Reisen, PR in den Medien und Betrug ohne Ende
  • 13.5.2012: Die Betrugs Universitäten in Tirana sind fest in Hand der Familie Berisha und Mafiosi wie Tonin Gjuraj und Nora Malaj

  • Ministry of Education scandal

    Ministry of Education scandal
    The Ministry of Education is involved in a financial scandal after abusing with the public funds and evading taxes in the project for equipping public schools with computers. 

    The Supreme State Audit has identified on March 2010 that the agreements of the Ministry of Education with the Serbian company “MpSoft Group” and “CT Computers” for installing informatics labs in all schools have brought equipments of lower quality than what has been paid and some of them are absent in many schools.

    For this reason, the SSA says that the damage caused to the state mounts to hundreds of millions of ALL.

    According to this report, the Serbian company has brought lab equipments of a much lower quality than what had been foreseen in the agreement, while the Ministry has paid almost 209.000 USD more, for a higher quality.

    Even at the customs, the Ministry of Education has paid 4.3 million ALL of obligations, as if the equipments belonged to the brand that had been decided on the agreement, and not for the equipments that have really passed through customs, all of which were cheaper.

    The SSA also notes that the Serbian company should have been penalized with 373.854 USD for the delay, but in fact, this money has been collected by the Ministry of Education.

    The Supreme State Audit has identified that the guarantee fund that ahs been placed in the bank by the Serbian company has been withdrawn before the equipments were brought in, and this sum is equal to the penalization, 374.000 USD.

    According to the SSA, the inspections have shown that the goods that were brought in had a lower quality, were of another brand and were produced in another country. Besides the low quality, the equipments have been brought for 619 labs, from 665 that they were in total, and many peripheral devices are missing, such as headphones, microphones and computer cards, even in the current labs.

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