Dienstag, 15. Mai 2012

Tomislav Nikolic hat sich ebenso einen Titel bei einer Universität der Karic Mafia besorgt

Viele prominente Politiker haben in Deutschland ebenso gefakte und abgeschriebene Diplome,

Nikolic’s diploma worth 200 million Dinars
This is the news: Court courier yesterday brought to Blic a suit that the SNS presidential candidate Tomislav Nikolic has filed against our newspaper because of the article ‘Mystery of Nikolic’s diploma’. The SNS candidate wants some money, too. He evaluated his diploma to be worth 200 million Dinars (about EUR 2 millions).

Tomislav Nikolić
Blic continued researching much further than the claim that Nikolic’s diploma is only mysterious. In case it was not acquired in a legal manner, and many expressed their doubts in its legality openly, then it will be a criminal offence.

Blic dealing with Nikolic’s diploma was practically initiated by the very presidential candidate Tomislav Nikolic during the first round of elections since there were significant inconsistencies in the statements he made. Ahead of previous elections in 2008 he said to have been studying something else, while in his biography, there was written ‘construction technician’.
And then by pure wonder, after four years, ahead of these elections, he started waving with diploma of a manager which, as he himself said, he got in 2007, exactly at the time when he was claiming something else. That was a reason enough to cause suspicion over and checking of this year’s Nikolic’s election joker – university education, or, more importantly, how he got the diploma.
What the suit says
Tomislav Nikolic filed a suit against Blic editor in chief Veselin Simonovic. His lawyer wrote in the suit that Nikolic ‘is the most serious candidate for the President of Serbia’ and that the article in Blic is a lie aimed that at the peak of election campaign ‘the personality of the candidate is harmed in the most brutal manner’.
Blic yesterday continued investigating and found the following.
Firstly: Nikolic graduated from the Faculty for Management in Novi Sad. At the time of graduation stipulated by Nikolic, that faculty did not have required accreditation for work. Further, that Faculty for Management is a part of the Alpha University, descendant of former BK University of the Karic brothers, i.e. the actual coalition partner of the SNS leader.
Nikolic’s faculty, under auspice of another one tried to get the accreditation. However, the Alpha University has not managed to get the accreditation until today, while the Faculty for Management got that document as late as in 2010.
This means that Nikolic, who is the 2003/2004 generation, enrolled at and graduated from a faculty that was not recognized at that time! By checking the program that Nikolic studied, we found yet another inconsistency or oversight regarding the dates. At the time of studying that studies lasted four years. This again raises another question to Nikolic: what was the dynamics of his studying if he managed to finish the seminars, pass diploma exam and complete the studies in just three years and a half – January 19, 2007.
Secondly: The Faculty for Management had already been in the focus of attention once again over suspicion in validity of the diplomas during 2009 when the Ministry of Education was checking validity of two doctorate diplomas.

University diploma of Tomislav Nikolić
The investigating bodies were suspicious over the fact that in the period from 2006 to 2009 even 33 doctorate thesis and 101 magistrate thesis were defended at this faculty. When this was happening (2006) Nikolic was telling around that he was studying law at the state Faculty of Law in Kragujevac!
It was not disputable at all whether Nikolic has a university diploma or not. However, what is disputable is its validity. It has to be checked whether it was acquired legally or perhaps it was typed at a time when Nikolic together with the Karic brothers decided to win in Serbia. It is also interesting that Nikolic completed his university studies on Friday, January 19, 2007 only two days before parliamentary elections on January 21. That means that he was successful on two fronts at the same time, he worked for his party but on his education as well.
In Blic article ‘Mystery of Nikolic’s diploma’ of April 26 because of which he sued our daily, we do not claim that Nikolic does not have a diploma. It is interesting that Nikolic has not paid attention to other articles related to the studies – huge but unsuccessful efforts by our journalists to find students from that time who remember their colleague Nikolic, who as is claimed, attended the classes regularly. Also Nikolic was passing exams at the faculty’s department in Belgrade which does not exist as of 2008!
In the law there is written: a criminal offence is not just a forged document but also its obtaining and use.

Und in Albanien ist die halbe Regierung und prominenten privaten Universitäten im Sumpf der Null Bildung und des Betruges versunken. Heute wird man in Albanien Professor, wie in Mazedonien mit Null Verstand, weil man irgendein Buch abgeschrieben hat und sich so einen Titel mit Geld besorgt hat. In der Vorlesung lesen die Professoren nur noch aus Büchern vor, denn zu etwas Anderem sind diese Leute zu dumm und kriminell.

13.5.2012: Die Betrugs Universitäten in Tirana sind fest in Hand der Familie Berisha und Mafiosi wie Tonin Gjuraj und Nora Malaj

Albanien - Kosovo:: mit einem Null Bildungs Stand und selbst ernannten Partei Buch Lehrer

Nur noch peinlich was  sich in Europa abspielt, das nur Partei Gänger, ohne Qualifikation, also die Dümmsten Professoren, Lehrer werden, aber auch Diplome und Titel sich erkaufen. Sogar für Tourismus zu blöde, denn die Gestalten inzwischen ruinierten mit Beton und Dreck.  Schulen, Ausbidlung, übernehmen reine Mafia Gruppen, oder sogar Al-Quida Gestalten, über Mafia Parteien, wie man es gut auch in Albanien sieht, oder dem Bin Laden Partner: Hashim Thaci und Haradinaja, deren Partnerschaft, sogar vom damaligen Geheimdienst Chef in Tirana: Fatos Klosi bestätigt wurde. Alles dem FBI ebenso bekannt, siehe unten.
Albanien: Land des Null Bildungs Standards: Medizin Studenten demonstrieren
Besonders berüchtigt zu Guttenberg, aber viel schlimmer die Kriegs und CIA Lobbyistin Margarita Mathiopoulos, welche wegen Unfähigkeit auch aus einem Bankenvorstand gefeuert wurde.Jahrzehnte konnte sie ihren Hirnmüll ungehindert vertreiben, von den Saddam Raketen bis München, oder als Kriegs Treiberin für die US Lügen mit den Massenvernichtungs Waffen von Saddam und Co..

Rund um die Journalistin Friederike Beck, Dokus über die Henry Kissinger Betrugs Maschinerie der Atilantik Brücke e.V., und die Fake Diplomierten Gangster wie M. Mathiopoulos, zu Guttenberg und Co..

Deutschland war das Erste Opfer der Kriegs Faschisten aus den USA, wobei die Namen immer gleich sind und die Methoden. Grundlage ist, das man wie in Deutschland Kriminelle besticht und als Politiker installiert, wobei das Aspen Institut, die Atlantik Brücke e.V., Georg Soros Zirkel,  billige Bestechungs Zirkel der Amerikaner sind. Willy Brand, erhielt z.B. direkt Geld vom CIA.
Über die CIA Agentin Frau Margarita Mathiopoulos, stürtze später dann Willy Brand, als die Agentin Sprecherin der SPD werden sollte. Später heiratete Frau Margarita Mathiopoulos, Friedbert Pflüger und war in 2002, Aussenpolitische Beraterin von Westerwelle. Ebenso Rüstungs Lobbyistin von BAE System, wie der Deutsche Kriegs General Klaus Naumann, oder der Chemie Lieferant an Sadaam Horst Teltschik, der Kohl Berater.

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