Donnerstag, 7. Juni 2012

500 € kostet ein Führerschein im Kosovo

 Für 500 € kann man einen Führerschein kaufen im Kosovo, was eine Albanische Tradition ist überall und wie Festnahmen beweisen. TÜV kostet 200-500 € ebenso, für vollkommen fahruntüchtige Busse, oder Autos.

Deshalb fahren viele im Balkan auch so Hirnlos, weil man die Führerscheine in der kompletten Verwandtschaft zur gekauft hat.

Erstaunlich, das man im Kosovo nach über 10 Jahren erstmalig beginnt diese Mafia Praktiken zuunterbinden. Die Lizenz und Verantwortlichen gehören immer zur Politiker Prominenz.
 Polizei Oberst Ahmet Hasi, wurde suspendiert rund um den Gold Diebstahl aus der Polizei Asservaten Kammer in Peja, was ebenso normal ist. Die Posten, werden als privat Eigentum verwaltet, wie bei allen primitiven Kulturen, welche nur persönliche Bereicherung sehen.

31.5.2012: Der Betrug im Kosovo mit dem Micro Finanz Krediten - Microfinance Law - This is a Bank Robbery

Zbulohet rrjeti kriminal që shiste patentë shoferi

Publikuar: 07.06.2012 - 08:32
Prishtinë, 7 qershor - Mund të mos dish shkrim e lexim, por me 500 euro mund ta marrësh patentën për shofer pa asnjë problem. Madje, pa hyrë fare në provim. Mijëra shoferë të tillë qarkullojnë rrugëve të Kosovës me patentë, të marrë në mënyrë kriminale, falë një rrjeti të gjerë zyrtarësh të lidhur me Ministrinë e Infrastrukturës. Kjo mënyrë e pajisjes së shoferëve me patentë është zbuluar nga hetimet e deritashme të Policisë së Kosovës. Provat tashmë janë dorëzuar në Prokurorinë Speciale. Nga të gjitha këto dëshmi, me e forta po konsiderohet dëshmia e ekzaminerit Samed Veseli, të cilën dëshmi hetuesja Valdete Gubetini dyshohet se ka dashur ta fshihte. 

Veseli ka zbuluar para hetuesve rrjetin e njerëzve që kanë dhënë patentë shoferë të të gjitha kategorive.

Burime nga Policia kanë thënë se të dyshuar janë edhe ministri i Infrastrukturës, Fehmi Mujota, ish-sekretari i MI-së, Skender Gashi, koordinatori i Njësisë së patentë shoferëve, Burim Deliu, vëllai i gruas së Mujotës, Armend Ademi – pronar i kompanisë “Master Print” si dhe të gjithë udhëheqësit e njësive të patentë shoferëve.

Më gjerësisht lexoni sot në “Koha Ditore”
Albaner sind wieder auf den tradionellen Raubzügen unterwegs mit Kalshnikow und rauben Post Leute aus, welche die Pensionen überbringen.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Albanians with AK-47 terrorized an entire village in Greece

Sources by DefenceNet
When in broad daylight Melissochori of Voeotia, two Albanians with AK-47 Kalashnikov come into the village "kafaneio", grab the pensions of the village postman and heavily injuring one resident of the village and the worst of all, leave undisturbed.

What hope for the future internal security of the Greece?

And yet all that was described is true: The postman went to the village cafe, where the residents were gathered to distribute pensions.

Suddenly, two "aliens" who speak Albanian, dressed in uniform, came in with a Kalashnikov and shouted "Do not shake one," as described by fearful villagers.

Immediately after, Albanian bandits began bolting up shop in the dark over the heads of the Bar, who fall to the ground to protect themselves, but one of them was lucky: The bullet of 7.62 mm. pierced his neck!

The robbers stole pensions from the postman, threw another one burst and left a car without anyone bothering them. All of this took place at 12.00.

The unlucky man was taken to hospital of Thebes, and from there to Athens, under critical situation for his life.
Anyway, source by Greek Security Servises, think that, need to tackle an insurgency in the northern border as how the UCC albanian group, how it treated? There are different situations where they can not conceive two Albanians in a village to next to Athens, do not expect to face organized guerrilla units in the northern border ...

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