Sonntag, 24. Juni 2012

Fatos Lubonja: Albania, is in the hands of primitiv bandits

Fatos LubonjaAlbania, is in the hands of bandits,political oppositionis the decor, I predict riots

Lubonja tests in recent months but more frequent, have increased the dose of civic revolt,the criticism against the political system and claim to be his equals stopped to this passivity. We have considered writing to the president's choice for the loss of political dialogue, to private universities, for former political prisoners and their use as electoralcommodity. Most numerous political primitivism hit directly responsible to the loss ofsecurity and hope to people.

Fatos Lubonja: Der Zustand ist vollkommen degeneriert!
22 Qershor, 2012

Lubonja: Ky shtet ka degjeneruar totalisht !

“Kush po e ha parkun e liqenit”. Ky ishte slogan i një grupi intelektualësh nga shoqëria civile kundër ndërtimeve që Bashkia e Tiranës po lejon tek Liqeni Artificial. Të mbledhur pak çaste më parë, pikërisht tek vendi ‘i dëmtuar’, spikatën po ata emra që kundërshtojnë me forcë edhe ligjin për importin e plehrave.
Ndër të tjera foli edhe analisti Fatos Lubonja, si gjithmonë në vijën e parë të protestave. E pas ish-mikut Edi Rama, këtë herë ka vënë në shenjestër të kritikave Lulzim Bashën: “Po na humbet dimensioni social, aftësia për të reaguar. Më konsiderojnë pesimist në këto që them. Pasolini thoshte se “pesimizmi i madh na vjen nga optimizmi i madh”. Dhe ne kemi pasur shumë ëndrra. Por po arrijmë në degjenerim social. Kemi vetëm individë që shohin interesat e tyre dhe shtetin po e privatizojnë si ndërmarrje private për interesat e tyre. Ndërkohë që është shteti që duhet të punojë për interesat tona. A e ndryshojmë dot gjendjen? Më duket shumë vështirë, si një tunel. Kam frikë se drita do të na dalë bashkë me tymin dhe tmerrin e shembjes së tunelit. Nuk po jemi të zotë të nxjerrim në dritë vendin. Por gjithsesi le të ecim përpara!”
Mafia Clan of Democratic Party of Albania

Bevor: Fatos Nano (Ilir Meta Drug Allegations
His newphews Beonard and Mandrin Hyqmet Gjoka are the main drug dealers in the city of Shijak, Ferme Sukth, Durres and Tirana and have also several girls working for them in Italy. In the same time, they are engaged with drugs transportation from Albania to Italy. Mandrini has been arrested in 2003 as the main suspect for the armed robbery in the Xhafzotaj village that resulted in the death of the citizen Jaho Smoqi. He has stayed in prison for about one month and now the Court of Grave Crimes is investigating him while free. Fatbardh Xhakaj was arrested for this case as well, has stayed in prison for two weeks because Fatos Balla, the guilty person for the crime, currently under custody, mentioned his name. Beonard is sentenced in Italy, in the city of San Benedeto for drug trafficking and women trafficking, currently, with profits from drugs sale, he is constructing a three store villa in the Sallmone village. He was a member of the commission at the Voting Center no. 1406 in Sallmone for Mr. Olldashi. Both brothers currently move around carrying guns in their cars, which are in turn stolen and of the latest years, they distribute drugs in Durres and Shijak and transport drugs to Italy through other soldiers. Mandrini often goes to Italy to collect the money, since Mr. Olldashi has provided him with a German Schengen Visa. Also, they are highlighted by the State Police as a dangerous criminal contingent with strong criminal tendencies like Murdedr, Drugs and Prostitution Trafficking.
D. Gjoka has been and is one of the biggest traffickers of women with intent of prostitution to Italy. The chief of the girls in Italy has been a girl from Vlora, named Linda, who is currently Dashi’s wife and they have two children. Her brother Miri works at the Supermarket as chief accountant. D. Gjoka is on record in the State Police for International Drugs Trafficking and Women with intent for prostitution, Murder etc.

Gjoka Super Market-Shiak! 15 years drug and prostitutions center
The Gjoka Supermarket is the main center for the trafficking of drugs that comes from Turkey and Macedonia and the supply base for many criminal groups in Durres and Tirana and also the location where the cars that will be traveling to Italy and carrying drugs are supplied. Dashi currently owns an armored vehicle which has the licence plate: DR 51 90 C. It must be noted that Dash Gjoka is the main source of supply for all the drugs suppliers in Albania because it is a well known fact that a close friend and financial supporter of I.M, S. Olldashi. The latter meets with Gjoka almost every week. Oftentimes, the Democratic Party MPs Bamir Topi, Ridvan Bode, S. Olldashi etc come to dine or to supply in this supermarket, since they are close friends with Dashi…..
Im Verbrecher Staat des Salih Berisha, kann Nichts mehr verwundern und über die kriminell agierende Tochter Argita Berisha und Lulzim Basha, wird auch inzwischen immer mehr geoutet.
ACL - 01 December 2006

Current Narco-trafficking Routes in Albania Linked with Former Prime Minister Fatos Nano
Defense & Foreign Affairs Special Analysis - July 17, 2006

Albanische Politiker, Minister und Premier Minster als Capos der Drogen Mafia

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