Dienstag, 24. Juli 2012

US-Monte Mafia: Miljan Mugosa found guilty to attack journalist

a Original mafia system of the criminal amerikan people in balkan

: just criminals News 23 Jul 12 / 22:07:50 Son of Podgorica Mayor Sentenced for Attack on Journalist A court in Podgorica has handed down a six month suspended sentence against the son of the mayor of Podgorica for assaulting a journalist. Radio Television Montenegro
;Miljan Mugosa, who worked at Montenegro's Washington embassy at the time of the incident, was found guilty of attacking Mihailo Jovovic from the Vijesti newspaper in the center of the Montenegrin capital Podgorica, Radio Television Crna Gora reported. The attack occured in August 2009, as Jovovic and a photographer attempted to take a picture of Mugosa and his father, Miomir Mugosa, entering an illegally parked car. Jovovic suffered a burst eardrum as a result of the assault. Under the sentence, Mugosa is subject to two years of probation. Montenegro and other countries in the Balkans have been criticized for a lack of media freedom and regular threats to journalists and media outlets. In the 2012 World Press Freedom Index, Montenegro again ranked at the bottom of the list of Balkan countries, standing at 107 out of the 179 countries covered in the survey. criminals of the americans partners

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