Donnerstag, 9. August 2012

CNN: Mazedonien hat die schlechteste Wirtschaft der Welt

Vor allem der Kosovo ist wesentlich schlechter, so eine Art Muppet Show eines Mafia Staates, wo Idioten ein Land regieren, die praktisch keine Schul Bildung haben. Ähnlich Albanien, ist ebenso extrem schlimm, wo die Leute erneut total verarmen in einem Null Funktion Staat.
Macedonia: Worst unemployment
Macedonia: Worst unemployment
People ride bicycles during a snowstorm in downtown Skopje.
Measure: Unemployment
2012 reading: 31.2%
The IMF does not publish unemployment statistics for every country -- but of those listed, Macedonia has the highest rate. In 2012, unemployment is projected to top 31.2%.
The rate has been stubbornly high for years despite solid if not spectacular economic growth, suggesting that structural problems are to blame.
Observers frequently note that official unemployment statistics do not include the country's so-called gray market, which is thought to make up a significant portion of Macedonia's total economic activity. Der Verbrecher: Arben Xhaferri, liegt im Koma, denn Verbrecher sterben früh im Balkan

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