Montag, 29. Oktober 2012

4.000 Polizisten sichern den Besuch von Hillary Clinton in Belgrad ab

4,000 policemen to be in charge of Clinton’s safety
BELGRADE -- Members of Serbian and U.S. special forces will be in charge of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s safety during her visit to Serbia, daily Press writes.
Hillary Clinton (Beta, file)
Hillary Clinton (Beta, file)
Clinton and EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton will come for on official visit to Belgrade on Tuesday.
The two officials will arrive in Belgrade from Sarajevo and they will fly to Priština in the evening.

They will spend only several hours in Belgrade and they will only have one meeting, with Serbian PM Ivica Dačić. The meeting will be held in the Palace of Serbia in New Belgrade, the daily has learnt from the Serbian government.

The highest security measures will be taken during Clinton’s trip from Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport to the Palace of Serbia. 4,000 police officers will be deployed to the streets while members of the special police units and Security-Information Agency (BIA) will be present at the airport.

The highway and streets will be closed for traffic during Clinton and Ashton’s trip from the airport to the Palace of Serbia.

Police helicopters will provide air support and members of special units will be stationed on rooftops. Canine units, special detectors and a series of other security measures will be used to provide safety during Clinton and Ashton’s visit.

Faculty of Security professor Zoran Dragišić says that the highest security measures are expected.

“Our security forces already have enough experience from visits of Joseph Biden, Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Medvedev, Hillary Clinton and I don’t think that anything new will happen here,” he explained.

He added that Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents were involved in the organization, planning and safety during the visit.

“The U.S. Secret Service and FBI agents arrived to Belgrade a long time ago. They have been cooperating with our security services for a long time and that cooperation has several times proven to be perfect, exactly during visits of top U.S. officials,” he concluded.

Samstag, 27. Oktober 2012

Russland will nicht zwischen Serbien und dem Kosovo vermitteln

Verhandlungen Serbien-Kosovo: Moskau will nicht vermitteln

14:11   26/10/2012   Verhandlungen Serbien-Kosovo: Moskau will nicht vermittelnMoskau will laut Außenamtssprecher Alexander Lukaschewitsch kein Vermittler bei den bevorstehenden Verhandlungen zwischen Serbien und dem Kosovo sein.

Wesley Clark zieht mit dem Gangster Damir Fazllic durch die Albanischen Gebiete

Wesley Clark puts name behind synthetic liquid fuel project in Kosovo

Balkan Update um BALKAN UPDATE - Vor 6 Stunden
Good report from NPR on a business venture former NATO General Wesley Clarkis doing in Kosovo. The Canadian company he leads, Envidity inc, is investing up to $5.6 million dollars to extract synthetic liquid fuel from coal. If this pans out, the plan calls for producing up to 100,000 barrels of synthetic diesel daily. Given the 15,000 metric tons of proven reserves of lignite coal, this will do wonders for Kosovo's economy. More investment is certainly needed to reach the full potential, but no doubt this could be a game changer for the country. Listed to the report here: M... mehr »

Freitag, 26. Oktober 2012

Lindita Arapi: und eine falsche Darstellung von Albanien

Kommentar vorweg: Die Autorin kennt Albanien nicht, lebt dort nicht, hat dort nie gearbeitet, noch ein Geschaeft aufgemacht. Praktisch ist Alles wesentliche vollkommen falsch, was verbreitet wird. Die vielen Morde haben auch Nichts mit der Blutrache, dem KANUN oder sonst etwas zutun. Es sind primitive Morde, oft um Mafia Geschaefte, Grundstuecks Raub und sonstigen Betrug rund um Gestalten, welche als "animale", "malok" und Menschen ohne Kultur bezeichnet werden. Viele haben einen Biologischen Defekt, wenn sie aus Nord Albanien stammen, auf Grund von Mangel Ernaehrung und faelschen sich nur ihre Schul Zeugnisse zusammen und landen dann als Minister, oder in Polizei Dienst Stellen. Frueher unter den Kommunisten gab es eine gezielte Ausbildung und oft wurden Elite Kader ins Ausland zum studieren geschickt. Heute hat man die echten Professoren gefeuert, und durch Idioten ersetzt, was allgemein bekannt ist und die Bildung auch im Ingenieur Wesen, wird in einem Report der Weltbank Ende 2010 hart kritisiert. Studenten sitzen im Caffee herum, oder spielen im Internet in den Sozial und Musik Website herum. Albanien hat eine Bildungs Mafia, wo man sich Lehrer Jobs erkauft, was auch jeder weiss.
Lindita Arapi (Foto:DW)


Arapi: "Die Geschichten müssen erzählt werden"

Überleben - ohne je rückwärts zu blicken. Die Autorin Lindita Arapi spricht im DW-Interview über die Vergangenheitsbewältigung in Albanien und erklärt, warum Deutschland für sie in dieser Hinsicht ein Musterbeispiel ist.
DW: Lindita Arapi, Sie sind in Albanien aufgewachsen, leben seit mehr als 15 Jahren in Deutschland. Wenn Sie Ihren Kindern von Albanien erzählen - was kommt Ihnen da zuerst in den Sinn?
Lindita Arapi: Für meine Kinder ist Albanien das Land, in dem sehr oft die Sonne scheint. Sie kennen es durch unsere Besuche, durch die Sprache und durch ihre Großeltern, die dort leben. Sie lieben den Sommer dort - und die Wassermelonen. Wenn ich vom Albanien meiner Kindheit erzähle, dann versuche ich das ganz behutsam zu tun. Sie können diese Zeit, denke ich, gar nicht nachvollziehen. Eine Zeit, in der man nicht frei sprechen und auch nicht frei denken konnte. Die Menschen haben sich selbst kontrolliert, und das wirkt bis heute nach. Für mich ist Albanien als Erinnerung immer präsent. Ich lebe jetzt in einem anderen Land, in einer anderen Realität. Aber dahinter ist immer die Erinnerung, die schnell aktiviert wird, sei es durch einen Geruch oder durch einen grauen Tag, an dem ich an die Sonne in Albanien denke - und an meine Eltern.
Albanien stand seit 1944 jahrzehntelang unter der kommunistischen Diktatur von Enver Hoxha, das Land und die Menschen waren viele Jahre lang isoliert. Welche Rolle spielt die Vergangenheit dort heute?
Nach der Wende 1990 gab es eine Zeit, in der vor allem nach vorn geschaut wurde. Es war allen bewusst, dass es eine große Wunde gibt. Aber man wollte diese Wunde nicht zeigen. Albanien ist heute das einzige Land, das die kommunistischen Akten nicht geöffnet hat. Die Gesellschaft ist gespalten. Einige sagen: Ja, man muss die Akten öffnen. Andere sagen: Nein, wir müssen einen Schlussstrich ziehen und nach vorn schauen.
In den Zeitungen werden regelmäßig Artikel über die Zeit damals veröffentlicht, aber es sind keine kritischen Auseinandersetzungen, sondern lediglich Erinnerungen, eine Wiedergabe der Fakten, sofern es Fakten sind. Die Zeitungen benutzen das als Verkaufsköder, denn das Interesse der Menschen ist auf jeden Fall da. Sie wollen wissen, was damals passiert ist, wollen verstehen. Es gibt Intellektuelle, die sich damit auseinandersetzen und die Frage stellen, warum es dem Land 50 Jahre lang nicht möglich war, sich zu befreien. Aber es ist nicht so, dass die Medien kritisch darüber berichten.
In Ihrem Roman "Schlüsselmädchen", einer Familiengeschichte, die eng mit der Geschichte Albaniens unter Enver Hoxha verknüpft ist, lebt die Hauptfigur mit einer Art Gespenst, das ihr jede Nacht erscheint, und das ihr überallhin folgt. Bis sie schließlich beschließt ihrer Vergangenheit nachzugehen. Ist ihr Buch eine Aufforderung an die albanische Gesellschaft, sich der eigenen Geschichte zu stellen?
Buchcover Schlüsselmädchen von Lindita Arapi (Foto: Dittrich Verlag)
Ja, so kann man es verstehen. Dieser Schatten, das ist der Schmerz der Vergangenheit. Es ist ein Appell, die Wunde zu zeigen, denn die Zukunft ist keine freie Zukunft, wenn man eine solch schwere Vergangenheit mit sich trägt. Die Geschichten müssen erzählt werden. Dabei geht es nicht um Rache, sondern um das Weitergeben an die nächste Generation, um eine Brücke zu schaffen für die Zukunft. Diese Rolle hat der Geist in dem Roman. Er löst sich auf, als das Erzählen beginnt.
Haben Sie Reaktionen auf das Buch in Albanien bekommen?
Das Buch ist dort zum Buch des Jahres gewählt worden. Das war für mich eine sehr positive Überraschung. Aber es gab auch andere Stimmen, die sagten: "Warum soll man sich noch mit dieser Zeit beschäftigen? Warum schreibt ihr Autoren nicht über das, was jetzt geschieht?" Natürlich kann man darüber auch schreiben. Aber ich denke die albanische Gesellschaft hat noch immer ein Problem mit der Vergangenheit. Sie hat noch nicht damit abgeschlossen. Darum schlägt man den Bogen immer wieder zurück.
War das Schreiben des Buches auch für Sie selbst Teil einer Aufarbeitung?
Ja, im Grunde schon. Ich habe mehrere Jahre an dem Roman gearbeitet. Es war für mich eine Zeit, um eine Phase abzuschließen. Für mich war dieses Thema der Demütigung des Individuums sehr wichtig. Und ich habe gemerkt, dass es mir gut tat zu schreiben. Plötzlich schafft man eine Realität, die nicht mehr da ist, und dadurch versteht man viele Dinge besser. So ging es mir zumindest.
Auch in Deutschland spielt das Thema Vergangenheitsbewältigung eine große Rolle, im Osten wie im Westen. Hat die Tatsache, dass Sie hier in Deutschland leben, eine Rolle gespielt beim Schreiben des Romans?
Kommentar: Die Autorin kennt Albanien nicht, noch lebt sie in Albanien und die Morde haben praktisch nie etwas mit Blutrache zutun, wo schon eine der wesentlichen Basis Fehl Interpretationen besteht. Klar. Ich war positiv beeindruckt und sehr enttäuscht, dass man in Albanien die Vergangenheit vertuscht und nicht bereit ist, sich ihr zu stellen, um zu verstehen. Deutschland hat das getan. Ostdeutschland hatte das Glück, dass Westdeutschland Erfahrung hatte im Umgang mit einer sehr schwierigen Vergangenheit. Albanien hatte das nicht. Mir selbst hat es geholfen zu sehen, bis zu welchen Schichten man vordringen kann, wie man in der Wunde wühlen kann, obwohl es schmerzt. Und dann bereit ist, seine eigene Schuld zu akzeptieren und trotzdem in die Zukunft zu schauen. Das ist großartig. Wir haben das in Albanien nicht so gemacht, es ging nicht. Albanien ist eine ganz junge Demokratie. Diese Erfahrung, wie Deutschland sie hat, konnte Albanien nur mit Hilfe von außen machen.
In ihrem Roman thematisieren Sie auch die in manchen Gebieten noch praktizierte Blutrache. Welche Rolle spielen die alten Strukturen im heutigen Albanien?
Albanien ist eine Gesellschaft der Extreme. Man findet europäische Lebensart in Städten wie Tirana, die einen europäischen Lebensimpuls haben. Aber es gibt auch noch Orte, an denen die Blutrache praktiziert wird. Aber das ist keine generelle Realität des albanischen Lebens. Wenn man in westlichen Zeitungen darüber liest, bekommt man manchmal den Eindruck, als wäre das albanische Leben nur dadurch geprägt. Albanien ist ein "Melting Pot" von Neuem und Altem. Auf der Autobahn kann es vorkommen, dass eine Kuh einer Mercedes-Limousine den Weg versperrt. Es gibt viel Armut, aber auch viele Neureiche. Die Cafés in der Stadt sind voll von Menschen, während auf der Straße Kinder Zigaretten verkaufen. Albanien ist ein junges Volk und alles ist in Bewegung. Genau das ist auch seine Chance.
Lindita Arapi (Jahrgang 1972) wurde in Albanien geboren. Sie studierte Literaturwissenschaft in Tirana und Köln sowie Publizistik mit anschließender Promotion an der Universität Wien. 1996 erhielt sie ein Autorenstipendium der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung. Sie ist Schriftstellerin, Übersetzerin und arbeitet als freie Redakteurin für die albanische Redaktion der Deutschen Welle. Für ihren Roman "Schlüsselmädchen" (Dittrich-Verlag), der jetzt auch in Deutschland erschienen ist, wurde sie in Albanien 2011 zur Schriftstellerin des Jahres ernannt. Sie lebt in Bonn, ist verheiratet und hat zwei Töchter.

Montag, 22. Oktober 2012

Nach Plabber Maschine des Herrn Knaus und seiner ESI: Kroatien

Bei ESI will man Nichts aus den Balkan Negativ Erfahrungen lernen, welche ein Herr Lammert deutlich anspricht. Man plabbert nach was die Financiers wollen. European Stability Initiative - ESI
ESI newsletter October 19, 2012

Inseln vor der kroatischen Küste Zagreb
Inseln vor der kroatischen Küste – Zagreb
Liebe Leser,
es ist wieder so weit: diesen Sonntag, den 21. Oktober, wird auf ORF 2 um 23.05 der nächste Film in der preisgekrönten ESI Dokumentarfilmserie „Balkan Express“, ausgestrahlt: „Kroatien: Heldendämmerung“. Weitere Ausstrahlungstermine finden Sie hier.
Adriatisches Kroatien Hollywood Schauspieler Rade Serbedzija
Adriatisches Kroatien – Hollywood Schauspieler Rade Serbedzija
Dieser Film von Fritz Ofner und Gerald Knaus, aufbauend auf ESI Forschung von Snjezana Vukic und Kristof Bender und unterstützt von ERSTE Stiftung, zeigt die tiefen Veränderungen in Kroatien seit dem Tod von Präsident Tudjman Ende 1999.
In diesem Zusammenhang, und vor dem Hintergrund einer aktuellen Diskussion in Deutschland, hier auch noch ein Kommentar von Gerald und Kristof zum kroatischen EU Beitritt: auf Deutsch und auf Englisch.

Lammert: "Kroatien offensichtlich nicht beitrittsreif"

13.10.2012 | 09:42 |  (
Der Präsident des deutschen Bundestages plädiert für einen EU-Erweiterungsstopp. Zuerst müsse das Ungleichgewicht im Integrationsprozess beseitigt werden.
Der deutsche Bundestagspräsident Norbert Lammert (CDU) hat sich für einen EU-Erweiterungsstopp ausgesprochen. "Für die unmittelbar bevorstehende Zukunft halte ich die Europäische Union nicht für erweiterungsfähig", sagte Lammert der "Welt am Sonntag". "Wir haben so viele dringende Aufgaben in der Konsolidierung der Gemeinschaft zu erledigen, dass wir nicht erneut den Ehrgeiz der Erweiterung an die Stelle der notwendigen Stabilisierung treten lassen sollten."
Mit Blick auf die Erfahrungen mit Bulgarien und Rumänien warnte Lammert vor einem raschen EU-Beitritt Kroatiens. Das Land sei "offensichtlich nicht beitrittsreif".

Beseitigung des Ungleichgewichts

Die Nachfolgestaaten des ehemaligen Jugoslawien hätten eine Beitrittsperspektive, müssten die Voraussetzungen für einen Beitritt zur Europäischen Union aber selber schaffen, sagte der Parlamentspräsident. "Dabei darf die gute Absicht nicht an die Stelle der nachgewiesenen Veränderungen treten." Nach derzeitigen Planungen soll Kroatien im kommenden Jahr der Europäischen Union beitreten.
Gleichzeitig sprach sich Lammert dafür aus, den europäischen Integrationsprozess fortzusetzen. "Das Ungleichgewicht zwischen der ökonomischen und der politischen Integration, das zu den unerfreulichen Turbulenzen geführt hat, muss jedenfalls dringend beseitigt werden", sagte er. "Wir müssen in allen Euro-Mitgliedsstaaten eine gemeinsame Haushalts- und Fiskalpolitik realisieren." Der europäische Fiskalpakt habe dazu wichtige Voraussetzungen geschaffen.

Samstag, 20. Oktober 2012

Die EU organiserte ein erstes Meeting zwischen Hashim Thaci und Ivica Dacic

 Vor allem ging es um technische Dinge, aber ein erstes Meeting ist auch was,0, Serbian, Kosovo prime ministers have rare talks, to meet again Ethan Bilby
October 19, 2012

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The prime ministers of Serbia and Kosovo met on Friday for the first time since the breakaway province gained independence, in hopes of thawing relations and opening the way for progress in their respective bids for European Union membership.

The EU wants Serbia and Kosovo to cooperate better on issues such as security and trade even though Belgrade refuses to recognize the sovereignty of its former ethnic Albanian majority province, which declared independence in 2008.

But talks on cooperation, mediated by the EU, have been slow to show sufficient results, costing Serbia an opportunity to start accession negotiations with the 27-nation bloc this year.

EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said after hosting Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci and Serbian counterpart Ivica Dacic for more than an hour in Brussels on Friday that the talks were held in a "constructive atmosphere".

"We agreed to continue the dialogue for the normalization of relations between the two sides and both committed to working together," she said in a statement. "We will meet again soon."

There was no immediate comment from Thaci or Dacic.

The meeting marked the first official talks between a serving Serbian government leader and his Kosovo opposite. Earlier this year former Serbian president Boris Tadic briefly met Thaci at the sidelines of a forum in Croatia.

Thaci is still sought by Serbian police over alleged war crimes related to the 1998-99 Kosovo conflict in which he commanded ethnic Albanian rebels.

For his part, Dacic served as spokesman for the late strongman Slobodan Milosevic, who led Serbia during the bloody 1990s break-up of the former federal Yugoslavia, and is unapologetic for his party's central role in that conflict.

In Brussels, Dacic and Thaci discussed ways to restart an EU-brokered dialogue to normalize their relations and what can be done to speed up the process.

nice theater for Catherine Ashton

Salih Berisha, will der neue Albanische Faschisten Leader sein

Mit seiner kriminellen Idioten Regierung kann er keine Wahlen gewinnen, also versucht der Profi Kriminelle Salih Berisha und seine Idioten Regierung sich in Faschismus.

Greater Albania envisions Sali Berisha: "To unite wherever we are"

Greek strategist of  Deference Net, are seeing the Albanian Prime Minister as leader of the Albanian nationalism
Statements which can be characterized as irredentist in weight and Greek territories did the Prime Minister of Albania Sali Berisha told a cabinet meeting. Albanian Prime Minister spoke of "national need reunification" of Albanians everywhere even stressing that this is an irreversible process saying that it should be done in honor of Albanian heroes who sacrificed for this purpose."To unite with each other, to unite with Europe," Berisha said, expressing his gratitude for the hospitality given to him during his visit to Kosovo, adding that they should do "everything in order and Albania Kosovo to be together in Europe. "

"Their dream waiting to come true and we must do everything so that the Albanians feel good and not feel anywhere orphans and cut off from the rest of the country, and then represent the ethnic, geographical and an ethnic majority.It is extremely important that the reunification of the nation's energy needs to focus on large values, so the motto is to unite with each other, to unite with Europe and I hope that with this slogan Albanians wherever they can build splendid future they deserve, "said Berisha.

He added that "it is true that they are scattered in the states, but it can not prevent them from doing their best to experience the sense of national reunification." "You should not feel alone and abandoned anywhere they live," said the Prime Minister of Albania.At full development, the project of a Greater AlbaniaThese statements by the mouth of the Albanian Prime Minister anything but innocent can be characterized as the recently observed high mobility of Albanian side as the theme of "Cham" and "property" in Greece clearly put on the table by Albanian Foreign Minister in the heart of Athens.In Skopje, the atmosphere smells gunpowder with alvanoskopianous want to gain the upper hand recall that Albanians in Skopje constitute 50% of the population of the country at the same time threatening withdrawal from the coalition government is not even many people who think the solution as dismemberment of Skopje and the accession of a considerable part in Albania.At the same time there is strong pressure from the international community for partition of Kosovo, which will bring many reactions from the Albanian side, not only because such a development would open the "bag of Aeolus" in the Balkans.Equally important is the strengthening of the Albanian community in Montenegro and it became clear in recent elections where two Albanian MPs were elected while only five remained "on the outside" and one third. All these cause intense debate and concern since it seems the project of a Greater Albania is in full swing.

Dienstag, 16. Oktober 2012

Die EU will die tradionellen Raub Zuege der "Roma" Mafia unterbinden

EU members seek to re-introduce Balkan visas to stem influx of asylum-seeking gypsies
Published: 15 October, 2012, 22:48
Edited: 15 October, 2012, 22:48

Six EU member states have asked the European Commission to adopt a mechanism that would allow them to terminate visa-free travel from West Balkan states. The request follows an exponential rise in mainly Roma asylum-seekers from the region.
Interior ministers of Germany, Austria, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg have sent a proposal of a suspension clause, which is expected to be passed during the next EU ministers meeting on October 25. It can then be activated at any moment.
"A massive influx of people asking for asylum with no real reason to have international protection are basically blocking, and creating serious problems for, the functioning of the asylum systems of many member states," said European Commission spokesperson Cecilia Malmstrom.
Citizens of Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, none of whom are full European Union members, are allowed to freely travel throughout Europe after a series of treaties signed in 2009 and 2010, allowing them to join the Schengen Agreement.
But many have done more than travel.
For instance, in 2010, 78 Serbian and Macedonian passport-holders applied for asylum in Germany. Last month alone, 2,435 people from the same countries did the same, according to official Interior Ministry statistics. The numbers have jumped several times just from this summer.
The scheme is simple.
Immediately upon arriving from their home country, immigrants apply for asylum, usually on the basis of ethnic discrimination. Once the application is processed by the legal system, it is usually rejected, but until then, the seeker is funded by a special welfare payment.
"We're seeing an influx of relatively large family groups. When these individuals remain in Germany for eight weeks or a quarter year, they're able to save enough to finance the remainder of the year back home," said Manfred Schmidt, president of Germany’s Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.
Financial payments to refugees are around three times the average salaries in the origin states. The procedure can be repeated several times in different EU states.
“The increasing abuse of the asylum system is not acceptable,” plainly declared German Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich, who has been leading the fight against the influx, as his country has provided the preferred destination for the travellers. He also pointed out that the “fake claims” are harming actual refugees, who have seen their applications delayed as immigration offices struggle to cope.
The vast majority of asylum-seekers are ethnic Roma, who were legally disadvantaged in Eastern Europe during Communist times, but now theoretically enjoy the same rights as the majority population. They do continue to suffer from noticeably lower education levels, living standards and life expectancies than the national averages in Balkan states.
"This is an entirely inappropriate sentiment, scaremongering aimed directly at refugees," Marei Pelzer, a consultant with German refugee advocacy group Pro Asyl, said about the propsed suspension. She told Deutche Welle that most of the claims she has encountered are genuine, and that gypsies are simply taking a new opportunity to fight discrimination that continues to exist.
A possible re-introduction of visas was already touted in May 2011, when the problem first became apparent.
Balkan states to curtail the flow of failed asylum applicants, only to see their numbers grow ever faster...

Sonntag, 14. Oktober 2012

Grundstuecks Diebstahl ohne Ende in Albanien, wo keine Bau Polizei und Justiz existiert

October 13, 2012

Army sells military buildings in Jala, along with 70 thousand square property

Building constructed during the military dictatorship in Albania of 3 thousand square meters, added 67 000 square meters "is not to have the owner"

During the years of the Albanian dictatorship, popular defense built a building, which was called the "House of the military in Jala". After not admomnistrimit by Albanian Army, Ministry of Defence, wants to sell to anonymous people who will buy the building already, and an terior of 67 thousand square meters.

 Defence Minister Arben Imami, said in a program in "TV Klan" the building of 3 thousand meters, will join for selling 67 thousand square property, which is not the owner, but is currently the host.

This is a flagrant case when direct Albanian politics is involved in selling property to people of Himara.

Meanwhile, expected to sell dozens of other military facilities across the coast of Himara, where targeted remains Porto Palermo, and old submarine base.


"Panorama" Newspaper

Himariotes NGO, "Albanian Army, must turn the properties of Himariotes family, sequestered by Dictator regime

"Coast Line Association" and "The Himara Community", call the Albanian Government to release the properties of people of Himara, which are target to privatize by Albanian Mafia.

October 13, 2012 Army sells military buildings in Jala, along with 70 thousand square property Building constructed during the military dictatorship in Albania of 3 thousand square meters, added 67 000 square meters "is not to have the owner" During the years of the Albanian dictatorship, popular defense built a building, which was called the "House of the military in Jala". After not admomnistrimit by Albanian Army, Ministry of Defence, wants to sell to anonymous people who will buy the building already, and an terior of 67 thousand square meters. Defence Minister Arben Imami, said in a program in "TV Klan" the building of 3 thousand meters, will join for selling 67 thousand square property, which is not the owner, but is currently the host. This is a flagrant case when direct Albanian politics is involved in selling property to people of Himara. Meanwhile, expected to sell dozens of other military facilities across the coast of Himara, where targeted remains Porto Palermo, and old submarine base. Related: "Panorama" Newspaper Himariotes NGO, "Albanian Army, must turn the properties of Himariotes family, sequestered by Dictator regime "Coast Line Association" and "The Himara Community", call the Albanian Government to release the properties of people of Himara, which are target to privatize by Albanian Mafia. Albania PM: World Bank Panel “Linked To Mafia” Tirana | 09 February 2009 |Land Mafia in “Jale”: Hotels, closes the beach and Beton, Beton and all is privat!In response to the report produced by the Inspection Panel of the World Bank, the Government of Albania has issued a response (PDF, 163KB) Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha accused a World Bank investigative panel of being influenced by the Albanian mafia for their report on a controversial coastal management project that was used to demolish parts of a village and leave many families homeless. The internal report shows that a World Bank project on coastal zones management in southern Albania aided the demolishment of informal settlements in the village of Jale, in disregard to the Bank’s policies of forced displacement. The report, obtained last week by Balkan Insight, also noted allegations of corruption and efforts at a cover up. The Bank has already announced the suspension of a loan for the project.“I express my contempt for the unscrupulous slander of the investigative panel in what they call an independent report, but which has been dictated by the Albanian land mafia,” said Berisha in a press conference on Sunday, adding that he had asked World Bank officials to probe the panel’s ties to organized crime.JaleThe investigation by an inspection panel found that World Bank management failed to comply with its policies with respect to the design, appraisal and implementation of the project, harming the local people affected by it. The probe also found that WB assisted the demolition by pressuring local construction police to take action and by supplying them with equipment and aerial photos.In addition to the project’s failure to comply with World Bank policies, the investigators noted allegations of corruption and complaints that the demolition of the Jale settlements was part of a bigger scheme to develop the area as a tourist resort. While the panel does not evaluate these allegations, it concludes that the selective demolition carried out by construction police supports the intention to clear the area.The investigative panel also accused World Bank management of misrepresenting facts during the probe and hampering the investigation by withholding access to data, while it notes the unusual lack of recollection of facts and crucial events by staff. Investigators say that several WB staff members both in headquarters and on the field were “coached” to provide unusually consistent but factually incorrect or misleading information.In a statement for Balkan Insight the World Bank conceded “that mistakes were made in the project, and that ways to address the alleged grievances of those affected are under active consideration.”“The World Bank is concerned about the errors that were made by management and staff in the context of the project. In accordance with our internal processes, the Bank is reviewing actions of its staff, and, if warranted, will take appropriate action,” the statement said.Read More: World Bank Project Demolished Albania Village The greek weekly "TO PARON" The bulldozers expelled the Greeks in Nivitsa What the Greek government must know more about Jala and Nivitsa in Himara Region? ... Do they know for the "son in law" of Sali Berisha called Jamarber Maltesi and is representative of the World Bank in Albania! Do the greek parliament members know about the bulldozers-there, to build a tourist resort to cleansing of the Greek ethnic people?. more in greek newspaper: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 STATE DEPARTAMENT Gordon Duguid Acting Deputy Department SpokesmanDaily Press Briefing February 18, 2009 ....... Yes, Mr. Lambros. QUESTION: On Albania, the World Bank acknowledged yesterday serious errors by the Albanian Government against a Greek village in northern Epirus and presented an action plan for addressing this issue to a panel. I am wondering what is the U.S. position, since the European Union is involved, too. MR. DUGUID: I would refer you to the World Bank for their action, and I believe that the – this matter is before the courts in Albania, so that would be – those would be the proper places to go for an opinion on this. It’s a court matter. The World Bank, I understand from press reports, has launched its own investigation. They would have many more details than I would be able to give you. QUESTION: One more question. Any response by Mark Toner to my pending question of last week on the Sali Berisha supreme court in Albania regarding the sentence of five Greeks in Himara of northern Epirus for political reasons 25 years in prison who simply raised a Greek flag? MR. DUGUID: I believe that the matter is a court matter for the Albanians, and they do have an independent judiciary that has worked through this. QUESTION: Thank you. see more: Albania PM: World Bank Panel “Linked To Mafia” Tirana | 09 February 2009 |Land Mafia in “Jale”: Hotels, closes the beach and Beton, Beton and all is privat!In response to the report produced by the Inspection Panel of the World Bank, the Government of Albania has issued a response (PDF, 163KB) 
Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha accused a World Bank investigative panel of being influenced by the Albanian mafia for their report on a controversial coastal management project that was used to demolish parts of a village and leave many families homeless.     The internal report shows that a World Bank project on coastal zones management in southern Albania aided the demolishment of informal settlements in the village of Jale, in disregard to the Bank’s policies of forced displacement. The report, obtained last week by Balkan Insight, also noted allegations of corruption and efforts at a cover up. The Bank has already announced the suspension of a loan for the project.“I express my contempt for the unscrupulous slander of the investigative panel in what they call an independent report, but which has been dictated by the Albanian land mafia,” said Berisha in a press conference on Sunday, adding that he had asked World Bank officials to probe the panel’s ties to organized crime.JaleThe investigation by an inspection panel found that World Bank management failed to comply with its policies with respect to the design, appraisal and implementation of the project, harming the local people affected by it. The probe also found that WB assisted the demolition by pressuring local construction police to take action and by supplying them with equipment and aerial photos.In addition to the project’s failure to comply with World Bank policies,  the investigators noted allegations of corruption and complaints that the demolition of the Jale settlements was part of a bigger scheme to develop the area as a tourist resort. While the panel does not evaluate these allegations, it concludes that the selective demolition carried out by construction police supports the intention to clear the area.The investigative panel also accused World Bank management of misrepresenting facts during the probe and hampering the investigation by withholding access to data, while it notes the unusual lack of recollection of facts and crucial events by staff. Investigators say that several WB staff members both in headquarters and on the field were “coached” to provide unusually consistent but factually incorrect or misleading information.In a statement for Balkan Insight the World Bank conceded “that mistakes were made in the project, and that ways to address the alleged grievances of those affected are under active consideration.”“The World Bank is concerned about the errors that were made by management and staff in the context of the project.  In accordance with our internal processes, the Bank is reviewing actions of its staff, and, if warranted, will take appropriate action,” the statement said.Read More: World Bank Project Demolished Albania Village

The greek weekly "TO PARON"

The bulldozers expelled the Greeks in Nivitsa

What the Greek government must know more about Jala and Nivitsa in Himara Region? ...

Do they know for the "son in law" of Sali Berisha called Jamarber Maltesi and is representative of the World Bank in Albania!
Do the greek parliament members know about the bulldozers-there, to build a tourist resort to cleansing of the Greek ethnic people?.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Gordon Duguid
Acting Deputy Department SpokesmanDaily Press Briefing
February 18, 2009
Yes, Mr. Lambros.

QUESTION: On Albania, the World Bank acknowledged yesterday serious errors by the Albanian Government against a Greek village in northern Epirus and presented an action plan for addressing this issue to a panel. I am wondering what is the U.S. position, since the European Union is involved, too.

MR. DUGUID: I would refer you to the World Bank for their action, and I believe that the – this matter is before the courts in Albania, so that would be – those would be the proper places to go for an opinion on this. It’s a court matter. The World Bank, I understand from press reports, has launched its own investigation. They would have many more details than I would be able to give you.

QUESTION: One more question. Any response by Mark Toner to my pending question of last week on the Sali Berisha supreme court in Albania regarding the sentence of five Greeks in Himara of northern Epirus for political reasons 25 years in prison who simply raised a Greek flag?

MR. DUGUID: I believe that the matter is a court matter for the Albanians, and they do have an independent judiciary that has worked through this.

QUESTION: Thank you.

Ex-Minister Oliver Dulić, wird in Serbien angeklagt

Im rein kriminellen Enterpriese in Serbien vor 10 Jahren, wird nun ein Minister angeklagt, wobei die Frage offen ist, warum die Bestechungs Motoren aus Deutschland von Klaus Mangold bis Bodo Hombach nicht angeklagt werden ! Andere Anklagen werden wohl folgen. Prosecution files draft indictment against ex-minister
BELGRADE -- The Organized Crime Prosecution has filed a draft indictment against former Environment and Spatial Planning Minister Oliver Dulić for abuse of office.
Oliver Dulić is seen in front of the Organized Crime Prosecutor's Office (Tanjug)
Oliver Dulić is seen in front of the Organized Crime Prosecutor's Office (Tanjug)
The document was submitted to the Higher Court in Belgrade on Friday.
Organized Crime Prosecutor Miljko Radisavljević told B92 that the draft indictment was also filed against former Environment and Spatial Planning Assistant Minister Nebojša Janjić and Roads of Serbia public company Director Zoran Drobnjak.

Janjić and Drobnjak were questioned by the police last weekend while Dulić was interviewed on Monday as a part of the Nuba Invest investigation and possible abuses during issuing of permits for mounting of optical cables along roads across Serbia.

The police and the Organized Crime Prosecution are working on the case and they are looking into corruption allegations.

Die Visa Sache wird auch immer kritischer fuer die Serben, wobei vor allem die Romas machen was sie wollen und im Kosovo ein Schwunghafter Handel mit Biometrischen Paessen auch aus Albanien existiert.

Reintroduction of visas “not very likely”

BRUSSELS -- Several EU member states have announced that they will launch a procedure in late October that will allow them to quickly suspend Serbia’s visa-free regime.
However, European Stability Initiative’s expert Alexandra Stiegelmeier believes that reintroduction of visas for Serbian citizens is not very likely.
Tanjug has learnt from diplomatic sources in Brussels that Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Sweden and the Netherlands will request that a procedure to reintroduce visas for Serbia and Macedonia at the EU interior ministers’ meeting on October 25.

German politicians, especially Bavaria's Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann, have been demanding that visas be reintroduced for Serbians and Macedonians due to the high number of false asylum seekers.

“However, there is no mechanism in the EU so far that will enable such a request to be implemented fast and easy,” Stiegelmeier told Tanjug.

“Not a single EU member state, not even Germany, can unilaterally suspend the visa-free regime because it would represent a gross violation of the Schengen Treaty,” she explained.

Stiegelmeier pointed out that there was a possibility that the EU member states would adopt a mechanism, that was proposed by the European Commission (EC) in May 2011, which would allow a quick suspension of the visa-free regime.

“All Germany can do is exert pressure on the European Council to send the amendment on the suspension procedure to the Parliament for urgent adoption,” she explained.

“Even if this scenario came true, it would take at least six months to adopt the mentioned mechanism and even then it is not sure that it could be applied to Serbia,” Stiegelmeier said.

“The mechanism envisages that visas can be reintroduced if the number of asylum seekers from a country suddenly increases in a period of six months and the increase in the number of asylum seekers that Germans are complaining about has a short-term character,” she pointed out.

“In fact, if you look at the annual level, the number of asylum seekers from Serbia has dropped in the past two years,” Stiegelmeier noted.

“All this means that the Serbian citizens will be able to travel to the EU without collecting a bunch of papers and going through a long, humiliating procedure in consulates in the foreseeable future. On the other hand, if the Serbian authorities do not start seriously dealing the causes of collective trips to Europe for just several hundreds of euros a month, in the long run it is possible that visas will be reintroduced,” she concluded.  

Donnerstag, 11. Oktober 2012

Albanien, lebt weiterhin nur mit Enver Hoxha Propaganda und ohne EU Status

Alles unter Kontrolle einer Enver Hoxha - Goebbels Propaganda auch rund um den EU Status in Albanien

Der üble “Frankaj” Moon Sekten Clan, als “Goebbel’s” Berater von Europas letzten Kommunisten: Salih Berisha

Noch im September hatten die deutschen Balkan-Expertinnen Ulrike Stern und Sarah Wohlfeld in einem Bericht für die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik vom Kandidatenstatus abgeraten: Angesichts der unbefriedigenden Erfüllung der EU-Vorgaben sowie der innenpolitischen Konflikte „wäre eine positive Entscheidung für Albanien rein sachlich nicht zu rechtfertigen“.,985091
Kommentar: seit wann hat die DGAP ueberhaupt Experten! Auf jeden Fall liegt man hier richtig. der pdf Bericht

 Null Justiz und Funktion der Gesetze in Albanien: Der neue EU Bericht>

Dem Bildungs Stand von Klein Kindern, die nur stehlen gelernt haben wurde mit der neuen EU Erklaerung eine Freude bereitet. 3 jaehrige Kinder koennen mehere Sprachen lernen und sprechen und auf dem Bildungs Stand, sind viele sogenannte Politiker in Albanien, bei einem Deaster im Bildungs System ebenso.
Die Polizei funktioniert auch nicht und Kriminelle und Analphabeten tragen nun Polizei Uniform, was auch nicht verwundert.4 Show Positionen wurden auf dem Papier erfuellt und sonst Nichts. Keine Funktion der Justiz, Banditen Tum rund um Grundstuecke, durch die Polizei Mafia aus der Politik usw..

Der Ja-Sager Präsident Bujar Nishani, der mit Vorsatz die Justiz und Polizei zerstörte - nun gibt es Entführungen in Tirana

Von zwölf Schlüsselprioritäten für Reformen habe Albanien vier erfüllt und sei bei zwei weiteren auf gutem Weg, heißt es in dem Bericht der EU-Kommission.
accompanying the document
Enlargement Strategy and Main Challenges 2012-2013



Resigzed ImageClick this bar to view the full image.

Albanians indifferent to the European Union

Membership in NATO and the visa liberalization, higher enthusiasm

According to surveys, the Albanians think that "it falls the Greater enthusiasm," to join the EU, while reforms have not advanced but rather, are aggravated in the 12 points of the conditions that Europe had asked to Albania.

Membership in NATO, as well as visa liberalization score victories century Albanians, while membership in the EU think otherwise.

According to experts, there are two arguments that the Albanians, not shown enthusiasm for the European Union:

1. Non-Christian consciousness in the majority of the population.
2. They think that the aspiration of Greater Albania, is more valuable than the aspiration for in European Union, which binds simultaneously with membership in NATO.

While geopolitical plan, USA is the biggest support to the Atlantic organizations, including both NATO and European Union for Albanians.

Kosovo, sind weit hinter jeder Taliban Kultur zurück geblieben, wo[42] [14] Frauen Null Rechte haben.

[43] [15] Afghanistan Kultur [44] [16] Albanische Tradition
Albanien Kultur
Afghanistan – Kosovo / Nord Albanien! Kultur und Gast Freundschaft absolut Null

Mittwoch, 10. Oktober 2012

Der Mazedonische Mafia Boss: Menduh Thaci, hat Einreise Verbot nach Griechenland

Es gibt ja viele Einreise Verbote, nur nach Oesterreich und Deutschland haben die Gangster freie Fahrt
Stavros Markos um SManalysis - Vor 16 Stunden
Menduh Thaci, "persona non grata in Greece"? Thaçi is not allowed to enter Greece, wrote to the Greek PM Samaras Tetovo, October 9 - The chairman of the Democratic Party of Albanians (DPA), Menduh Thaci, has written a public letter to the Greek Prime Minister Andonis Samaras, on not allowing him to enter the territory of Greece . Thaci was returning from Ankara, where he participated in the Congress of the KPA of the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, but the former returned to the border crossing with Greece by the Greek Police officers on the ground that his driver do... mehr »  

lbanischer Mafia Boss in Mazedonien: Menduh Taci will 2010 den Sturz der Regierung

Eigentlich geht es immer nur um Jobs in der Regierung, weil man dann in Ruhe seine Mafia Geschaefte abwickeltn kann und das trifft fuer alle Albaner Parteien in Mazedonien zu. Mehmet Taci, ist im Moment nicht an der Regierung beteiligt und kann seine Klientel nicht versorgen. Es geht nur darum. Dies zur angeblichen Stabilisierung von Mazedonien, wo die Albaner Mafia nun freie Fahrt nach Europa hat und keine Visums braucht. Viele Mafia Gruppen, welche oft direkt eigene Terroristen Clans aufbauen, wollen keinen Rechts Staat, was man im gesamten Albaner Raum gut erkennt. Die Geschaefte, gehen ohne Rechts Staat und Justiz einfach besser.

Dnevnik: Menduh Taci prognosticates destabilization in 2010

Skopje. The next year will be very hard and may be there will be no WWIII but surely the government of Nikola Gruevski and Ali Ahmeti will fall, said leader of the oppositional Democratic Party of Albanians (DPA) Menduh Taci, Macedonian Dnevnik newspaper writes. In his words Macedonia will be destabilized politically and economically.

“The two heads of the government are raving. Ahmeti says there will be no WWIII if the name dispute is not resolved and Gruevski lies Macedonians it has not been negotiated about the identity and the language in the name issue. Gruevski and the opposition of Macedonian bloc are not telling Macedonians the truth the name, identity, constitution and the language will be changed.

Due to personal party interests no one wants to prepare Macedonians for this. The thing the government does not or do not want to understand is that Macedonia has problems not only with Greece, but with Bulgaria, NATO and the European Union,” Taci said.

To stupid for schools and history!

Another Albanian paradox!

Vreme: Alexander the Great was Albanian, intellectuals say

Skopje. Alexander the Great was neither Macedonian nor Greek but Albanian. This is what Albanian intellectuals noted in the new Albanian encyclopedia, which will be presented Tuesday in Macedonian town of Tetovo, Macedonian Vreme newspaper writes.

The editor in chief of the encyclopedia is the journalist Nijazi Muhamedi, who has taken part of the working out of the contract ,proposed by Democratic Party of Albanians (DPA) in exchange for the Ohrid Framework Agreement.

However, according to Muhamedi and the DPA the encyclopedia has nothing to do with the party but is a product of a group of intellectuals.

“The first two volumes are a reply to the disputable editions of the Macedonian encyclopedia. The arguments, we hold out are from historically checked up resources,” Muhamedi said.

Montag, 8. Oktober 2012

Wird der dubiose Albanische Praesident Bujar Nishani auch die Gefangenen aus Himari freilassen?

Selten hat ein Praesident der Welt einen so Idiotischen Mafia Hintergrund wie Bujar Nishani, der zur Abteilung "Diplom Idiot" in Albanien gehoert. Sunday, October 7, 2012!

Der Bruder des Bujar Nishani ist ein bekannter Betrueger mit guten Kontakten zur Albaner Mafia. Bujar Nishani selbst, trug vor Jahren eine teure goldene Rolex Uhr, dem Eintritts Geschenck der Mafia und seine Ehefrau Odeta, ist im Betrugs Ministerium MTKRS, fuer die Faelschung der Statistiken zustaendig und luegt herum sie aus Durres. In Wirklichkeit kommt die Familie aus Mazedonien und wanderte in Durres zu. Ihr Immobilien Besitz kann man nicht erklaeren, weil wie bewiesen auch nicht ererbt.

Der Ja-Sager Präsident Bujar Nishani, der mit Vorsatz die Justiz und Polizei zerstörte - nun gibt es Entführungen in Tirana

 The Himara Community, calls the Albanian President Bujar Nishani, in which, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the proclamation of independence of Albania, to "to release", 5 citizens from Himara with Greek Ethnicity, who have been convicted by the Albanian courts, for "insulting of Albanian symbols ", during the administrative elections of 2003 in Himara Municipality.

Freitag, 5. Oktober 2012

Griechisches Militaer organisiert Demonstrationen

50% der Gelder beim Griechischen Militaer, wurden durch unsinnige Buerokratie verpulvern u.a. wenn man sinnlose Panzer 500 km zur Reparatur faehrt, was man Privatisierung dann nennt. Jetzt muessen viele Unfugs Abteilungen und Verwaltungen geschlossen werden. Deutschland hat ebenso einen viel zu hohen Verwaltungs Aufwand, fuer das Militaer im Vergleich zu den NATO Staaten. Demonstration at front of the The Greek Defense Ministry, by militaries, get out in way, by Troika reform Right-Wing Extremists’ Popularity Rising Rapidly in Greece
Yorgos Karahalis/Reuters
People received cartons of milk and other groceries from the Golden Dawn party in Syntagma Square in Athens in August.Members of the party have also attacked immigrants. More Photos »

ATHENS — The video, which went viral in Greece last month, shows about 40 burly men, led by Giorgos Germenis, a lawmaker with the right-wing Golden Dawn party, marching through a night market in the town of Rafina demanding that dark-skinned merchants show permits.
Some do, and they are left alone. But the action quickly picks up, as the men, wearing black T-shirts with the party’s name, destroy a stall with clubs and scatter the merchandise. “We saw a few illegal immigrants selling their wares,” Mr. Germenis says in the video. “We did what Golden Dawn has to do. And now we’re going to church to pay our respects to the Madonna.”
Just a few months ago, the name Golden Dawn was something to be whispered in Greece.
But three months after the extremist right-wing group won an electoral foothold in Parliament, talk of Golden Dawn seems to be on everybody’s lips.
In cafes, taxis and bars, Greeks across the political spectrum are discussing the palpable surge in Golden Dawn’s popularity, which has risen in recent political polls even as the group steps up a campaign of vigilantism and attacks against immigrants.
The poll gains come amid growing disenchantment over rising illegal immigration, and with the government of Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, which is being forced by its international lenders to push through $15 billion in additional, highly unpopular, austerity measures. If Greece were to hold new elections soon, Golden Dawn could emerge as the third-largest party in Parliament, behind Mr. Samaras’s New Democracy and the left-wing Syriza. Currently, Golden Dawn is the fifth largest, with 18 out of 300 seats.
“We have a major socioeconomic crisis in which several hundred thousand Greeks are losing ground,” said Nikos Demertzis, a professor of political sociology at the University of Athens. “And you have a rising number of immigrants in Greece, many illegal. This is creating a volcanic situation where all the classic parameters for the flourishing of a far-right force like Golden Dawn are present.”
Golden Dawn’s tactics are similar to ones it used before parliamentary elections in June. Preying on fears that immigrants are worsening crime rates and economic hardship, the group has been stepping up attacks against immigrants, many of whom are legal citizens, with the police frequently standing by. It is also trying to expand its reach with the Greek diaspora.
The group recently opened an office in New York, announcing its presence with a sleek Web site depicting a stylized Swastika against a darkened Manhattan skyline. The Web site was disabled by hackers less than a day later and remains down, and the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association condemned the group’s outreach, saying that “fascism has no place in the United States.”
Golden Dawn has also established an outpost in Australia, where Greeks have been emigrating by the thousands to escape the crisis in their homeland.
The group is still far from being a major threat to Mr. Samaras’s party, or to his fragile three-party coalition government. Most Greeks express alarm at the group’s rise, and anti-fascist organizations in Athens are continuing efforts neighborhood by neighborhood to counter its increased vigilantism.
Yet, rising political and social discontent is rich fodder for Golden Dawn as it tries to cultivate a larger base. These days, it is not uncommon for conversations to evolve into laments about the ineffectiveness of Mr. Samaras’s government, before a mention of Golden Dawn’s rise in the polls slips in.
“People have no faith in the political system,” said Dimitris Kaklamanos, 41, a worker at a Shell gas station in the town of Piraeus, on the outskirts of Athens.
Mr. Kaklamanos said he had long voted for Pasok, the Socialist party, but grew disillusioned with corruption and the ineptitude of its politicians. Now, he feels attracted to Golden Dawn, he said, whose popularity he expects to continue to rise, especially as the group replaces police and government services in poor areas where the state has almost ceased to function.
Other political parties “know that Golden Dawn is gaining power and they see that as a threat,” Mr. Kaklamanos said. “But Golden Dawn are the only ones out there demonstrating they care about the Greek people.”
He cited food and clothing drives conducted by the group across a widening area of Athens, as well as protections it extends to vulnerable Greeks in neighborhoods where crime has surged in tandem with illegal immigration.

Donnerstag, 4. Oktober 2012

Der Albanische Aussenminister Panarati, auf Besuch in Athen

 Bei einem Besuch der Diplomaten Truppe des Albanischen Aussenministers, wird die Albanische Flagge verkehrt herum beim Presse Empfang aufgehaengt, was als unfreundlicher Akt gilt.

Die Ilir Meta Bande, welche sich Aussenminister schimpfen, sind in den Internationalen Waffen schmuggel verwickelt.

Botschafter in Athen, ist die Drogen Mafia Familie des Dervishi Clans, 1. Cousnin des Albanischen Mafia Bosses Ilir Meta, wo schon Verwandte in Italien verhaftet wurden vor 10 Jahren .

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The incident with the Albanian flag, the Greek minister apologizes

Greek Foreign Minister Dimitris Avramopoulos officially asks Albania's public apology for the incident with the Albanian flag.

Minister Avramopoulos called Albanian counterpart personally apologized stating that this incident will not affect bilateral relations.

He has provided minister Panariti that his visit to Greece has had a huge impact and positive and has requested that telephone conversation becomes official and public apology be, reports "Ora News TV".

While the Greek Embassy in Tirana is expected to present an official apology today at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Albania.

Albanian flag was upside down during yesterday's press conference with the two foreign ministers, Albania Edmond Panariti and that Greece Dimitris Avramopoulos.

Kresniq Spahiu muss auch Theater dabei machen

The Read and Black alliance, blocking the arrival of Edmont Panariti in Tirana airport 

Panariti, Declared person 'non grata

'In the early morning hours of Friday, Red and Black Alliance activists blocked the exit of foreign minister, Edmond Panariti, from the airport "Mother Teresa" after his arrival from official visits to Athens. By calling and whistling against the humiliation of national symbols and not timid response Panariti Minister, Red and Black Alliance activists blocked the emergence of the sector minister "VIP" Airport "Mother Teresa" and opened the banner "Edmond Panariti - person 'non grata '"in Albania.Connected side by side with each other Red and Black Alliance activists tried to not let him down in the Albanian territory minister Panariti, in protest against the Albanian government negotiations with the Greek government for the deal of water, but also for the scandal with the Albanian flag in conference joint press conference with his counterpart, Avramopoulos. 

Red and Black Alliance Organizing Secretary, Redi Ramaj, during the joint press statement issued harsh messages against maritime agreement renegotiation between Albania and Greece, and demanded to be made public by any means the minutes of secret talks Panariti Avramopoulos."Minister Panariti subdued Albanian national flag and historical symbols. The emergence of diplomacy in violation of our national symbols with their counterparts in Athens, Skopje and Podgorica is not a technical or human error, but a diplomatic message kneeling and capitulation anti government last 100 years, "said Redi Ramaj. 

"We demand that the Albanian government to stop any kind of negotiations and communication with the government Greek Ionian sharing. Red and Black Alliance warns citizen Berisha and Cyprinus that the signing of this agreement is a criminal offense and the filing of the Albanian territory in favor of the Greek state is punishable by life imprisonment, "said Ramaj."Red and Black Alliance and all the Albanians with integrity have a clear message to the Minister of Foreign Affairs knees Albania Edmond Panariti, he is an unwanted person on Albanian soil," said Redi Ramaj.Red and Black Alliance Constitutional Court's decision on water agreement with Greece is the hallmark of the law on an affair anti-national and anti-Albanian initiated by citizen Sali Berisha.After protesters blocked the road, the minister moved from the old road Rinas.