Montag, 19. November 2012

Der Kosovo UCK Terrorist: Marko Kasnjeti wurde schuldig gesprochen wegen Kriegs Verbrechen

Alle Berichte, stuften die UCK damals als feige, ohne Diziplin ein, aber beim Rauben und Plündern u.a. in Kukes, ebenso bei dem Frauen Diebstahl, welche spurlos verschwanden auch aus den Flüchtlingslager in Tirana, waren sie vorbildlich im negativem Sinn. Nur gegen alte Männer, Frauen und Kinder waren die "Tiere" grossartig.
Marko Kasnjeti, a former member of the Kosovo Liberation Army, KLA,  has been found guilty of war crimes against civilians committed in Kosovo in 1999.
Marija Ristic
Belgrade The Special Court in Belgrade has sentenced Marko Kasnjeti to two years in prison for torture and inhumane treatment of two Serb civilians in the Kosovo town of Prizren on June 14, 1999.
Explaining the verdict, the presiding judge in the case, Vinka Beraha Nikicevic, said that the verdict has been based on the testimony of the witness Bozidar Djurovic who survived the torture by Kasnjeti and other KLA members.
“On June 14, Djurovic and his colleague were taken out of the car by Kasnjeti and other unknown KLA members. They were robbed, beaten and taken to one of the local houses were they were illegally imprisoned,” said Beraha Nikicevic.
“After couple of hours, Kasnjeti released the two civilians, gave them back their personal documents and forced them to leave Prizren and flee to Serbia, “ the judge added.
The judge also said that the Trial Chamber did not accept Kasnjeti’s alibi that he was not present at the crime scene.
The prosecution based the case against Kasnjeti on a photo which was given to the War Crimes Proecutor’s Office by the victims.
The photo shows Kasnjeti and three other KLA members beating two people, who had their hands tied behind their backs, with the end of their rifles.
Serbian police arrested Kasnjeti at Merdare border crossing, in south Serbia,  on April 14.
The arrest was criticized in Kosovo as it was perceived to be politically motivated.
Following the arrest, the Council for Human Rights and Freedom from Prizren said the international community should react urgently because there is no evidence that Kasnjeti was a member of the KLA, or that he committed any war crimes.

Historischer Hintergrund, direkt zu Terroristen und Banditen!
Tschetschenischer Terrorist, rund um Basejew, der auch Partner der UCK war und Immobilien Geschäfte im Kosovo tätigte. Direkt stationiert in den Tropoje Terroristen Camps, in Nord Albanien.

Es gibt sogar Kosovo Videos, auf youtube, wo dieser Tschetschne auftaucht

Und gegen die Fatmir Limaj Gangster Clan Gruppe, wird ebenso Anklage erhoben.

19 Nov 12

Kosovo Ex-Minister Indicted for Corruption

EULEX prosecutor accuses Fatmir Limaj, his two brothers and four other suspects of depriving the Kosovo budget of 2 million euro and of laundering another million euro.

Johannes Picker, EULEX’s special prosecutor in the Ministry of Transport and Post-Telecommunication, MTPT, case, alleges that “the offences took place in various periods of time between 2008 and 2010; with regards to money laundering between 2009 to 2012.”
The prosecutor charges Limaj, his two brothers, Florim and Demir Limaj, his former cabinet chief, Endrit Shala, the procurement chief, Nexhat Krasniqi, Gani Zukaj, the IT administrator and Florim Zuka, owner of the “Tali” construction company, of manipulating tender procedures and giving and receiving bribes.
EULEX has been investigating Limaj since April 2010 when police raided the Transport Ministry and Limaj’s properties in Pristina as part of a corruption probe linked to road tenders issued between 2007 and 2009...
Weit hinter der Taliban Kultur zurück geblieben, werden dieser Nord Albaner, erneut Polizei Direktoren.
Kosovo, sind weit hinter jeder Taliban Kultur zurück geblieben, woFrauen Null Rechte haben.
Afghanistan Kultur Albanische Tradition
Albanien Kultur
Afghanistan – Kosovo / Nord Albanien! Kultur und Gast Freundschaft absolut Null

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