Freitag, 23. November 2012

Die erste Pyramid Firma in Albanien und 20 Jahre kriminelles Enterprise von Salih Berisha

Historic: 20 Jahre kriminelles Enterprise der Salih Berisha Gang


The oldest pyramid system, partner of Salih Berisha in 1991! He was cruising in Tirana, with a white Rolls - Royse

Hajdin Sejdia and the Hole for Albanians
Hajdin Sejdia is one of the most outspoken characters in Albania just after the breakdown of the communist system.He first came in the beginning of 1991, as a very successful businessman, and as introduced himself as the President of “Ilira Holding” company, he found the right terrain to do whatever he wanted. It was the time of the system’s overthrow, therefore no one had the willing to verify the background of the “Kosovar brother”. Sejdia managed to contact directly the highest spheres of the society. With a surprising easiness, he managed to receive a permit from the back then prime minister Adil Carcani to build a “Sheraton” Hotel behind the Palace of Culture in the centre of Tirana. But, a “small problem” emerged; he had not taken permission from the well-known Sheraton network. He loaned money from citizens and commenced the workings, promising to build a five-star hotel named Sheraton. Meanwhile, Albanian who were listening this name for the first time thought goods will fall from the sky and that Hajdin Sejdia was the best man in the world. Soon, bulldozers started excavating tons of earth making a giant hole, which afterwards and still now is known as the “Hole of Hajdin Sejdia”. The hole remained opened till today, after Sejdia fled with all his heavy-tonnage vehicles. With such action, people remained shocked, as he had taken money from them and gave a good lesson to them not to trust anyone. But Albanians did not properly learn the lesson because they lost money again in the pyramid schemes some years later. He did not come back to Albania until late 90s. Now with a decision of Prime Minister Berisha, the hole has started to be filled up to wipe off this memory from Albanians’ minds.
Hajdin Sejdia einer der kriminellen Kosovaren, welche Albanien verwüstete 

Ausländischer Investor: “banditët ordinerë” und Interpol Suche, nach Banditen mit erkauften “biometrischen Pässen


Warum Georg Soros Drogen Kartelle und Drogen finanzierte Politiker an die Macht bringt

Investoren Leben in Albanien


Der uralt Investor Anuar Rizvik, wurde in Tirana - Albanien in die Luft gesprengt 

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