Freitag, 27. September 2013

Kosovo, das kriminelle Produkt der Privatisier und Profi Krimineller Politiker aus der NATO und den UCK Banditen

Aussichtlos und vollkommen korrupt! Immer dabei: EBRD- Betrugs Kredite, was schon bei Bodo Hombach anfing, Offshore Investoren und wieder mals Telekom Manager. KfW und DEG.

Disguising of corrupted privatization

Disguising of corrupted privatization

02 May 2013
Company KEK - Electricity, Distribution and Supply (KEDS), was sold to consortium “Calik & Limak”, in a non...
Secrecies of the Highway
Historia e një shtyrje

Kosovo Corruption Corporation - KEK

Kosovo Corruption Corporation - KEK

04 August 2012 A research carried out by Preportr on the turnover of more than 1 billion euros, over 500 million euros of public...

A request for access to the public documents, submitted by the Organization ÇOHU! and Kosovo Center for Investigative Journalism, Ministry of Economic Developments has answered only partially and has offered only the document of the prequalification guidelines. According to the MED: “The privatization project of PTK, is still under the procedure and the contracting authority has legal impediments that prevent it to disclose the required documents”. Ministry of Economic Developments has considered that until the completion of the transaction, it is obliged to respect ‘confidentiality impediments’, but at the same time, it is committed to provide access to the contracts and other documents only after the signing of the contract.          
But, besides the fact that public opinion does not still know who exactly is ‘Axos”, and the origin of the capital, the privatization process has been accompanied also with immerse vagueness on the legality of the decision to privatize PTK.  
Yet, looking into the perspectives of the privatizing process, since its inception, the bid to have a grip on the most profitable public asset in Kosovo has been followed by the lack of an opened and fair competitiveness. Moreover, it seems that the privatizing process of PTK, has been also accompanied by the breach of the law and the requirements of prequalification criteria.  
Who is “Axos”?!
Data revealed by Preportr show that people in charge, actually founders and current leaders of “Axos”, are in fact former higher employees of the world telecommunication giant, Deutsche Telekom - DT. This research alike brings to light other circumstances where members of “Axos” have lobbied on behalf of DT, to buy other telecommunication companies in the region.  
Main people, in fact founder and leaders of  “Axos”, are former employees of higher positions in the telecommunication giant, Deutsche Telekom
Jan Georg Budden, one of the founders and the current executive director of “Axos”, used to be a deputy president in DT, where as Stephan Schroeder, also one of the founders and the current managing partner in ‘Axos”, was also deputy president in DT. The Preportr research, revealed also that the legal representative of the “Axos”, in the bidding process, comes out to be Georgi Dimitrov, a Macedonian, which DT was one of its attorney firm’s client in other cases.    
The research has also revealed information on the involvement of the “Axos” in the privatization of Bosnian Telecom and on the Albtelekom in Albania. In the attempt to privatize Bosnian Telecom, the man that lobbied in favor of DT, was Volket Rühe which in 2008 was the president of the board of “Axos” and the former minister of defense of Germany. Similarly, the name of the former minister of defense of Germany, Volket Rühe turns out to have been involved as a member of the board of ‘Axos”, in an attempt to privatize Albtelekom, a telecommunication company in Albania that was sold to Calik Enerji from Turkey.
A research by Gazeta JNK has revealed that “ACP Axos”, has presence in Cayman Islands, one of the ‘off shores’ countries that belongs to Britain.
Another research conducted by Gazeta JNK, has revealed that “Axos” has presence in the one of the ‘safe havens’ territories. According to the claims of the executive director of ‘Axos”, Jan Budden, the investing fund “Axos” controls an entity called “Axos Cayman” in the Cayman Islands, a British territory. According to him, finances to “Axos” have been made by DCM, a capital investment firm, and Columbia Capital, one of the companies competing to buy PTK, bur which withdrew from the bid after the phase of prequalification. 
The research on Gazeta JNK has provided the information that the business register in the Cayman Islands does not list any entity with the name “Axos Camyan”, as said by Jan Bubben, but that it has a company with the name “Axos Limited”. When asked about the company, Jan Budden refused to answer due to the sensibility of the case. 
Bankat e Fuqishme Nuk Tregojnë a Mbështesin Axos-in
Ilustrimi: Besnik Krivanjeva,987,5865
Eine Tarn Firma, wo nun Geld von den Cayman Inseln kommen soll, um die wahren Erwerber zutarnen und zu verstecken. Später wird diese Welt Firma erst die Anteile offiziell aufkaufen, wenn Gras über die Sache gewachsen ist. Der Erwerb, entspricht nicht dem Rechts Standard der EU Länder!

ACP Axos Capital GmbH Consortium to acquire 75% of PTK, the incumbent telecom operator in the Republic of Kosovo

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