Samstag, 8. Februar 2014

20 Jahre Bosnien das Opfer der Balkan Ratten mit Valentin Inzko als High Repraesentanten

 in 2010 gut dotierte Posten fuer die Ratten des Balkans. 5 Jahre Null Erfolg und die Vorgaenger Ratten wie

Valentin Inzko
The EU has tapped Austrian Ambassador to Slovenia Valentin Inzko as its new representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Der Österreicher Valentin Inzko will nun in BIH abzocken  

Im Solde von Mafia Unis, Pseudo Institutionen, der Balkan Abzocker und Vorgaenger
Dumm Sabbler und Abzocker im Balkan:  Christian Schwarz-Schilling,

Bosnien hat von den dummen High-Represanten nun genug: Ein Referendum wird geplant

The outgoing international peace envoy to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Miroslav Lajcak, said he is leaving his post and the troubled country because the international bodies there are a “dead horse”, doing nothing while rival local leaders held the country back. 

Obwohl sich eine NATO Ganoven Bande, nur sich hoch dotierte Jobs zuschanzt um sich selber zu bereichern, haben diese Dumm Dödels, welche sich selbst ernennen, in 14 Jahren absolut Nichts zustande gebracht, was für deren Verblödung und Inkompetenz spricht.

"demokratisch nicht legitimierten Friedensimplementierungsrat ernannt"

Kommentar: Wenn die UN und die sogenannten High Repräsenten zu dumm sind, nach 15 Jahren etwas zu stande zu bringen, braucht eine Revolution, eine bewaffnete Aktion um diese dummen Internationalen los zu werden. Wie im Kosovo, reine Selbst Bereicherung und Nichts passiert, ausser dummen Gelabber! Viele Jahre, konnten die berüchtigsten Verbrecher Banden in Sarajewo frei agieren, und die High Reps machten Nichts dagegen. Der einzige vernünftige High Reprs war: Miroslav Lajcak, der vorzeitig aufhörte, als die EU selbst nicht wussten, was er dort machen sollte.

Westliche Organisationen sind eine "tode Hose" sagt der scheidende Miroslav Lajcak 

February 7, 2014


Bosnia urged to ensure balanced representation of constituent people
A draft resolution on Bosnia and Herzegovina, which will be on the agenda of the European Parliament next week, calls on leaders in that country to ensure the implementation of the Sejdic-Finci ruling from the European Court for Human Rights and to consider a possibility of merger of cantons in the Croat-Bosniak Federation with a view of simplifying the structure and ensuring a more balanced representation of constituent people and citizens.

The document drafted by German MEP Doris Pack which has also included several amendments, some of which proposed by seven Croatian deputies to the European Parliament, will be discussed by MEPs on Wednesday during a plenary session in Strasbourg and is to be endorsed on Thursday.The draft resolution underlines “constitutional reform remains key to transforming BiH into an effective and fully functional state.”It also urges the Federation “to consider concrete proposals in this regard, including the merger of some cantons and the redistribution of competences, in order to simplify its complex institutional structure, ensure a more balanced representation of all constituent people and citizens, eliminate ethnic discrimination and make the state more functional, less expensive and more accountable to its citizens.”In the same vein, all political parties are invited “to take part in this process in a constructive and open manner and to make use of the advice and guidance that the Venice Commission can provide during this process.

”The draft welcomes “the six-point agreement reached in Brussels on 1 October 2013, but deplores the obstruction of its implementation by centralist forces; stresses the importance of following the principles of federalism and legitimate representation in order to ensure BiH’s path.”Urging the European Commission to treat Bosnia and Herzegovina’s integration into the EU as a top priority, the document says that the European Union is committed to sovereign and united Bosnia and Herzegovina and its EU membership prospects.

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