Dienstag, 15. August 2017

Zoran Zaev Adviser: Zoran Basanovic wurde in Florida auf Diebstahl Tour erwischt

System Betrug der NATO, EU, USA, inklusive Erpressung und das seit 20 Jahren mit Mazedonien: Inzwischen wird Mazedonien von Kriminellen übernommen, welche für die SDS Partei arbeiten, im Stile von Georg Soros. Erpressung, Finanzierung mit Millionen die LGBT Parteien, für Demonstrationen, Zerstörung als System

von Renate Flottau.

Georgievski: Diese Aufständischen - vor allem in Aracinovo - waren angeheuerte Rebellen, Paramilitärs, es waren keine Albaner.
Renate Flottau: Damals waren Sie nicht so zögerlich und beschuldigten die USA direkt, sie hätten den Albanern Waffen geliefert und US-Offiziere hätten die Aufständischen ausgebildet.
Georgievski: Ich will jetzt kein Land nennen - aber doch etwas klarstellen: 1999 hatte ich - im Gegensatz zu manchen anderen europäischen Ländern - die Natobombardierung Jugoslawiens unterstützt. 15 Tage vor der Kapitulation Milosevics willigte ich ein, daß Nato-Bodentruppen von Mazedonien aus operieren können. Im Gegenzug erhielten wir die schriftliche Zusicherung der Nato, daß man uns vor etwaigen Folgen des Krieges schützen werde. Als es dann 2001 zu Unruhen kam und uns niemand half, konnte ich als Premier nichts anderes tun als Mazedonien zu verteidigen. Zur Strafe wurde mir ein Visa für die USA verweigert - und das bis heute, während einige Kosovo-Politiker die für schlimmste Verbrechen verantwortlich sind, mittlerweile als gern gesehene Gäste nach Washington reisen.

 Nicht der Erste Adviser prominenter Politiker im Balkan, der mit Familie auf Diebstahl Einkauf Tour in die USA reisen können.

Zaev’s advisor caught stealing blankets, clothing in Florida mall


One of Zaev senior advisors Zoran Basanovic, a well known and prosecuted criminal from Serbia who was expeditiously issued a Macedonian citizenship by the SDS was arrested in Florida after stealing blankets, clothing and perfumes with his wife Bojana, reports Serbian daily “Alo”. Per the Florida police report, the store owner alerted police after seeing Basanovic removing tags from merchandise and staffing it in bags. The police followed Basanovic to his car in the parking lot where he was arrested. They found four bags of stolen goods from the shopping center. It is quite astonishing to say the least that every single government “advisor” in the Baily government has been convicted for various crimes that range from theft to fraud, with the majority even spending time behind bars.

  • 16:33Moskau zu Einmischungsvorwürfen in Mazedonien: „Falschmeldungen von Russophoben“

  • Die Tetova - Destani Mafia immer dabei: Schleuser, Drogen und Terroristen Promotion: Frank Walter Steinmeier und Kollegen Jess L. Baily

    DW: Owner of FC Shkendija involved in Heroin trafficking with NATO
    Saturday, 12 August 2017

    German company for waste manegement headquartered in Tetovo, known under the name "Ecolog" and hired by NATO in Afhanistan, in 2010 was accused of heroin trafficking. These accusations are over 10 years old, as the same firm who also sponsors FC Shkendija is tied with drug trafficking since the Kosovo war, reported German based Deutche Welle

    Although the company is founded in Dusseldorf, Germany, all of its operations are based out of Tetovo, Macedonia. No one knows how this unknown company received large contracts with NATO (ISAF) in Afghanistan. According to Croatian based Jutarnji, citing DW, Ecolog was heavily involved with drug trafficking in and out of Kosovo, while the entire operation was overseen by NATO who took over the security of the former Serbian province. As a result of an already "formed relationship", NATO extended more contracts to Ecolog in Afghanistan as well.
    Per the report, NATO general Egon Ramms believes not just heroin, but other narcotics were trafficked as well. Ecolog's contract with NATO had been signed back in 2003 and has been active for 14 years. At one point, Ecolog is believed to have recruited fighters from Kosovo and dispatched them to fight with ISIS in Syria.
    To receive multimillion dollar contracts with NATO, a company must have massive connections with the alliance, particularly when it comes to assisting in illegal activities.

    According to NATO general Egon Ramms in his interview with DW - it's absurd that this unknown company has been receiving large contracts with NATO and none of their contracts for over a decade have ever been looked at or investigated.
    "It's quite odd for any company to have their contracts with NATO renewed automatically, without any investigation what they actually do and or how beneficial the business relationship is. There is simply no information on Ecolog, and it doesn't help that they have been tied to drug trafficking" - says Ramms.

    According to Macedonian media, Ecolog's owner Mr. Destani is the main financial backer of DUI and SDS, and was pinpointed as the primary financier of Zaev in multiple villages around Tetovo when SDS officials were photographed carrying hundreds of thousands of euros in bribing money for the locals.
    Soon after, Zoran Zaev proclaimed himself as the biggest supporter of Shkendija.

    Der Pate der Albaner Mafia und des Drogen Handels von Afghanistan, über Kosovo, Albanien, Mazedonien bis nach Berlin.
    Jeder weiß das Destani höchste US Generäle kaufte, um Aufträge zu erhalten, sogar diesen Generälen die Geschäftsführung in den USA übertru. Gross Drogen Transporte auch mit Geldwäsche über Dubai, wird mit dem Privat Flugzeug abgesichert, NATO Flügen und durch viele Zweigstellen  quer durch die Türkei, in Richtung Europa und Afghanistan
    Lalzim Destani - Frank Walter Steinmeier OSCE Mai 2016 in Berlin

    Echolog Web Archiv, über Vorstrafen von Lazim Destani, Mitarbeiter usw..

    Orden gibt es für jeden Verbrecher in Tirana

    Presidenti Nishani nderon zotin Lazim Destani me Urdhrin “Nderi i Kombit”
    27 dhjetor 2012
    Presidenti i Republikës, Bujar Nishani nderoi sot zotin Lazim Destani me Urdhrin “Nderi i Kombit” me motivacionin: “Për kontributin e jashtëzakonshëm në mbështetje të iniciativave me karakter kombëtar dhe krijimin e imazhit pozitiv të Shqipërisë në botë”.
    Në ceremoninë e dekorimit të zotit Destani, morën pjesë Kryetari i Bashkisë së Tiranës, Lulzim Basha, dhe pjesëtarë të familjes Destani.

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