Freitag, 23. Juli 2021

Berliner, EU Deppen Balkan Politik ist vollkommen am Ende

was wir seit Jahren berichten, die Korruptions Politik der Unfähigkeit, hat jeden Einfluss der kriminellen EU und Berliner Politik beendet, wo nur Wunschdenken vorherrste und wieviel Geld man stehlen kann


Die Erweiterung der EU auf dem Balkan ist tot – jetzt ist der EWR der realistische Weg

Zwei Jahrzehnte lang schien Brüssels Beitrittsversprechen für die sechs Staaten auf dem Westbalkan sakrosankt. Mittlerweile glaubt niemand mehr daran. Aber es gäbe Alternativen. ........

Natürlich gibt es sie noch, die Balkanexperten. Und sie sind nicht müssig geblieben, seit sich die europäische Öffentlichkeit kaum mehr für die Region interessiert. Im Gegenteil. Think-Tanks, Diplomaten und Akademiker schreiben weiterhin Berichte darüber, wie sich die Länder der Region verändern müssen, damit sie der Europäischen Union beitreten können. Nur mag das kaum einer lesen.

Leider viel zu selten drehen sie die Frage um: Wie müsste sich die EU verändern, damit die Balkanländer beitreten können? Es geht bei der Umkehr des Ansatzes nicht darum, Europa zu «balkanisieren» statt den Balkan zu «europäisieren». Ohnehin sind die beiden Begriffe analytisch wenig ergiebig.

Es geht darum, neue Formen der Einbindung für die sechs Länder auf dem westlichen Balkan zu finden: Albanien, Bosnien-Herzegowina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Nordmazedonien und Serbien. Dabei ist institutionelle Kreativität gefragt, aber auch ein neues geopolitisches Engagement für die Region.

Nach Kroatiens Beitritt war Schluss

Den letzten Neuzugang hatte die EU 2013 mit Kroatien


Auch die Gespräche mit Montenegro stagnieren. Nach jahrzehntelanger Dominanz des Djukanovic-Clans ist das Land durch den Machtkampf zweier Blöcke paralysiert.

In Nordmazedonien und Albanien gab es eine Weile Bewegung. Die Länder unternahmen schwierige Reformen gegen die Zusicherung der EU-Kommission, bald mit Beitrittsgesprächen beginnen zu dürfen. Doch Brüssel musste sein Wort brechen......................

Bosnien-Herzegowina schliesslich ist noch nicht einmal Kandidat, und Kosovo kann es nicht werden, weil fünf EU-Mitgliedländer den Staat nicht anerkennen.

Es ist offensichtlich: Die Erweiterung der EU auf dem Balkan ist tot. Sowohl bei der Union als auch bei den Kandidaten fehlen der politische Wille und die Fähigkeit zu entschlossenen Integrationsschritten.

Warum der Balkan weiter wichtig ist

Dennoch ist die Anbindung der Region notwendig. Aus drei Gründen.

Erstens sind die Länder wirtschaftlich eng mit der EU verbunden. Drei Viertel des Handels werden mit ihr getätigt, und das Gros der Investitionen kommt von dort. Allerdings sind die Balkanländer nur eine billige Werkbank für europäische Firmen................

Statt sich energisch um das Erweiterungsdossier zu kümmern und Querschläger zur Räson zu bringen, erfand Berlin verschiedene «Prozesse», angeblich um die Länder «beitrittsfähig» zu machen. In Wahrheit sind es Abfolgen von Konferenzen, auf denen Diplomaten, Politiker und NGO-Vertreter die immergleichen Erklärungen abgeben und sich langweilen.

 Angela Merkel, Geld Diebstahl System: Balkan Konferenz!

Ohne die wirtschaftliche Erholung der ausgezehrten Mittelklasse hat der Kampf gegen «state capture» und Autokraten in den Balkanstaaten keine Chance. Das Engagement für Gewaltenteilung und Demokratie ist eine verlorene Sache, wenn die Auswanderung für Gutausgebildete eine der letzten Optionen auf ein anständiges Leben ist.

Die EU hat ihre Glaubwürdigkeit für das Balkan-Sextett über die Jahre nach und nach verspielt.




Dienstag, 20. Juli 2021

die von China gebaute "Peljesac" Brücke wird in Kroatien bis Oktober fertig gebaut

EU zahlt, China baut: Pelješac-Brücke >

Croatia: Pelješac bridge structure rises above sea levels

Croatia: Pelješac bridge structure rises above sea levels

Pelješac Bridge contractors China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC) have completed 65 % of the work on the bridge which will connect the Pelješac peninsula with the Croatian mainland.

“The Chinese have so far done 65 % of the work on the bridge. The current realisation on that project amounts to 1.3 billion kuna out of a total of 2.08 billion as contracted,” daily Večernji list writes.

There are currently 543 workers on the construction site, of which 144 are technical and support staff and the rest are workers, engineers and sailors on ships.

At the end of February, 49 out of a total of 165 segments of steel span structure had been installed on the bridge. In mid-February, a segment with a total length of 52 meters and weighing 581 tons was placed between the sea pillar S3 and the land S2.

By the end of last month, according to Croatian Roads Company, all-steel piles on the Pelješac Bridge had been driven in and concreted, and all work on the construction of headboards, columns and pylons had been completed. The pillars are 38 to 54 meters high, and the pylons on the six central pillars are 40 meters high.

According to plans of the bridge contractor China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC), the completion of the installation of the last segment is scheduled for early October this year.

This will not conclude works on the bridge, with the final works expected to last until the end of the year.

The whole project, including the access roads, should be completed before the 2022 tourist season.

Along with the good implementation of this project, in neighbourly Bosnia and Herzegovina dissatisfaction exacerbated once again, this time by Croat member of the BiH tripartite Presidency Željko Komšić. In an interview on Monday, he said that Bosnia and Herzegovina had the right to file a lawsuit against Croatia at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in Hamburg over the construction of the Pelješac Bridge.

Freitag, 16. Juli 2021

Johns Hopkins Uni Mafia, Lauren Gardner und die Hirnlose Angela Merkel in den USA

Die Bio Waffen Forschungs Abteilung, des Pentagon und deren kriminelle Geschäfts rund um dei Wuhan Labors sind einmalig in der Welt, wie man erneut die ganze Welt mit Panik, Angst für deren Profite überzieht
Die Terror-, Betrugs Bande der Angela Merkel, mit dem Covid Betrug ist einmalig in der Welt, wie das senile Deppen Treffen, von Jo Biden mit Angela Merkel, nur für ein Foto.
Die Selbstisolierte
Frau Merkel hatte gute Gründe, zu ihrer Abschiedsvisite nach Washington nicht... mehr »
Lange geplant, die Medien Betrug Orgie, mit gefälschten und frei erfundenen Statistiken, oft aus Sozial Media, trotzdem machten die Verbrecher immer weiter. [gallery ids="10377,10450,9921,10481,10207"]

COVID-19 gives the lie to global health expertise

The LancetVol. 395No. 10231p1189Published: March 26, 2020

  • Sarah L Dalglish
As the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak began spreading in Europe and the USA, a chart started circulating online showing ratings from the 2019 Global Health Security Index, an assessment of 195 countries' capacity to face infectious disease outbreaks, compiled by the US-based Nuclear Threat Initiative and the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health's Center for Health Security. The USA was ranked first, and the UK second; South Korea was ranked ninth, and China 51st; most African countries were at the bottom of the ranking.
Things look different now. The US and UK Governments have provided among the world's worst responses to the pandemic, with sheer lies and incompetence from the former, and near-criminal delays and obfuscation from the latter. Neither country has widespread testing available, as strongly recommended by WHO, alongside treatment and robust contact tracing. In neither country do health workers have adequate access to personal protective equipment; nor are there nearly enough hospital beds to accommodate the onslaught of patients. Even worse, by refusing to ease sanctions against Iran, Venezuela, and Cuba, the US has crippled the ability of other countries to respond, continuing to block medical supplies and other humanitarian aid.
Cited in Scopus: 52

An interactive web-based dashboard to track COVID-19 in real time

Published:February 19, 2020DOI:

An interactive web-based dashboard to track COVID-19 in real time

Published:February 19, 2020DOI:

COVID-19 Data Repository by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University

This is the data repository for the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Visual Dashboard operated by the Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering (JHU CSSE). Also, Supported by ESRI Living Atlas Team and the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab (JHU APL). Visual Dashboard (desktop): Visual Dashboard (mobile): Please cite our Lancet Article for any use of this data in a publication: An interactive web-based dashboard to track COVID-19 in real time Provided by Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering (JHU CSSE): The COVID-19 tracking map was first shared publicly on Jan. 22. It was developed to provide researchers, public health authorities, and the general public with a user-friendly tool to track the outbreak as it unfolds. Lauren Gardner Professor Lauren Gardner, (20. September 1984 (Alter 36 Jahre***) a civil and systems engineering professor at Johns Hopkins University, built the dashboard with her graduate student, Ensheng Dong. It is maintained at the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at the Whiting School of Engineering, with technical support from ESRI and the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. Gardner is co-director of the CSSE. Learn more about Gardner and the CSSE by visiting its website. Coronavirus Dashboard der Johns Hopkins University

Lauren Gardner: Der Kopf hinter den Daten - Handelsblatt

23.03.2020 ... Lauren Gardner*** hat die Webseite erfunden, auf der sich in der Coronakrise die halbe Welt verlässt. Hier wird die Ausbreitung der Seuche .

To find the optimal number of patients to transfer and where to transfer them to, we use mathematical optimization models developed by the Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering (JHU CSSE), hospitalization data from the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and COVID forecasts from the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC). To learn more, visit the About tab.   Die sorgenvollen Bekundungen der Merkel-Regierung zur Bevölkerungsgesundheit sind erstunken und erlogen. Läge der herrschenden Politik-Kaste dieses Landes das Wohlergehen der Bevölkerung am Herzen, hätte sie das Gesundheitswesen nicht Profithaien und ihren korrupten Provisionskomparsen in den Rachen geworfen, die Kliniken nicht privatisiert, die Krankenhauskapazitäten nicht abgebaut und diese nicht unter das Primat der Profiterwirtschaftung gestellt. Einer dieser Provisionskomparsen aus der Privatisierungsgeisterbahn heißt Karl Lauterbach. Ich kenne viele Kandidaten in politischen Spitzenpositionen, die vor ein internationales Verbrechertribunal gehören, denn die Korruption in der Polit-Kaste hat mit den Privatisierungsorgien des Staatsvermögens seit den 1980er-Jahren Epidemiecharakter nationaler Tragweite angenommen.
*** Lauren Gardner, 36 Jahre, ist eine typisch verblödete Frau, twitter, facebook, instagram account, welche über das Dashboard, ihre gefälschten Zahlen, frei erfunden der Welt repräsentierte, in diesem Betrugs Modell. frei erfundene Zahlen, ohne jede Basis, in Betrugs Absicht. Sozial Media, Deppen PR und erfundene Zahlen Christian Rickens, Barbara Gillmann: Lauren Gardner. Diese Frau steht hinter den Corona-Daten der Johns-Hopkins-Universität, Handelsblatt, 23. März 2020.............   Aber wie kommen Gardner und ihr Team an ihre Daten? In Deutschland klafft eine auffällig große Lücke zwischen den offiziellen Corona-Zahlen des Robert-Koch-Instituts (RKI) und denen er JHU: Am Montag um 16 Uhr MEZ verzeichnete Gardners Dashboard 26 220 Fälle in Deutschland und 111 Corona-Tote. Das Robert-Koch-Institut verzeichnet zum gleichen Zeitpunkt lediglich 22 672 Erkrankte in Deutschland und 86 Todesfälle.
Das RKI verlässt sich auf die Meldungen der regionalen Gesundheitsämter, die ihre Fallzahlen einmal pro Tag an das RKI melden. Jeweils um Mitternacht aktualisiert das RKI seine Zählung. Wie Gardners Dashboard an seine Zahlen kommt, vermag man beim RKI nicht zu sagen. Neue Mails decken weitere Zahlungen der US-Behörde für Infektionskrankheiten an das «Wuhan-Labor» auf
Anthony Faucis Behörde finanzierte neun Projekte zur Erforschung von Fledermaus-Coronaviren in Zusammenarbeit mit dem «Institut für Virologie in Wuhan». Von LifeSiteNews
Veröffentlicht am 11. Juli 2021 von RL.
Judicial Watch gab kürzlich bekannt, über 301 Seiten mit E-Mail-Nachrichten und weiteren Aufzeichnungen vom National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) zu verfügen. Diese verdeutlichen die enge Kooperation des NIAID mit dem Institut für Virologie in Wuhan (WIV) (Corona-Transition berichtete). Die Dokumente zeigen, dass das NIAID neunmal Zuschüsse an die EcoHealth Alliance erteilt hat, die für die Erforschung und Entstehung von Coronaviren bei Fledermäusen bestimmt waren. Auch war das National Institute of Health (NIH), dem das NIAID angehört, selbst der grösste Geldgeber für das Labor in Wuhan. Die Aufzeichnungen enthalten auch eine E-Mail des stellvertretenden Direktors des WIV. In diesem bittet er einen NIH-Beamten um Hilfe bei der Suche nach Desinfektionsmitteln für die Dekontamination von luftdichten Anzügen und Innenraumoberflächen. In einer Ankündigung zum Weltgesundheitstag ist auch von einer «erfolgreichen» US-chinesischen-Zusammenarbeit die Rede, die «eine detaillierte Überwachung in ganz China und in anderen Ländern bezüglich des Auftretens von Coronaviren» und den Erhalt von Influenza-Proben aus China durch die NIH umfasste. Anhand Letzterer sei es möglich gewesen, «Risiken im Zusammenhang mit neu auftretenden Varianten für eine Pandemie und zoonotische Bedrohung zu bewerten.» Weiter zeigen die Aufzeichnungen: Dr. Ping Chen, der NIAID-Vertreter in China, erfuhr 2018 von einem «Typ eines neuen Grippeimpfstoffs mit Nanotechnologie am Institut für Virologie in Wuhan». Dabei habe Chen festgestellt, dass die Chinesen alle Internetlinks zu Berichten über die neue Technologie blockierten. Dies habe Chen dazu veranlasst, eine dringende «Nacht-Notiz» an US-Regierungsbeamte zu schreiben. In der Notiz hiess es: «Der intranasale Nano-Impfstoff kann ein breites Spektrum an Grippeviren angreifen und induziert robuste Immunantworten» … An die Dokumente gelangte Judicial Watch mithilfe des Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Konkret verlangte die Organisation Einsicht in die NIH-Zuschüsse an das WIV. Die Zuschüsse des NIAID an die EcoHealth Alliance beinhalteten unter anderem:
  • Finanzielle Unterstützung für ein Projekt mit dem chinesischen Mitarbeiter Jinping Chen vom Guangdong Entomological Institute. Mit dem Zuschuss sollten in China «Virale Risiken, die von Fledermäusen» («Risk of Viral Emergence from Bats») ausgehen, untersucht werden. Zeitraum: 2010 und 2012.
  • Finanzielle Unterstützung für eine Zusammenarbeit mit dem chinesischen Mitarbeiter Changwen Ke von der Seuchenschutzbehörde Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Guangdong für das Projekt «Das Risiko des Auftretens des Fledermaus-Coronavirus verstehen» («Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence»). Zeitraum: 2014-2017.
  • Zuschuss für ein Projekt mit dem Titel «Vergleichende Verbreitungs-Dynamik der Vogelgrippe in endemischen Ländern» («Comparative Spillover Dynamics of Avian Influenza in Endemic Countries»). Hierbei arbeitete EcoHealth Alliance mit Xiangming Xiao von der East China Normal University. Zeitraum: 2012.
  • Zuschuss für das Projekt «Das Risiko des Auftretens des Fledermaus-Coronavirus verstehen» («Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence»), das wiederum gemeinsam mit Changwen Ke realisiert wurde. Zeitraum: 2018.
Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel hier. *********** Dieser Artikel stammt von LifeSiteNews, einer englischen Website mit katholischem Hintergrund, die sich ursprünglich gegen die Abtreibung wandte. Die Website führt eine gute Nachrichtenübersicht zu Pandemiethemen. Quelle:

LifeSiteNews: New Wuhan linked emails show nine grants from Fauci’s NIAID to EcoHealth for bat coronavirus research - 9. Juli 2021
Am Erreger von Sars-Cov2, den Tests und den Impfstoffen wurde seit 19 Jahren gearbeitet
David E. Martin legt vor dem Corona-Ausschuss vom 9. Juli Beweise für Patente von US-Regierungsbehörden vor.

Veröffentlicht am 13. Juli 2021 von Red.

Ausführungen von Dr. David E. Martin, Vorsitzender von M-CAM International. Diese Firma untersucht weltweit Erfindungen und deren Patente. Ab 4:42 Std. bis 4:46 Std. Dr. Fauci finanzierte schon 2002 ein Projekt zur Erschaffung eines gefährlichen Corona-Virus und am 19. April 2002 wurde dieses patentiert, obschon ein Virus nicht patentiert werden kann, mittels Schmiergeldzahlung an das Patentbüro. Ab 4:58 Std. bis 5:03 Std. Zusammenhang mit Anthrax-Geschichte. 2003 wurde eine Gen-Sequenz des Corona-Virus patentiert (illegal). Die Möglichkeit, das Virus zu finden, wurde auch patentiert – mittels PCR-Test. Auch bezahlten die CDC (Centers of Disease Control and Prevention) Schmiergeld an das Patentbüro, um ein Patent zu erhalten. Impfstoffe gegen SARS-COV2 wurden schon vor der Pandemie patentiert und vieles andere im Zusammenhang damit. Das deklarierte Ziel des Ganzen stand schon vor Jahren fest. Einer, der das auch offen aussprach, war Peter Daszek, der CEO der EcoHealth Alliance (Corona-Transition berichtete). Laut Martin habe Daszek bereits 2015 gesagt:
«Wir müssen das öffentliche Verständnis fördern, dass es eine Notwendigkeit für das Impfen gibt. Wichtigstes Mittel dafür sind die Medien.»


Corona-Ausschuss, Sitzung 60: Die Zeit ist kein flacher Kreis - 9. Juli 2021

Kompletter Blödsinn der Lockdown

„Das hätte uns jeden Lockdown erspart“: Ex-STIKO-Chef rechnet mit Corona-Politik ab

Von Susanne Ausic 5. Juli 2021

Dienstag, 13. Juli 2021

he"Kelag" der Östereichische Wasserversorgung, verseucht das Trinkwasser im Kosovo, zerstört die Umwelt

 Neben der Kontamierung mit DU Munition (141 Seiten, Gutachten), ist die Gegend von Decani, der Kosovo mit gefährlichen Giften verseucht.

 Höhepunkt sind kriminelle Umtriebe, oft der Firma Kelag, aus Osterreich,welche die Wasserversorgung stoppen musste, nachdem 800 Leute krank wurden, 2 sogar starben. Die Österreichische Energie Unternehmer, sind übelste Subventions Abzocker, im Balkan, bei jedem  kriminellen Geschäft dabei auch im  Glucksspiel Betrug und Geldwäsche dabei. Schlimmer wie die Italiener, wo auch alle Ratten einmal im Balkan waren

Flusssterben im Kosovo: NGOs wehren sich gegen Kelag-Tochter

Kelkos baut im Kosovo umstrittene Wasserkraftwerke. Aktivisten schreiben nun an Österreichs Außenminister

KELAG-Kärntner Elektrizitäts-Aktiengesellschaft


Kosovo Town Declares Emergency over ‘Contaminated Water’ Scare

Authorities in the western Kosovo town of Decan/Decani declared a state of emergency after more than 880 people were suspected to have fallen ill after drinking contaminated water. 
Kosovo Town Declares Emergency over ‘Contaminated Water’ Scare
Authorities in the western Kosovo town of Decan/Decani declared a state of emergency after more than 880 people were suspected to have fallen ill after drinking contaminated water.

Illustration. Photo: BIRN

“A state of emergency has been declared on the entire territory of the municipality of Decan,” said the text of an official decision made by the mayor of Decan/Decani, Bashkim Ramosaj, on Tuesday.

Ramosaj said he made the decision because more than 880 people are suspected to have fallen ill as a result of drinking contaminated water in the municipality over the past two days.

Local residents in the villages of Prejlep, Rastavica, Irzniq, Gllogjan, Shaptej, Gramaqel, Baballoq, Ratisha and Jasic i Ri claimed they have suffered from diarrhea, dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

The spokesperson for the Basic Prosecution in Peja/Pec, Shkodran Nikci, told BIRN on Tuesday that two people have died and their bodies have been sent to the Institute of Forensic Medicine for autopsy to see if they were poisoned.

But Kosovo’s Health Minister Arben Vitia then told media that the two deaths “are not related to the [suspected water contamination] situation”.

Suspicions have been raised that the reported illnesses were caused by drinking water supplied by a company called Hidrodrini.

Based on these suspicions, the prosecution said that the Hidrodrini company’s water should not be used for drinking purposes in ten villages in Decan/Decani.

The first results of tests on the water have come back normal, however. The National Institute of Public Health, NIPH, is conducting further tests, the results of which will be known within 48 hours at the latest.

“So far, I assess that according to the first results, chemically there is no problem with the drinking water, the water is usable but we are waiting for more analysis,” the director of NIPH, Naser Ramadani, told Kosovo media on Monday.

The Hidrodrini company said in a statement on Tuesday that it stopped the water supply the moment that reports that people had fallen ill appeared.



Angeblich sollen es Coli Bakterien sein, was bei der illegalen Bauerei möglich wäre, aber nicht bei einer so grossen Anzahl

Samstag, 10. Juli 2021

Milliarden schwere EU Mafia, will sich erneut den Balkan kaufen und jeden bestechen

 Allein die Reise Spesen, sind ein einziges Betrugs Projekt der EU und das seit über 20  Jahren

 EU needs a convincing path for the Western Balkans’s accession, write BiEPAG experts

Informal EU- Western Balkans meeting; Photo: EU

WESTERN  BALKANS – The EU should revisit the request from the region made ten years ago and think of ways to improve pre-accession support making it more efficient and development-oriented – is one of the conclusions in the new policy brief “Bouncing back: Completing the EU unification process”, published by Balkan Advisory Groupe (BiEPAG). 

This brief aims to assist EU decision-makers to return to the spirit of accession, and the transformational potential of the enlargement process to give the European Commission the necessary political support to carry on with the process.

BiEPAG experts stressed that with other global players on Europe’s doorstep looking to make their own gains in the region, the EU needs a convincing path for the Western Balkan countries and their accession to the EU.

“Considering where the countries of the Western Balkans were four or five years ago and where they are today, the reality is that there is no significant obvious move forward for the integration of this region into the EU. The last successful accession was in 2103 – now eight years ago”, the authors wrote.

According to this policy brief, the current EU accession process does not produce positive results and the question is whether, even with the new methodology, it ever will.

The authors underlined that the lack of genuine and honest political will from some EU Member States and lack of strategic vision to integrate the Western Balkans and the Union that now spans the European continent creates uncertainty the diminishes the credibility of EU and desire in the WB to join the EU.

“The uncertainty created in the past years is best reflected in the latest EFB/BiEPAG survey which shows a rather skeptical attitude of the citizens in the region when asked about the timeline of the EU accession process”, the paper added.

Authors stressed that the Western Balkan countries are future members of the EU, so they need to approach assessing their level of alignment and success in implementing EU rules and regulations.

How to move forward?

In the latest policy brief, BiEPAG experts gave some recommendations on how to move forward in the process of the EU integration of the Western Balkan countries.

The production of a clear tailor-made accession partnership roadmap for each of the Western Balkans countries is one of them.

The authors stressed that the current EU accession process with the countries of the Western Balkans is not producing results that will democratize their societies and increase socio-economic convergence between the region and the EU.

Read more: BiEPAG policy brief on completing the EU unification process to be presented tomorrow

“The integration of Western Balkan countries into existing EU mechanisms such as the EU Justice Scoreboard, the new Rule of law Report and the European Semester framework”, says the second recommendation from BiEPAG experts.

They recommended an increase in the EU’s absorption capacity by diversifying the portfolios in which the Western Balkan countries are dealt with at the European level and not focusing only on DG NEAR.

Policy brief recalled that the Western Balkans is the most socio-economically underdeveloped part of the future EU.

“The Commission’s Western Balkans Economic and Investment Plan (EIP) is a positive attempt and an indication of the EU’s readiness to assist the economic recovery of the countries in the region and support their green and digital transition. However, it has become obvious that weak economies in the region will struggle to achieve socio-economic convergence without more substantial EU support”, the authors said.

They recommended a substantial increase of funds channelled to the Western Balkans in environment, energy, transport infrastructure where citizens of the region will see the concrete benefits of accession.

They called in full alignment of the Instrument for pre-accession assistance rules and procedures with the EU Structural Funds model.


The Balkans in Europe Policy Advisory Group (BiEPAG) is a cooperation initiative of the European Fund for the Balkans (EFB) and Centre for the Southeast European Studies of the University of Graz (CSEES) with the aim to promote the European integration of the Western Balkans and the consolidation of democratic, open countries in the region. BiEPAG is composed by prominent policy researchers from the Western Balkans and wider Europe that have established themselves for their knowledge and understanding of the Western Balkans and the processes that shape the region.


the Western Balkans in 2020: The...


EPP, KAS, CDU, Georg Soros, finanzieren mit 56 Mill. € einen Umsturzplan in Moldawien um die Russen zu verdrängen

die werfen seit Jahrzehnten, Millionen Kriminellen Pro Europäern hinterher, auch LGBT Gruppen. Vom Völkerrecht, hat Europa schon lange Abschied genommen, auch das Auswärtige Amte, als man Nazi und Terroristen finanzierte in der Ukraine und Syrien.


Moldawiens Hauptstadt Chisinau am LGBT-Marsch unter dem Motto „I’m OK“ teil.

 Am Wochenende demonstrierten Hunderte friedlich in Moldawiens Hauptstadt für Vielfalt

July 4, 2021

Updated 08:54 July 5, 2021


A secret €56 mln operation to remove Russia from a post-Soviet country

Moldova is the poorest country in Europe. It’s crammed between two far larger nations, Romania to its west and Ukraine on its eastern border. As a result, it is often compared to ‘a hamburger’.

This ex-Soviet republic in southeastern Europe is hardly known by non-Eastern Europe watchers, and yet when there is any news about it in the Western media, it is almost always negative, covering issues such as human trafficking, theft and poverty, which affects more than 3 million Moldovan citizens.

In the 30 years since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the West has invested more than €2 billion into this country, which is second only to Tajikistan in terms of poverty amongst the 15 former Soviet republics.

The United States and European Union have been the most important donors, with both willing to help Moldova make the transition from Communism to a free market. In 2014, the European Union signed the Association Agreement with Moldova, fueling the hopes of Moldovans that one day they will also become members of the European Union. Although there is no clear prospect of EU membership for Moldova, about 900,000 Moldovans have already become citizens of the EU after obtaining passports as nationals of Romania and Bulgaria, both of which are members of the European Union.

Despite being the poorest country in Europe, with 25% of its territory under the control of pro-Soviet separatists in the Transnistria region, and with a geographical location without any significant geopolitical role, this country has recently become a new area of ​​interest for the West. We came into possession of several secret documents from the special services of an EU member, showing that the West is investing about €56 million to make sure the main pro-Euro-Atlantic party in Moldova – the Action and Solidarity Party (”Partidul Acțiune și Solidaritate” – PAS), one of the members of which is the new president of Moldova, Maia Sandu, wins in the early parliamentary elections to be held on July 11.

It took us several weeks to verify the documents. We also received confirmation from an independent source in the secret services of our country, but also from some local politicians, who spoke about the reasons for this massive, sometimes very open support. Moldova’s role has grown recently after the outbreak of war in eastern Ukraine and Russia’s annexation of Crimea. The West wants to permanently remove this country from Russia’s sphere of influence.

According to the secret documents we received, most of the money comes from two countries: Germany and the US. Romania, Poland, the Czech Republic, Sweden, the United Kingdom and Italy are also actively involved in the funding. There are several instruments used for this purpose, including:

1. Funding provided through non-governmental foundations;

2. Funding provided within the same political family;

3. Funding through government projects, both formal and informal;

4. Private companies. Most of the money out of this amount of almost €56 million is used through “grey schemes”, in which “cash” plays a dominant role, a practice the West usually tries to fight against.

The main coordinator of the “support for Moldova’s Euro-Atlantic future” operation is Germany. Berlin is actively involved in supporting the President of Moldova, Maia Sandu and PAS both politically, financially and logistically, using several instruments. Sandu has recently paid a pompous visit to Berlin, where she was received by the German President Frank-Walter Steimmeier and other high officials. The video conference discussion Sandu had with the German Chancellor Angela Merkel during her visit to Berlin was a bit strange. 

Angela Merkel and her Christian Democratic Union Party are among the strongest supporters of Maia Sandu and PAS. The strong voice of Germany’s Christian Democratic Union in the European People’s Party has provided massive political support from the largest political group in the European Parliament for Sandu’s party, which has been welcomed into this large family. According to our sources, the human, logistical and financial resources of the Christian Democratic Union helped the exemplary mobilization of Moldovan citizens living in Germany to participate in the last autumn’s presidential elections and to vote for Sandu.

Moldovans in the Western diaspora, estimated at nearly 800,000 people, are the golden resource the West will use in the coming early parliamentary elections to ensure the victory of Sandu’s party and the anchoring of Moldova in the Euro-Atlantic space.

According to the secret documents, the German Konrad Adenauer Foundation, which has an office in Moldova, plays an important role in supporting Sandu and PAS. This foundation actively cooperates with the secret services in Berlin and is the official bridge in the relations with the presidency of Moldova. An official collaboration agreement has been signed between the Moldovan Presidency and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, based on which the German state finances a group of people who work for Sandu. According to our information, about 15 people, nationals of Moldova, receive a monthly salary ranging between €2000 and €4500.

Another foundation indirectly funding PAS is the European Endowment for Democracy, which supports several projects in Moldova. Soros Foundation, USAID, IREX, IND, IRI, etc. also play important roles.

The plan to support PAS in the July 11 early parliamentary elections contains a number of actions to be implemented both within the territory of Moldova and in a number of Western countries, including the US and Canada. Hereinafter we will name just a few actions mentioned in the secret documents, as well as the fabulous budgets granted to this small country.

Over €6.74 million were paid to PAS directly. Just a small part of this amount was paid semi-officially, through Moldovan citizens living abroad, who made donations of money to the party on their own behalf. Most of the money was introduced into Moldova as cash. According to the reports, uncontrolled diplomatic luggage was used for this purpose. This money was intended for: 1. Prints (newspapers, election flyers); 2. Visibility materials (t-shirts, caps, flags, bags, writing blocks, pens, etc.). 3. Remuneration of central staff and volunteers. 4. Remuneration of election observers and members of election bureaus, delegated by PAS.

A significant amount, €8.38 million, was budgeted for “support to friendly parties”. Although the names of these “friendly parties” are not specified in the reports, they are referred to as “three pro-European and two center-left, pro-Russian parties”. The role assigned to these “friendly parties” is to attack the pro-Russian forces, but also other competitors, the “potential opponents of PAS”.

Another budget line in the documents refers to an amount of €810,000 for “loyalty incentives for public service employees from Moldova”. In addition, €470,000 are budgeted for “attracting mayors” (heads of local communities). Local “influencers” must be attracted to support PAS (7 people from Moldova and 4 more Moldovans living abroad – the total budget for this is €73,400, money provided for remuneration and sponsored promotion of products).

Another category of expenses – €338,000 are for “concerts and celebrities/artists”. Several concerts are planned to be organized in Moldova under the civic umbrella of “urging to vote”, but the goal is to mobilize people to vote for PAS. Likewise, several celebrities will express their open support for PAS (charges ranging between €5,000 and €15,000). A generous budget is also provided for “Professional Associations” (farmers, small and medium entrepreneurs, HoReCa, IT sector, etc.) – €539,500.

“Task force”, a section with no details, other than the figure of €320,000. Another budget line referring to the financing, but for which no details are provided, is “Sources”, for which €35,000 are planned.

A significant figure is allocated to the “media” component – €4.3 million. According to our sources, most of the money for the media is transferred legally, using various type of coverage, such as promoting press freedom, supporting free media in elections, promoting the right to vote, etc. The budgets prepared for other projects were redirected for this purpose, but their destination was changed in the spring, in order to motivate the press in support of PAS. Separately, a budget of €230,000 is allocated for the “international media”.

For this purpose, €1.45 million are budgeted for Moldovan NGOs. The same category includes money for “group of experts, analysts, etc.”

€120,000 are budgeted for “trolling and social media campaigning (Facebook, Instagram, Odnoklassniki (a social media network popular in the post-Soviet area), Tik tok)”. Our sources told us that people outside of Moldova, especially Romania (the two speak the same language), Ukraine, and Belarus, are also involved in this activity.

Compared to other activities, a rather modest amount is provided for “Telegram Channels” – €20,000. A little more – €58,500, are budgeted for “Caricature Production”.

Instead, a significant amount of over €35 million has been budgeted for “Voting Abroad”. According to the documents, the purpose of this money is to get at least 300,000 Moldovan citizens to vote in the Western countries, of which at least two-thirds will vote for PAS.

The secret reports also describe the process of how Moldovans will be mobilized to vote, how they will be transported to the polling stations, who is responsible, approximately how many transport units will be involved, but also how the vote will be verified. Another interesting category is “Honorarium for some members of the polling stations abroad” for which €65,000 are budgeted.

To this end, parties from the European People’s family from several European countries are mobilized to provide all the necessary logistical support and organized transportation. Law enforcement bodies in Western countries are instructed not to hinder the movement and voting of Moldovans, including those who are staying illegally on their territory (a considerable percentage).

On the contrary, they are instructed to provide, together with local administration authorities, secured parking spaces. From the same secret documents, we learn about the instructions issued about the need to identify as many transport companies in Western countries as possible, companies belonging to Moldovan citizens, in order to avoid possible allegations about the involvement of the host states in the organization of illegal transportation for elections.

Most transport units are planned to be rented in Italy (over 350), France (212), Germany (198), United Kingdom (184), etc. Organized transportation will also be provided in the US and Canada, but the number of transport units planned for these countries is in the order of tens. The Baptist Church will be heavily involved in the mobilization of Moldovans in the US.

To “persuade” some “hesitant” or politically apathetic Moldovans, “honorariums” are planned, the amount of which varies depending on the country from €50 to €200 for a vote. All those who are transported in an organized manner or who receive money for voting are required to take a picture of the ballot paper using their mobile phone, in order to be sure that they are voting for PAS. The money is to be paid in cash through Moldovan community leaders or Moldovans doing business in the host states.

As we have seen, the West has to pay a high price for democracy and the Euro-Atlantic spirit in this small country.




Freitag, 9. Juli 2021

Global Finance: Das EU, Georg Soros construkt: Mazedonien, zählt zu den 10 gefährlichsten Ländern der Welt


es kann nicht verwundern, wenn man gezielt korrupte Kriminelle ein Land übergibt, wie der Kosovo, Albanien

Macedonia ranked among top 10 most dangerous countries in the world

Global Finance ranked Macedonia among the 10 worst countries in their annual ranking of the World’s Safest Countries. The ranking covers 134 countries in the world, in terms of threat of war, personal security and natural disasters.

We are among the ten least safe countries in the world. Only a few years ago we were ranked 56th in the world. El Salvador, Honduras, Venezuela, Pakistan, Chad, Lebanon, Iran… are ranked as safer than us.

The report takes into account the pandemic, with all its parameters, such as mortality, vaccination rates, etc. Whatever affected this development, there is a risk that this report negatively affects the inflow of foreign direct investments, given that it is produced by a source which is greatly trusted in the world of finance and business, said former Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, who shared the report on his Facebook page.

Today, Macedonia is ranked 125th in the world. The safest countries are Iceland, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, while the Philippines ranked worst – 134th.


Sonntag, 4. Juli 2021

Die LGBT Schuchtel Mafia der EU, mobbt den EU Ratspräsident von Slowenien: Janez Jansa

 Die korrupte EU dreht vollkommen durch

 Mobbing, der EU Commission, mit der Erfindung, Rechts radikal, So Verbrecherisch ist heute die EU Commision, nur weil Slowenien, keine Schwuchtel Clubs finanzieren will. Dieser Artikel, ist Spiegel Lügen Mobbing

Eklat zum Start der Ratspräsidentschaft Wie Slowenien die EU-Kommission provoziert
Sitzt in der EU-Kommission ein »Schwein«? Seit zwei Tagen hat die rechtspopulistische Regierung Sloweniens die EU-Ratspräsidentschaft inne. Nun jagt ein Eklat den nächsten.
02.07.2021, 16.46 Uhr

Janez Janša und Ursula von der Leyen: »Überflüssige Provokation«

Janez Janša und Ursula von der Leyen: »Überflüssige Provokation« Foto: JURE MAKOVEC / AFP

Die slowenische Regierung provoziert zum Auftakt ihrer sechsmonatigen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft die EU-Kommission von Ursula von der Leyen. Innenminister Aleš Hojs sagte am Freitag in einer Pressekonferenz, er werde künftig eventuell ein ranghohes Mitglied der »europäischen Bürokratie« als »Schwein« bezeichnen. Grund sei all das, was er am Vortag erfahren habe.

Der slowenische Premierminister Janez Jansa hat die westlichen EU-Staaten dafür verurteilt, dass sie „imaginäre europäische Werte“ auferlegt haben, ohne die lokalen Kulturen zu respektieren. Jansa unterstützt Ungarn im Kampf gegen LGBT-Inhalte in Schulen und im Fernsehen.


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