Montag, 19. Oktober 2009

Dumm Schwafel Ex High Bosnien Repraesentante melden sich zu Worte

Diese Abzock Truppen, mit einem IQ von Null, sind nur peinlich. Wolfgang Petrisch ist im uebrigen der Entdecker von der Mafia Gruppe Hashim Thaci, denn Mord und Drogenhandel ist nun mal in der Denkweise dieser duemmlichen Gestalten der ideale Partner fuer die NATO! Christian Schwarz-Schilling, war der Einzige der wenigsten versuchte die Sache in Ordnung zu bringen und wurde deshalb gefeuert.

Die Dumm Betrugs Abzocker der NATO sind nun 14 Jahre in BiH und das absolut ohne Resulatat, was ja schon Alles sagt.

Former Envoys Critique Approach to Bosnia

Sarajevo | 19 October 2009 | Srecko Latal
Carl Bildt. Photo by Sandro Weltin © Council of Europe
Carl Bildt. Photo by Sandro Weltin © Council of Europe
Three former envoys to Bosnia have issued a joint statement critiquing the latest EU-US effort to end the country's political crisis and proposing a new international approach.
The statement was issued by Wolfgang Petritsch, Paddy Ashdown and Christian Schwarz-Schilling, who served as high representatives to Bosnia and Herzegovina between 1999 and 2007.

EU and US officials and representatives of the main Bosnian parties are scheduled to resume negotiaitions on Tuesday.

Referring to the military base near Sarajevo where the talks are being held, the trio wrote: “The ad hoc talks at Butmir [...] evoke both our concerns and hopes,”

Two weeks ago, Bildt and US Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg delivered a package to local politicians detailing both conditions and incentives to help end Bosnia’s grinding political deadlock.

According to diplomatic sources, the package offered the country involvement in the EU visa-free regime, rapid moves towards NATO membership and the status of an EU candidate state. This, in return for the fulfillment of the remaining criteria for closing the Office of the High Representative, OHR, and the continuation of constitutional reform.

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