Dienstag, 4. Mai 2010

Belgrad und Phristina, beginnen neue Gespräche auf Druck der Internationalen Gemeinschaft

Report: Pristina, Belgrade May Begin Talks This Year

Pristina | 04 May 2010 | Petrit Collaku

The Hague based International Court of Justice
The Hague based International Court of Justice
Pristina and Belgrade may begin talks on decentralisation, cultural heritage and the northern part of Kosovo later this year, the BBC Albanian service reports.
According to the BBC's diplomatic sources, the possibility that talks will be held has increased after several EU and US officials visited Kosovo and Serbia.
Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini also said indirectly in Pristina that Kosovo and Serbia could start discussions after the EU-Western Balkans summit in Sarajevo scheduled for June 2.
According to the BBC Albania report, which quoted unnamed international diplomatic sources, Pristina may create at least eight working groups to assist in technical preparations for the potential talks.
August is believed to be the month during which preparations for the talks will be conducted. The Italian ambassador to Kosovo, Michael Giffoni, who serves also as the EU envoy for the north of Kosovo, and Greek Ambassador Dimitris Moschopoulos are expected to assist in the facilitation of dialogue on technical issues.
Diplomatic sources claim that discussion can start after the International Court of Justice, ICJ, provides its opinion on the legality of Kosovo’s declaration of independence, which observers expect to be issued this summer.
In an interview for BBC's Albanian service, Nikolas K. Gvosdev, professor of national-security studies at the U.S. Naval War College, said that it would be better if the ICJ opinion were postponed in order to allow the parties to engage in technical discussions.
It is estimated that decentralisation in the north of Kosovo will be a particularly difficult topic in any talks between the two parties. Decentralisation is already being applied in other municipalities with Serb majority populations, in accordance with the Ahtisaari plan.

K. Albanians want “faster EU integration”
4 May 2010 | 10:58 | Source: Beta
PARIS -- Kosovo Albanian government's foreign minister, Skender Hyseni, called on EU to avoid making the “essential mistake” of postponing Kosovo’s integration.
He said that he believed that the European Union “will make an essential mistake if it postpones Kosovo’s integration process too much” adding that the process should be sped up.

Hyseni said, after meeting with French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner in Paris on Monday, that he intends to participate in the regional conference in Sarajevo on June 2.


Kommentar: Und wieder droht der sogenannte Kaspar und Aussenminister Skender Hyseni, das die EU einen Fehler macht, wenn man die Kosovo EU Integration vertagt. Wer will diesen kriminellen Sauhaufen, repräsentiert von Mördern, Terroristen, Gangstern und die Drogen Produktions und Verteil Stelle schon in der EU, wo dann Geistig behinderte Analphabeten aus arachischen Clans, nur ihr Blutrache- und Plünderungen Treiben auf ganz Europa ausdehnen. Deutsche Politik eben von Betrug mit den Banken und Balkan Kriegen, bis zum Sponsering hoch krimineller Banden.

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