Dienstag, 4. Mai 2010

Der Slowenische - Kroatische Grenz Streit, wird im Juni mit der Ratifizierung des neuen Abkommens entgültig beigelegt

Slowenien: Grenzstreit mit Kroatien ist inzeniert (  1 2)

Ein Politisches Ränke Spiel der Slowenischen Politiker, ohne Beispiel welche das Internationale See Recht ignorierten und zur eigenen Profilierung Stimmung machten mit absurden Forderungen an Kroatien.

Slovenia Referendum on Border Deal in June

| 04 May 2010 |

The Slovenian parliament has voted to hold a legislative referendum on the border arbitration agreement with Croatia on June 6, Slovenian press agency STA reported. The parliament approved the referendum in a unanimous 78-0 vote late Monday evening.
The vote comes after the Slovenian parliament on April 20 ratified the agreement in a 48-0 vote after  opposition parties left in protest at not having enough time to debate the issue, which they argue is bad for Slovenia.
Slovenia's top court cleared the deal in March as in line with the constitution, which allowed it to be moved to the parliament for ratification. Croatia's parliament has already ratified the agreement.
A border row between the two former Yugoslav republics blocked Croatia's EU bid for most of last year.
The accord to settle an 18-year-old border dispute was signed by Croatian Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor and her Slovenian counterpart Pahor in September last year, ending a 10-month stalemate and allowing Croatia to move forward with its EU accession talks.

Under the agreement, an international arbitration team will settle the dispute and its ruling will be binding for both countries.
The two countries have been at loggerheads over their maritime border in Piran Bay, and over small terrestrial border disputes, since the breakup of Yugoslavia in 1991.

Slovenia had claimed that the dispute was preventing its shipping from gaining free access to the Adriatic.

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