Dienstag, 20. Juli 2010

EU versucht den korrupten Mafia Justiz Aufbau aus Berlin, in Rumänien und Bulgarien zu reparieren

Damit VW, Polizei Autos überall exportieren kann, EADS und Co. seinen Militär Schrott, Heckler & Koch seine Waffen, wollten die Null Ahnung Leute der Möchte Gern Mafia von Rot - Grün aus Berlin, ja überall die Polizei und Justiz aufbauen. Das ging nun mal gründlich schief und in Folge verschwanden auch Milliarden im Sumpf der Parteibuch und Lobby Mafia aus Berlin. Nun versucht man diese Fehler durch die EU zu reparieren. An die Verbrechen von Ferrostaal, Thyssen, HDW, Siemens, EADS, Berlinwasser, Mercedes sei erinnert, wo ja auch schon hohe Bußgelder bezahlt wurden.


EC Report Blasts Romania, Praises Bulgaria on Justice Reforms

| 20 July 2010 |

Romania and Bulgaria joined the EU in 2007
Romania and Bulgaria joined the EU in 2007
Romania must improve its fight against corruption and reform its legal system, says a European Commission monitoring report released on Tuesday. Meanwhile, Bulgaria has been praised for its reforms and fight against organised crime and corruption in its progress report.
The reports are the fourth annual assessments produced by the Commission under the so-called Co-operation and Verification Mechanism (CVM). Both Bulgaria and Romania joined the European Union in 2007, but their justice and home affairs were not deemed up to European standards, so the two countries have been regularly assessed and given recommendations for reforms and changes since their accession.
The 2010 report on Romania stresses the lack of a committment to fight corruption and the curbing of the powers of National Integrity Agency (ANI), a key anti-graft body, as problem areas.
The commission calls "a serious step back" Romanian legal amendments which take powers away from ANI. “The new law on ANI represents a significant step back in the fight against corruption and breaches commitments Romania has taken upon
accession. On 19 July, the Constitutional Court ruled that the revised version of the law is unconstitutional.  This provides an opportunity to adopt a new law in conformity with Romania's obligations," the report added............................


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