Mittwoch, 21. Juli 2010

Ramuz Haradinaj muss erneut vor Gericht in Den Haag antreten, oder wenn Primitiv Idioten Partner der NATO werden

Appeals Judgement in Haradinaj Case to Be Delivered Today

| 21 July 2010 |

Tribunali paraburgosi Ramush 
Haradinajn e të tjerët
Ramush Haradinaj
The appeals judgement in the case of Ramush Haradinaj and two other former commanders of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) will be rendered today at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, ICTY.
Haradinaj, Idriz Balaj and Lahi Brahimaj were initially charged with crimes committed between March 1 and September 30, 1998 in the Dukagjin area of western Kosovo.
In April 2008, Haradinaj and Balaj were acquitted by the trial chamber at the ICTY of all charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Brahimaj was sentenced to six years’ imprisonment for cruel treatment and torture of two persons at the Jablanica/Jabllanice headquarters of the KLA.
The trial chamber's verdict found Brahimaj guilty of cruel treatment and torture of two victims who had perceived ties, or were believed to be collaborating with Serbs.
The prosecution and defense filed appeals in 2008.
The prosecution has also asked for a retrial “to hear direct evidence of witnesses regarding the participation of the three accused in a joint criminal enterprise and their individual responsibility” in relation to a number of crimes. The court is expected to rule on this request today.
Haradinaj became active in politics after the war ended in Kosovo, and founded the party Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, AAK.
He was selected prime minister of Kosovo in 2004 after the AAK came in third in the elections and his party formed a coalition government with Kosovo's largest party.

The move caused outcry in Serbia, which called for him to be indicted and accused the international community of cuddling up to a war criminal.

Under pressure, Haradinaj resigned and surrendered to the tribunal in March 2005.
After he was acquitted in 2008 on charges of taking part in a conspiracy to drive Serbs out of Kosovo through murder, rape and torture, he was welcomed back to Pristina, where many see him as a hero and his record as prime minister won him respect amongst many Kosovo Albanians and in the international community. Balkaninsight

In 6 wichtigen Punkten, wird erneut Anklage erhoben und die Berufung zugelassen!

AGUE -- The Hague Tribunal Appeals Chamber has made a decision for a partial retrial of former KLA leader Ramush Haradinaj war crimes trial.

The former ethnic Albanian member of the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) was previously acquitted by the court.

Six of theHaradinaj case sent for partial retrial
21 July 2010 | 09:59 | Source: B92, Beta, Tanjug
THE H original 37 counts of the indictment against him would be subject to a retrial, according to the chamber’s decision.

Although he said he would not travel to The Hague for today's proceedings, Haradinaj was in the court room, said reports.

The previous verdict found Haradinaj and fellow KLA member Idriz Balaj not guilt of war crimes committed against Serbs, Roma and ethnic Albanian near Dečani in Kosovo, in 1998.

The third suspect, Lahi Brahimaj was convicted for abusing prisoners and sentenced to six years in prison.

The prosecution appealed the initial verdict that was given in April 2008, related to the crimes that the Kosovo Liberation Army allegedly committed against prisoners in the Jablanica prison camp.

The Hague prosecution stated in its appeal that there were threats and intimidation against witnesses in the initial trial, adding that the judges stated in the verdict that many witnesses said that they did not want to appear in court out of fear.

Der Chefredaktor der in Pristina erscheinenden Tageszeitung «Koha Ditore», Agron Bajrami, rechnet mit neuen Verhandlungen zwischen Belgrad und Pristina nach dem IGH-Urteil. Noch sei es aber verfrüht, über das Thema der Gespräche zu spekulieren. Beobachter in Pristina fürchten, dass die Regierung von Ministerpräsident Hashim Thaci kaum die Interessen Kosovos vertreten könne. Die meisten Mitglieder seines Kabinetts gelten als korrupt und diplomatisch unerfahren. «Die Korruption und die organisierte Kriminalität gefährden die Zukunft und die Unabhängigkeit Kosovos», sagte der US-Politologe David Phillips an einer Konferenz in Pristina am Dienstag. Er ist Autor einer kürzlich präsentierten Studie, die zum Schluss kommt, dass Thacis illegaler Geheimdienst SHIK jährlich über 200 Millionen Franken durch Erpressung, Raub und Korruption einkassiere.
Interpol und Secret Service: Der NATO Partner Hashim Thaci ist von Bin Laden finanziert
Hashim Thaci ist ein Produkt von Wolfgang Petrisch, Joschka Fischer und Madam Allbright (genannt die Putzfrau), welche trotz schon damals vorliegender Fakten, über den Chef der Albanischen Todes Schwadrone und im Drogen Handel, diese üble Mörder Gestalt aus Drenica, zu einem angeblichen Politiker umformatierten. Heute werden diese Verbrecher Clans von der SPD Steinmeier Bande (welche nur den Drogen Bossen der Geldwäsche um Georg Soros - ICG nachplabbert*),
aus Balkanblog

Tribunali paraburgosi Ramush Haradinajn e të tjerët

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