Freitag, 13. August 2010

Die EU und NATO Staaten machen Druck auf Serbien, um den Georg Soros - Ahtisaari Plan zu implementieren

Mit ihrer gescheiterten Methode, den Georg Soros - Ahtisaari Plan für den Kosovo umzusetzen, um die Mafia Republik Kosovo für eigene Geschäfte zu nutzen, geht nun die Georg Soros Nachplabber Truppe, des Drogen- und Waffen Handels und der Geldwäsche neue Wege. An Peinlichkeit ist EU - US -  NATO Politik inzwischen im Balkan nicht mehr zu überbieten, was diese Dämlichkeits Lehrer, Gewerkschaftler und Geistes Wissenschaftler mit dem Taxi Fahrer Joschka Fischer im Balkan angerichtet haben. Diese Null Hirn Leute, wollten ihren Geistes Müll auch noch als Politik verkaufen, was vor aller Augen im Balkan Mafia Sumpf auch Weltweit in Afrika und Afghanistan untergegangen ist. Die Organisierten Balkan Verbrecher Clans, hatten einen ganz grossen Sponsor und Aufbau Helfer, was man nicht nur mit dem Osmani Clan in Hamburg sah, sondern vor aller Augen bei den Partnern der Deutschen Politiker vor allem von Rot-Grün, bei Aufbau der Drogen Netze.Um Geschäfte zu machen, brauchte man die Balkan Top Verbrecher, wie auch den von Interpol gesuchten Stubotic, Partner von Bodo Hombach und Co.. Gezielt wurden Drogen Bosse, mit Tausenden von Geschäfts Visa versorgt, durch Diplomaten die im Bett der Super Mafia landeten, über die Botschaft in Tirana, was zum Bundestags Ausschuss Visa in 2004 führte. (Lizenz Geschäft Flugplatz, mit Hochtief und der Kfw, DEG) + Bundes Druckerei usw.. 1 Tonne Heroin nach Italien, dank der Deutschen Diplomaten Mafia aus Bonn-Berlin + Aufenthalts Genehmigungen für die Familien dieser Drogen Bosse in Deutschland. Wirtschafts Aufschwung der besonderen Art eben, nach Vorstellungen der Steinmeier, Gernot Erler, Chr. Zöbel Mafia der FES  und Joschka Fischer Mafia.

Man will mit allen Mitteln diesen Ahtisaari, zumindest implementieren um eigene Geschäfte auch aus der Privatisierung mit der Kosovo Mafia zu legitimieren. Die Fake Verhandlunges Show auch mit dem Atlantik Brückler Wolfgang Ischinger, waren eine Betrugs Show ohne Ende, um eigene schwerste Fehler, Partnerschaften und Geschäfte zu vertuschen, wie u.a. um den kriminellen Bestechungs Künstler und China Botschafter Michael Schäfer, der FES Gestalten mit der OK im Kosovo. Ebenso um die Frage, über den Verbleib von Milliarden Entwicklungs Hilfe und Geldern aus dem Balkan Stabilitäts Pakt zu verhindern. "Wie erzeugt man Stabilität auf dem Balkan" von Michael Schäfer, wobei gemeint war in der Realität: "wie kann ich sämtliche Regierungen und Administrationen gezielt mit dem geringsten Aufwand korrumpieren und  bestechen und am besten mit der Prominenz der Balkan Drogen- Waffen- Frauen Mafia Clans. Gut das man über Thyssen seine "Schwarzen Kassen" auffüllen kann, über deren Auslands Firmen. 

Heute also in 2010, blickt der Balkan, mit hohnvoller Verachtung auf diese korrupten und kriminellen Horden (Bericht von Prof. Wolf Oschlies im August 2010 und des Ex-SWP- Chefs Bertram )des Georg Soros und seiner Deutschen Nachplabber Truppe, der SPD mit Steinmeier und Ute Zapf u.a., oder gar dem Taxi Fahrer Joschka Fischer,der nicht einmal einen Haupt Schul Abschluß hat. 
"Null Aussen Politik" 

Christoph Bertram
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ist Publizist; er war von 1974 an für acht Jahre Direktor des International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) in London, danach 16 Jahre ZEIT-Redakteur, u.a. als Ressortchef der Politik. Anschließend übernahm er die Leitung der Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik und blieb acht Jahre dort. Weitere Texte von ihm finden Sie hier

Strategy towards Kosovo has to change
T. Spaić | 06. 08. 2010. - 00:02h | Foto: D. Milenković | 
‘Serbia has to accept the reality and change its strategy towards Kosovo. That is an issue of crucial importance for the future of Serbia. I would amend Serbia’s resolution filed to the UN so that it reads shortly: ‘The UN General Assembly call on the authorities in Belgrade and Pristina to start a constructive dialog over cooperation and protection of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija with mediation by the EU and the UN’.
This is something that would be supported by the EU, USA and Russia and all members of the UN Security Council’, the SPO leader Vuk Draskovic says in his interview with the ‘Blic’. He also calls for the change of the Constitution of Serbia which is an obstacle to such new strategy.

Draskovic warns that Belgrade has to accept the reality in Kosovo, the reality of the world that we live in and a new state strategy in line with realistic goals: crucial protection of Serbs and our cultural and religious heritage in the whole Kosovo with international guarantees’.

Q: How can we get such guarantees if the dialog on status is being rejected?
‘We can get them by close cooperation with the EU and USA in the first place’.

Q: But they do not want to talk about protection of Serbs but about technical issues such as electricity, courts and similar?
‘That is not true. The message is that we can talk about everything except the status. We are now in position to protect everything that is ours in Kosovo. We are requested to accept the reality and not to recognize Kosovo as an independent state’.

While ambassadors in the Quinta (the USA, Germany, the GB, France and Italy) located in countries which have not recognized Kosovo yet are conveying messages of their governments over necessity for the recognition of Kosovo after the ICJ had concluded that Kosovo declaration of independence ‘is not contrary to the international law’, the diplomats in the Serbian mission at the UN claim the opposite to representatives of those same countries.

Marti Ahtisaari, liess sich mit Millionen und jungen Frauen von der Albanischen Mafia bestechen, damit man einen eigenen Staat erhält.

Dann ist die Frage offen, wieviel Rückers und Konsorten noch erhalten haben.

Fifty Million Dollars and Up for Dismembering a Medium-Size Sovereign State

Former Finnish president and one of the world’s most respected living Nazis Martti Ahtisaari (i.e. Adolfsen) is a very busy man these days. Turkey — correctly noting Ahtisaari’s strong pro-Muslim bias, undoubtedly a result of historically sound and productive fascist/Muslim alliances — wants Ahtisaari to help them break into the EU. In Northern Ireland, where Ahtisaari was meddling before, he was appointed an “international advisor” to a reconciliation group.
Albanska mafija kupila Ahtisarija
Z. ŠARENAC | 21.06.2007 19:02

Let’s hope they can afford the 70-year-old whore with a steep price list.

According to the June 21 article by the Banja Luka daily Fokus, titled “Albanian Mafia Bought Ahtisaari,” German Federal Intelligence Service BND (Bundesnachrichtendienst) has recently sent a report to the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon revealing that Albanian separatists and terrorists in Serbian Kosovo-Metohija province have literally purchased Ahtisaari’s plan which suggests independence for the Serbian province and its severing from Serbia.

German Secret Service has found that 2 million Euros (2.68 million USD) have been transfered directly to Ahtisaari’s personal bank account, and that amounts of multi-million Euros were given to the UN envoy in cash on at least two occasions, totaling up to 40 million Euros (over 53 million U.S. dollars).

According to the Fokus’ source, the German BND Secret Service Brigadier Luke Neiman was directly appointed by the German government to designate part of the German Secret Service apparatus to the United Nations Mission in Kosovo, after the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon requested such service. It was, therefore, the UN Secretary-General who received the detailed report about the corruption of his special envoy Martti Ahtisaari.

Reportedly, the BND agents have immediately discovered clear connection and regular contacts between the leading figures of Kosovo Albanian mafia, their subordinates and Martti Ahtisaari. The agents have also established that Ahtisaari has had frequent telephone communications with the Albanian billionaire, mafia boss living in Switzerland Bexhet Pacolli.
Price of the “Supervised Independence:” Two Million Via Bank, Four Coffers of Heroin Cash and Couple of White Slaves

One of the recorded conversations was pertaining to a transaction in the amount of 2 million Euros from the Swiss bank in Basel, the account No. 239700-93457-00097, protected as an offshore account under the code XS52-KOLER. The account owner is Exhet Boria, the right hand of the Albanian mafia boss. Two million Euros were transfered from this to the account No. 3459346699004533, code VOLANND, in the Cyprus bank. In order to withdraw the money from these accounts, all that was needed was to give the codes to a bank teller.

German Intelligence Service agents have made a note that on February 12, 2007, at 6:23 a.m., jeep with the registration plates PR-443-22CD, which belongs to the Kosovo Albanian provisional “government”, arrived in front of the UN Special Envoy Martti Ahtisaari’s building. Two men carrying two silver-color briefcases went in, handing the briefcases to Ahtisaari. A source in the building later confirmed that the briefcases were filled with cash and given to the UN envoy.

Twelve days later, at 5:44 p.m. the exact same thing took place, only this time it was Exhet Boria personally who exited the black Mercedes Benz with no plates, followed by the two bodyguards carrying two silver-color briefcases.

BND agents found that all four briefcases, later protected with the diplomatic labels, safely arrived to Finland without check-ups and were delivered to Martti Ahtisaari’s home address.

On the last day of February, at 11:47 p.m., German Secret Service agents made a note about the arrival of the KFOR (NATO troops stationed in Serbian Kosovo province, Kosovo FORce) jeep which brought two young women over, followed by Boria’s bodyguard. The girls were in Ahtisaari’s quarters until 5:17 a.m., when they were driven away by the same vehicle.

BND enthüllt die Machenschaften des Martti Ahtisaari ( 1 2 3 4)
Also das ist der Haupt Ermitler der die BND Untersuchung zusätzlich bewies und bestätigte! Einer der echten Top Leute auf der Welt, für Hintergrund Informationen und gerade weil Athasaari, über den ICG von Soros und dem CIA kam, war Korruptions und Partei Nahme vorprogrammiert.

. Part of his library was donated to ISSA and forms a core of the Association's collection of some 10,000 books on strategic, political, defense and sociological issues. Gregory Copley is currently President of the Association.

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