Dienstag, 25. Januar 2011

Die NATO läuft Amok, seitdem "secret" Dokumente über die Partnerschaft mit den Top Verbrecher und Todesschwadronen des Hasim Thaci und Xhavit Halili, veröffentlicht werden

Captain Dr. Hans-Dieter Wichter, German Navy, Public Affairs Adviser to COM KFOR läuft Amok, weil die engste Partnerschaft mit dem Verbrecher Kartell der NATO und Hashim Thaci, durch Weitergabe an die Presse, nun veröffentlicht werden.
Die NATO hat sehr viel zu vertuschen, wie auch an Hand von TV Dokumentationen dargestellt wird.
Schande über diese Weltweit nur mit Verbrechern kooperierende sogenannten Ministerialdirigenten, welche im Sumpf der Balkan Mafia ihre Profite machten und die dubiosten Erklärungen von sich geben.

Um diese geheimen NATO Papiere geht es, 47 Seiten NATO secretüber die Morde (NATO Papiere ), Drogenhandel, Verbrechen rund um Xhavit Halili, Hashim Thaci, Ramuz Haradinaj und Co. Die NATO ist Partner der Verbrecher Banden, was Nichts Neues ist.

Deutscher Arktikel zum Thema aus dem Standard.at.
Dann soll der Navy Captain mal suchen, wo die undichte Stelle ist. Diese Leute, wie man von den SPD Schratzen weiss, haben ja die dubiostesten  Titel, ohne zu kapieren, warum man lebt und zu dumm, eine normale Arbeit zu finden in Deutschland. In der Albaner Presse, gab es schon Artikel, wo man schnellst mögliche Aufklärung verspricht, wie solche Unterlagen an die Öffentlichkeit kommen. Seitenweise, geht es auch im den Senior Kriminellen Xhavit Halili, Chef der Todesschwadronen in Albanien / Tirana/Durres ab August 1998, um die Kontrolle über die Verbrecher Kartelle dort zu erhalten u.a. mit dem heutigen Sport-Tourismus Minister Ferdinand Xhafferie, dem damaligen bereits gut bekannten Verbrecher Ilir Meta und Salih Berisha.(alle gut belegt, dokumentiert seit Jahren und trotzdem  reisen die Top-Verbrecher frei herum in Europa.)

20101104a-001Rechts ist der KFOR Kaspar: von der Abteilung "Blaue Reise", der sich so wegen dem Geheimnis Verrat aufregt.

On 29 October 2010, COM KFOR, Major General Erhard Bühler (on left), and Captain Dr. Hans-Dieter Wichter, German Navy, Public Affairs Adviser to COM KFOR, hosted a Press Conference to announce the restructuring of KFOR for the benefit of media representatives.

Report identifies Hashim Thaci as 'big fish' in organised crime

Kosovo's prime minister accused of criminal connections in secret Nato documents leaked to the Guardian
  • guardian.co.uk,

  • Kosovo's Prime Minister Hashim Thaci
    Kosovo's Prime Minister Hashim Thaci identified in secret Nato reports as having involvement in criminal underworld. Photograph: Valdrin Xhemaj/EPA Kosovo's prime minister, Hashim Thaçi, has been identified as one of the "biggest fish" in organised crime in his country, according to western military intelligence reports leaked to the Guardian. The Nato documents, which are marked "Secret", indicate that the US and other western powers backing Kosovo's government have had extensive knowledge of its criminal connections for several years. They also identify another senior ruling politician in Kosovo as having links to the Albanian mafia, stating that he exerts considerable control over Thaçi, a former guerrilla leader. Marked "USA KFOR", they provide detailed information about organised criminal networks in Kosovo based on reports by western intelligence agencies and informants. The geographical spread of Kosovo's criminal gangs is set out, alongside details of alleged familial and business links. The Council of Europe is tomorrow expected to formally demand an investigation into claims that Thaçi was the head of a "mafia-like" network responsible for smuggling weapons, drugs and human organs during and after the 1998-99 Kosovo war. The organ trafficking allegations were contained in an official inquiry published last month by the human rights rapporteur Dick Marty. His report accused Thaçi and several other senior figures who operated in the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) of links to organised crime, prompting a major diplomatic crisis when it was leaked to the Guardian last month. The report also named Thaçi as having exerted "violent control" over the heroin trade, and appeared to confirm concerns that after the conflict with Serbia ended, his inner circle oversaw a gang that murdered Serb captives to sell their kidneys on the black market. The Council's of Europe's parliamentary assembly in Strasbourg will debate Marty's findings and vote on a resolution calling for criminal investigations. The vote is widely expected to be passed. Kosovo functioned as a UN protectorate from the end of the Kosovo war until 2008, when it formally declared independence from Serbia. Thaçi, who was re-elected prime minister last month, has been strongly backed by Nato powers. His government has dismissed the Marty report as part of a Serbian and Russian conspiracy to destabilise the fledgling state. However, the latest leaked documents were produced by KFOR, the Nato-led peacekeeping force responsible for security in Kosovo. It was KFOR military forces that intervened in the Kosovo war in 1999, helping to put an end to a campaign of ethnic cleansing by Slobodan Milosevic's Serbian forces. Nato said in a statement tonight that it had instigated an "internal investigation" into the leaked documents, which are intelligence assessments produced around 2004, shortly before tensions with ethnic Serbs fuelled riots in Kosovo. In the documents, Thaçi is identified as one of a triumvirate of "biggest fish" in organised criminal circles. So too is Xhavit Haliti, a former head of logistics for the KLA who is now a close ally of the prime minister and a senior parliamentarian in his ruling PDK party. Haliti is expected to be among Kosovo's official delegation to Strasbourg tomorrow and has played a leading role in seeking to undermine the Marty report in public. However, the Nato intelligence reports suggest that behind his role as a prominent politician, Haliti is also a senior organised criminal who carries a Czech 9mm pistol and holds considerable sway over the prime minister. Describing him as "the power behind Hashim Thaçi", one report states that Haliti has strong ties with the Albanian mafia and Kosovo's secret service, known as KShiK. It suggests that Haliti "more or less ran" a fund for the Kosovo war in the late 1990s, profiting from the fund personally before the money dried up. "As a result, Haliti turned to organised crime on a grand scale," the reports state. They state that he is "highly involved in prostitution, weapons and drugs smuggling" and used a hotel in the capital, Pristina, as an operational base. Haliti also serves as a political and financial adviser to the prime minister but, according to the documents, is arguably "the real boss" in the relationship. Haliti uses a fake passport to travel abroad because he is black-listed in several countries, including the US, one report states. Haliti is linked to the alleged intimidation of political opponents in Kosovo and two suspected murders dating back to the late 1990s, when KLA infighting is said to have resulted in numerous killings. One was a political adversary who was found "dead by the Kosovo border", apparently following a dispute with Haliti. A description of the other suspected murder – of a young journalist in Tirana, the Albanian capital – also contains a reference to the prime minister by name, but does not ascribe blame. Citing US and Nato intelligence, the entry states Haliti is "linked" the grisly murder, going on to state: "Ali Uka, a reporter in Tirana, who supported the independence movement but criticised it in print. Uka was brutally disfigured with a bottle and screwdriver in 1997. His roommate at the time was Hashim Thaçi." Haliti is also named in the report by Marty, which is understood to have drawn on Nato intelligence assessments along with reports from the FBI and MI5. Marty's report includes Haliti among a list of close allies of Thaçi said to have ordered – and in some cases personally overseen – "assassinations, detentions, beatings and interrogations" during and immediately after the war. Haliti was unavailable for comment. However, in an interview with the media outlet Balkan Insight last week he dismissed the Marty report as "political" and designed to "discredit the KLA". "I was not surprised by the report. I have followed this issue for years and the content of the report is political," he said. But he accepted that the Council of Europe was likely to pass a resolution triggering investigations by the EU-backed justice mission in the country, known as EULEX. "I think it's a competent investigating body," he said, "It's a European investigation body. I think that there is no possibility that EULEX investigation unit to be affected by Kosovo or Albanian politics." Responding to the allegations in the NATO intelligence reports tonight, a Kosovo government spokesman said: "These are allegations that have circulated for over a decade, most recently recycled in the Dick Marty report. They are based on hearsay and intentional false Serbian intelligence. "Nevertheless, the prime minister has called for an investigation by EULEX and has repeatedly pledged his full cooperation to law enforcement authorities on these scandalous and slanderous allegations. "The government of Kosovo continues to support the strengthening of the rule of law in Kosovo, and we look forward to the cooperation of our international partners in ensuring that criminality has no place in Kosovo's development."

    Road to Strasbourg

    It has taken more than two years for an inquiry into organ trafficking in Kosovo to reach the Palace of Europe, a grand building in Strasbourg that serves as the headquarters of the Council of Europe. The formal inquiry into organ trafficking in Kosovo was prompted by revelations by the former chief war crimes prosecutor at The Hague, Carla Del Ponte, who said she had been prevented from properly investigating alleged atrocities committed by the Kosovo Liberation Army. Her most shocking disclosure – unconfirmed reports the KLA killed captives for their organs – prompted the formal inquiry by human rights rapporteur Dick Marty. His report, published last month, suggested there was evidence that KLA commanders smuggled captives across the border into Kosovo and harvested the organs of a "handful" of Serbs. His findings, which will be subject to a parliamentary assembly vote tomorrow, went further, accusing Kosovo's prime minister and several other senior figures of involvement in organised crime over the last decade.

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DasVerbrecher Kartell der Todesschwadron + Yhavit Haliti
Aktuelle Albanische Geheimdienst Reporte, ueber diese Verbindungen
SHIS Report Mafia Part 1
Albanian Secret Service Chief Fatos Klosi in 16.5.1998 in der “Albania” durch den Albanischen Geheimdienst Chef Fatos Klosi: KLA (UCK) is financed by Bin Laden The Times report gets even better:
“Klosi said he believed terrorists had already infiltrated other parts of Europe from bases in Albania. Interpol believes more than 100,000 blank Albanian passports were stolen in riots last year, providing ample opportunity for terrorists to acquire false papers.”
Wie aus dem Artikel hervor geht, zog gerne X.Halili mitFerdinand Yhafferie durch die Dörfer, der widerrum Mentor des Mafia Botschafters Josef Limprecht in Albanien war und heute Kultur und Tourismus Minister ist in Albanien. Damals Mentor von Verbrecher Banden.
Die Ermordung des Militär Chefs der FARK-UCK Ahmet Krasniqi 1998 ( 1 2)

Der Zentrale Verbrecher Clan des Sabit Ceki im Kosovo 
Yassin Kadi der Financier von Bin Laden und Albanien ( 1 2) 
GIS Report: Die UCK Terror Camps der Bin Laden Leute in Nord Albanien ( 1 2)

Hintergrund könnte auch sein, das das Albanischen Aussenministerium, mit dem Gangster Boss Ilir Meta, vor kurzem NATO Geheimnisse an die Russen und Serben verkaufte und diese dumm kriminellen Albaner Politiker Banden sich weigern die Täter zuermitteln. Ilir Meta, ist eng verbunden mit Xahvit Halili und vor allem Hashim Thaci, mit dem er schon im Mai 1999, mit dem Helikopter herumflog.

Albanische Presse dazu!

KFOR-i heton burimin e dokumenteve për UÇK-në Prishtinë, 24 janar - Zëdhënësi i KFOR-it, kapiten (i Marinës Luftarake) Dr. Hans Dieter Wichter, përmes një komunikate për opinionin ka bërë të ditur për hetimet që kanë nisur rreth raporteve mbi dokumentet që kanë të bëjnë me një ish-pjesëtar të UÇK-së.
“Dje, mjetet e informimit kanë publikuar një dokument, i cili është përmendur si dokument i fshehtë i KFOR-it. Mediat citojnë që dokumenti mund të jetë përpiluar në vitin 2004 ose edhe më herët. KFOR-i ka filluar një hetim të brendshëm lidhur me burimin e këtij dokumenti si dhe çështjet e tjera që kanë të bëjnë me këtë dokument. Meqë kjo çështje është duke u hetuar, ne nuk mund të ofrojmë më shumë komente lidhur me raportet, të cilat janë paraqitur në internet ose në mjetet e informimit”, thuhet në njoftimin e KFOR-it, dërguar sot medieve në Prishtinë.

“The Guardian”për Thaçin: “Peshku i madh” i krimit në Kosovë

  • “The Guardian”për Thaçin: “Peshku i madh” i krimit në Kosovë
    “The Guardian”për Thaçin: “Peshku i madh” i krimit në Kosovë
Londër, 24 janar - Kryeministri i Kosovës Hashim Thaçi është vënë sërish në fokus të gazetës britanike, “The Guardian”. Gazeta, tekstin e së cilës e transmeton KTV-ja,  thotë se ka siguruar dokumente të NATO-s, që e përshkruajnë Thaçin si “peshkun e madh” të krimit të organizuar në Kosovë. Aty thuhet se qeveritë perëndimore për shumë vjet kanë qenë në dijeni të lidhjeve të tij kriminale.
Dokumentet e nënshkruara si USA KFOR japin detaje për rrjetet e krimit të organizuar në Kosovë bazuar në raporte të agjencive perëndimore të inteligjencës dhe spiunëve në terren.
NATO-ja ka thënë në një deklaratë sonte se po bën hetim të brendshëm për mënyrën se si dolën këto dokumente të rëndësishme në publik.
Aty pos Thaçit përmendet edhe Xhavit Haliti, aleat i fortë i tij. Sipas “Guardian”-it Haliti bartë vazhdimisht një pistoletë 9mm prodhim çek dhe e kontrollon në masë të madhe kryeministrin.
Haliti, sipas dokumenteve ka lidhje të forta me mafian shqiptare dhe me shërbimin sekret SHIK. Raportet sugjerojnë se Haliti ishte në krye të një fondi për luftën në fund të viteve 90, duke përfituar personalisht para nga ky fond. “Si rezultat ai i hyri me të madhe krimit të organizuar”, shkruhet në raport.

Gjithashtu, Haliti thuhet së është i përfshirë në prostitucion, tregti armësh, droge dhe ka lidhje me vrasjet dhe frikësimet e kundërshtarëve politikë.
Haliti ka udhëtuar për në Strasbourg kur pritet të diskutohet raporti i Marty-t që përshinë emrin e tij.
Një zëdhënës i Qeverisë së Kosovës, duke folur për “Guardian”in ka hedhur poshtë raportet.
“Këto janë akuza që kanë qarkulluar për një dekadë dhe së fundi të recikluara në raportin e Dick Marty-t. Ato janë të bazuara në thashetheme dhe në raporte false të inteligjencës serbe. Kryeministri, gjithsesi ka kërkuar hetime të EULEX-it dhe vazhdimisht ka dhënë përkushtimin e tij për bashkëpunim me autoritetet ligjore, për këto akuza skandaloze”, ka thënë zëdhënësi.
Po e njëjta gazetë ka raportuar e para për raportin e Dick Marty-t që e përshkruante Thaçin si udhëheqës i mafias dhe përgjegjës për trafikim me organe.

KFOR-i fillon hetimet për dokumentin që akuzon Halitin

Nga Express më 24 janar 2011 në ora 19:00

Pas shkrimit të Le Monde, KFOR-i ka nisur një hetim të brendshëm lidhur me raportet mbi dokumentet që kanë të bëjnë me ish-pjesëtarin e UÇK-së tani anëtar i PDK-së, Xhavit Haliti dhe që janë publikuar në gazetën franceze.

Përmes zëdhënësit Hans Dieter Wichter, KFOR-i ka reaguar pas publikimit të këtij shkrimi, duke bërë të ditur se lidhur më këtë edhe kanë filluar hetimet për burimet e këtij dokumenti.

“Dje, mjetet e informimit kanë publikuar një dokument, i cili është përmendur si dokument i fshehtë i KFOR-it. Mjetet e informimit citojnë që dokumenti mund të jetë përpiluar në vitin 2004 ose edhe më
herët. KFOR-i ka filluar një hetim të brendshëm lidhur me burimin e këtij dokumenti si dhe pyetjeve të tjera që kanë të bëjnë me këtë dokument. Meqë kjo çështje është duke u hetuar, ne nuk mund të ofrojmë më shumë komente lidhur me raportet të cilat janë paraqitur në internet ose në mjetet e informimit”, thuhet në njoftimin e zëdhënësit të KFOR-it, kapitenin Hans Dieter Wichter.

Gazeta franceze Le Monde, duke iu referuar një dokumenti sekret të KFOR-it të vitit 2004, ka paraqitur “anën tjetër të medaljes” të Xhavit Halitit, i cili është fytyrë kyçe e PDK-së së Hashim Thaçit.

Ndaj shkrimit të Le Monde ka reaguar vetë Haliti dhe organizatat e luftës së UÇK-së, të cilat kanë thënë se ky është edhe një raport tjetër për të krijuar mjegull para diskutimit të raportit të Dik Martit në Asamblenë e Këshillit të Evropës.


5 Kommentare:

  1. neue Fakten um die CIA Todes Schwadronen rund um Kadri Veseli


  2. neue Fakten um die CIA Todes Schwadronen rund um Kadri Veseli, Xhavit Halili, usw.


  3. Der NATO Bericht, 47 Seiten, über diese Verbrecher Banden.


  4. Und Salih Berisha, war eine zentrale Schaltstelle direkt für Bin Laden, und Islamischen Terroristen. Sein Haus in Tropoje, war ein Islamisches Terroristen Camp, vor allem auch im Waffenhandel.

    Bin Laden opens European terror base in Albania

    by Chris Stephen, Tirana

    ALBANIAN authorities working with the Central Intelligence Agency claim to have uncovered a terrorist network operated by Osama Bin Laden, the Islamic fundamentalist accused of masterminding the African embassy bombings last August.

    The network is said to have been set up to use Albania, a Muslim country, as a springboard for operations in Europe.

    Fatos Klosi, the head of Shik, the Albanian intelligence service, said last week that Bin Laden had visited Albania himself.

    His was one of several fundamentalist groups that had sent units to fight in Kosovo, the neighbouring Muslim province of Serbia, Klosi said. “Egyptians, Saudi Arabians, Algerians, Tunisians, Sudanese and Kuwaitis - they come from several different organisations.

    Klosi said he believed terrorists had already infiltrated other parts of Europe from bases in Albania through a traffic in illegal migrants, who have been smuggled by speedboat across the Mediterranean to Italy in huge numbers. Interpol believes more than 100,000 blank Albanian passports were stolen in riots last year, providing ample opportunity for terrorists to acquire false papers.

    Apparent confirmation of Bin Laden’s activities came earlier this month when Claude Kader, 27, a French national and self-confessed member of Bin Laden’s Albanian network, was jailed for the murder of a local translator. He claimed during his trial that he had visited Albania to recruit and arm fighters for Kosovo, and that four of his associates were still at large.

    Bin Laden is believed to have established an operation in Albania in 1994 after telling the government that he was head of a wealthy Saudi humanitarian agency keen to help Europe ’s poorest nation.

    “Terrorist organisations have taken advantage of peaceful Islamic charity and religious groups,” Klosi said.

    Albanian sources say Sali Berisha, who was then president, had links with some groups that later proved to be extreme fundamentalists. The Socialist party, which took over after Berisha’s government was driven out by country-wide rioting, has since co-operated closely with American officials.

    American raids on Bin Laden’s men in Albania have failed to halt their operations entirely, however. The Americans have withdrawn non-essential staff from the country and fortified their embassy, fearing it may be attacked.


  5. 4 Mitglieder der Todesschwadronen wurden verhaftet.

    Shpresim Uka (në foto), Shaban Syla, Sadik Abazi, Driton Hajdari

