Sonntag, 30. Oktober 2011

Kosovaren Gangster, bereiten sich auf die Visa Befreiung der EU vor!

Selbst in Albanischen Medien, wird von der Paranoia der Kosovaren aber auch der Albaner! Diese Gestalten, welche zu dumm zum arbeiten sind, bereiten ihre tradiionellen Plünderungs Feldzüge, nach Europa und auch nach Albanien vor. Man muss ja nur in den Polizei Informationen nachlesen, warum diese primtiven Gestalten mit ihren Mafia Politikern, Visa Freiheit wünschen. Bis es soweit ist, dehnt man seine Plünderungs Feldzüge wie seit 1997, vorläufig vor allem nach Albanien aus, solange man nicht dumme und korrupte Europäer und Amerikaner finden, welche Geschäfts Visa ausstellen. siehe Visa Skandal auch um die Botschaft in Tirana und die Vertretung in Phristina, vor über 6 Jahren.

“Party” me armë në Kosovë (VIDEO)
30 Tetor, 2011 | Postuar në: Aktualitet | Shkruar nga: TemA Online

Nuk është gjendje lufte. Pamjet i takojnë periudhës së pasluftës, madje muajve të fundit. Kosovarë të dehur nga dasma, të shumtë që qëllojnë drejt qiellit me automatikë AK-47, pistoleta dhe armë tjera.

Dëfrim paranojak i shumë të rinjve që shikojnë vërdallë, të etur për të marr pjesë në ‘ahengun e kallashëve’.

Kjo nuk është videoja e vetme e shpërndarë në rrjetin Youtube, që tregon mjerimin e kosovarëve për tu dëfryer me armë. Pamjet ende nuk dihen në cilin vend të Kosovës janë xhiruar, ndërsa tashmë videoja është shpërndarë nëpër internet.

Kjo video është një ftesë publike Policisë së Kosovës dhe Ministrisë së Punëve të Brendshme për të ndërhyrë, dhe jo të shpenzojnë në fushata marramendëse “Festo pa armë në dasma”. Mbase së shpejti, CNN dhe mediat e fuqishme botërore do ta portretizojnë Kosovën e kallashëve. /indeksonline/

Samstag, 29. Oktober 2011

Serbian police arrest 15 Wahhabis

Serbian police arrest 15 Wahhabis

Saturday 29.10.2011 | 10:46 | Source: B92, Beta, Tanjug | Comments: (2) | Send comment BELGRADE -- 15 persons were arrested in a police operation that started on Saturday morning at 18 locations in Novi Pazar, Sjenica and Tutin.

Islam Terrorist: Gunman fires at U.S. embassy in Sarajevo - witness

October 2011 Archives Go Back

Frontex, - European Gendarmerie Force (EGF) baut immer mehr die Süd Balkan Grenzen aus

EuroGendFor in Griechenland gelandet?

von Freeman am , unter ,

Laut meinen zuverlässigen Quellen in Griechenland, sollen Einheiten der EuroGendFor in Griechenland eingetroffen sein. Bei der European Gendarmerie Force (EGF) handelt es sich um eine spezielle Polizeieinheit der EU, die ursprünglich von den fünf EU-Mitgliedsländern Frankreich, Italien, Niederlande, Portugal und Spanien ins Leben gerufen wurde. Mittlerweile ist Rumänien...

Hier weiterlesen: Alles Schall und Rauch

Three cases of identity card falsification
Korca Prosecution has taken under investigation the 34-year-old woman that applied twice for the identity card and biometric passport with different identities.

Police says that Xhambazi has applied on behalf of other family members who were in Greece and could not apply. The violation was noted when the employees were processing the data in the system, and there was a conflict of generalities and fingerprints.

According to the data, this is not the only case. Only two days ago, the Korca Prosecution started investigating two other persons who have applied twice for different identities.

According to the data, the 21-year-old Brisian Laloti from Korca and the 28 year old Seran Bace from Biranj village have applied for their family members who were outside Albania. According to the police, these two persons are under investigation for falsification of identity documents. 
Albanien erhält neue Küsten Kontroll Boote, weil vor allem Süd Albanien, Korfu, und die Strasse von Otranto eine Strategische Schmuggler Ecke ist, wobei man nun mit Wasser Scootern Cannabis vor allem nach Korfu Nachts bringt, wie Europol feststellte. Profi Gangster haben Tausende von illegalen Lokalen an der Küste. Ein uraltes Thema, vor über 10 Jahren bestens bekannt.

Freitag, 28. Oktober 2011

Wenn Idioten, auch noch bei Albanern Premier Ministern, Berater werden: Koco Danay

Eine Legende sind ja die Albanischen Experten, wobei niemand weiss, für was! Oft auch noch mit gefälschten Schul Zeugnissen, Diplome und manche, inklusive Fake Ärzten und Ingeniere, sind Analphabeten. Aber man kann es trotzdem bei ungebildeten Politikern mit Null Allgemein Bildung bis zum Minister bringen, oder gar wie Ilir Meta zum Premier Minister. die wikileaks cables, geben teilweise Auskunft, über die Bildung dieser Politiker.

Koco Danay, zentraler Mafia Berater,  der Albanischen PM: Panteli Majko, Ilir Meta und Fatos Nano, wie auch von dem Mafia Präsidenten Rexhep Meidani.
Koco Danay, ist eigentlich unbedeutend, aber als PR Berater für die Albaner – US Mafia um den AACL und die Gambino Ganoven Bande aus den USA und von Josef DioGuardio dem Terroristen Freund von Bin Laden,hat  er sich gut in STellung gebracht.

PR-Leute der Albanischen Mafia, die obwohl Sturz dumm, es zu Advisern der Albanischen Ministerpräsidenten brachten, als PR Marketing um die wahren Geschäfte, hinter Parolen der „Freiheit“ und Vereinigung der Albaner zu tarnen.
Fatos Klosi Secret Service Chef from Albania in 16 may 1998 n the newspaper „ALBANIA“:
KLA (UCK) is financed by Bin Laden

Albanian Secret Service Chief Fatos Klosi in 16.5.1998 in der “Albania” durch den Albanischen Geheimdienst Chef Fatos Klosi: KLA (UCK) is financed by Bin Laden
Es kann mit Sicherheit nicht verwundern, das Leute um Koco Danay, die Abtretung von Gebieten von Griechenland, Mazedonien, Montenegro fordert und sogar dies bis 2013 umsetzen will.
Balli  Kombetare
Es sind direkte der Faschistischen “Balli Kombetare“, welche Partner im 2 WK, war der faschistischen Achsen Mächte. Viele von diesen hoch kriminellen Gestalten, kamen schon in Albanien ins Gefängnis, wegen Drogen- Waffen- und Menschenhandel.
Koco Danay
Koco Danay, selbst ernannter Wissenschaftlicher Instituts Leiter, Faschist und Berater von prominenten Verbrechern, wie die Ex-PM von Albanien: Fatos Nano, Ilir Meta und dem etwas Geistig behinderten Panteli Majko. Alle sind gut dokumentiert, direkt in den Drogen Handel, wie auch Geldwäsche über Immobilien und Land Diebstahl verwickelt.
aus albania
He added that European police organisations estimate that Balkan crime rings now control more than 70 per cent of the heroin market in some of the larger European nations, and are rapidly taking over human smuggling, prostitution and car theft rings across Europe.
………, Albanian organised crime has reached the United States, creating partnerships with the Gambino, Genovese, and Luchese families to facilitate specific crimes.……………….
Man beansprucht natürlich einen Korridor quer durch Bosnien, damit der Waffen- und Drogen Handel im Rechts freien Raum besser organisiert werden kann.
gross albanien
Natürlich mit einem Korridor zu den Moslemischen Terroristen Gebieten um Srebrinca, wird die Gebiets Abtretung gefordert, denn identisch ist der Waffenschmuggler Korridor, welcher durch Montenegro geht und heute schon Bosnien und die Mafia Zentren im Kosovo verbindet. Hintermänner der Islamischen Terroristen, mit deren Insider Karte. Von diesen Spinnern und selbst ernannten Instituts Leiter, stammt auch die neueste Geschichts Auslegung in albanischen Regierungs Tourismus Broschüren mit dem wissenschaftlichen Unfug, der Ilyrier Abstammung, welche während der Enver Hoxha Zeit und mit Hilfe der PR von Isamail Kadare erfunden wurde.

Urgestein, und Lehrer für Internatinalen Drogen Handel, u.a. für die Kosovo Mafia rund um Hashim Thaci, Xhavit Halili, die Brooklyn Mafia rund um US Senator Eliot Engel und der NAAC, wie dem Motor für Bin Ladens Terroristen, Schutzherr aller Drogen Bosse und Clans: Salih Berisha, Ilir Meta, Fatos Nano.

Die neueste Masche der Salih Berisha Mafia im Asylanten Handel mit gefälschten Dokumenten

Eine kriminelle NGO, in Skhoder, welche angeblich für Blutrache Opfer arbeitete und der Bürgermeister von Koplik, Vertreter der Salih Berisha Partei PD, wie so oft, haben eine neue Masche im Visa Handel und gefälschten Urkunden erfunden. Gegen Geld, gab es Bestätigungen, das man ein Blutrache Opfer ist und es wurde Asyl in Belgien versprochen. Jetzt wurden die betrogenen Opfer der  PD Partei zurückgeschickt von Belgrien, was der EU Steuerzahler finanziert.

Asylum seekers, Municipal leaders suedAsylum seekers, Municipal leaders suedAfter the State Police accused the Koplik Mayor and the head of the Postrribe Commune for power abuse, after they released certifications that proved that the receiver was a blood feud victim, and these documents were later used for demanding asylum in Belgium, the two local administrators have defended themselves by saying for Top Channel that the certifications they have released are not fake.

Ramadan Lika, Mayor of Koplik.

NEWS28 OCT 2011 / 15:04

Albania Asylum Seekers Repatriated from Belgium

Nine Albanian migrants who applied for asylum in Belgium in the last two months have been returned to Tirana’s Mother Teresa International Airport today.
Besar Likmeta
Passanger at Mother Teresa International Airport | Photo courtesy of TIA
The group is part wave of hundreds of people, mainly from the region of Shkodra in northern Albania, who sought to make use of the visa-free travel procedures have applied for asylum in Belgium.
An investigation by Balkan Insight has found that most of these migrants have been sold fake documents by local NGO’s, claiming that feuds with another family put their own lives at risk based on the medieval code of the Kanun. 
According to Fredy Rosemont, head of Belgium's Asylum and Migration Department who recently visited Tirana, none of the applicants fulfil the conditions for asylum under the Geneva Convention. 
“We are convinced that the Albanians that have arrived in Belgium did not come here spontaneously,” Rosemont said in a joint press conference in Tirana last week.
"Behind these people that are falling prey to lies is an entire organisation - networks that provide documents and fake papers in exchange for huge amounts of money," he added.
Visa-free travel to the EU took effect for Albania on December 15, 2010, allowing Albanian citizens to travel to Europe’s borderless Schengen zone.
Following the visa liberalization process there were few applications for asylum from Albanians in the EU and the recent spike in application has become a matter of concern for local authorities.

Geheime Geschäfte der Familie Berisha, mit Damir Fazllic und Lulzim Berisha
Geheimdienst Treffen zwischen “Arkan” und Gazidede 1995 in Tirana

Viel schlimmer wie Gaddafi, die Salih Berisha primitiv Mafia!
Wie bei der Mafia Muntions Entsorgung: hier ein Mord in Tirana, wo ein Kosovare auf seinem traditionellen Beutezug war und nun festgenommen wurde.

Die totale Pleite der EU, mit dem Kroatien Beitritt - Croatia in the EU: A Disaster Waiting to Happen

Es weiss absolut jeder, das Kroatien total pleite ist und die Wirtschafts Fakten, viel schlimmer sind wie in Griechenland!

Die Banken haben so viele faule Milliarden Kredite in Kroatien, wo nur noch ein EU Beitritt auch diese Korrupten Geschäfte, der Banken retten kann. siehe Iva Sanader, Hypo Alpe Adria usw.. Und dann das Bestechungs Karusell, des Ost Ausschusses der Deutschen Wirtschaft mit dem Mercedes Bestechungs Motor auch für den Drogen Handel und der Geldwäsche, mit Prof. Klaus Mangold! Kommentar: den Professoren Titel hat Mangold bekommen, als Weltmeister der Bestechung im Balkan. 18,5 Milliarden € faule Kredite der KfW in Griechenland, für die sogenannte Bestechungs Export Förderung, u.a. für Siemens, Mercedes, Telekom, EADS usw..

Mangold läuft frei herum, als Lehrmeister der Bestechungs und der grossen Mafia Zirkels der Welt.

Vor allem ist Klaus Mangold auch ziemlich Hirnlos, denn seine Lobby Kollegen, wollen doch Geschäfte machen in China. Darunter seine Financiers, wie Daimler und Siemens. Aber erst denken, dann reden ist halt schwierig für Leute, die Null Hirn haben und nur Betrug und Bestechung kennen.

Prof. Dr. Klaus Mangold – ehemal. Vorstandsmitglied Daimler AG (Daimler musste 2010, eine 185 Millionen € Strafe bezahlen und hat für 3 Jahre einen FBI Aufpasser akzeptiert, u.a. wegen Bestechung ausl. Regierungen auch auf dem Balkan, wo man wie VW, seine Partner direkt im Drogen Handel hat.) Die Kompetenz des Ost-Ausschuss der Wirtschaft, liegt im Bestechungs Bereich, getürkte Ausschreibungen, Finanz Betrug bei der Finanzierung, Volks Betrug bei Export Finanzierung und der kompletten Bestechung, ganser Regierung. bekannt ist ja Griechenland u.a. mit Siemens, Thyssen, Merck und Co.
Ost Ausschuss der Wirtschaft

October 2011 Archives Go Back

Forbes, October 28, 2011
Croatia in the EU: A Disaster Waiting to Happen

In the late 19th century, someone asked Bismarck what would cause the next great European war. “Some damn thing in the Balkans,” he presciently answered. Today, events in that region are no less consequential if we remember that Greece, now roiling global markets, is also a Balkan state.

Unfortunately, it might get much worse.

In 2013, another Balkan nation, Croatia, is scheduled to join the European Union. Unless that country cleans house before then, another hobbled economy will add its weight to the EU, exacerbating the problems that already exist. There will be more debt, more burden on EU taxpayers, more risk of loan defaults, and more downward pressure on U.S. markets inextricably linked to European markets.

Since 2003-2004, Croatia and the EU have been preparing for that nation’s membership, delayed in part by Slovenian concerns over border issues.

As we get nearer to 2013, much attention has been given Croatia’s economic problems, including a warning from central bank Governor Zeljko Rohatinski that it must cut more waste to avoid an economic crash.

Yet one rising star of Croatian politics points to deeper systemic malignancies beyond such familiar concerns over the fiscal problems of a modern welfare state (including a 20% unemployment rate in Croatia).

Natasha Srdoc, founder and chair of the Adriatic Institute for Public Policy (AI), is a compelling figure if only because she’s also directly addressing what is now a top-priority initiative for global regulators: anticorruption.

If the many reports are accurate, corruption in Croatia is ruthless and systemic in a way that altogether changes the dialogue from “how” Croatia should enter the EU, to “if” Croatia should enter the EU.

As things purportedly stand now, Croatian membership in the EU would be another liability that we cannot afford to add to our ongoing exposure in Greece. EU membership could prove a disaster for the Croatian people as well.

“Croatia is an economy at risk and a burden on EU and U.S. taxpayers through its high debt and high borrowing as well as its persistently dysfunctional judicial system,” says Srdoc, who’s formed her own political party, Croatia 21st Century, with anticorruption at the center of its agenda along with tax reform, private property rights, and family values.

While businesses and officials may fret over the draconian enforcement of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the threat of the same pursuant to the newly adopted UK Bribery Act, the Croatia 21st Century approach to corruption is well-nigh confiscatory. In addition to new laws mandating transparency, Srdoc wants to prosecute all politicians, past and present, who have amassed unexplained wealth.

She’d seize misappropriated amounts that reportedly total multiple billions and use the money to help pay down Croatia’s debt. No wonder she’s been stigmatized as “an enemy of the state” by the ruling Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) or that she and her family have been threatened.

Whatever their actual source, those threats are not likely idle. Among other deadly incidents, media publisher and regime critic Ivo Pukanic died in a 2008 car bomb explosion in Zagreb. Six men were convicted in what was vaguely depicted in the media as an organized crime hit.

“I do not think it would be a good idea to have a Croatian politician as an unelected EU Commissioner wielding tremendous power,” Srdoc quips. EU and U.S. taxpayers have already invested nearly 1 billion euros over the past decade in a reform process “without any results.” The prospect of loan defaults may put the IMF in a ticklish situation: let Croatia go bankrupt or continue to feed the ravenous maw of its leaders. (The socialist SDP party already supports recourse to the IMF.)

The EU has promised an additional 4 billion euros to government institutions apparently mired in rampant corruption. So the vicious circle spirals on.

The more we donate to sham reform, the more empowered the regime becomes even as European investors who’ve already sunk significant amounts into Croatian banks, telecoms, and real estate – and who knows how those deals were negotiated with local apparatchiks! – seek to protect their interests by lofting yet another albatross over EU skies.

It is possible that nascent political forces in Croatia will lead to change if reports of growing public support for such change are accurate. (We’re also assuming the country holds honest elections, as concerns remain about a purported infusion of 550,000 illegal votes, an alarming 17% that skewed past results.)

But indisputably, those forces – so potentially beneficial to legitimate U.S. and European interests – face a daunting uphill battle absent helpful pressure from outside. Added to the impact on the EU and global financial markets, there is a laundry list of other vital considerations, not the least of which is Croatia’s geo-political positioning with respect to drug routes, weapon deals, and human trafficking.

In the best-case scenario, Croatia’s scheduled EU membership is an opportunity to speed the winds of change. If total regime change is possible, we’re well-advised to support it financially and via all the communications channels we have at our disposal.

If regime change is not yet realistic, dangle the EU carrot to at least achieve some tangible results. For example, in this nation of 4 million people, there are over 1 million backlogged court cases, a deadlock that, according to Srdoc, has allowed the ruling elite to arrest a few of its own for show but with nary a single conviction. One condition for EU membership might be oversight by visiting legal experts from nations with strong rule-of-law traditions.

no comment: 

“Croatia is an economy at risk and a burden on EU and U.S. taxpayers through its high debt and high borrowing as well as its persistently dysfunctional judicial system,”
4 million people, there are over 1 million backlogged court cases
EU and U.S. taxpayers have already invested nearly 1 billion euros over the past decade in a reform process “without any results.”

Die totale Pleite der EU, mit dem Kroatien Beitritt - Croatia in the EU: A Disaster Waiting to Happen

Es weiss absolut jeder, das Kroatien total pleite ist und die Wirtschafts Fakten, viel schlimmer sind wie in Griechenland!

Die Banken haben so viele faule Milliarden Kredite in Kroatien, wo nur noch ein EU Beitritt auch diese Korrupten Geschäfte, der Banken retten kann. siehe Iva Sanader, Hypo Alpe Adria usw.. Und dann das Bestechungs Karusell, des Ost Ausschusses der Deutschen Wirtschaft mit dem Mercedes Bestechungs Motor auch für den Drogen Handel und der Geldwäsche, mit Prof. Klaus Mangold! Kommentar: den Professoren Titel hat Mangold bekommen, als Weltmeister der Bestechung im Balkan. 18,5 Milliarden € faule Kredite der KfW in Griechenland, für die sogenannte Bestechungs Export Förderung, u.a. für Siemens, Mercedes, Telekom, EADS usw..

Mangold läuft frei herum, als Lehrmeister der Bestechungs und der grossen Mafia Zirkels der Welt.

Vor allem ist Klaus Mangold auch ziemlich Hirnlos, denn seine Lobby Kollegen, wollen doch Geschäfte machen in China. Darunter seine Financiers, wie Daimler und Siemens. Aber erst denken, dann reden ist halt schwierig für Leute, die Null Hirn haben und nur Betrug und Bestechung kennen.

Prof. Dr. Klaus Mangold – ehemal. Vorstandsmitglied Daimler AG (Daimler musste 2010, eine 185 Millionen € Strafe bezahlen und hat für 3 Jahre einen FBI Aufpasser akzeptiert, u.a. wegen Bestechung ausl. Regierungen auch auf dem Balkan, wo man wie VW, seine Partner direkt im Drogen Handel hat.) Die Kompetenz des Ost-Ausschuss der Wirtschaft, liegt im Bestechungs Bereich, getürkte Ausschreibungen, Finanz Betrug bei der Finanzierung, Volks Betrug bei Export Finanzierung und der kompletten Bestechung, ganser Regierung. bekannt ist ja Griechenland u.a. mit Siemens, Thyssen, Merck und Co.
Ost Ausschuss der Wirtschaft

October 2011 Archives Go Back

Forbes, October 28, 2011
Croatia in the EU: A Disaster Waiting to Happen

In the late 19th century, someone asked Bismarck what would cause the next great European war. “Some damn thing in the Balkans,” he presciently answered. Today, events in that region are no less consequential if we remember that Greece, now roiling global markets, is also a Balkan state.

Unfortunately, it might get much worse.

In 2013, another Balkan nation, Croatia, is scheduled to join the European Union. Unless that country cleans house before then, another hobbled economy will add its weight to the EU, exacerbating the problems that already exist. There will be more debt, more burden on EU taxpayers, more risk of loan defaults, and more downward pressure on U.S. markets inextricably linked to European markets.

Since 2003-2004, Croatia and the EU have been preparing for that nation’s membership, delayed in part by Slovenian concerns over border issues.

As we get nearer to 2013, much attention has been given Croatia’s economic problems, including a warning from central bank Governor Zeljko Rohatinski that it must cut more waste to avoid an economic crash.

Yet one rising star of Croatian politics points to deeper systemic malignancies beyond such familiar concerns over the fiscal problems of a modern welfare state (including a 20% unemployment rate in Croatia).

Natasha Srdoc, founder and chair of the Adriatic Institute for Public Policy (AI), is a compelling figure if only because she’s also directly addressing what is now a top-priority initiative for global regulators: anticorruption.

If the many reports are accurate, corruption in Croatia is ruthless and systemic in a way that altogether changes the dialogue from “how” Croatia should enter the EU, to “if” Croatia should enter the EU.

As things purportedly stand now, Croatian membership in the EU would be another liability that we cannot afford to add to our ongoing exposure in Greece. EU membership could prove a disaster for the Croatian people as well.

“Croatia is an economy at risk and a burden on EU and U.S. taxpayers through its high debt and high borrowing as well as its persistently dysfunctional judicial system,” says Srdoc, who’s formed her own political party, Croatia 21st Century, with anticorruption at the center of its agenda along with tax reform, private property rights, and family values.

While businesses and officials may fret over the draconian enforcement of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the threat of the same pursuant to the newly adopted UK Bribery Act, the Croatia 21st Century approach to corruption is well-nigh confiscatory. In addition to new laws mandating transparency, Srdoc wants to prosecute all politicians, past and present, who have amassed unexplained wealth.

She’d seize misappropriated amounts that reportedly total multiple billions and use the money to help pay down Croatia’s debt. No wonder she’s been stigmatized as “an enemy of the state” by the ruling Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) or that she and her family have been threatened.

Whatever their actual source, those threats are not likely idle. Among other deadly incidents, media publisher and regime critic Ivo Pukanic died in a 2008 car bomb explosion in Zagreb. Six men were convicted in what was vaguely depicted in the media as an organized crime hit.

“I do not think it would be a good idea to have a Croatian politician as an unelected EU Commissioner wielding tremendous power,” Srdoc quips. EU and U.S. taxpayers have already invested nearly 1 billion euros over the past decade in a reform process “without any results.” The prospect of loan defaults may put the IMF in a ticklish situation: let Croatia go bankrupt or continue to feed the ravenous maw of its leaders. (The socialist SDP party already supports recourse to the IMF.)

The EU has promised an additional 4 billion euros to government institutions apparently mired in rampant corruption. So the vicious circle spirals on.

The more we donate to sham reform, the more empowered the regime becomes even as European investors who’ve already sunk significant amounts into Croatian banks, telecoms, and real estate – and who knows how those deals were negotiated with local apparatchiks! – seek to protect their interests by lofting yet another albatross over EU skies.

It is possible that nascent political forces in Croatia will lead to change if reports of growing public support for such change are accurate. (We’re also assuming the country holds honest elections, as concerns remain about a purported infusion of 550,000 illegal votes, an alarming 17% that skewed past results.)

But indisputably, those forces – so potentially beneficial to legitimate U.S. and European interests – face a daunting uphill battle absent helpful pressure from outside. Added to the impact on the EU and global financial markets, there is a laundry list of other vital considerations, not the least of which is Croatia’s geo-political positioning with respect to drug routes, weapon deals, and human trafficking.

In the best-case scenario, Croatia’s scheduled EU membership is an opportunity to speed the winds of change. If total regime change is possible, we’re well-advised to support it financially and via all the communications channels we have at our disposal.

If regime change is not yet realistic, dangle the EU carrot to at least achieve some tangible results. For example, in this nation of 4 million people, there are over 1 million backlogged court cases, a deadlock that, according to Srdoc, has allowed the ruling elite to arrest a few of its own for show but with nary a single conviction. One condition for EU membership might be oversight by visiting legal experts from nations with strong rule-of-law traditions.

Donnerstag, 27. Oktober 2011

Montenegro: Tender Failure Leaves Moraca Dam Project Hanging

S26 OCT 2011 / 16:40

Tender Failure Leaves Moraca Dam Project Hanging

Future of Montenegro’s ambitious project to harvest energy from the Moraca river is in doubt after foreign partners fail to to submit bids.
Nela Lazarevic
Drazenka Becirovic, from the Montenegrin Economy Ministry, told Balkan Insight that new expert analyses had been ordered following the failure of the tender to construct hydroelectric power plants on the Moraca river.
  The fresh studies were “the condition of all conditions” in order to decide whether Montenegro’s former state power monopoly, Elektroprivreda Crne Gore, EPCG, could handle the project on its own, she said.
The tender closed unsuccessfully on September 30 after none of the other previously qualified bidders in the end presented an offer.
EPCG had qualified as a bidder for the tender in consortium with Italy’s A2A, which also owns 43 per cent of EPCG.
In July, the government of Montenegro, still a majority shareholder in EPCG, signed a memorandum of understanding with A2A, which stated that if the Moraca tender failed, the government would consider assigning the project directly to EPCG.
Critics say that A2A may have had an interest in not presenting its own bid, as the concession through EPCG would require lower investments owing to the government’s majority stake in EPCG. In the same memorandum of understanding, A2A also withdrew from the previously agreed possibility of acquiring the majority ownership of EPCG after 2015.
Jelena Marojevic, of the Podgorica-based NGO Green Home, said the project to build dams on the Moraca river had not been economically or environmentally sustainable from the beginning. The failure of the tender should represent a “clear sign” for the government to turn to other, more sustainable projects, she said.
Marojevic said adequate environmental impact and cost-benefit studies for the dams project had never been carried out; the civil sector was not surprised by the failure of the tender as they had warned the government about the unprofitability of the project from the beginning.
A former economy minister, Branko Vujovic, told the local media that Montenegro “did not offer a good climate for the Moraca dams project to succeed, which was probably one of the main reasons why the tender failed”. Vujovic said he was sorry that the tender had failed, since “enormous efforts were made”.
Three other bidders made the pre-qualification tender for the Moraca dams project. China’s Sinohydro and Germany’s Strabag withdrew early this year. The Italian energy giant and former state monopoly Enel pulled out just before the deadline to submit proposals expired.
Enel said it was not satisfied with the conditions, but did not want to comment on the government’s agreement with A2A, stating it was against company policy to comment on third-party decisions.
On the occasion of A2A’s revision of the initial agreements with the Montenegrin government, the Italian media said these were “bad times for Italian companies in Montenegro” and that Terna’s undersea cable “could be next” to go.
This was a reference to an 850-million-euro project, which is supposed to export energy from the Moraca dams and other renewable energy plants in the Balkans under the Adriatic seat to Italy by 2015.
But Becirovic said the problems over the Moraca dam project would have no effect on the construction of the marine cable. “These are separate projects,” she said.

Dienstag, 25. Oktober 2011

Stillstand in Mafia Staat Albanien: Die "Immunität", der Richter, Mafia Administrativen und Politiker soll geliftet werden

Arvizu on "Fiks Fare": Immunity should be removed
24/10/2011 20:50 

Arvizu on Fiks Fare: Immunity should be removed
This episode of Top Channel’s program “Fiks Fare” had a special guest, the US Ambassador in Tirana, Alexander Arvizu. 

During the dialogue with the show hosts, Sajmir and The Doctor, Arvizu released spicy declarations for the opposition leader, Edi Rama, and Prime Minister Sali Berisha.

Arvizu on "Fiks Fare": Immunity should be removed
24/10/2011 20:50

This episode of Top Channel’s program “Fiks Fare” had a special guest, the US Ambassador in Tirana, Alexander Arvizu.

During the dialogue with the show hosts, Sajmir and The Doctor, Arvizu released spicy declarations for the opposition leader, Edi Rama, and Prime Minister Sali Berisha.

“What would you do if you were the opposition leader in Albania”, asked the show hosts.

“I would take lessons how to ride a bicycle”, Arvizu replied.

Since the opposition leader, Edi Rama, “fell off his bike” by losing the Tirana Municipality, the hosts made an analogue question about the Prime Minister Berisha.

“Maybe I should return here in 2013”, replied the US diplomat.

Arvizu was also asked about the recent hot political debates, such as the immunity of high-rank officials in Albania.

“The immunity must be removed, except for special occasions. There are abuses with the immunity in Albania”, underlined the US Ambassador, who gave a similar message even in the last week, during a ceremony for the completion of a US-Albanian program.

Before entering the Fiks Fare studios, Mr. Arvizu met the staff and director of the show, Filip Cakulli, and other leaders of Top Channel.

The ambassador also valued the work that the investigative journalists have realized through hidden cameras.

“What would you do if you were the opposition leader in Albania”, asked the show hosts.

“I would take lessons how to ride a bicycle”, Arvizu replied.

Since the opposition leader, Edi Rama, “fell off his bike” by losing the Tirana Municipality, the hosts made an analogue question about the Prime Minister Berisha.

“Maybe I should return here in 2013”, replied the US diplomat.

Arvizu was also asked about the recent hot political debates, such as the immunity of high-rank officials in Albania.

“The immunity must be removed, except for special occasions. There are abuses with the immunity in Albania”, underlined the US Ambassador, who gave a similar message even in the last week, during a ceremony for the completion of a US-Albanian program.

Before entering the Fiks Fare studios, Mr. Arvizu met the staff and director of the show, Filip Cakulli, and other leaders of Top Channel.

The ambassador also valued the work that the investigative journalists have realized through hidden cameras.

24.10.2011: Albanien im Wirtschafts Desaster - Neighbors put Albania in danger
19.10.2011: Desaster with the EU and US Justiz Mission: Euralius - Opdat

Samstag, 22. Oktober 2011

Die Balkan Banken Mafia und als Partner die Drogen Top Mafia : ein System der Geldwäsche

Die Österreichischen Ganoven Banken, müssen ja viele Milliarden im Balkan abschreiben und überall lösen sich ihre Beteiligung in Luft auf, was zu hohen Abschreibungen führt. Ein Mittel ist, das man an die Balkan diverse Beteiligungen verkauft, wie hier um Lebensmittel Konzerne, wo man ja alte Geschäfts Verbindungen hat. Der Stanaj Clan (u.a. VW Vertretung) aus Montenegro, kann so bestens seine Gelder waschen, ebenso Lukoil und die Serbische Mafia.

Slowenische Banken, haben hohe Anteile an Lebensmittel Monopolisten wie Agrokor, und diese Beteiligungen bringen praktisch keine Renditen, und wurden mit geliehenem Geld aufgebaut.

NEWS21 OCT 2011 / 12:00

Croatian Food Giant Offers €2bn for Slovenian Retail Chain

Croatian food company Agrokor has offered to pay €2bn for the purchase of Slovenian retail chain, Mercator.
Croatian Times
According to Croatian Times, Agrokor is ready to pay more than €800m for the purchase itself, while the total costs – which include settling Mercator’s debts – are estimated at €2bn.
This is Agrokor’s fourth attempt to buy the Slovenian retailer. All previous offers were blocked by Slovenian politicians who were reluctant to hand over the company to its biggest regional competitor.
Should Agrokor take over Mercator, it would become a regional retail giant with 60,000 employees and more than 2,500 stores, daily Jutarnji List writes.
jetzt will diese Mafia in Slowenien investieren!

Ljubljana misst mit zweierlei Maß
04. März 2011, 17:29

Möglichkeit eines Mercator-Verkaufs lässt slowenische Minister um ihre Industrie fürchten und die nationalistische Karte spielen

Sloweniens Wirtschaftsministerin Darja Radic und Agrarminister Dejan Zidan warnen vor einem Einstieg des kroatischen Lebensmittelkonzerns Agrokor bei der Handelskette Mercator. Eine Übernahme wäre für die slowenische Lebensmittelindustrie und Landwirtschaft ein schwerer Schlag, weil 40 Prozent der slowenischen Nahrungsmittelproduktion über Mercator vertrieben würden, sagte Zidan laut einem Bericht der kroatischen Nachrichtenagentur Hina.

Anlassfall ist der Wunsch mehrerer Großaktionäre ihre Anteile an Mercator zu verkaufen. Zu nennen sind vor allem die slowenische Brauerei Lasko, die mit finanziellen Problemen kämpft und ihre 23-Prozent-Beteiligung verkaufen will, und mehrere slowenische Banken, die ihrerseits 25 Prozent an Mercator halten.

Gleichwohl ist Mercator selbst als fleissiger Übernehmer aufgefallen. Allein im letzten Jahr ging man mit Firmenkäufen in Montenegro und Serbien fleissig auf Einkaufstour. Im rund 670.000 Einwohner zählenden Montenegro liegt man laut eigenen Angaben damit bei 20 Prozent Marktanteil. In Serbien hat man mit der Übernahme der serbischen Handelskette Coka seine Position als Nummer zwei gefestigt.

Politik wünscht sich slowenische Investoren

Geldwäsche ohne Ende, der Top Balkan Mafia!

Anton Stanaj, wie er in Serbien 2007 festgenommen wurde. Da brauchte man wie beim Kosovo einen eigenen Staat, für die Mafia Geschäfte, denn der Stanaj Clan, ist uralt Freund der Dukanovic Mafia.

Roksped new owner of Stampa

9.7.2009 10:30:00 | Source/Author PressCut
Company Roksped reached an agreement with Croatian Agrokor i and became the new owner of the biggest retail chain in Montenegro – Stampa. Last year, Roksped founded a business unit Tobacco S press and already owned 80 retail facilities all over Montenegro with 189 employees.

After this acquisition, Roksped has 268 retail facilities and 778 employees. Affiliated companies Knjaz Tobako, Trgo Pres, Štampa Plus and Srna Pres are also in the ownership of Stampa and their basic activity is the sale of tobacco products, distribution of press and other commercial goods.

siehe die Drogen- Zigaretten Mafia und Top Geldwäsche Firmen von Roksped. General Vertreter von VW, Audi und eng mit der Russen Mafia um Lukoil verbunden.

siehe auch inklusive Videos, wie man Anton Stanaj in 2007 festnimmt.

siehe auch 

Mittwoch, 19. Oktober 2011

How German Companies Bribed Their Way to Greek Deals

Complicit in Corruption

How German Companies Bribed Their Way to Greek Deals

Photo Gallery: Greasing the Wheels of Business
Greece's rampant corruption is one of the reasons why the country's economy is in such a mess. German companies have taken advantage of the system for years in order to secure lucrative deals
Miza and fakelaki are the lubrication that keeps the Greek economy running smoothly. Fakelaki -- literally "small envelope" -- is a payment used when Greeks need to be treated by a doctor or are having trouble with a tax auditor.
Miza, on the other hand, is the money that doesn't fit into a small envelope and requires something bigger, like a suitcase, or when the cash needs to be squirreled away in an account in one of the world's many tax havens. Without miza -- i.e., bribes -- virtually no foreign company could do business in Greece. Large government contracts are particularly prone to miza.
These deals often allow millions to flow via shell corporations around the world and back into the pockets of industrialists, civil servants, the military and politicians. Meanwhile, the payments are usually declared on the company's books as commissions for negotiating contracts. And German industry is one of the major players in the game of miza Monopoly.
Highly Lucrative Deals
Germany is one of Greece's leading trading partners. Last year, Germany exported goods worth €6.7 billion ($8.5 billion) to Greece -- compared to a volume of imports of only €1.9 billion. But what methods are used to achieve this enormous surplus?
According to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, for example, German carmaker Daimler has paid miza in past years to pave the way for vehicle deliveries to Greece. And even Germany's national railway operator Deutsche Bahn apparently resorted to bribes to win an underground railway contract in the run-up to the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens. To clinch the deal, a six-digit sum was reportedly given to a Greek decision-maker via an adviser. Transparency International rates Greece as the one of the most corrupt countries in Europe.
Such business deals are highly lucrative -- even with miza. "Anyone who pays bribes to get a government contract can pad his margin with a few extra million," says one investigator. "The excessive prices are of course shouldered by taxpayers."
This man must know what he is talking about -- he's been investigating for years the Siemens corruption scandal, in which a double-digit million euro amount was allegedly siphoned off for kickbacks in Greece. The Siemens branch in Athens reportedly relied on such sums to fuel the company's business deals in Greece until the year 2006. This included contracts with the former state-owned telecommunications company OTE, surveillance and security technology in connection with the 2004 Olympic Games, and underground railways.
Massive Slush Fund
Investigators into the Siemens scandal have found that the company's Greek branch needed an annual slush fund of some €15 million. To secure the €500 million OTE contract alone, the firm allegedly paid €35 million in miza in the late 1990s. At Siemens headquarters in Munich, they spoke with great admiration of their branch in Athens for years -- hardly any other national subsidiary had delivered such impressive results.
Even politicians in Athens have allegedly benefited from the deal. According to statements made by company executives involved in the payoffs, up to 2 percent of the revenues from the Siemens Hellas telecommunications division were paid to the two main political parties, the Panhellenic Socialist Movement, better known as PASOK, and the conservative New Democracy. In Athens one never knows which government will remain in office -- or for how long. Both parties have denied accepting any payments.
The German defense industry has also apparently been just as active as Siemens in Greece. Athens spends between €3 billion and €4 billion on arms imports each year, according to estimates -- an absurd amount for such a small country. German arms manufacturers have reaped the greatest benefits from these sales. Between 2004 and 2008 alone, they delivered roughly a third of Greece's defense imports.
Munich's state prosecutor is currently investigating whether everything was done by the book during the sale of four submarines. The order amounted to nearly €3 billion, and €2 billion had to be paid in advance -- which is unusual for such deals.
Dubious Payments
Investigators became suspicious when they discovered a questionable payment to a supposed consultant for the deal. A few years ago, a Greek man reportedly contacted the Essen-based conglomerate Ferrostaal and demanded a double-digit million euro amount in connection with the submarine transaction. At the time, Ferrostaal had formed a consortium with ThyssenKrupp subsidiary HDW. When company executives in Essen refused to pay, the man threatened them with a lawsuit.


10/17/2011 12:43 PM

Germans Question Contract

France to Sell Frigates to Greece in Controversial Deal

Berlin is unhappy about a weapons deal in which France plans to supply warships to highly indebted Greece free of charge for the first five years, and at a big discount when payment comes due. Firms and politicians in Germany say taxpayers may end up paying for part of the deal, and they want Chancellor Angela Merkel to intervene.
A huge arms deal is threatening to put French-German relations under strain. According to information obtained by SPIEGEL, France wants to deliver two to four new frigates to the Greek navy and to allow the highly indebted nation to postpone payment of the €300 million ($412 million) purchase price per ship for the next five years.
Under the deal, Greece will have the option of paying up after five years, with a significant discount of €100 million, or returning them to the French navy. The "stealth" frigates are designed to avoid detection by enemy radar and are built by state-owned French defense company DCNS.
The deal is being criticized by German rivals that have been competing for the contract for years.
In a letter to the German government, an executive from the ThyssenKrupp group complained that the vessel purchase will in effect be co-financed by German taxpayers because Greece, reliant on aid from the European Union and International Monetary Fund, may have to restructure its debts.
'The Chancellor Must Stop Her Friend Sarkozy'