
Freitag, 18. September 2009

Daut Kadriovski: Tarn Name Mehmet Haidini und die Albanische Muslim Mafia

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Daut Kadriovski


Muslim Albanian gangs, are replacing the Italian mafia as the organized crime outfit in the US, shipping stolen cars from the docks of NY to Dubai UAE in support of terrorism, run by Daut Kadriovski (photo)

Daut Kadriovski aka Mehmed Haidini the reputed boss of one of the 15 Families, embodies the tenacity of the top Kosovar drug traffickers. A Yugoslav Interior Ministry report identifies him as one of Europe's biggest heroin dealers, and Nicovic calls him a "major financial resource for the KLA." Through his family links, Nicovic says, Kadriovski smuggled more than 100 kilos of heroin into New York and Philadelphia, in 1993 he headed for the United States (New York City), where it's believed he continues to operate. Daut Kadriovski's contacts include Albanians living in the Bronx, they had been coordinating their plans from such social hangouts as the Besa, Two Star and Gurra cafes, and across New Jersey, he is wanted in 12 European countries. See FBI Report here on Albanian Mafia or Albanian Organized Crime (AOC).
"Group members have specific, well defined tasks... Although they co-operate with other groups, they mistrust non-Albanians. They are known to be violent, apply counter surveillance, frequently change cars and maintain contacts through dozens of mobile telephones with prepaid cards," declares Europol report and then, once again, implicates these Muslim Albanian Mafia groups into funding politics: "The proceeds from their criminal activities are used in the Member State where they operate or sent to Albania and Kosovo."
According to the head of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, Antonio Costa, Colombian drug dealers are setting up cocaine supply bases in Albania and the Balkans to penetrate into Europe. According to Nicovic "Through the Albanian port of Durres, Colombian and other South American cartels deliver cocaine for further transport to Western Europe." At Durres Port, we once again see the suspicious convergence of Albanian Muslim Mafia and the al-Qaeda, both involved in legal (used car racket) and illegal dealings and both aiming at a same thing: detaching Kosovo from Serbia and internationally legitimizing it as Muslim.

The Albanian Mafia rule in New York City is so well known and wide open that the recent
"Grand Theft Auto IV" and Grand Theft Auto WIKI games are patterned on their violence....the Albanian mob appears as the main antagonist, shipping stolen cars back to Europe without Petrovic's permission, retrieved from ""

In Italy, Albanian organized crime gangs appear to control the car trafficking market. One method they employ is to deliberately drive into a car and then when the driver stops to assess the damage to his vehicle, they take the car by force. The cars are then exported to Tirana. A car stolen in central Italy in the morning can be in Albania with its new owner that same evening, Interpol Report.
The vehicles are not only stolen for their own sake; sometimes they are trafficked to finance other crimes,” according to the international police organization Interpol. Europol’s report describes Europe’s stolen-car industry as a complex network of professionals that includes car thieves, technicians, mechanics, document forgers, drivers, and unscrupulous car dealers. These thieves have learned how to disable immobilizers, locate and eliminate tracking devices, and alter VIN numbers, then shipping the vehicles to Dubai UAE for resale.
According to a CNN report the FBI "Officials said ethnic Albanians (MUSLIMS) from Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro" make up the emerging American criminal cartel and "represent a major challenge to federal agents because of their propensity for violence and brutality." This statement comes several months after Amnesty International declared NATO-administered Kosovo province a hotbed of Albanian organized crime activity (AOC). 
Investigators contend that Mamoun Darkazanli's import-export business served as a front for Al Qaeda. In March 1995, Darkazanli co-signed the opening of a Deutsche Bank account for Mamdouh Mahmud Salim, identified by the CIA as chief of bin Laden's computer operations and weapons procurement, according to news reports. Salim is currently facing charges in the U.S. for the 1988 bombings of U.S. embassies in Africa. Mamoun Darkazanli Import-Export Company or Darkazanli Export-Import Sonderposten, in Hamburg, are under sanction, as affiliates or supporters of al-Qaida, by the United Nations[5], by the European Union[6], and by the United States Treasury[7].

Allegations of an al-Qaeda presence in Albanian inhabited areas have also been made. For example, 24 Wahabi mosques and 14 orphanages have been built in Kosovo since 1999, along with 98 primary and secondary Wahabi funded schools.
The chief Albanian Imam in Kosovo has been schooled in the Wahabi doctrine in Saudi Arabia and is of vital political importance to the party of the Kosovo President Ibrahim Rugova. Wahabism is the chief spiritual source of the al-Qaeda terrorists. More distressing for the West is the existing Albanian criminal infrastructure that has been exported out of Kosovo into Europe, and given clan connections, has infiltrated the US.

Mehmet Haidini, wurde 2002 in der Mafia Hochburg Golem südlich Durres festgenommen, nachdem er durch den Britischen Geheimdienst Mi6 enttarnt wurde, trotz einer Gesichts Operation.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Albanian Muslim Mafia Crew of Myfit Dika, Gazmir Gjoka, and Kujtim Lika wanted by FBI for their part in international Afghan Heroin smuggling ring.

Albanian Muslim Mafia Crew of Myfit Dika, Gazmir Gjoka, and Kujtim Lika are all wanted by the FBI in the USA and Dutch and Albanian Law Enforcement authorities for their participation in an international Afghan Heroin drug smuggling ring (support of terrorism) and criminal enterprise organizatio (RICO charges). 
Gazmir Gjoka

The investigation into these individuals began in late 2003 and culminated with their indictments on March 12, 2009, in the District of New Jersey. Dika was living in Wycoff, New Jersey, but has ties to numerous countries outside of the United States to include Albania, Macedonia, Kosovo, Serbia, Canada, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. Gjoka was living in Hamilton Township, New Jersey and Lika was living in Caldwell, New Jersey, but both have ties to numerous countries outside of the United States to include Albania, Macedonia, Kosovo, Serbia, Canada, and the Netherlands.

Newark, NJ—The FBI, in conjunction with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) have charged 26 individuals with a laundry list of crimes including narcotics and firearms trafficking, money laundering, interstate transportation of stolen property, and criminal conspiracy. Four of the subjects are presently fugitives. This is the culmination of a joint operation between the federal agencies that began in late 2003 with targets in Albania, Macedonia, Kosovo, Serbia, Canada, the Netherlands and the United States.

6 Kommentare:

  1. The following 17 defendants were arrested:

    Peter Manna, age 29, of Paterson, New Jersey
    Pablo Almanzar, age 30, of Paterson, New Jersey
    Harjrudin Pejcinovic, age 39, of Brooklyn, New York
    Adis Radoncic, age 30, of Brooklyn, New York
    Lou Degidio, age 38, of Brooklyn, New York
    Eugene Degidio, age 44, of Brooklyn, New York
    Paul Robinson, age 61, of Glastonbury, Connecticut
    Louis Luyton, age 71, of Glastonbury, Connecticut
    Ervis Gjoni, age 23, of Staten Island, New York
    Galitiano Gjoni, of Staten Island, New York
    Sviatlana Aheyeva, age 24, of Clifton, New Jersey
    Minir Rizvani, age 31, of Wayne, New Jersey
    Mile Petkovski, age 49, of Lodi, New Jersey
    Jason Patrick, age 30, of Canada (who was located and arrested in Manhattan, New York)
    Perparim Billa, age 38, of Ridgewood, New York
    Abdul Al-Houssaine, age 42, of Brooklyn, New York
    Mirsad Kolasinac, age 36, of Hackensack, New Jersey

    Four defendants who were already in custody on unrelated charges at the time of these have been charged in this matter, but not yet arrested:

    Alban Tase, age 34, of Chicago, Illinois
    Gejsi Siko, age 29, of Chicago, Illinois
    Gentian Naci, age 33, of Chicago, Illinois
    Christopher Curanovic, age 28, of Brooklyn, New York

    Five are charged, but not yet in custody:
    Roden Kote, age 32, of Philadelphia, currently in Albania and about to surrender
    Rasim Corhamzic, age 42, of Canada

    Three are fugitives:
    Myfit Dika, age 44, of Wycoff, New Jersey
    Kujtim Lika, age 44, of Little Falls, New Jersey
    Gazmir Gjoka, age 55, of Yardville, New Jersey—believed to be outside the United States

  2. The only thing that i hate about this article is how much more stupid can you get when you relate crimes to religion.As for the author i think that he should have used his professional journalism training and college degree as for that he should have used his brain for starters and think how many other crimes happen around the world. Should we now relate them as well Catholic Italian,American Indian,German Christian,Indian Hindu and so on you see why this is stupid. People that do crimes have no religion on their minds just profit be they muslim,catholic,hindu or christian thy simply don't care. And another thing to the author I would like you to inform you of a little fact that in Albania and Kosovo you have Albanians with different religions that is if you had bothered at all to get the facts right you would find out that you have catholics and christians and atheist as well .

  3. Keine Anklage gegen DAut Kadrinovsky, für einen angebliche Anklage wegen Erpressung, weil er einen Film verschickte, wo es ihn mit Edi Rama, Erion Brace zeigt. Ebenso mit Hashim Thaçi, Menduh Thaçi, Jakup Krasniqi

    “Kadriovski”, Shantazhi, Prokuroria pushon padinë e Braçes
    Aktualitete Dielë, Mars 11th, 2012

    Daut Kadriovski dhe Erjon Braçe me diskun e Kadriovskit
    Deputeti i PS denoncoi akuzat nga trafikanti maqedonas, Akuza: Nuk ka elemente të veprës penale në kallëzim.
    Prokuroria pushon hetimet për kallëzimin e bërë nga deputeti socialist Erjon Braçe në lidhje me një disk me dëshmi të Daut Kadriovskit, personazh i njohur i botës së krimit nga Maqedonia. Në dhjetor 2010, Braçe depozitoi një padi në Prokurorinë e Tiranës me akuzën “shpifje për shkak të detyrës”, duke pretenduar se në zyrën e tij në PS kishte mbërritur një zarf me një disk brenda. Në këtë disk ishte një regjistrim filmik i shtetasit Daut Kadriovski, që akuzonte rëndë Erjon Braçen dhe Edi Ramën. Në padinë e tij, deputeti Braçe ka pretenduar se thëniet e Daut Kadriovskit në regjistrimin video ndaj tij dhe Edi Ramës janë bërë për shkak të detyrës së tyre, njëri si kryetar dhe tjetri si deputet i partisë më të madhe në opozitë. Regjistrimi, rreth 50 minuta, është verifikuar nga Prokuroria, e cila pasi ka grumbulluar provat e nevojshme, ka arritur në përfundimin se kallëzimi nuk kishte elemente të veprës penale, duke lënë të hapur mundësinë që palët t’i drejtohen gjykatës për zgjidhjen e kësaj çështjeje. Në video-regjistrimin në fjalë, deputeti Erjon Braçe ka pretenduar se personazhi i trafiqeve, Daut Kadriovski, i dënuar në disa shtete të Ballkanit, ka shpifur ndaj tij dhe Edi Ramës për shkak të detyrës.

    1. heute geht unverändert weiter in der Türkei

      Der Fall Kaplan: Wie Mafia, Polizei und Regierung in der Türkei zusammenarbeiten

      Stand: 16.05.2024, 19:20 Uhr

      Von: Erkan Pehlivan


  4. Das mit der Vermischung mit Religion ist wirklich stupid und vollkommen falsch

  5. die Welt wird immer verrückter
