Am Pranger von "COHU": Die Resultate der Verbrecher Kartelles des F.W.Steinmeier und des Mafia US Botschafter Christoph Dell v. Samstag, 20. November 2010
Schweigen der EU Commission damals, über die kriminellen Erpressungs Geschäfte der Amerikaner in Albanien, Kosovo, Kroatien, Rumänien nur mit Bechtel! Die Westliche Wertgemeinschaft, welche mit Vorsatz alle Balkan Länder korrrumpiert und ruiniert hat.
Typisch immer das EU Schweigen, über das kriminelle Treiben der US Botschafter und sogenannten Diplomaten im Balkan.
Wenn, nun sogar einen Artikel schreibt, zeigt nachdem USAID Desaster mit dem AAEF Fund, nun ein weiteres US Deaster auf, mit Kriminellen NATO Vorbetern, wie Frank Wisner, ganz einfach und dumme Betrüger, wie Georg Soros, der Deutsche Politik Partner, auch der Körber Stiftung, der KfW, DEG von Steinmeier und der DAAD. Kouchner, Deutsche Diplomaten wie Michael Schäfer, Joachim Rückers, Graf Lambsdorff, identisch im Kosovo. Für Thyssen, Heckler & Koch dem vermurksten Bestechungs Apparat vo n RWE unterwegs.
Ex-US Botschafter im Kosovo Christopher Dell: 1 Million $ Bestechungsgeld erhalten, und den Posten als Chef Lobbyist in Afrika und auf Seite von Bechtel taucht dann noch die US Botschafterin Marcie Riess auf (bis April 2007), welche jüngst in Bulgarien die South Stream Pipeline verhinderte, zuvor im Irak war.
Dabei damals: Max Strauss ebenso:
Wir berichteten vor Jahren, Max Strauss versuchte das jurisitisch zustoppen, obwohl die Unterlagen bei der Generalstaatsanwaltschaft in Tirana liegen.
"Letter of Intend" wie man grosse Betrugs Geschäfte organisiert.
klicken zur Vergrösserung, wo man dann bestens die Unterschriften von Max Strauss, und den Ministern unter dem “Letter of Intent” – Absichts Erklärung sieht.
D) Nun geht man zu Bechtel Enka und stellt über die offensichtliche Fake Firma Consult: Berberi & Strauss mit einem Bankkonto z.B. in Zypern, oder Lichtenstein eine Millionen schwere Rechnung an Bechtel Enka !
Gangster und sich: Hashim Thaci, US installierter Todesschwadronen Chef im Kosovo und Christopher Dell.
FP hatte auf Grundlage der Österreichischen Ermittlungen nun auf US Seite, vor allem die Hintergründe ermittelt. siehe:
Die Deutschen und die EU kopieren diese Betrugs Geschäfte seit langem: siehe: Die EBRD Bank, gibt einen Korruptions Kredit von 15 Millionen €, für das Ausbaggern des Hafen von Durres
Ohne Bestechungsgeld geht offensichtlich bei US Botschaftern Nichts mehr, so peinlich ist das nun schon lange und im Schlepptau: Korrupte Banden aus dem Deutschen Wirtschafts Ministerium, dem AA, wie man am Flugplatz und mit dubiosen Hafen Consults und Firmen deutlich sieht. Einzige Aussenpolitik der Amerikaner: Bestechung und Geschäfte, wir berichtetn hier schon vor 10 Jahren, rund um den AAEF. Im Kosovo war man so dreist, das man zur Vertrags Unterzeichnung in die Türkei flog, wo man die Dokumente bis heute versteckt, damit Europa keine Kopien erhält, oder Geheimdienste, was die Amerikaner auch mit ihrer Immunität überall wie in Albanien und dem Kosovo so treiben.
A special investigation into the diplomacy of doing business abroad.
One of Europe’s poorest countries wanted a road, so U.S. mega-contractor Bechtel sold it a $1.3 billion highway, with the backing of a powerful American ambassador. Funny thing is, the highway is barely being used—and the ambassador is now working for Bechtel.
It isn’t every day that a U.S. ambassador inspires a character in a comic strip. But that’s exactly what Christopher Dell, a former ambassador to Kosovo, did in 2011 — and his likeness wasn’t flattering. Dell was satirized as the “Chief Pimp” in “The Pimpsons,” a Simpsons-like strip created by local artist Fisnik Ismaili that depicted the local political elite commandeering Kosovo’s democracy and selling the country off to the highest bidder. Published on Facebook, the comic portrayed Dell as a monarch, and in one edition, he was shown taking cash from Bechtel, an American construction and engineering corporation, in exchange for helping the business win a $1 billion road contract seen by many as a very bad deal for Kosovo taxpayers.
That contract was real: The 48-mile, four-lane Kosovo Highway, as it is known, was completed in November 2013 for roughly $1.3 billion — or about $25 million per mile — according to official government figures given to an international organization in Pristina, Kosovo’s capital. It was the most expensive public works project in Kosovo’s modern history, and it is arguably one of the highest-quality roads in the Balkans...................................
It isn’t every day that a U.S. ambassador inspires a character in a comic strip. But that’s exactly what Christopher Dell, a former ambassador to Kosovo, did in 2011 — and his likeness wasn’t flattering. Dell was satirized as the “Chief Pimp” in “The Pimpsons,” a Simpsons-like strip created by local artist Fisnik Ismaili that depicted the local political elite commandeering Kosovo’s democracy and selling the country off to the highest bidder. Published on Facebook, the comic portrayed Dell as a monarch, and in one edition, he was shown taking cash from Bechtel, an American construction and engineering corporation, in exchange for helping the business win a $1 billion road contract seen by many as a very bad deal for Kosovo taxpayers.
That contract was real: The 48-mile, four-lane Kosovo Highway, as it is known, was completed in November 2013 for roughly $1.3 billion — or about $25 million per mile — according to official government figures given to an international organization in Pristina, Kosovo’s capital. It was the most expensive public works project in Kosovo’s modern history, and it is arguably one of the highest-quality roads in the Balkans...............................
When the Croatian foreign minister lobbied for a second road contract negotiated the same way, however, it was revealed that he had previously worked for the Washington-based law firm Patton Boggs (Frank Wisner Mafia - Patton Boggs to Pay $15 million to settle fraud allegations -
) , which had a lobbying contract with Bechtel. Under pressure from the European Union, Croatia abandoned the contract and held a public tender. Later, in Romania, Bechtel directly negotiated and signed another no-bid contract in 2003, to modernize the country’s almost nonexistent highway network for $2.7 billion..............
Das grosse Schweigen brach immer aus, bei der korrupten EU Commission, den Botschaftern, wenn die grossen Betrugs Geschäfte organisiert wurden. Am peinlichsten sind und waren Deutsche und US Betrugs Geschäfte, wo die US Botschafter schwiegen, oder sogar wie mit den Bechtel Geschäften in Albanien und m Kosovo, den EU Vertreter Peter Feith deutlich sagten, er solle seinen Mund halten, seine Nase nicht in dieses Betrugs Geschäft stecken, denn es seit ein Geschäft zwischen dem Kosovo und der US Regierung. Kurz gesagt, deckt bis in die jüngste Zeit, die US Regierung diese ARt von plumpten Betrugs Geschäften, mit International gut bekannten Verbrechern, welche vollkommen korrupt sind.Das der neue US Botschafter Donald Lu, davon spricht, das Rechts System zu stärken ist genauso ein Betrug, wie die EU, US, Deutschen Justiz Missionnen, denn es kommt immer Nichts dabei raus.
(ICITAP) US Mafia – Albania-Kosovo Highway Costs Soar To 2 Billion Euros – Frank Wisner, Tom Rich, Christopher Dell,
Die Chinesen haben den in 2008 geschenckten Container “Scanner” repariert
Betrugs Theater der EBRD Bank und Incompetence of institutions obliges Albanian government …………
Noch ein übler Verbrecher, der überall auch in Kasachtan als Geschäftemacher auftritt.
Desmond Tutu: ‘Put Tony Blair in the dock for war crimes’
Schuldig Bush, Blair, Rumsfeld, Cheney: War Crimes Tribunal in Malaysia
Archbishop Desmond Tutu has called for Tony Blair and George Bush to be hauled before the international criminal court in The Hague and delivered a damning critique of the physical and moral devastation caused by the Iraq war.
The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission (KLWCT),
Trotz Haft Befehl: Die Georg Soros Ratte: Mikheil Saakashvili taucht in Tirana auf
US ambassador to Kosovo hired by construction firm he lobbied for
EU diplomat criticises way Christopher Dell pushed through deal for Bechtel Corporation to build controversial highway to Albania
Die EU mit korrupten und inkomptenden EU Botschafter, kopiert seit langem dieses Mafiöse Modell, was im Visa Skandal und Joschka Fischer, Rezzo Schlauch, Ludgar Vollmer schon sichtbar war vor 15 Jahren.
Another organization linked to an AMSCH staffer, JEF Albania, also received money from the agency.
Although the sums distributed by AMSHC are significant, many established civil society organizations perceive it as corrupt and shun its calls for proposals, fearing grants will only tarnish their reputations.
Some of the NGOs funded by AMSHC are practically invisible. They lackwebsites and little is known of the projects that they implemented.
“The winning organizations in past calls were all organizations with direct or indirect connections to people inside the agency, who determined the winners,” said Gledis Gjipali, head of the European Movement in Albania, a Tirana based think tank.
“This is an open conflict of interest, which has prompted me not to apply to them,” he added.
Article 6 of the law approved by the Council of Ministers in March 2009 for the organization of AMSHC stipulates that the Agency should “guarantee impartiality during decision-making process and prevent conflicts of interest”.
The same principles are deemed mandatory in the financing procedures for grants in the official regulations of AMSHC, published on its website.
AMSHC director Rudi Bobrati has admitted that organizations headed by board members benefited in the past from grants issued by the agency.
But Bobrati told Balkan Insight that, by law, their presence on the board did not disqualify them from applying for grants.
He maintained that although there were cases of friends and relatives of board members applying for, and receiving grants, their relationship to the board did not influence the selection process.
“The law for the creation and the functioning of the agency does not forbid board members from applying for state funds with their own organizations,” Bobrati said.
“When this happens, they leave the room and do not participate in the voting process,” he added.
In January, all board members that obtained funding for their own organizations were replaced. A new director for the agency is to be nominated.
The new board members that have been nominated already come from the media and from NGOs that are perceived to be close to the ruling Socialist Party, which took power last September after June parliamentary elections.
During the election campaign, the Socialists promised to reform the agency, which they claimed had been used by the previous centre-right government to reward civil society organizations that support their policies.
Some civil society actors now complain that nomination of the new board has also been far from transparent, and the selection process was again politically orchestrated.
Conflict of interests:
According to USAID’s 2012 civil society sustainability index, Albanian NGOs remain financially weak, while the legal environment in which more than 1,600 organizations operate is ambiguous.
Established in December 2009, AMSHC was meant to boost funding for local NGOs at a time when many international donors were pulling out of Albania and the region.
Since issuing its first call for grants in March 2010, the agency has disbursed more than €2.1 million.
AMSHC’s supervisory board, which selects winning applications, is composed of nine members. Five are drawn from civil society and four come from government institutions.
Since the old board was replaced in January 2014, its composition has followed the same model, with five members coming from civil society and four from government institutions.
Board members whose organizations received AMSHC grants between 2010 and 2013 include Lutfi Dervishi, director of Transparency International Albania, TIA, and Henri Cili, founder of the UET Center and the Foundation for Economic Freedom.
Dervishi told Balkan Insight that possible conflicts of interests had made him think twice before joining the board. At the same time, he also argued that Albanian law did not forbid his organization from applying for cash.
Dervishi denied having influenced the decision process, underling that TIA received only one grant from AMSHC, and adding that he had disqualified himself from the vote when the application was being reviewed.
“We are never present at the voting process when one of our organizations was applying for a project,” Dervishi said.
“TIA won only one project, with a minimal amount of money, and plenty of organizations won much more,” he added.
AMSHC records show that TIA received two grants from the agency for a total of 3.79 million lek (€27,000).
Cili, publisher of the daily newspaper MAPO and owner of the European University of Tirana, with whom both his NGOs are associated, declined to comment about the allegations.
The Foundation for Economic Freedom and the UET Center received 4.2 million lek (€30,000) in total from AMSHC…………
Die EU – Motor der Korruption in Albanien mit dem Botschafter Ettore Sequi
Der EU Botschafter in Tirana: Ettore Sequi, als Motor eines kriminelles Enterprise, stiehlt mit Fake Projekten, Phantom Verbänden hohe Millionen Summen
Investigation 17 Apr 14 Die neue EU Botschaferin aus dem korrupten und bankrotten Kroatien und dem kriminellen Tudschjamn Enterprise, will die Justiz aufbauen. Die EU Korruptions Motoren mit Romana Vlahutin und 3 Justiz Konferenzen zur ShowAlbanian Agency Turns NGO Funding Into Family Affair
Former board members and staff of the state agency established to support the civil society sector funded their own NGOs, or those headed by relatives, an investigation can reveal.
Erjona Rusi, Besar Likmeta
An investigation by Balkan Insight can reveal that four former board members of the Albanian Agency for the Support of Civil Society, AMSHC, awarded grants to five organizations to which they were linked directly or through relatives at the time they were in place.
The five organizations, which received 19.9 million lek (€141,000) in grants from the agency from 2010 to 2013, are the Albanian Youth Council, Transparency International Albania, the Akses Center, UET Center and the Foundation for Economic Freedom.
Gezielte Zerstörung der Krankenhäuser im Balkan und in Griechenland
Thursday, April 17th, 2014
Krankenhäuser und die Bildung wurde im gesamten Balkan, durch die EU Gestalten vor allem und die Privatisierung zerstört. Die KAS feierte in einer Betrugs Orgien, sogar entscheidende Erfolge, welche nie existiert hatten, wo es seit 15 Jahren nur noch bergab überall ging.
“Gezielte Zerstörung der sozialen Sicherungssysteme in Europa”
Jürgen Roth rechnet mit der europäischen Krisenpolitik ab, die einem kalten Staatsstreich gleicht
Oliver Borg: Schrotthaufen der Internationalen im Kosovo
Saturday, April 19th, 2014
Denn selbst die CIA ist am Ende doch ein Werkzeug des Guten.
In seinem neuen Buch beschreibt Bestseller-Autor Jürgen Roth den skrupellosen Machtmissbrauch einer gesellschaftlich destruktiven Elite: Politiker, die für Parteispenden ihr Veto bei den Strafverfolgungsbehörden einlegen
Gangster Treffen in Phristina im Luxus Hotel der Pacolli Mafia, höchste US Department of State Vertreter und der korrupte Finne auch dabei.
Und wieder eine Erfolgs Feier der gut bekannten Banden! Der Profi Gangster Frank Wisner und Mubarak, eine typische Story, eines Verbrechers!
Frank Wisner, der Welt Kriminelle Nr. 1 und auch bis zuletzt mit Mubarak in Ägypten. Im Vorstand früher bei der Betrugs Firma ENRON, bei der Betrugs Versicherungs AIG sowieso. Im Albanischen Mafia Show laufen, bei Privatisierungen ebenso immer dabei. Man muss die Geldwäsche und die Drogen Verteil Stelle absichern, was die Haupt Aufgabe ist für den Kosovo im Amerikanischen Konzept.
Total gescheitert die EULEX Mission im Kosovo und alle Polizei und Justiz Missionen bei den Albanern, weil die NATO Politik keinen Rechts Staat will und US und EU Geschäftemacher, lieber ein “Schwarzes Rechtsloch im Balkan” brauchen für ihre kriminellen Geschäfte.
Gangster Treffen im Kosovo: Frank Wisner, Ahthirssari feiern ihre Beute Züge im Kosovo
Shkrimi origjinal i Foreign Policy
Christopher Dell, ish-ambasadori i Shteteve të Bashkuara të Amerikës në Kosovë dyshohet se ka marre ryshfet nga kompania “Bechtel” e kontraktuar për të ndërtuar rrugën në Kosovë, per ta ndihmuar ate te fitonte kontraten 1 miliarde dollare per rrugen.
TAG: foreign policy christopher dell
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