Donnerstag, 10. November 2011

Corruption in Rumänien: Nichts Neues aus dem Skandal Land

Europaminister Orban: Rumäniens Schengen-Beitritt komplett blockiert

Donnerstag, 10. November 2011

Europaminister Orban: Rumäniens Schengen-Beitritt komplett blockiert
Europaminister Orban
Rumäniens Beitritt zur grenzkontrollfreien Schengenzone sei derzeit durch die Haltung der Niederlande komplett blockiert, er könne aus diesem Grund zur Stunde keinerlei Zeithorizont bezüglich der angestrebten Aufnahme in dem Schengraum nennen, erklärte Europaminister Leonard Orban im öffentlichen Nachrichtensender Info TV. Es gebe zudem nichts, worüber Rumänien in diesem Punkt noch verhandeln könnte oder würde, fügte Orban hinzu. Die Behörden in Bukarest hätten Deutschland, Frankreich, den Niederlanden und Finnland den Vorschlag unterbreitet, eigene Grenzbeamte nach Rumänien zu entsenden, um mit den rumänischen Grenzern zusammenzuarbeiten − das einzige Land, das auf diesen Vorschlag reagiert habe, sei Frankreich gewesen, das Land habe inzwischen eigene Vertreter in den rumänischen Grenzkontrollstrukturen, sagte der Europaminister.

Rumänien sei auf den Kompromissvorschlag Deutschlands und Frankreichs bezüglich eines stufenweisen Beitritts eingegangen, noch mehr Kompromissbereitschaft dürfe niemand von dem Land erwarten. Während die Positions Finnlands in punkto Schengen-Beitritt Rumäniens inzwischen schon „flexibler“ sei, beharren die Niederlande auf ihrem „Nein“. Wann dieses Debakel endlich ein Ende finde, sei derzeit nicht absehbar, so Orban.

Kommentar: und die hoch kriminellen Roma Banden, machen unverändert vor allem Nord Italien unsicher, mit ihren Plünderungs Feldzügen und ihrem Kinderhandel.

Usury under fire in Romania

Bloggers discuss the practical effects of a new law which aims to end to a widespread, negative phenomenon.
By Paul Ciocoiu for Southeast European Times in Bucharest -- 05/11/11

Romanian Member of Parliament Mircia Giurgiu is the author of the new anti-usury law. [Victor Barbu/SETimes]
Romanian lawmakers upheld a bill submitted by independent MP Mircia Giurgiu in mid-October making usury -- the practice of loan money at exorbitant interest -- a crime punishable by prison sentence.
Usury has flourished amid Romania's economic crisis as banks drastically limit their lending capacity, while people in dire need of money are forced to turn to alternative means.
"Last year, several people complained to me they fell prey to usury, losing their lifetime belongings. The contracts they signed stipulated sums of money much higher than what they thought they would borrow. I started an investigation and, sadly, realised the usurers had accomplices among the policemen and notaries," Giurgiu told SETimes.
Giurgiu admits the practice of usury involves ignorance on the part of the victims, but in most cases is a pure scam given that sums are changed with the help of corrupt officials.
"The scam contracts are so well done that usurers win most trials in court," he said.
It will take time for the new law to fundamentally change things on the ground. "If it is implemented and usurers are brought to justice, they will realize they can not continue this activity anymore," Giurgiu said.
Giurgiu's law struck a chord with many who hail the move is a major breakthrough against continually expanding usury practices in which citizens are stripped of their money and possessions.
But some challenge the law and what it can be accomplish if implemented.
Cornel Pieptea is a liberal lawmaker who abstained from voting the draft law that passed by a narrow majority in the chamber of deputies.
"The adopted law does not create the necessary legal framework that can lead to the withering of this phenomenon and to convictions for usurers," he said. "It is a law made up of three phrases -- two interpretable definitions taken from the dictionary and one with regards to the sentence."
Others question why the law targets the effects, and not root causes, of usury only to likely reach an uncertain goal....
"Why do you not think Mr. Giurgiu of eliminating the causes of usury instead of fighting ... what?"Dacicus asks.
Dacicus suggests the lawmakers should "transform this project into something that can help future generations".

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