von von Niall Mulholland, CWI am 28.02.2014
Freitag, 28. Februar 2014
Bosnien: Massenproteste gegen Armut und die korrupte Regierung und die Korrupten EU Demokratie Bringer
Bosnien: Massenproteste gegen Armut und die korrupte Regierung
Der Aufstand zeigt das Potential der Arbeiterklasse, ethnische Spaltungen zu überwinden Eine
Revolte von ArbeiterInnen, StudentInnen, Arbeitslosen und Kriegsveteran
breitet sich über Bosnien-Herzegovina aus. Die Proteste richten sich
gegen die schrecklichen sozialen Standards und die institutionalisierte
ethische Spaltung. Die Proteste begannen in der Stadt
Die Mafia und der Abfall: von Neapel bis Rumania und Albania
, January 30, 2014
Aufforstung der Currilla sieht so aus, nachdem der Minister Lefter Koka versprochen hat, mit 2 Millionen € die Currilla aufzuforsten, ab Februar 2014
Ein paar Löcher werden in die Lehm Hänge gebudelt durch die “Experten", ohne Erde werden ein paar Kiefer Zweige dort in den Boden gesteckt, aber wie das funktionieren soll, wissen die wohl nicht. Die alten Forst Experten, welche früher die Baum Schulen leiteten, wurden dazu nicht gefragt, sondern Parteibuch Experten der Idiotie. Man könnte mit wenig Geld, überall die alten Baum Schulen aktivieren. Die Gemeinde Kruje, entsorgt immer noch ihren Abfall in den Schluchten rund um die Gemeinde, aber das ist Standard in Albanien. EU Gelder, werden sowieso gestohlen
Garbage dumping in the Balkans and Eastern Europe
An article about the heritage of illegal garbage dumping of often very poisonous garbage by the mafia in Southern Italy ("A Mafia Legacy Taints the Earth in Southern Italy") contains one interesting twist:
General Costa, the environmental police commander, said the Camorra had stopped burying waste a few years ago and was now illegally shipping it to Eastern Europe or the Balkans.
I have yet to see the first report from those areas. Makes me curious how long it will take.
General Costa, the environmental police commander, said the Camorra had stopped burying waste a few years ago and was now illegally shipping it to Eastern Europe or the Balkans.
I have yet to see the first report from those areas. Makes me curious how long it will take.
Ein paar Löcher werden in die Lehm Hänge gebudelt durch die “Experten", ohne Erde werden ein paar Kiefer Zweige dort in den Boden gesteckt, aber wie das funktionieren soll, wissen die wohl nicht. Die alten Forst Experten, welche früher die Baum Schulen leiteten, wurden dazu nicht gefragt, sondern Parteibuch Experten der Idiotie. Man könnte mit wenig Geld, überall die alten Baum Schulen aktivieren. Die Gemeinde Kruje, entsorgt immer noch ihren Abfall in den Schluchten rund um die Gemeinde, aber das ist Standard in Albanien. EU Gelder, werden sowieso gestohlen
The Slovenian Prosecutors’ office has indicted Anuška Delić
Slovenia: Journalist Accused of Leaking Intelligence Agency Secrets
The Slovenian Prosecutors’ office has indicted Anuška Delić, an OCCRP partner and journalist for
Slovenia: Journalist Accused of Leaking Intelligence Agency Secrets The Slovenian Prosecutors’ office has indicted Anuška Delić, an OCCRP partner and journalist for the Slovenian newspaper Delo, for allegedly publishing classified secrets.
If Delić is found guilty of violating the second paragraph of article 260 of the Slovenian Criminal Code, which pertains to classified information, she could face up to three years in prison.
Delo reports that the case was filed in the district court on April 2013, but is still being examined by the presiding judge nearly a year later.
Delić says that the investigation was initiated by the
Slovene Intelligence and Security Agency (SOVA) as retaliation for her
investigative work.
During the 2011 parliamentary campaign, Delić wrote about links between the Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS), led by former Prime Minister Janez Janša, and extremist groups, specifically the Slovenian division of the neo-Nazi “Blood and Honor” group.
Delić said, “This process is – at least in the part it pertains to me – clearly politically motivated, in other words, it is a retaliatory measure for my disclosure of the dark side of a big political party and for our courage in publishing this during the election campaign.”
Delić believes she has been accused because authorities “wish to identify my sources and aim to curtail freedom of media and journalists’ work.” She added that she would go to jail if need be rather than reveal her sources.
Drew Sullivan, editor of OCCRP, condemned the indictment, saying the charge is one “commonly used by governments to punish journalists.”
Janša, who was serving a second term as prime minster in 2013, lost his position in an unrelated case, BBC reports, following accusations of corruption and bribery.
The Slovenian Prosecutors’ office has indicted Anuška Delić, an OCCRP partner and journalist for
Slovenia: Journalist Accused of Leaking Intelligence Agency Secrets The Slovenian Prosecutors’ office has indicted Anuška Delić, an OCCRP partner and journalist for the Slovenian newspaper Delo, for allegedly publishing classified secrets.
If Delić is found guilty of violating the second paragraph of article 260 of the Slovenian Criminal Code, which pertains to classified information, she could face up to three years in prison.
Delo reports that the case was filed in the district court on April 2013, but is still being examined by the presiding judge nearly a year later.

Delo Journalist Anuška Delić. Photo Uroš Hočevar/Delo
During the 2011 parliamentary campaign, Delić wrote about links between the Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS), led by former Prime Minister Janez Janša, and extremist groups, specifically the Slovenian division of the neo-Nazi “Blood and Honor” group.
Delić said, “This process is – at least in the part it pertains to me – clearly politically motivated, in other words, it is a retaliatory measure for my disclosure of the dark side of a big political party and for our courage in publishing this during the election campaign.”
Delić believes she has been accused because authorities “wish to identify my sources and aim to curtail freedom of media and journalists’ work.” She added that she would go to jail if need be rather than reveal her sources.
Drew Sullivan, editor of OCCRP, condemned the indictment, saying the charge is one “commonly used by governments to punish journalists.”
Janša, who was serving a second term as prime minster in 2013, lost his position in an unrelated case, BBC reports, following accusations of corruption and bribery.
Zum ersten Mal schützt Montenegro bedrohte Journalisten
28 Feb 14
Montenegro Gives Journalist Police Protection
Tufik Softic, a reporter for Vijesti in the town of Berane, has been placed under police protection after the National Security Agency estimated he was not safe.
Dusica Tomovic
Interior Minister Rasko Konjevic confirmed that Softic, a local correspondent for the daily newspaper Vijesti
in the town of Berane, has obtained police protection, which will be
formalized at the next government session. It comes after the National
Security Agency estimated that he is not safe.After meeting police officials in Podgorica on Thursday, Softic said: "I feel safer and more comfortable because I got security, but I am aware that I will lose some privacy."
Softic was the victim of a several attacks in his home town of Berane in the past years. The assailants were not found.
On August 11, 2013, an explosive device was detonated in front of the his home. He was at home at the time. Two hooded assailants attacked him outside his home in 2007.
International media watchdogs have urged Montenegro to clamp down on attacks on journalists and do more to bring those behind such assaults to book.
Samstag, 22. Februar 2014
Gazmed Oketa, soll den Albanischen Geheimdienst SHIS neu aufbauen
Besonderes Entsetzten herrschte in NATO Kreisen, als NATO Geheimnisse, die einlogg Daten an Dritte weiter gegeben wurden, so das niemand in Albanien, heute eine NATO Freigabe hat, fuer die Informationen.
Gazmet Oketa, ist einer der wenigen Politiker, welche auch im Albanischen Volke einen guten Namen hat und in seiner Minister Zeit, serioese Arbeit und keine Skandale ablieferte.
Mit seiner Idioten Truppe aus primitiv Kriminellen konnte der jetztige uralt Kommunisten Geheimdienst Visho Ajazi Lika nicht einmal Vorab Informationen fuer die Demonstration am 20.2. in Tirana liefern. Ueber Hintermaenner, wenn 22.000 illegale Grundstuecks Urkunden in Verbots Zonen ausgestellt wurden, verweigert er jede Info, obwohl schon die damaligen Berichte in 2011, sehr deutlich waren und vor dem Chaos warnten.
Geschützt durch den Mafia Präsidenten Bujar Nishani: das NATO Debakel mit den Albanischen Geheimdienst SHIS

Die wikileaks Cables aus 2007, sprechen deutliche Worte
NATO Debakel: Der Albanische Kommunisten Geheimdienst Chef: Visho Ajazi Lika, berichtet nur dem Mafia Präsidenten
NATO, për të drejtuar SHISH
Gazmed Oketa
Gazmed Oketa wird der neue Geheimdienst Chef und Vertraute der NATO: und Zana Xhuka wurde abgesetzt
Gazmet Oketa, wird der neue Albanische Geheimdienst Chef, der in den USA eine Spezial Ausbildung erhaelt, nach der peinlichsten NATO und CIA Pleite, mit Albanien, welche es je gab. Vor ueber 10 Jahren, hatten die Kameraden schon eine eigene CIA Schule ein Plepa bei Durres, ebenso geheime Vertraege, welche auch den Deutschen vorlagen.Besonderes Entsetzten herrschte in NATO Kreisen, als NATO Geheimnisse, die einlogg Daten an Dritte weiter gegeben wurden, so das niemand in Albanien, heute eine NATO Freigabe hat, fuer die Informationen.
Gazmet Oketa, ist einer der wenigen Politiker, welche auch im Albanischen Volke einen guten Namen hat und in seiner Minister Zeit, serioese Arbeit und keine Skandale ablieferte.
Mit seiner Idioten Truppe aus primitiv Kriminellen konnte der jetztige uralt Kommunisten Geheimdienst Visho Ajazi Lika nicht einmal Vorab Informationen fuer die Demonstration am 20.2. in Tirana liefern. Ueber Hintermaenner, wenn 22.000 illegale Grundstuecks Urkunden in Verbots Zonen ausgestellt wurden, verweigert er jede Info, obwohl schon die damaligen Berichte in 2011, sehr deutlich waren und vor dem Chaos warnten.
Geschützt durch den Mafia Präsidenten Bujar Nishani: das NATO Debakel mit den Albanischen Geheimdienst SHIS

Die wikileaks Cables aus 2007, sprechen deutliche Worte
NATO Debakel: Der Albanische Kommunisten Geheimdienst Chef: Visho Ajazi Lika, berichtet nur dem Mafia Präsidenten
22 Shkurt 2014 - 07:03
Oketa trajnohet nga siguria nëNATO, për të drejtuar SHISH
Call Center als Drogen Zentrale in London und Schmuggler Boot Tunnel bei Vlore
Pictured: Albanian drug gang who ran call centre to sell £4 million
worth of cocaine a YEAR to their clients - and it received a staggering
100,000 calls
PUBLISHED: 16:23 GMT, 21 February 2014 | UPDATED: 19:26 GMT, 21 February 2014
These are the Albanian gang members who set up a cocaine hotline for drug addicts, earning more than £4million from 100,000 calls in just one year.
The unprecedented operation, dubbed ‘Mario Line’ by police, capitalised on the rocketing figures of users in Hertfordshire and north west London.
Harrow Crown Court heard this week how the gang, led by Besnik Sinanaj - known as Mario - ran a round-the-clock service for callers desperate for the class A drug, sold at £40-£50 a gram.
Between May 2012 and May 2013 a staggering 99,000 phone calls were made to the number.
But detectives investigating the ring tracked down Sinanaj, 35, at his home in Falmouth, Cornwall, in April 2013.
Three weeks later, on May 8, more than 160 police officers involved in Operation Pagoda busted a string of addresses during dawn raids.
Yesterday, the 10 main players were sentenced to more than 40 years in prison, with Sinanaj alone jailed for 10 years.
Detective Chief Inspector Mike Trotman, of Herts Police, said: 'The Mario Line was one of the most organised and prolific drugs lines to have operated in west Hertfordshire and I am pleased that we have dismantled this and the majority of those involved in its operation are now in prison.
'Hertfordshire remains one of the safest counties in the country and I want to send a clear m
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2564848/Pictured-Albanian-drug-gang-ran-call-centre-sell-4million-worth-cocaine-YEAR-clients-received-staggering-100-000-calls.html#ixzz2u2KxeiOE
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
- Officers tracked down leader Besnik Sinanaj in Cornwall before tracing rest
- Broke up ring in a string of dawn raids on May 8 2013
- 10 men pleaded guilty to supplying drug, jailed for more than 40 years
PUBLISHED: 16:23 GMT, 21 February 2014 | UPDATED: 19:26 GMT, 21 February 2014
These are the Albanian gang members who set up a cocaine hotline for drug addicts, earning more than £4million from 100,000 calls in just one year.
The unprecedented operation, dubbed ‘Mario Line’ by police, capitalised on the rocketing figures of users in Hertfordshire and north west London.
Harrow Crown Court heard this week how the gang, led by Besnik Sinanaj - known as Mario - ran a round-the-clock service for callers desperate for the class A drug, sold at £40-£50 a gram.
Besnik Sinanaj, known as Mario (top left), took
99,000 drug users' calls from his home in Falmouth, Cornwall, on the
specially-made 'Mario Line'. He then relayed the order to his team of
nine, including convicted suppliers Brezar Culaj (centre), Brigal Culaj
(top right), Claudio Surluceanu (bottom left), and Fation Sinanaj
(bottom right)
Between May 2012 and May 2013 a staggering 99,000 phone calls were made to the number.
But detectives investigating the ring tracked down Sinanaj, 35, at his home in Falmouth, Cornwall, in April 2013.
Three weeks later, on May 8, more than 160 police officers involved in Operation Pagoda busted a string of addresses during dawn raids.
Detective Chief Inspector Mike Trotman, of Herts Police, said: 'The Mario Line was one of the most organised and prolific drugs lines to have operated in west Hertfordshire and I am pleased that we have dismantled this and the majority of those involved in its operation are now in prison.
Haul: Police seized six kilograms of cocaine
from the string of houses raided at dawn on May 8, 2013. Others jailed
yesterday were Reoland Sinanaj (left), Sajmir Xhakrosa (centre) and
Adrian Spulber (right)
'Hertfordshire remains one of the safest counties in the country and I want to send a clear m
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2564848/Pictured-Albanian-drug-gang-ran-call-centre-sell-4million-worth-cocaine-YEAR-clients-received-staggering-100-000-calls.html#ixzz2u2KxeiOE
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
*Vlore, drug tunnel discovered*
[image: Vlore, drug tunnel discovered]
*The Border Police and the Delta Force Unit, in cooperation with the
Italian authorities, have finalized an operation for finding a very fast
vessel. *
After a very detailed search that took several hours, the authorities found
it hidden in a 15 meter long tunnel.
The Delta Force, border police and Guardia di Finanza forces arrived on the
scene and opened the tunnel which had been covered with pines.
The main gate has was closed with very strong iron bars, and it took
several hours to the police ... mehr »
Donnerstag, 13. Februar 2014
International wird das 2 Jahre Jagd Verbot in Albanien begrüsst
National Geographic
Writer Who Exposed Songbird Slaughter Applauds Albania's Hunting Ban
Novelist Jonathan Franzen's National Geographic story influenced the decision.
Indiscriminate hunting of birds in Albania led to empty skies and a two-year ban on the practice.
Rachel Hartigan Shea
Published February 10, 2014
Last July, novelist and bird-watcher Jonathan Franzen wrote a devastating account for National Geographic magazine
about the mass slaughter of migrating birds across the Mediterranean.
The situation, he wrote, was especially dire in Albania, which lies
along a major migratory flyway. Due to indiscriminate hunting, the skies
above Albania were literally being emptied of birds.
But not anymore. Thanks in part to Franzen's article, the Albanian government has declared a two-year ban on hunting. "This is really good news," says Franzen. "If you were to stop hunting in one place in Europe, you would want to stop it in Albania."
National Geographic spoke with Franzen about the ban and what it means for the future of migrating birds.
Why is Albania so important for birds migrating between Africa and Europe?
There are three major flyways that migrating birds take to Europe. A really important one in the eastern Mediterranean is the Adriatic flyway. Along that entire Balkan coast, it's pretty much mountains and a few small deltas where rivers come out—except in Albania, which has the greatest system of wetlands, I think, in the entire Mediterranean. It's a resting place for birds that have crossed the Mediterranean. They're about to go over the mountains to get to central and eastern Europe. For forever, they've been able to rest there and feed and fuel up for the final push over the mountains so they can reproduce.
How has hunting affected these migrations?
Every spring and fall millions of birds fly into Albania and very few get out alive. You have spectacles like 50,000 geese coming to escape an especially cold European winter and every last goose getting wiped out, including endangered species. You can see ducks flying back and forth offshore, unable to come in. They've just flown across the Mediterranean, flown across the Adriatic, but every time they try to come in to rest and feed, there are hunters all along the beach to shoot at them. People pull over at the side of the road and leap out with guns and fire at some bird they'd seen on a wire. These are totally unsustainable levels of shooting.
Albanians weren't the only ones doing the shooting, though.
Albania had become a destination for Italian tourist hunters because in the European Union, at least on paper, there are much stricter controls on what you can shoot and when you can shoot. I was there in March. These glorious wetlands, which should have been full of tens of thousands of birds, maybe hundreds of thousands, were essentially devoid of birds because there were these tourist hunting parties going out in boats day and night and shooting it up.
How will the government be able to enforce the ban?
It's rather easy. If you hear a gunshot anywhere now, you know that the law is being broken. The only way to approach the problem when you are a relatively poor country with reduced enforcement ability is a total ban. Some years ago, when Albania banned small boats off the shore because of problems with smuggling, this approach really worked. Even if you were legitimate, there was a ban, so you couldn't go out. I think the hunting ban is likely to have a substantial impact.
What do you think the future looks like for bird migrations in Albania?
A year from now, these wetlands that should be full of birds will be at least half full. The really critical habitat in Albania is already protected. The people in the environment ministry were smart. They said, "Even though we don't have the manpower to enforce this, we're going to get these preserves set up, on paper at least, so that when we have a ban or better enforcement they're there." The habitat that is protected now is sufficient to sustain millions of migratory birds.
How long do you think it would take for the bird populations to completely recover?
I'm not a scientist, so I don't know how long it would take to get stable or even increasing populations of these various migratory birds, but they're very resilient. If a duck is allowed to rest, feed, and recover for a few days in Albania before going on to its breeding ground, it can produce five or six offspring—half of which usually survive to return next spring. Birds reproduce well if they're given half a chance.
Where's the next place that you would like to see a hunting ban?
In terms of numbers of birds killed in the Mediterranean, Egypt is certainly the worst place. Given the political situation there, though, it's very difficult to imagine any kind of serious ban. What you can hope for in a place like Egypt is that there would be a ban on certain kinds of unfair technologies that are radically unsustainable—like the use of electronic playback [of birdcalls] and high invisible nets that catch everything coming off the water. If those were declared illegal, that would have a huge impact just by itself.
But not anymore. Thanks in part to Franzen's article, the Albanian government has declared a two-year ban on hunting. "This is really good news," says Franzen. "If you were to stop hunting in one place in Europe, you would want to stop it in Albania."
National Geographic spoke with Franzen about the ban and what it means for the future of migrating birds.
Why is Albania so important for birds migrating between Africa and Europe?
There are three major flyways that migrating birds take to Europe. A really important one in the eastern Mediterranean is the Adriatic flyway. Along that entire Balkan coast, it's pretty much mountains and a few small deltas where rivers come out—except in Albania, which has the greatest system of wetlands, I think, in the entire Mediterranean. It's a resting place for birds that have crossed the Mediterranean. They're about to go over the mountains to get to central and eastern Europe. For forever, they've been able to rest there and feed and fuel up for the final push over the mountains so they can reproduce.
How has hunting affected these migrations?
Every spring and fall millions of birds fly into Albania and very few get out alive. You have spectacles like 50,000 geese coming to escape an especially cold European winter and every last goose getting wiped out, including endangered species. You can see ducks flying back and forth offshore, unable to come in. They've just flown across the Mediterranean, flown across the Adriatic, but every time they try to come in to rest and feed, there are hunters all along the beach to shoot at them. People pull over at the side of the road and leap out with guns and fire at some bird they'd seen on a wire. These are totally unsustainable levels of shooting.
Albanians weren't the only ones doing the shooting, though.
Albania had become a destination for Italian tourist hunters because in the European Union, at least on paper, there are much stricter controls on what you can shoot and when you can shoot. I was there in March. These glorious wetlands, which should have been full of tens of thousands of birds, maybe hundreds of thousands, were essentially devoid of birds because there were these tourist hunting parties going out in boats day and night and shooting it up.
A hunter peers from a tree stand on Lake Shkoder in Albania.
It's rather easy. If you hear a gunshot anywhere now, you know that the law is being broken. The only way to approach the problem when you are a relatively poor country with reduced enforcement ability is a total ban. Some years ago, when Albania banned small boats off the shore because of problems with smuggling, this approach really worked. Even if you were legitimate, there was a ban, so you couldn't go out. I think the hunting ban is likely to have a substantial impact.
What do you think the future looks like for bird migrations in Albania?
A year from now, these wetlands that should be full of birds will be at least half full. The really critical habitat in Albania is already protected. The people in the environment ministry were smart. They said, "Even though we don't have the manpower to enforce this, we're going to get these preserves set up, on paper at least, so that when we have a ban or better enforcement they're there." The habitat that is protected now is sufficient to sustain millions of migratory birds.
How long do you think it would take for the bird populations to completely recover?
I'm not a scientist, so I don't know how long it would take to get stable or even increasing populations of these various migratory birds, but they're very resilient. If a duck is allowed to rest, feed, and recover for a few days in Albania before going on to its breeding ground, it can produce five or six offspring—half of which usually survive to return next spring. Birds reproduce well if they're given half a chance.
Where's the next place that you would like to see a hunting ban?
In terms of numbers of birds killed in the Mediterranean, Egypt is certainly the worst place. Given the political situation there, though, it's very difficult to imagine any kind of serious ban. What you can hope for in a place like Egypt is that there would be a ban on certain kinds of unfair technologies that are radically unsustainable—like the use of electronic playback [of birdcalls] and high invisible nets that catch everything coming off the water. If those were declared illegal, that would have a huge impact just by itself.
This interview was edited and condensed.
Samstag, 8. Februar 2014
Gegen den Mafia Rektor der Universitaet Phristina, wird seit Wochen demonstriert: Ibrahim Gashi, gefakte Diplome
Rektori i Universitetit të Prishtinës

Eine alte Super Mafia, die Gashi Familie, wo Mord, Betrug und Drogen Handel Standard ist, wie der Bestechung derr EU und US Amtstraeger. Eine dieser merkwuerdigen Idioten, ist auch noch IHK Vertreter der Tirana Mafia Wirtschafts Verbaende in Muenchen und die Banden, sind einmalig nun als Uni Rektor auch noch. Auslaender finanzieren das Ganze Mysterium.
Prof. dr. Ibrahim Gashi
Rektor i Universitetit të Prishtinës Spezialitaet in Albanien sind gefaelschte Diplome und seit Jahren wurden extremsten dummen Banden, Proffessoren, wo es inzwischen wohl 15.000 dieser Idioten gibt, welche kaum lesen und schreiben koennen und functionale Analphabeten sind, was noch schlimmer ist als ein normaler Analphabet
Protest in Prishtina escalates
The police justified the tear gas by saying that protesters threw solid objects against them, causing several officers to get hurt. Spokesperson Flora Ahmeti declared that the police has the right to use all equipments for taking situations like these under control. According to her, some of the police officers are in very serious conditions. Police say that the protesters have also injured some Kosovo media cameramen.
Protesters have returned several times, regardless in protest, regardless of the tear gas.
The clashes continued until 16:00, when the official working hours of the Rectorate are over, and when students close their protest. The organizers accused the police of not only arresting students without a reason, but also by kidnapping them with civil clothes.
The main request of the protestors remains the resignation of Ibrahim Gashi. 33 of them were arrested, including Ilir Deda from the civil society and Ylli Hoxha from the Self-Determination Movement. The “Kipred” Institution considered the arrest non-democratic, and explained that Deda was arrested when he was trying to talk with the police, in order to calm down the protest.
Ibrahim Gashi doesn’t seem to have any intention to resign. The Board of Directors at the Prishtina University declared that they have started addressing the responsibility to the entire staff of the Prishtina University, starting with the Rector. They requested time from protesters and institutions, so that they complete their task, starting with Rector Gashi.
The Board of Directors at the Prishtina University declared that the opposition’s request in Parliament for the resignation of the Board of Directors was an intervention in their autonomy. On the other hand, they declared that the police violence against protesters from the Democratic League and Self Determination Movement. These parties blame the government of Kosovo for the situation that has been created.
For the LDK, the Thaci government is showing that they have no good will to overpass this situation. For the Self-Determination Movement, the Prishtina University has been usurped by fraudulent people, supported by the government, and who are destroying the university of Kosovo, according to them.
Prishtinë, 15 prill – Në këtë kohë nuk është problem që një individ të pajiset me titull shkencor. Krejt kjo punë, sipas raportimeve të ktv-së, mund të kushtojë nga 100 deri 400 euro dhe secili blen diplomën e përgatitur nga dikush tjetër. Rektori i Universitetit, Ibrahim Gashi, thotë të jetë në dijeni për një dukuri të tillë, por universiteti publik nuk ka mundësi të ndalojë atë, pasi nuk e ka ende programin elektronik, me të cilin do të arrinte të detektonte shkallën e plagjiaturës në punimet shkencore.
Ai ka thënë se në këto rrethana profesori duhet ta zbulojë nëse studenti ka marrë atë temë apo e ka bërë të gatshme. Rektori Gashi ka shtuar se pritet të ndërmerren masa, në mënyrë që të rritet përgjegjësia e profesorëve gjatë pyetjes së një studenti. Plagjiaturën e dënon edhe Kodi i Ri Penal i Kosovës, ku neni 335 i tij i përcakton këto raste si mashtrime.
Rektor Mujë Rugova, Muster Beispiel wie Kriminelle, einen Universitäts Betrieb bei den Albaner führen
Studenten demonstrieren in Phristina – Kosovo, rund um Wahlen an der Universität.
Bedri Selmani: Abgeordneter mit Mafia Univeristät im Kosovo, ein Langzeit Betrüger
Ebenfalls gesuchte Kosovo Verbrecher mit eigener Universität in Albanien:
Belgische Medien, über den Albanischen Abgeordneten Mark Frroku, der in Belgien zu 10 Jahren Haft verurteilt ist
Soirce: Enver Haliti Prishtina / Kosovo-Aktuell
Kosovo University Arouses Scandals on PHD Degrees
0 Jan 14Kosovo University Arouses Scandals on PHD Degrees
Kosovo: UP bllokon 11 diploma të dyshimta për falsifikim
20 Jahre Bosnien das Opfer der Balkan Ratten mit Valentin Inzko als High Repraesentanten
in 2010 gut dotierte Posten fuer die Ratten des Balkans. 5 Jahre Null Erfolg und die Vorgaenger Ratten wie

Valentin Inzko
The EU has tapped Austrian Ambassador to Slovenia Valentin Inzko as its new representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Der Österreicher Valentin Inzko will nun in BIH abzocken
Im Solde von Mafia Unis, Pseudo Institutionen, der Balkan Abzocker und Vorgaenger

Dumm Sabbler und Abzocker im Balkan: Christian Schwarz-Schilling,
The outgoing international peace envoy to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Miroslav Lajcak, said he is leaving his post and the troubled country because the international bodies there are a “dead horse”, doing nothing while rival local leaders held the country back.
Obwohl sich eine NATO Ganoven Bande, nur sich hoch dotierte Jobs
zuschanzt um sich selber zu bereichern, haben diese Dumm Dödels, welche
sich selbst ernennen, in 14 Jahren absolut Nichts zustande gebracht,
was für deren Verblödung und Inkompetenz spricht.
February 7, 2014
Bosnia urged to ensure balanced representation of constituent people
From: http://dalje.com/en-world/bosnia-urged-to-ensure-balanced-representation-of-constituent-people/498540
A draft resolution on Bosnia and Herzegovina, which will be on the agenda of the European Parliament next week, calls on leaders in that country to ensure the implementation of the Sejdic-Finci ruling from the European Court for Human Rights and to consider a possibility of merger of cantons in the Croat-Bosniak Federation with a view of simplifying the structure and ensuring a more balanced representation of constituent people and citizens.
The document drafted by German MEP Doris Pack which has also included several amendments, some of which proposed by seven Croatian deputies to the European Parliament, will be discussed by MEPs on Wednesday during a plenary session in Strasbourg and is to be endorsed on Thursday.The draft resolution underlines “constitutional reform remains key to transforming BiH into an effective and fully functional state.”It also urges the Federation “to consider concrete proposals in this regard, including the merger of some cantons and the redistribution of competences, in order to simplify its complex institutional structure, ensure a more balanced representation of all constituent people and citizens, eliminate ethnic discrimination and make the state more functional, less expensive and more accountable to its citizens.”In the same vein, all political parties are invited “to take part in this process in a constructive and open manner and to make use of the advice and guidance that the Venice Commission can provide during this process.
”The draft welcomes “the six-point agreement reached in Brussels on 1 October 2013, but deplores the obstruction of its implementation by centralist forces; stresses the importance of following the principles of federalism and legitimate representation in order to ensure BiH’s path.”Urging the European Commission to treat Bosnia and Herzegovina’s integration into the EU as a top priority, the document says that the European Union is committed to sovereign and united Bosnia and Herzegovina and its EU membership prospects.
Valentin Inzko
The EU has tapped Austrian Ambassador to Slovenia Valentin Inzko as its new representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Der Österreicher Valentin Inzko will nun in BIH abzocken
Im Solde von Mafia Unis, Pseudo Institutionen, der Balkan Abzocker und Vorgaenger
UN Military Observer HQ Sector NE, 26 July 1995 ca. 30 page secret
Dumm Sabbler und Abzocker im Balkan: Christian Schwarz-Schilling,
Bosnien hat von den dummen High-Represanten nun genug: Ein Referendum wird geplant
The outgoing international peace envoy to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Miroslav Lajcak, said he is leaving his post and the troubled country because the international bodies there are a “dead horse”, doing nothing while rival local leaders held the country back.
Obwohl sich eine NATO Ganoven Bande, nur sich hoch dotierte Jobs
zuschanzt um sich selber zu bereichern, haben diese Dumm Dödels, welche
sich selbst ernennen, in 14 Jahren absolut Nichts zustande gebracht,
was für deren Verblödung und Inkompetenz spricht.
"demokratisch nicht legitimierten Friedensimplementierungsrat ernannt"
Kommentar: Wenn die UN und die sogenannten High Repräsenten zu dumm
sind, nach 15 Jahren etwas zu stande zu bringen, braucht eine
Revolution, eine bewaffnete Aktion um diese dummen Internationalen los
zu werden. Wie im Kosovo, reine Selbst Bereicherung und Nichts passiert,
ausser dummen Gelabber! Viele Jahre, konnten die berüchtigsten
Verbrecher Banden in Sarajewo frei agieren, und die High Reps machten
Nichts dagegen. Der einzige vernünftige High Reprs war: Miroslav Lajcak,
der vorzeitig aufhörte, als die EU selbst nicht wussten, was er dort
machen sollte.
Westliche Organisationen sind eine "tode Hose" sagt der scheidende Miroslav Lajcak
February 7, 2014
by michaletos •
A draft resolution on Bosnia and Herzegovina, which will be on the agenda of the European Parliament next week, calls on leaders in that country to ensure the implementation of the Sejdic-Finci ruling from the European Court for Human Rights and to consider a possibility of merger of cantons in the Croat-Bosniak Federation with a view of simplifying the structure and ensuring a more balanced representation of constituent people and citizens.
The document drafted by German MEP Doris Pack which has also included several amendments, some of which proposed by seven Croatian deputies to the European Parliament, will be discussed by MEPs on Wednesday during a plenary session in Strasbourg and is to be endorsed on Thursday.The draft resolution underlines “constitutional reform remains key to transforming BiH into an effective and fully functional state.”It also urges the Federation “to consider concrete proposals in this regard, including the merger of some cantons and the redistribution of competences, in order to simplify its complex institutional structure, ensure a more balanced representation of all constituent people and citizens, eliminate ethnic discrimination and make the state more functional, less expensive and more accountable to its citizens.”In the same vein, all political parties are invited “to take part in this process in a constructive and open manner and to make use of the advice and guidance that the Venice Commission can provide during this process.
”The draft welcomes “the six-point agreement reached in Brussels on 1 October 2013, but deplores the obstruction of its implementation by centralist forces; stresses the importance of following the principles of federalism and legitimate representation in order to ensure BiH’s path.”Urging the European Commission to treat Bosnia and Herzegovina’s integration into the EU as a top priority, the document says that the European Union is committed to sovereign and united Bosnia and Herzegovina and its EU membership prospects.
Dienstag, 4. Februar 2014
Werden die alten Fischerei Gesetze in Albanien implementiert
Albanien hat gute Fischerei Gesetze, aber ein uralt Kommunist ein totaler Idiot, wie Xhuheli, oder zuletzt der Mord, Drogen und Gangster Boss Fatmir Mediu war die zustaendigen Minister. Die EU ist so corrupt, das man diese kriminelle Enterprise finanziert, inklusive vollkommen korrupter Juztiz Missionen.
"Corruption affects all European Union members" Source: AP, Tanjug So wie es aussieht, wurde mit Vorsatz die Justiz in Albanien vernichtet, damit Deutsche, Oesterreiche, und Amerikaner gute Geschaefte der Bestechung machen.
Monday, February 3, 2014
Albanian minister declares war on date shell mussel trade
(Reuters) - Albania's fisheries minister has declared war on a thriving
black market in date shell mussels, vowing to enforce a widely flouted
ban on harvesting of the endangered species in the hope of saving his
country's Adriatic seabed.
The mussels, oblong-shaped like their fruity namesake the Arabian date, are harvested by divers who inflict untold damage on the ecosystem by using hammers and chisels to extract them from rocks and coral reefs.
former communist regime outlawed the harvesting of date mussels but the
delicacy has been openly sold, served and eaten during two decades of
democracy despite the continued ban.
"Gathering date shells severely damages the underwater system, limestone rocks and coral belt, so I ask you to respect the law that bans harvesting of the mussel just as everywhere else in Europe," the minister, Edmond Panariti, told a group of fish traders and restaurateurs last week.
"We cannot allow them to turn our coast into a desert," he said of the harvesters, noting that one square meter of rock or coral reef is destroyed for every plate of date shell spaghetti.
Panariti, who took office in September, first vowed last month to halt the "barbaric" trade, but was dismissed as naive and openly defied two days later by a fellow cabinet minister who dined on date shells at a Tirana restaurant, an aide said.
Undeterred, Panariti has now redoubled his efforts, promising arrest and trial for anybody who flouts the ban.
"We are committed to the highest standards of fishing and processing fish and mussels," Panariti told Reuters.
The harvesting of date shells is banned along the whole Adriatic coast, with the exception of a thin strip of sea that belongs to Bosnia. In the Bosnian capital Sarajevo, one online seafood shop offers home delivery at just over $30 per kg.
They are hard to find in European Union member states Slovenia and Croatia, where offenders face fines of hundreds of euros. But they can still be enjoyed in secrecy by those in the know in Montenegro.
In the Albanian coastal town of Vlore at the weekend, a plate of spaghetti with date shells featured on a restaurant menu for 800 leks ($7.6) and risotto for 900 leks.
"I really hope they mean it and don't just enforce it for a fortnight and later forget about it," said a fishing expert who declined to be named.
Others said Panariti's hard line had come too late for the Albanian coast.
Gjergj Luca, a major Albanian trader in seafood, told Reuters: "Our problem is that we first destroy our fauna and then remind ourselves we need to save it."
($1 = 104.3500 Albanian leks)
(Additional reporting by Maja Zuvela in Sarajevo and Petar Komnenic in Podgorica; Editing by Matt Robinson and Gareth Jones)
"Corruption affects all European Union members" Source: AP, Tanjug So wie es aussieht, wurde mit Vorsatz die Justiz in Albanien vernichtet, damit Deutsche, Oesterreiche, und Amerikaner gute Geschaefte der Bestechung machen.
BRUSSELS -- EU Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom has
warned that corruption in the EU undermines citizens' confidence in
democratic institutions.
Monday, February 3, 2014
Albanian minister declares war on date shell mussel trade
By Benet Koleka
Mon Feb 3, 2014
The mussels, oblong-shaped like their fruity namesake the Arabian date, are harvested by divers who inflict untold damage on the ecosystem by using hammers and chisels to extract them from rocks and coral reefs.
"Gathering date shells severely damages the underwater system, limestone rocks and coral belt, so I ask you to respect the law that bans harvesting of the mussel just as everywhere else in Europe," the minister, Edmond Panariti, told a group of fish traders and restaurateurs last week.
"We cannot allow them to turn our coast into a desert," he said of the harvesters, noting that one square meter of rock or coral reef is destroyed for every plate of date shell spaghetti.
Panariti, who took office in September, first vowed last month to halt the "barbaric" trade, but was dismissed as naive and openly defied two days later by a fellow cabinet minister who dined on date shells at a Tirana restaurant, an aide said.
Undeterred, Panariti has now redoubled his efforts, promising arrest and trial for anybody who flouts the ban.
"We are committed to the highest standards of fishing and processing fish and mussels," Panariti told Reuters.
The harvesting of date shells is banned along the whole Adriatic coast, with the exception of a thin strip of sea that belongs to Bosnia. In the Bosnian capital Sarajevo, one online seafood shop offers home delivery at just over $30 per kg.
They are hard to find in European Union member states Slovenia and Croatia, where offenders face fines of hundreds of euros. But they can still be enjoyed in secrecy by those in the know in Montenegro.
In the Albanian coastal town of Vlore at the weekend, a plate of spaghetti with date shells featured on a restaurant menu for 800 leks ($7.6) and risotto for 900 leks.
"I really hope they mean it and don't just enforce it for a fortnight and later forget about it," said a fishing expert who declined to be named.
Others said Panariti's hard line had come too late for the Albanian coast.
Gjergj Luca, a major Albanian trader in seafood, told Reuters: "Our problem is that we first destroy our fauna and then remind ourselves we need to save it."
($1 = 104.3500 Albanian leks)
(Additional reporting by Maja Zuvela in Sarajevo and Petar Komnenic in Podgorica; Editing by Matt Robinson and Gareth Jones)
Sonntag, 2. Februar 2014
EU Kommissar Gunther Öttinger, Berufs Pyschopat versucht die South Stream Pipeline zu sabotieren
Gunther Oettinger, wurde in Deutschland gefeuert, wegen Inkompetenz und nachdem Debakel rund um die gescheiterte NABUCCO Pipeline, einem Projekte der korruptsten Bestechungs Firmen u.a. aus Italien, Deutschland und Österreich, versucht man diese Pipeline zu sabotieren. Die Industrie Lobby, hat gut geschmiert in Brüssel, wenn es solche Aussagen gibt.
Wie ein Klein Kind ist Öttinger beleidigt, weil er sich umsonst mit vielen Reisen um das Gas aus Aserbeidschan bemühte. Selbst die dortige Mafia Familie hatte genug, von den Deutschen Spinner und nebulösen Gestalten der Bestechung wie
Was hat Russland in Brüssel zuverhandeln: Nichts, kurz gesagt! Erpressung pure als Politik und Hirnloser Wichtigtuerei.
Besonders peinlich: Erst wurden die Verträge von den Russen unter Dach und Fach gebracht, dann kam viel zu spät die EU, und stellte neue Regeln auf. ein klassiger Fall, einer korrupten Bananen Republik, in der Welt einmalig.
Für neue Pipelines ok, aber für eine Pipeline, wo 100 Millionen € Planungs Kosten schon entstanden und wohl auch noch mehr.
Oettinger will in Russland über South-Stream reden 14.01.2014
Neuverhandlung des Abkommens gefordert
EU-Energiekommissar Günther
Oettinger will am Freitag in Russland den jüngsten Konflikt um die
South-Stream-Pipeline ansprechen. Oettinger werde gegenüber dem
russischen Energieminister Alexander Novak die Botschaft vermitteln,
dass die zwischen mehreren EU-Staaten geschlossenen Abkommen zu
South-Stream neu verhandelt werden müssten, sagte eine
EU-Kommissionssprecherin in Brüssel.
2011: Ein Satz mit x, das war Nichts, weil die Glaubwürdigkeit der Dumm Dödels aus Deutschland verloren ging, mit ihren Bestechungs Orgien der Inkompetenz
Ohrfeige, für die Spinner in Brüssel, welche nie etwas kapieren, obwohl man sich überall nur Absagen einholt. EU setzt auf Gas( t) freundschaft der Aseris
Barroso und der aserische Präsident Ilcham Alijew werden morgen in Baku eine gemeinsame Erklärung bezüglich des südlichen Korridors unterzeichnen. Die EU will Projekten à la Nabucco den Zugang zum Gasfeld Shah Deniz II sichern. De facto ist die Aufteilung der Reserven Sache der am dem Feld beteiligten Unternehmen wie BP. Die Erklärung sei aber ein wichtiges politisches Signal, tönt es aus der Kommission.
January 31, 2014 | 13:16
Wie ein Klein Kind ist Öttinger beleidigt, weil er sich umsonst mit vielen Reisen um das Gas aus Aserbeidschan bemühte. Selbst die dortige Mafia Familie hatte genug, von den Deutschen Spinner und nebulösen Gestalten der Bestechung wie
Was hat Russland in Brüssel zuverhandeln: Nichts, kurz gesagt! Erpressung pure als Politik und Hirnloser Wichtigtuerei.
Besonders peinlich: Erst wurden die Verträge von den Russen unter Dach und Fach gebracht, dann kam viel zu spät die EU, und stellte neue Regeln auf. ein klassiger Fall, einer korrupten Bananen Republik, in der Welt einmalig.
Für neue Pipelines ok, aber für eine Pipeline, wo 100 Millionen € Planungs Kosten schon entstanden und wohl auch noch mehr.
Oettinger will in Russland über South-Stream reden 14.01.2014
2011: Ein Satz mit x, das war Nichts, weil die Glaubwürdigkeit der Dumm Dödels aus Deutschland verloren ging, mit ihren Bestechungs Orgien der Inkompetenz
Ohrfeige, für die Spinner in Brüssel, welche nie etwas kapieren, obwohl man sich überall nur Absagen einholt. EU setzt auf Gas( t) freundschaft der Aseris
12.01.2011 | 00:36 | Sabine Berger/ag (Wirtschaftsblatt)
Brüssel. EU-Kommissionspräsident José Manuel Barroso wirft sich in das Rennen um Gas aus dem kaspischen Raum: Gemeinsam mit Energiekommissar Günther Öttinger reist er in den kommenden Tagen nach Aserbaidschan und Turkmenistan.
Barroso und der aserische Präsident Ilcham Alijew werden morgen in Baku eine gemeinsame Erklärung bezüglich des südlichen Korridors unterzeichnen. Die EU will Projekten à la Nabucco den Zugang zum Gasfeld Shah Deniz II sichern. De facto ist die Aufteilung der Reserven Sache der am dem Feld beteiligten Unternehmen wie BP. Die Erklärung sei aber ein wichtiges politisches Signal, tönt es aus der Kommission.
January 31, 2014 | 13:16
European Commission: No concessions on South Stream
Source: Tanjug
is the case because the deals are not in line with EU regulations,
Tanjug said it learned from the European Commission headquarters.
At the same time, the news agency said that "the European Energy Community will deal with Serbia, which has a similar agreement with Russia, but it is not an EU member."
Our stand stays the same- intergovernmental agreements on South Stream are contrary to EU regulations and should be reviewed or adjusted, Sabine Berger, spokeswoman for EU Commissioner for Energy Gunther Oettinger, told Tanjug.
Part of channel(s): Ukraine (current event)
fate of the South Stream gas pipeline can’t be left up to just Russia
and Bulgaria, as it involves a number of other European countries that
have done a lot of preparatory work, Bulgarian President Rosen
Plevneliev has said.
"South Stream is not a project of Russia and Bulgaria; it’s of Russia and the European Union. A decision on it can only be made in the Russia-EU format," Rosen Plevneliev said Tuesday.
"The participant states of South Stream have done serious preparatory work and authorized the European Commission to hold talks with the Russian leadership to take a final decision on the project," he said.
Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=d91_1417537571#6hMM8BobB8ipiqss.99
BRUSSELS -- The European Commission did not depart
from the position that South Stream agreements between six EU member
states and Russia should be reviewed.
(Tanjug, file)
At the same time, the news agency said that "the European Energy Community will deal with Serbia, which has a similar agreement with Russia, but it is not an EU member."
Our stand stays the same- intergovernmental agreements on South Stream are contrary to EU regulations and should be reviewed or adjusted, Sabine Berger, spokeswoman for EU Commissioner for Energy Gunther Oettinger, told Tanjug.
Bulgaria President says EU is the boss of Bulgaria
"South Stream is not a project of Russia and Bulgaria; it’s of Russia and the European Union. A decision on it can only be made in the Russia-EU format," Rosen Plevneliev said Tuesday.
"The participant states of South Stream have done serious preparatory work and authorized the European Commission to hold talks with the Russian leadership to take a final decision on the project," he said.
Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=d91_1417537571#6hMM8BobB8ipiqss.99
"ROTARY" Club Tirana, Auftrags Morde, mit dem Ex-Generalstaatsanwalt T. Sollaku als Freund: Geschäftsmann: Ilir Karcini
Titel Storys der Medien, seit Jahren sind die Sprengstoff Attentate, mit ferngezündeten Bomben, wobei der erste Anschlag schon ni 1998, gegen den Haklaj Clan bei Tropoje organisiert wurde, wohl von Salih Berisha Leuten, andere Anschläge direkt auch in 1997 bereits, gegen Lokale von SP Parteigängern. Auch ier ist der uralte Berisha Berater bereits 1995 bekannt, als die ersten Gas Import Firmen gegründet wurden.
In Italien zu 32,5 Jahren Haft verurteilt, ebenso ein Gangster aus Fiere.
Agron Gropa verurteilter Chef des Patos - Fiere Mafia Clans und der “Pelikan Security” Interpol gesucht und nun verhaftet
Mund të quhet edhe një betejë ‘gangsterësh’ për dominimin në biznesin e gazit. Pas një jave hetimesh intensive, Policia e Tiranës, me urdhër të Prokurorisë së Krimeve të Rënda dhe vendim gjykate “arrest në burg” i dhënë në fshehtësi të plotë, prangosi pasditen e djeshme në shtëpinë e tij te “Komunae Parisit”, një nga bosët e gazit. Ilir Karçini, me origjinë nga Fieri, pronari i kompanisë së njohur “Prima Gas”, por edhe i “Global Gas”, është arrestuar në mënyrë të bujshme si i dyshuar për porosinë e heqjes qafe të rivalit të tij Piro Bare, president i kompanisë së njohur “Romano Port”, me aktivitet në Durrës. Ndalimi u bë pas rrëfimit të ndërmjetësit dhe ekzekutorit të penduar, Julian Sinanaj dhe N. Gj., nga Vlora, se ishin paguar 120 mijë euro për të vrarë Baren.
Atentati do të kryhej pasditen e 25 janarit në afërsi të “Kodrave të Liqenit”. Por pak orë para krimit, Sinanaj u arrestua pasi u denoncua nga bashkëpunëtori i tij N. Gj., i frikësuar, që tashmë të dy janë me statusin e të penduarit të drejtësisë. Sipas rrëfimit, porosia është bërë nga Karçini, është përcjellë nga Anton (Erjon) Mëhillaj tek N. Gj., dhe ky i fundit tek Julian Sinanaj. Shkak i ekzekutimit dyshohet se ishin përplasjet në biznesin e gazit në Durrës, sepse Karçini sillte anije në port dhe Bare disa herë e kishte penguar.
Sollaku, miku që e shoqëron edhe në polici Karçinin
Ish-Prokurori i Përgjithshëm Theodhori Sollaku, ka qëndruar pranë hyrjes së Drejtorisë së Policisë së Tiranës, ndërsa makinat e policisë pritej të sillnin biznesmenin e arrestuar Ilir Karçini. Prania e Sollakut aty nuk ishte e vështirë të justifikohej, pasi ai njihet publikisht si mik i ngushtë i Karçinit dhe mund të jetë edhe mbrojtësi ligjor i tij tashmë, si avokat. Lidhjet Sollakut me Karçinin kanë qenë edhe një argument që është përdorur nga ish-mazhoranca e djathtë gjatë një debati në Komisionin e Ligjeve kur diskutohej për shkarkimin e Sollakut.
Biznesmeni grek e akuzoi Karçinin se i grabiti aksionet e kompanisë
Pas vitit 1992, në Shqipëri janë vendosur investitorë nga vende të huaja. Një prej tyre ishte edhe greku George Vourvachis, një emër i njohur në vendin fqinj. Ai u vendos në Fier dhe ngriti kompaninë e tij të gazit “Viakel”, të cilën e ka edhe në Greqi ku ka aktivitet. Në degën e Shqipërisë ka pasur dy ndihmës të tij, njëkohësisht aksionerë. Ilir Karçini dhe Skënder Amoniku. Pas trazirave të vitit 1997, Vourvachis largohet nga Shqipëria dhe kompaninë e lë në duart e Amonikut dhe Karçinit. Sipas pretendimeve të biznesmenit të huaj, kur situata është qetësuar, ata e kanë kërcënuar të mos kthehej më në Shqipëri, se do e hiqnin qafe. Kjo gjendje ka vazhduar deri në vitin 2003, me përplasje mes palëve.
Sipas dokumentacionit, më 27 janar 2003, Amoniku dhe Karçini mbledhin bordin e aksionerëve të firmës “Viakel” pa prezencën e aksionerit kryesor, me mbi 50 për qind, Vourvachis dhe vendosin ta marrin të gjithë pronësinë mbi vete. Biznesmeni grek pretendon se i kanë falsifikuar firmën në dokumentacione, pasi nuk ka qenë prezent, por shkresat janë përpiluar sikur ai ka qenë aty. Për zgjidhjen e problemit janë angazhuar edhe autoritete greke tek të cilat është ankuar investitori, por pa rezultat. Amoniku hap më vete kompaninë “Viakel Gaz”, kurse Karçini kompaninë “Prima Gaz”, me të cilën operon edhe sot.
Noteri përpilon gjithçka dhe vendimi merret më 17 mars 2003, nga gjyqtarja Zegjine Sollaku në Gjykatën e Tiranës, për çështjet civile. Në vitin 2005, biznesmeni grek kthehet në Shqipëri dhe hap proces gjyqësor dhe madje denoncon në prokurori dy ortakët e tij për vjedhje e mashtrim. Megjithë akuzat dhe kundër-akuzat mes palëve, duke u kthyer edhe si çështje politike, beteja ende nuk është mbyllur, me gjyqe të njëpasnjëshme. Çështja mësohet se ndodhet ende në Gjykatën e Apelit të Tiranës, me palë paditëse Vourvachis dhe është depozituar në 15 prill 2013. Madje në kohën që mazhoranca e djathtë nisi një betejë për shkarkimin e kryeprokurorit Theodhori Sollaku, një nga argumentet e deklaruara ishte miqësia e tij me Ilir Karçinin, zvarritja e hetimit të denoncimit të biznesmenit grek Vourvachis dhe vendimi antiligjor i bashkëshortes së tij në Gjykatën e Tiranës, që lejoi falsifikimet dhe miratoi dy kompanitë e reja në dëm të investitorit grek.
Faksimile e çështjes gjyqësore mes biznesmenit grek dhe Ilir Karçinit
Bares iu bë atentat edhe në 2011, shpërtheu makina në ecje
Biznesmenit Pirro Bare i është bërë një tjetër atentat që dështoi në gusht të vitit 2011 në qytetin e Durrësit. Ngjarja u mbajt e fshehtë dhe policia atëkohë deklaroi vetëm shpërthimin, por jo personat të cilëve u ishte vendosur eksplozivi. Bare ka qenë së bashku me djalin e tij në makinë kur shpërthimi i telekomanduar te Ura e Dajlanit dëmtoi rëndë fuoristradën me të cilën udhëtonte biznesmeni. Pati vetëm dëme materiale për fat të mirë, pasi sasia ishte e vogël. U dyshua për një paralajmërim ndaj Bares për shkak të biznesit, por autorët nuk u gjetën kurrë. Atentati që do i bëhej më 25 janar ishte i dyti në harkun kohor të dy viteve, por edhe ai dështoi.
Bare: Drejtësia do sqarojë gjithçka, ia kam lënë në dorë
Biznesmeni Pirro Bare, për të cilin Ilir Kaçini dyshohet se kishte paguar 120 mijë euro për ta vrarë, ka deklaruar dje për mediat se ia ka lënë drejtësisë këtë çështje për hetim dhe nuk mund të jepte më shumë detaje në lidhje me shkaqet dhe rrethanat. Ai ka thënë se nuk gjendet aktualisht në Shqipëri, por jashtë vendit për arsye pune, ndërsa është i shokuar nga situata e krijuar, pavarësisht se kishte dyshime për sulmet që i bëheshin herë pas here, ashtu sikurse dhe dy vite më parë.
“Jam në një pozitë ku nuk mund të flas për këtë çështje. Gjithçka do të sqarohet nga drejtësia dhe nuk mund të jap informacione të tjera”, deklaroi biznesmeni Bare pas arrestimit të Ilir Karçinit. Sipërmarrësi i portit të kompanisë “Romano Port sh.a.” tha se, nuk ndodhej në Shqipëri. “Unë ndodhem jashtë Shqipërisë, ia kam lënë drejtësisë të merret”, përsëriti ai, duke mos dhënë komente të mëtejshme për hetimet që po kryhen dhe dëshmitë e të penduarit të drejtësisë së ishte paguar për ta hequr qafe në shenjë rivaliteti për konkurrencë në biznesin e hidrokarbureve. Bare është pronari i vetëm i “Romano Port”, me qendër në portin e Durrësit, me objekt importin e gazit nga jashtë vendit dhe depozitimin e tij.
Der vollkommen korrupte ehemaliger General Staatsanwalt Theodor Sollaku, kam sofort zur Verhaftung seines engen Freundes auf die Polizei Station. Natürlich mit teuren Luxus Mercedes, obwohl seine Staats Pension extrem gering ist und keine 400 € im Monat erreciht.
FOTO LAJM: Sollaku, miku i përfolur që e shoqëron edhe në polici Karçinin
Postuar më: 2 Shkurt, 2014 tek Aktualitet
Ish-Prokurori i Përgjithshëm Theodhori Sollaku, ka qëndruar pranë hyrjes së Drejtorisë së Policisë së Tiranës, ndërsa makinat e policisë pritej të sillnin biznesmenin e arrestuar Ilir Karçini.
Prania e Sollakut aty nuk ishte e vështirë të justifikohej, pasi ai njihet publikisht si mik i ngushtë i Karçinit dhe mund të jetë edhe mbrojtësi ligjor i tij tashmë, si avokat.
Lidhjet Sollakut me Karçinin kanë qenë edhe një argument që është përdorur nga ish-mazhoranca e djathtë gjatë një debati në Komisionin e Ligjeve kur diskutohej për shkarkimin e Sollakut.
Theodor Sollaku, Ex-General Staatsanwalt besucht sofort seinen verhafteten Freund: Ilir Karcini auf der Polizei Station.

Eine Geschäfts Übernahme, durch Hinrichtung und Auftrags Mord, man ist in Albanien!
: American Bank of Albania represented by Mr. Lorenzo Roncari – President & CEO; Emporiki Bank – Albania represented by Mr. George Caracostas – General Executive Director; and Tirana Bank represented by Mr. Bedri Collaku – Credit Division Director; as well as Mr. Artan Dulaku, Piro Bare and companies Inter-Gaz sh.a, Alba – Oil sh.a and Edil Al-It sh.p.k. The agreement was signed on the premises of the American Bank of Albania.
The placement and functioning of the jetty will be in accordance with the recommendations of the World Bank Group and IMF which advocate that oil and gas transportation jetty be constructed in well designated industrial zones. http://www.intesasanpaolobank.al

Informacione nga Rotari Nderkombetar

Nr Klubit 84597, Zona 055

1 Korrik 2013, deri me 1 Korrik 2014
LISTA ANETAREVE te RCTW 1/12/2013-31/6/2014
Der bekannte Geschäftsmann, Betrüger und Auftrags Mörder: Ilir Karcini, rund im Gas Geschäfte, als Berisha Berater und Geschäften, welche schon in 1995 begannen. Man heuert bei seinen Cousins in Vlore Auftrags Morde an, welche das Geschäfts Modell: Auftrags Morde, ferngesteuerte Auto Bomben betreiben.
Obwohl seit Jahren bekannt die Verbindung Theodor Sollaku mit Ilir Karcini , wird der Ex-General Staatsanwalt Theodor Sollaku, seinen Besuch in der Polizei Station, so erklären, das es keinen Zusammenhang, mit der Festnahme gibt. Der frühere Chauffeur von Ilir Karcini, soll Chef der Polizei in Durres sein. Das Leibwächter, Fahrer später als Geschäftsleute auftauchen, oft auch im Drogen- Triebstoff Handel ist normal in Albanien.
Einer der vielen Notar Skandale, geht in die nächste Rund, weil der damalige General Staatsanwalt Theodor Sollaku, ein Urgestein der dümmsten Mafia der Welt, Schutzherr der Morde der Politiker Söhne direkt darin verwickelt ist und seine Ehefrau die Richterin Zegjine Sollaku, als man gemeinsam mit sehr engen Freund Ilir Karcini, eine wichtige Gas Import Firma stahl von einem Griechen, wo der Verkäufe nicht in Albanien war. Viele Jahre von der Mafia Justiz in Albanien geschützt, welche von Ausländischen Lobbyisten und Justiz Missionen ruiniert wurde. Wie deutlich sichtbar wurde, ist Ilir Karcini engster Freund des Theodor Sollaku und Geschäftspartner und heute betreibt die Familie ein Mord und Anschlags Kartell mit den Counis in Vlore: Cousins Andon und Genis Mëhillaj in Vlore. Super Partner für Ausländische Firmen und "ROTARY" Mitglied in Tirana, einem kriminellen Mafiösen Club wie der Lobbyisten, welche ausländische Opfer suchen. Einen hoch kriminellen Sicherheits Dienst wird mitgeliefert, wo der Chef gerade verhaftet wurde. Ilir Karcini, war ebenso einmal Berater von Salih Berisha, gründete eine der ältesten Albanischen Gas Import Firmen, wo ein Italiener in Shkozet Durres, der Erst Investor war schon um 1998 ermordet wurde.
Gas Monopole: Der Geschäftsmann: Ilir Karcini, wurde als Auftraggeber für Morde verhaftet Juljan Sinanaj und Marjon Mitro, wurde in Rhinas verhaftet, verdächtigt 2 der letzten Sprengstoff Attentate organisiert zu habenIn Italien zu 32,5 Jahren Haft verurteilt, ebenso ein Gangster aus Fiere.
Agron Gropa verurteilter Chef des Patos - Fiere Mafia Clans und der “Pelikan Security” Interpol gesucht und nun verhaftet
Von der Deutschen Justiz Aufbau Mafia, werden ja Notar Systeme unterstützt, wo Tode und nicht anwesende Personen, Firmen Verkäufe, Grundstücks Verkäufe etc.. unterschreiben mit Notar Urkunden, oder wenn die Personen nachweislich im Ausland sind.
Schlimmer wie die “Camorra": Die IRZ-Stiftung, der Justiz Aufbau der neuen Mafia Klasse: Notare In einem der grössten Betrugs Fälle in Albanien, wurde ein Griechischer Geschäftsmann enteignet, durch Notar Verkäufe der Anteile (pro Forma überweist man einen kleinen Betrag auf sein privates Konto, zur Abrundung des Betruges) obwohl er nicht in Albanien war. Deshalb ist Theodor Sallaku so reich (auch Appartments in Golem, Luxus Villen) und die Richterin Zegjine Sollaku (Ehefrau von Theodor Sollaku), welche alle Gerichts Entscheidungen gegen den Griechischen Geschäftsmann formulierte in 2003. Enger Freund des Ilir Karcini, wie man heute ebenso sieht: Theodor Sollaku eilte sofort bei der Verhatung zur Polizei Station und erkundigte sich live vor Ort, über die Verhaftung des Familien Freundes: Ilir Karcini. Es erinnert an das Auftauchen der US - Albanischen Mafia Freunde, als Sokol Olldashi verunglückte. Ilir Karcini, mit seinen Cousins Andon und Genis Mëhillaj in Vlore, organisierten das Geschäfts Modell der Albaner Mafia, das man Auftrags Morde, Handy Sprengungen in Auftrag geben konnte, um Konkurrenten auszuschalten: Ein Modell das 15 Jahre existiert. Ein Internationales Problem sind die Lobby Betrugs und Bestechungs Geschäfte, wo Deutsche sowieso auch aktiv sind. Lobby Geschäfte, totale Korrumpierung mit der Albaner Mafia bringen erneut die Top Sicherheits Experten nach Albanien“E dua të vdekur…”, prangoset bosi i gazit
Kopertina e DITË-s
Postuar më: 2 Shkurt, 2014 tek Kopertina
Eine Geschäfts Übernahme, durch Hinrichtung und Auftrags Mord, man ist in Albanien!
: American Bank of Albania represented by Mr. Lorenzo Roncari – President & CEO; Emporiki Bank – Albania represented by Mr. George Caracostas – General Executive Director; and Tirana Bank represented by Mr. Bedri Collaku – Credit Division Director; as well as Mr. Artan Dulaku, Piro Bare and companies Inter-Gaz sh.a, Alba – Oil sh.a and Edil Al-It sh.p.k. The agreement was signed on the premises of the American Bank of Albania.
The placement and functioning of the jetty will be in accordance with the recommendations of the World Bank Group and IMF which advocate that oil and gas transportation jetty be constructed in well designated industrial zones. http://www.intesasanpaolobank.al
E Shtune 1. Shkurt 2014
1 Korrik 2013, deri me 1 Korrik 2014
Klubi Rotari Tirana West ka nje anetaresi te larmishme. qe perfshijne nje sere kategorish te percaktuara ne manualin e procedurave te RI. Nje liste ebashkengjitur e anetarev dhe klasifikimit te tyre e keni bashkengjitur. Kliko per te hapur Listen e anetaresise | |
Ne liste do te gjeni te gjitha detajet e kontakti te
cdo anetari duke filluar nga adresa, telefoni, biznesi, e-mail dhe
detaje te tjera te nevojshme. Gjate ketij Viti eshte larguar Rezart Taci jane pranuar te rinj Ylli Xhakollari si dhe rotariani i transferuar nga klub RC Tirana Idriz Balla. |
Klubi Rotari Tirana West ka disa anetar nderi. Anetaresia e nje Rotariani te ri ne klub realizohet mbasi kalohen procedurat standarte. Detyrim pranimit eshte 150 Euro ndersa Kuota vjetore eshte 120 Euro.Komisioni i AnetaresimitPranimi i nje anetari te ri ne Rotari PREZANTIM |
Alban Brati | Albert Doja | Arben Prrenjasi | Ardian Alushi | |||
Arta Gurabardhi | Avni Ponari | Bardhyl Kellezi | Besnik Leskaj | |||
Deniza Nushi | Dhimitraq Stratoberdha | Edlira Tartari | Edmond Sheshi | |||
Enika Abazi | Enver Doda | Ervin Pupe | Ilirian Bushati | |||
Ilir Karcini | Kristaq Traja | Lefter Sila | Naim Hasa | |||
Nestor Babameto | Olda Cico | Gjergj Frasheri | ||||
Sokol Beshaj | Sokol Nosi | Stefan Pinguli | Viktor Nushi | |||
Ylli Braka | Zak Topuzi |
Ristani: Shefi i komisariatit të Durrësit, shofer i Ilir Karçinit
Kalimi i aksioneve të Porto Romanos në pronësi të Bares
VIDEO 1/ VIDEO2-Arrestimi i Ilir Karçinit/ FOTO
Jeta prej sheiku e vrasësit me pagesë, Julian Sinanaj
Një politikan dha urdhrin për tritolin në shtëpinë e Kollozit
Julian Sinanaj: Më erdhi keq kur vrava Agron Çelën
Lufta brenda llojit, Mëhillaj pagoi për eleminimin e vrasësit
Sinanaj: Për atentatin ndaj biznesmenit të naftës mu premtuan 120 mijë €
Arrestimi i Julian Sinanajt dhe zbulimi i bandës së tritolit
Vrasja e Dervishit, 20 mijë € kapar/ Si u përça banda
Marion Mitro në gjykatë: Kollozin e Dervishin i kam miq - See more at: http://www.shqiptarja.com/#sthash.tXERhkCy.dpuf
Ebenfalls Monopol für Treibstoff und Betrug, nun im Hafen Shengin und dem Schmuggel in den Kosovo, mit der Russen Mafia ebenso.
Andere Gangster Familie, in selben Geschäften unterwegs.

Tonin Uldedaj, leitet die Mafia Firmat, wie es Standard ist.

Ex-Abgeordneten und PD Vorsitzender in SkhoderGjoke Uledaj (Mitglied der Albanischen Muell Halde, der 10.000 Professoren und 1 Millionen Doktoren),
Ebenfalls Monopol für Treibstoff und Betrug, nun im Hafen Shengin und dem Schmuggel in den Kosovo, mit der Russen Mafia ebenso.
Andere Gangster Familie, in selben Geschäften unterwegs.
Tonin Uldedaj, leitet die Mafia Firmat, wie es Standard ist.
Ex-Abgeordneten und PD Vorsitzender in SkhoderGjoke Uledaj (Mitglied der Albanischen Muell Halde, der 10.000 Professoren und 1 Millionen Doktoren),
Die neue Zoll Chefin Elisa Spiropali, beschlagnahmt die Mafia Firma: des Gjoke Uledaj - 4.400 Tonnen Treibstoff Schmuggel
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