der US Botschafter Donald Lu, kritisierte ebenso den Abriss der Kirche, was Albanischer normaler Taliban Stile ist, wo in Durres 270 Antike Stätten von Kriminellen über betoniert wurden
on August 29, 2015 by Hellenic News in Latest News with 0 Comments [image:
Nick Gage]
The Panepirotic Federation of America vehemently condemns the brutal
destruction by Albanian authorities on August 26 of a Greek Orthodox Church
in the Chimara region of the former Communist nation that once prohibited
all forms of religious worship.
The Church of St. Athanasius in the town of Drymades, known in Albanian as
Dhermi, was completely destroy... mehr »
Schon ziemlich peinlich, wenn ein vollkommen korrupter Premier Minister Edi Rama, mit Beschimpfung Geld erpressen will, das seit 20 Jahren nur in die Taschen krimineller Clans landet und wo noch peinlicher Nikolin Jata, IKH Präsident in Tirana, selbst sagt, das Investoren und Firmen Inhaber direkt von Finanzamt Beamten um Geld erpresst werden. Viele aktuelle Skandale sind bekannt, inklusive Polizei Direktoren, welche Flugzeug Drogen Schmuggel organisieren, als bekannte Kriminelle erneut in den Polizei Dienst kamen.
Serbiens Premier Aleksander Vucic / Bild: (c) REUTERS
Premierminister Serbiens und Albaniens forderten mehr Unterstützung von
der EU. Die EU werde als Bank gesehen, konterte EU-Kommissar Hahn.
Beim Civil Society Forum
als Begleitprogramm zur Westbalkan-Konferenz sollten Bürger der
betroffenen Länder ins Gespräch mit den Amtsträgern kommen. Viel Zeit
dafür blieb Mittwochabend in der ehemaligen Ankerfabrik in
Wien-Favoriten nicht. Heiß her ging es dafür zwischen den Ministern der
Region und EU-Kommissar Hahn.
Die radikale Wende in Albanien ist seit 2010 bekannt, das nur noch
Kriminelle Richter, Staatsanwälte wurden, ein Debakel für das kriminelle
Verbrecher Imperium der Deutschen Justiz Aufbau Verbrecher,
mit dem Auswärtigen Amte, und korrupter Entwicklunghilfe, welche nur
Verbrecher Clans finanziert, in der Folge, das praktisch keine
Institutionen in Albanien funktionieren und reine Willkür herrschen. Das
Verbrecher Imperium der Amerikaner, Brüssel, OSCE, Berlin, NATO schlug
zu. Man kopierte nur Camorra und Nghradeta identische Strukturen und
vereingte die totale Inkompetenz, Ignoranz mit krimineller Energie, wie
der Kosovo schon zeigte. 25 Jahre Verbrechen ohne Ende, mit
NeoLiberalismus, 100 % Korruption und Bestechung durch die
Privatisierung, wo die Weltbank und der IMF als Motor des Verbrechens
dokumentiert ist.
Man hatte über 20 Jahre Zeit, die Misere im Balkan zu beenden, aber im
Gegenteil die Deutschen Banden verschlimmerten die Lage, mit ihren Lobby
Bestechungs Orgien überall. Die Politischen Stiftungen sind nur nur Jüngst Motor des Internationalem Verbrechens gewesen, in Kiew sondern es ist Standard.
Als Rädelsführer der Ausschreitungen, die vor knapp drei Wochen in der
Unterkunft stattfanden, hat die Polizei dagegen 20 Albaner ermittelt.
Sie sollen andere Insassen auch nach der Krawallnacht noch geschlagen
und massiv bedroht haben. Ihre Opfer waren unter anderem Eritreer.
Hashim Thaci wo genügend Material existiert als Verbrecher, ist viel zahmer, wobei sein Mord in Tirana gegen Herrn Uka, so dramatisch war das Chris Hedge damals einen Artikel schrieb, die Akte bei der Staatsanwaltschaft in Tirana, natürlich verschwand.
Hashim Thaci möchte mehr Investitionen auf dem Balkan, um die Probleme der wachsenden Zuwanderung zu lösen
Auf der zweiten West-Balkankonferenz in Wien
suchen Kanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU), die EU-Außenbeauftragte Federica
Mogherini, Italiens Premier Matteo Renzi gemeinsam mit den
Regierungschefs aus Mazedonien, Albanien, Bosnien-Herzegowina, dem
Kosovo, Montenegro und Serbien nach Lösungen, wie mit der wachsenden
Zahl von Asylbewerbern aus deren Region umzugehen ist. BILD
sprach mit Hashim Thaci (47), Außenminister des Kosovo, über seine
Forderungen an die Teilnehmer der Konferenz. Eine davon: Der Kosovo muss
ein „sicherer Herkunftsstaat“ werden.
Bundeskanzlerin heute bei Westbalkan-Konferenz in Wien ++ Neuer Anlauf für Aufnahmezentren außerhalb der EU.mehr...
BILD: Seit Beginn dieses Jahres strömten
Zehntausende Kosovaren nach Deutschland – der Spitzenwert lag bei 1500
Flüchtlingen pro Tag. Wie kommt es zu der Massenflucht? Hashim Thaci:
„Viele Kosovaren träumen von einem Leben im Westen. Und sie sie wurden
zum leichten Ziel von Schleuserbanden, die ihnen versprachen:
Deutschland gibt euch Asyl, Arbeitsvisa, lukrative Jobs! Dann haben wir
Anfang 2015 eine Kampagne gestartet, um die Lügen aufzuklären und massiv
die Schleuser zu bekämpfen – mit Erfolg. Seit drei Monaten liegt die
Zahl der Flüchtlinge, die aus Kosovo nach Deutschland kommen, bei unter 40 pro Tag.“ Dennoch strömen weiter Zehntausende vom Balkan Richtung Deutschland.
Ziemlicher Lachkrampf, das irgendetwas funktioniert in Albanien, aber noch primitiver geht es unverändert nicht.
Auf der 1.400 Antiken Kirche, haben Ortsfremde Banden ein Haus gebaut, wo das Erdgeschoss fertig ist. Tradition ist, das weder der Bürgermeister, noch die Bau Polizei reagierte, als Anwohner Anzeige erstatteten. Nichts geschieht, erst als die Griechen nun massiv intervenierten. Elektro Schalter, Kabel, Türen und Fenster kauft man nicht in Albanien, das wir geplündert, wie zuletzt das neue Kultur und Tourismus Ministerium im Zentrum von Tirana: Albanische Tradition, weswegen die Intelligenz Albanien verlässt: seeit 2013: 400.000 Personen.
Keine Justiz, keine Bildung und Krankenhäuser und das Wild West illegales Bauen sind neben der Korruption und Inkompetenz der Internationalen die Haupt Gründe.
Albanische Taliban Kultur der übelsten Art, wo die Sprengung von Antiken Tempeln in Syrien Nichts dagegen ist.
Taliban Stadt Durres, wo 270 Antike Stätten durch Kriminelle zubetoniert wurden
Alte nicht bewohnte Gebäude, Kirchen, Militär Gebäude, werden sehr schnell geplündert, Steine werden ebenso gestohlen, verkauft. Diesmal erneut im Griechisch bewohnten Teil von Albanien in der Region Himari, Dhermi wo sich Tausende von Verbrecher Banden aus Nord Albanien mit Hilfe von Salih Berisha an der Küste niederliessen. Moderne Terroristen, welche wie Heuschrecken überall Landesweit Alles zerstören und bis nach Deutschland und Europa weiter ziehen.
Die selben Kriminellen oft aus Kukes, Puke, Tropoje, fingen die Randale in Deutschland an.
Die Ursprungs Kirche, bevor unter dem Enver Hoxha Regime, die Kirche umgebaut wurde.
Griechenland legt nun Veto ein der EU Gelder für Albanien, weil es solche kriminellen Vorgänge Tausendfach gibt, die OSCE mit Eugen Wohlfahrt, mit Millionen Summen, sogar die Grundstücks und Bau Mafia des Salih Berisha finanzierte, wo die Verwendung für die Digitale Registrierung der Grundstücke gedacht war. OSCE Mafiöse Unfug, wie bei der EU ständig ebenso.
Typische Wochenende, wo der Bürgermeister Jorgo Goro, die Bau Polizei von den Anwohnern gewarnt wurden, das Kriminelle die Kirche abreissen wollen und dort illegal bauen wollen. Sowas kommt 100 Tausend fach vor, von Ortsfremden Verbrecher Banden in Albanien, wo Gesetze nur zur Show für die Internationalen je gemacht wurden. Die Griechische Regierung protestiert energisch, blockiert nun alle EU Gelder für Albanien, weil es eben kein Einzelfall ist.
Second Attack on Orthodox Church in Dhermi, Albania
Die Griechische Kirche besichtig das Desaster, was Taliban Kriminelle anstellten, welche trotz Gesetze wie immer Straffrei ausgehen werden, weil es Albanische Kultur ist.
Dhjetëra banorë të Dhërmiut, prej paradites së sotme kanë qëndruar pranë kishës së Shën Thanasit, në përpjekje për të mos lejuar shembjen e saj. Banorët kanë deklaruar se janë lajmëruar për ardhjen e IKMT...
Greece menaces Albania`s EU, for the Human Rights of the Greg Community and the Orthodox Churche
Die 1.400 Jahre alte Kirche in Dhermi, was selbst die Kommunistischen Zerstörungs Orgien überstand, nun zerstört und illegal bebaut von den selben Idioten oft aus Kukes und Tropoje, welche dann nach Deutschland kommen.
After 20 years, times when Greece has put Veto for the aids from EU to Albania, this is the first time that happens seriously
Foreign Ministry spokesperson’s response to yesterday’s announcement from the Albanian Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson regarding the episodes that took place at the Holy Church of Saint Athanasios in Dhërmi, Himarë
Sunday, 23 August 2015
“Yesterday’s announcement from the Albanian Foreign Ministry spokesperson regarding Albania’s commitment to respect for and full protection of the individual, religious and property rights of the minorities in Albania was very encouraging.
As has been the case until now, Greece will be at our neighbouring country’s side on its course towards Europe, on the condition, of course, that Albania fully meets all of its obligations provided for by international law and the European acquis.
This, moreover, is why the Foreign Ministry is awaiting the response of and the taking of immediate measures by the Albanian government regarding what occurred at the Holy Church of Saint Athanasios in Dhërmi, Himarë.”
Greece’s Foreign Ministry described Albania’s response on Saturday regarding the country’s commitment to respect and fully protect individual, religious and property rights of the minorities as “very encouraging.”
The statement follows an incident that occurred at the Holy Church of Saint Athanasios in Dhërmi, Himarë, when residents of Greek-descent tried to stop local authorities from demolishing the church.
- See more at:
Second Attack on Orthodox Church in Dhermi, Albania
The Church of St. Athanasius is again violated and the life of the priest endangered.
On Friday, August 21st, 2015, a very serious act of vandalism took place at the holy church of St. Athanasius in the town of Dhërmi. Unidentified persons driving cars without license plates destroyed the cement floor of the church during lunchtime. The moment was witnessed by the church priest, who is also a resident of Dhërmi. His life was put in danger when he was almost crushed to death while the unidentified persons were trying to flee the scene.
The local ecclesiastical authority released a penal denunciation against this act of destruction of property and intentional attempt to cause an accident and increase social conflict.
The Orthodox faithful of Dhërmi were shocked by this harsh act of violence to their holy place and from its ongoing desecration and destruction. They strongly demand the state authorities to urgently react against the offenders and intervene to stop any other attempts of further destruction. The faithful are especially outraged by the attitude of the media and some individuals who are trying to politicize and legitimize the destruction and violence, and even to create pseudo-national discrepancy.
The Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania condemns such acts of vandalism, which affect the property and freedom of religion. It calls the faithful to remain calm in the face of these provocations and to stand firm in defense of the Church. The Church requires the state to act on legal obligations contained within Law no. 10057 / 22.01.2009 / “On Ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Albania and the Orthodox Church of Albania”, which guarantees the inviolability of places of worship and their protection by the state.
The Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania will reconstruct the church of St. Athanasius in Dhërmi. According to law and court decisions, the church of St. Athanasius is not a cultural monument, but under the possession of the Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania, and this is recognized by the Ministry of Culture and the Institute of Monuments. Therefore, the Church is the only authority recognized by law that can undertake the establishment of Orthodox religious buildings.
Foreign Ministry spokesperson’s response to yesterday’s announcement from the Albanian Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson regarding the episodes that took place at the Holy Church of Saint Athanasios in Dhërmi, Himarë
Sunday, 23 August 2015
“Yesterday’s announcement from the Albanian Foreign Ministry spokesperson regarding Albania’s commitment to respect for and full protection of the individual, religious and property rights of the minorities in Albania was very encouraging.As has been the case until now, Greece will be at our...
mit neuen Fotos, aber über die Verwendung der Villa, gibt es keine Entscheidung
FOTOT: Historia e një godine që u rezistoi sistemeve (po jo atij bankar)
A1 Report
Greek authorities' fears of smugglers burglarizing churches and monasteries in Epirus came true. A few days after two icons, a bible and two holy grails were stolen...
- See more at:
Die geplünderte Villa Zogu in Durres in 1997, wo die selben Taliban Vandalen hausten, die zuvor Berisha in und bei Durres ansiedelte.
Postuar më: 23 Gusht, 2015 tek Aktualitet
Godina që njihet si “pallati i Zogut” ose “vila e Zogut” është vendosur ne maje te një kodre me një pozicion dominant, nga ku mund te shohesh si ne pellembe te dores qytetin bregdetar te Durresit.
Në faqen zyrtare online të pasardhësve të Ahmet Zogut, për këtë ndërtesë shkruhet:
“E ndërtuar në vitin 1927, kjo vile ishte një dhuratë personale për Mbretin Zog I, nga komuniteti i biznesit të Durrësit ne shenjë respekti dhe nderimi. Ndërtuar në formën e një shqiponje, ajo u ngrit në pikën më të lartë të qytetit të Durrësit. Ajo është shumë e famshme për mermerin e saj Blu dhe sallonin madheshtor…”
Në 1940 Giusepe Martino një milioner italian e konsideronte si pallatin veror me të bukur ne Ballkan.
Gjate viteve te Luftes se Dyte Boterore u perdor nga kreret e larte te ushtrive pushtuese si rezidence.
E ndertuar sipas stilit te artit Deko vila u ruajt edhe gjatë sistemit komunist por u dëmtua rëndë gjatë trazirave të 1997-s.
Me vendim te Komisionit te Kthimit dhe Kompensimit te Pronave ajo iu rikthye Leka Zogut.
Në 2010 u përfol një marrëveshje biznesi mes familjes Zogu dhe një ndërtuesi në Tiranë për ta kthyer në kazino, por marrëveshja u përgënjeshtrua.
Nipi i Ahmet Zogut qe jeton aktualisht ne Tirane, tashme e ka nxjerre ne shitje.
Ne prill te ketij viti u njoftua se vila ka dalë në ankand nga një shoqëri përmbarimore në mënyrë që të shlyhet nje kredi prej 518 mijë euro, që Leka Zogu ka marrë në 2009 / DITA
Die radikale Wende in Albanien ist seit 2010 bekannt, das nur noch Kriminelle Richter, Staatsanwälte wurden, ein Debakel für das kriminelle Verbrecher Imperium der Deutschen Justiz Aufbau Verbrecher, mit dem Auswärtigen Amte, und korrupter Entwicklunghilfe, welche nur Verbrecher Clans finanziert, in der Folge, das praktisch keine Institutionen in Albanien funktionieren und reine Willkür herrschen. Das Verbrecher Imperium der Amerikaner, Brüssel, OSCE, Berlin, NATO schlug zu. Man kopierte nur Camorra und Nghradeta identische Strukturen und vereingte die totale Inkompetenz, Ignoranz mit krimineller Energie, wie der Kosovo schon zeigte. 25 Jahre Verbrechen ohne Ende, mit NeoLiberalismus, 100 % Korruption und Bestechung durch die Privatisierung, wo die Weltbank und der IMF als Motor des Verbrechens dokumentiert ist.
Man hatte über 20 Jahre Zeit, die Misere im Balkan zu beenden, aber im Gegenteil die Deutschen Banden verschlimmerten die Lage, mit ihren Lobby Bestechungs Orgien überall. Die Politischen Stiftungen sind nur nur Jüngst Motor des Internationalem Verbrechens gewesen, in Kiew sondern es ist Standard.
Mit Vorsatz, weil man kriminelle Geschäfte rund um Betrug machen will und die Unterschlagung der Aufbau Gelder mit dubiosen Missionen, Workshops, stehlen will. 90 % der Gelder für den Kosovo, oder Haiti wird schlichtweg gestohlen, wo jede Partei im Camorra Stile, eigene Betrugs Consults organisiert, bis ganz nach Oben ins Auswärtige Amt, dem BMZ, damit auch wirklich alle Gelder gestohlen werden.
Das war in 2005, spätere Berichte des US Department of State, waren noch deutlicher über die Richter, die nicht einmal Basis Wissen über Gesetze kennen.
Wir zeigen einige Treffen, der kriminellste Politiker mit Deutschen CDU Prominenz in 2015, und man kann es kaum glauben. Rezzo Schlauch wurden nun Honorar Konsul in Albanien, was ein Todesstoss, für einen Staat bedeutet.
Griechenland ist schon ein total Opfer der Deutschen Bestechungs Banden, der Rest vom Balkan kommt noch.
Kölner Erzbischof, Rainer Maria Kardinal Woelki, reist mit einer
Delegation der Caritas derzeit durch Albanien und Kosovo, um sich vor
Ort einen Eindruck von der Lage zu machen.
Der Kölner Erzbischof, Rainer
Maria Kardinal Woelki, fordert eine konsequente Abschiebung abgelehnter
Asylbewerber aus Albanien und dem Kosovo. Es müsse aber ein deutsches
Einwanderungsgesetz geben - und mehr Perspektiven in der Heimat.
In Albanien haben seit 2013 ungefähr 400.000 Menschen das Land
verlassen und nicht zuletzt eben gerade auch die intellektuelle Schicht,
sodass die Bevölkerungszahl von 3,2 Millionen auf 2,8 Millionen
gesunken ist. Das Problem ist allerdings, dass hier ein stark korruptes
System an der Macht ist, dass Menschen in ihren Lebenschancen stark
eingeschränkt werden, dass zum Beispiel das gesamte Gesundheitssystem
nicht richtig funktioniert. Man muss sich vorstellen, dass ich hier zum
Arzt gehe, dann stundenlang nicht nur warten muss, sondern unter
Umständen auch ich weiß nicht wie viel Geld bezahlen muss, damit der
Arzt mich überhaupt erst einmal anschaut und annimmt. Ärzte sind zudem
auch nicht immer gut ausgebildet. Wenn dann eine Krankheit in der Tat
irgendwie diagnostiziert worden ist, dann kann es sein, dass ich wieder
weggeschickt werde nach Stunden, um eine Medizin zu kaufen, die ich auch
irgendwie auftreiben muss, um dann wieder erneut zum Arzt zu gehen,
damit der etwa eine Spritze setzen kann. Das sind natürlich
Verhältnisse, die Menschen einfach ermüden.
Ich habe hier mit
einem Mann gesprochen, der sich auf den Weg nach Frankreich gemacht hat,
weil sein Kind schwerstkrank ist. Dort in Frankreich ist sein Sohn
achtmal operiert worden. Und er lebt wieder. Und welcher Vater, welche
Mutter würde das nicht für sein Kind tun? Will sagen: Wir können
natürlich mit unserer Asylgesetzgebung im Letzten nicht die Probleme des
Kosovo oder auch eben Albaniens lösen. Aber wir müssen intensiv weiter
in die Entwicklung dieser Länder investieren. Es wird vielleicht in der
Tat so sein, dass wir die meisten nicht über unsere Asylpraxis aufnehmen
können, deshalb muss es ein Einwanderungsgesetz geben, dazu muss es
legale Zuwanderungsmöglichkeiten geben, um Menschen eine Perspektive in
unserem Land zu geben. Aber auch alle möglichen Hilfen müssen hier
angeboten werden, um diese Länder entsprechend zu entwickeln. Es
kann nicht nur sein, dass die Europäische Union in irgendwelche
Prestigeobjekte investiert, in große Autobahnbauten. Wir sind gestern
über eine herrliche Autobahn von Albanien in den Kosovo gefahren. Nein,
es muss systematisch in Menschen investiert werden, es muss in Bildung
investiert werden, es muss der Aufbau einer Mittelschicht gewährleistet
sein, es muss investiert werden in den Aufbau von Handwerksberufen, von
Dienstleistungen. Und es muss ein vernünftiges Gesundheitssystem
aufgebaut werden und vor allem die Korruption, die muss bekämpft werden,
die ist das Übel gewissermaßen durch alle gesellschaftlichen Schichten
Gangster aus der Deutschen Politik, treffen sich 2015 mit der Prominenz der übelsten Verbrecher, Drogen Bosse, Terroristen
versucht, sich von der Einwanderung aus dem Kosovo durch dessen
Deklaration als „sicheres Herkunftsland“ von Asylbewerbern abzuschotten –
dabei hat Berlin entscheidend zur dortigen Misere beigetragen.
DAW-Präsident Hans-Jürgen Müller und Lulzim Basha DIHA-Generalsekretärin Anette Kaste Fatmir Mediu, Dr. Franz Jung. Agron Duka
Society, July 16 2015:… Representatives of the Iran-Zanan Association
warned on the group’s efforts to establish and expand bases in Albania
which would be completely under the control of the Cult leaders,
spending huge amounts of money. They notified that they have informed
the Albanian officials …
On Monday 6th July, 2015 members of Iran-Zanan [Women’s] Association met Ms. Julia Klöckner; the German politician and member of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany or CDU.
Umwelt Ministerin mit dem perhaps most criminal albanian: Lefter Koka
Erinnert Alles an das Tam,Tam, mit EU Fördermittel, des Betrugs Projektes der Firma Becker mit dem Super Mafia Boss: Fatmir Mediu. Kurz eröffnent, dann geschlossen! Typisches Phantom Betrugs Projekt der Deutschen.
Lefter Koka, Barbara Hendricks
“ Lefter Koka: Representing LSI from Durres, Koka is a
member of perhaps the most notorious organized crime family in Albania, with ties to narcotics and human trafficking and other illicit activities.
Gangster Syndikat der NATO etablierte die schlimmsten Verbrecher:
Die Dervishi Familie,
deren kriminelles Enterprise bei uns 8 Jahre schon gewürdigt wird, weil
schon in 2005 in Italien festgenommen mit Diplomaten Pass natürlich und
Dervishi ist eine Mafia Politik Familie, 1. Cousin des Ilir Meta,
dessen kriminelles Enterprise, durch den
Amb. Edmond Haxhinasto, IPDI; Dr. Pauline H. Baker, FfP President; His Excellency Ilir Meta, former Prime Minister of Albania and founder and President, IPDI; Anne C. Bader, Executive Vice President, FfP – Fund of Peace Mafia
NATO Fund of Fund of Peace installiert das Monstrum, was als Frankenstein der Albanischen Politik bekannt ist: Ilir Meta, Edmond Haxhinasto.
Ilir Meta during the Newsmak
In Kiew betrieb der Gangster Stefan Füle, sogar Erpressung, welche im Desasater mit bis heute 10.000 Toden endete. Wo die Kosovo Gelder sind, konnte er nicht erklären.
Experten der Erpressung, des Betruges und gefälschter Berichte
treffen sich: Stefan Füle – EU Commission und der Langzeit Gangster Ilir
Als Rädelsführer der Ausschreitungen, die vor knapp drei Wochen in der
Unterkunft stattfanden, hat die Polizei dagegen 20 Albaner ermittelt.
Sie sollen andere Insassen auch nach der Krawallnacht noch geschlagen
und massiv bedroht haben. Ihre Opfer waren unter anderem Eritreer.
15 Personen sind bei Auseinandersetzungen in einem
Flüchtlingsheim in Thüringen verletzt worden. Zunächst ging es offenbar
um eine aus einem Koran herausgerissene Seite. Dann richtete sich die
Gewalt gegen die Polizei.
20.08.2015 ..................... Der Streit soll seinen Ausgang in einer Auseinandersetzung um den Koran
genommen haben. Ein Asylbewerber wurde nach Angaben der Polizei zu Beginn des Streits am Mittwochabend von rund 20 anderen Heimbewohnern verfolgt, weil er mit dem Koran „unflätig“ umgegangen sei. In einem Bericht hieß es, er habe eine Seite aus dem Koran gerissen. Wie die Lokalzeitung „Freies Wort“ berichtet, floh der Mann daraufhin in die Wache der Einrichtung. Von da an eskalierte offenbar die Lage. Die Angreifer-Gruppe versuchte, die Wache zu stürmen und die Tür des Wachlokals einzutreten. Die dortigen Sicherheitsdienst-Mitarbeiter setzten gegen die Angreifer Tränengas ein. Polizeibeamte, die in eines der Gebäude betraten, wurden dort „belagert“, am Verlassen des Hauses gehindert und mit Steinen beworfen.
Die Berliner Polizei gibt vor, seit Jahren gegen ein Problem zu *kämpfen*.
Doch verbessern tut sich nichts. Würde man mir die Befugnisse der Polizei
übertragen und mich mit den Mitteln der Sicherheitsorgane ausstatten, wäre
ich dazu in der Lage, das Problem binnen einer Woche zu den Akten legen zu
können. Und dabei wäre das Anwenden von Beugehaft bestimmt das geringste
Mittel, das ich verwenden würde.
Sicherlich würde das hysterische Wutausbrüche bei denen auslösen, die mehr
oder weniger auch den Tod der Berliner Richterin Kirsten Heisig zu
verantworten haben. Doch das Problem wäre ... mehr »
Der jüdische Harvard-Professor Noel Ignatiev wird deutlich und erklärt
somit die Agenda des auserwählten Volkes und wieso gerade so viele
Fremde nach Europa geflüchtet werden: Die Möglichkeiten der schnellen
Mischung - auch gewaltsam - werden erheblich steigen. Handelt es sich
hier um jüdischen Rassismus, der dem Rassismus im Dritten Reich um
nichts nachsteht?
Hatte Martin Luther recht? Hatten andere recht mit Aussagen über das "auserwählte" Volk?
Fragen wir: wem gehören die Großkonzerne, die Banken, die Medien, die Politmarionetten?
Für die immer noch von den USA besetzte BRD gilt ebenso: FAIR
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Die Installierung von Verbrechern durch die Amerikaner, oft mit Hilfe der Österreicher, der Deutschen ist eine Tradition im Balkan, weil man dann leichter Geschäfte mit der Betrugs Privatisierung machen kann.
Eines der übelsten Bestechungs- und Betrugs Geschäfte der Deutschen Joachim Rückers, Michael Schäfer im Auftrage von Thyssen im Kosovo. Rückblick:
Man feiert eine Sonder Genehmigung, damit man Straflos Umwelt Schäden ohne Ende in Europa betreiben kann im November 2014. Illegale Verträge, weil der Minister kein Recht hat, sich über Gesetze zustellen, aber Gesetze sind Null im kriminellen Enterprise des Hashim Thaci, seiner Verbrecher Familien mit der Familie Gashi, einer der übelsten Verbrecher Banden auch im Drogen Handel: Made by Georg Soros, Georg Soros, der NATP und Österreich wie so oft. Eigentlich nur ein Dolmetscher, wie die Präsidentin, aus kriminellen Zirkeln, ohne Schul Bildung. lt. Report ist der Schad Ausstoss 9 mal höher als erlaubt.
CoE: Ioannis Moutafis und Umwelt Minister Dardan Gashi, feiern eine Sonder Genehmigung für unkontrollierte Umwelt Vergiftung, wie es früher schon für die Österreichische DARFO Gruppe des Consuls Depisch gab, finanziert von der Raiffeisenbank, International in Wien.
"At this ceremony, General Manager of NewCo Ferronikeli, Ioannis Moutafis firstly thanked all present and than stated that this permission is of great importance for the company as well as Kosovo and in particular for Drenas."
Original Georg Soros Gangster Syndidakt, Hintergrund und Partnerschaft, des Gangster der Hashim Thaci Familie: Dardan Gashi und der Drogen Kartelle.
Dardan Gashiis a Kosovo Albanian politician and author who has been Minister for Environment and Planning since 2011.[1]
Born in Kosovo, Gashi moved to Austria where he studied Studies of Communication Sciences and Political Sciences in the University of Vienna and started his career as election supervisor with the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 1997, he became the Election Officer, Head of Field Office in Brcko Federation. Later that year, he moved to Croatia, in the capacity of Human Rights Monitor, and spent the next year in various posts as part of OSCE missions in the Balkans.
During the Kosovo War, Gashi worked with the Kosovo Verification Mission as a Public Information Liaison Officer, OSCE Secretariat in Vienna. After the war, he resumed his work with OSCE, and contributed to plans for institution-building, media policy and elections and registration.
In 2000, he contributed to the International Crisis Group,[2] United Nations Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), European Stability Initiative, etc.
In the field of spatial planning, Minister Gashi, in collaboration with USAID, was committed to reforming the Law on Construction. After reforming the application process for a construction permit, Kosovo’s ranking in Doing Business Report has increased from 177 to 144, in 2012.
Gernot Erler von kriminelle Energie getrieben, war auch obwohl ohne Ahnung Chef der Süd-Ost Europa Gesellschaft, wo die Spuren auch direkt zur Super Mafia führen wie dem Leskaj Clan in Tirana.
Dafür zuständig war die 2003 gegründete Kosovo-Treuhandagentur (KTA), die zunächst von Nikolaus Graf Lambsdorff (FDP) geleitet wurde, ehe ihm 2004 Joachim Rücker nachfolgte. Rücker ging bei den Privatisierungen gnadenlos vor.
So wurde der Ferronikei-Komplex, zu dem Minen und Metallgewinnungsanlagen zählen, gegen den Willen der Arbeiter für nur 33 Millionen Euro quasi verschenkt, obwohl auch höhere Gebote vorgelegen haben sollen. Nutznießer war das kasachische Unternehmen Alferon, an dem wiederum die deutsche Thyssen-Krupp beteiligt ist.
Die deutschen Interessen vertritt dabei vor allem die Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft, deren Mitglieder einem Who is who der deutschen Wirtschaft gleichen. Man findet dort führende Finanzinstitute wie die Deutsche Bank, die HypoVereinsbank und Konzerne wie Siemens. Deren Fürsprecher im Kosovo war Michael Schäfer, ehemals Politischer Direktor im Auswärtigen Amt. In dieser Position hat sich Schäfer auch für den ehemaligen Premierminister des Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj eingesetzt, der vom Internationalen Gerichtshof in Den Haag als Kriegsverbrecher angeklagt wurde wegen Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit und Verstößen gegen das Kriegsrecht. ...
Neue Proteste, gegen die staatlichen Mafia Genehmigungen für jede Art von Umwelt Zerstörung und Verschmutzung
Kosovë, protesta kundër ndotjes së Ferronikelit në Drenas
Drenas - Gegen die Umweltverschmutzung durch Ferronikel
Geschrieben von Max Brym
Montag, 26. März 2012
Am 24. März 2012, fand im Zentrum der VETËVENDOSJE ( LPV) in Drenas, Kosovo, ein runder Tisch zum Thema "Umwelt und Gesundheit der Arbeitnehmer“ statt. Angeklagt wurden die Eigentümer der Firma Ferronikel in Drenas. Bekanntlich sind die knapp 1000 Arbeiter in der Firma Ferronikel, sowie die Anwohner von Drenas schweren Giften ausgesetzt. Im vergangenen Winter war oft der Schnee in Drenas nicht weiß, sondern bräunlich schwarz. Im vergangenem Jahr musste der Eigentümer von Ferronikel, die Firma Alferon, wegen Umweltverschmutzung lächerliche 35.000 € Schadensersatz zahlen. Die Versammlung der LPV war sehr gut besucht. Arbeiter von Ferronikel und Bewohner von Drenas teilten ihre Erfahrungen der Versammlung mit Die Teilnehmer an dieser Konferenz kritisierten die zentralen und lokalen Einrichtungen wegen ihrer Verantwortungslosigkeit gegenüber den Wünschen und Anliegen der Bürger von Drenas. In Drenas und bei den meisten Arbeitern gehört das Asthmaspray mittlerweile zur täglichen Grundausrüstung. Die Firma Alferon negiert alle Beschwerden der Arbeiter und Arbeiterinnen. Ebenso ignorant verhalten sich die zuständigen Behörden. Zur Versammlung der LPV waren auch Vertreter der Gemeinde Drenas und der Bürgermeister eingeladen. Ihre Abwesenheit spricht Bände über ihr Verantwortungsgefühl gegenüber der Vergiftung der Arbeiter und der Bürger von Drenas. Ferronikel brich alle Gesetze in Sachen Gesundheit der Arbeiter und der Bürger. Die lächerliche Schadensersatzzahlung im letzten Jahr durch Alferon unterlegt diese Aussage.Wie weiter ?Aus der Ferne ist den Mensch en in Drenas nur zu raten: Protestiert und belagert die Zufahrten zur Firma Ferronikel. Ferronikel ist ein hochprofitables privates Unternehmen. Ein Streik der Arbeiter könnte durchaus Wirkung zeigen.
Cunico Resources acquired the NewCo Ferronikeli complex in Drenas in April 2006, following the completion of a successful privatisation process.
Organisational structure
NewCo Ferronikeli obtained the Integrated Environmental Permit
NewCo Ferronikeli obtained the Integrated Environmental Permit”Drenas, Novemver 19, 2014
The Integrated Environmental Permit was officially handed to NewCo Ferronikeli today in a ceremony from the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning..
At this ceremony, General Manager of NewCo Ferronikeli, Ioannis Moutafis firstly thanked all present and than stated that this permission is of great importance for the company as well as Kosovo and in particular for Drenas.
In this ceremony the general manager of NewCo Ferronikeli, Mr. Ioannis Moutafis explained "By obtaining this integrated environmental permit, conditions are set in detail about the operation of a specific plant regarding the use of raw and auxiliary materials and the final products, the proper and effective management of them, the threshold limit values for emissions in air, water, soil, noise, and waste management, and threshold limit values that must be met in a certain deadline, as well as the improvement program, "
He also thanked Minister, Mr.Dardan Gashi and Mayor of Drenas Nexhat Demaku for this great common achievement.
Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning, Dardan Gashi congratulated NewCo Ferronikeli for their achievements in recent years regarding environmental protection: "I congratulate the management of NewCo Ferronikeli and all other associates, where with joint efforts we managed to make NewCo Ferronikel a good example in the Balkans ". .............................
Ein Spaziergänger und sein Hund haben auf der
griechischen Ferieninsel Korfu Medienberichten zufolge einen Ausbruch
mehrerer Gefangener vereitelt.
Das Tier habe sein Herrchen bei einem Spaziergang in
der Nähe des Gefängnisses auf Geräusche unter der Erdoberfläche
aufmerksam gemacht, berichtete der Sender Skai am Samstag. Der Mann habe das Wachpersonal informiert, das daraufhin in einem Trakt eine Tunnelöffnung entdeckt habe.
Tunnel war laut diesen Informationen mehr als 30 Meter lang. Die
Gefangenen dürften mehrere Monate daran gearbeitet haben, hieß es. Nach
Informationen des lokalen Nachrichtenportals "" machten sie sich dabei Teile eines unterirdischen Stollens zunutze, den Häftlinge im Jahr 1996 gegraben hatten.
Damals waren bei einem der größten Gefängnisausbrüche in der
griechischen Geschichte etwa 120 Insassen aus der Haftanstalt entkommen.
Die meisten von ihnen wurden innerhalb kurzer Zeit wieder festgenommen.
Der von ihnen gegrabene Tunnel wurde aber offensichtlich nicht komplett
Spaziergänger und sein Hund haben auf der griechischen Ferieninsel Korfu
Medienberichten zufolge einen Ausbruch mehrerer Gefangener vereitelt.
Tier habe sein Herrchen bei einem Spaziergang in der Nähe des
Gefängnisses auf Geräusche unter der Erdoberfläche aufmerksam gemacht,
berichtete der Sender Skai am Samstag. Der Mann habe das Wachpersonal
informiert, das daraufhin in einem Trakt eine Tunnelöffnung entdeckt
Der Tunnel war laut diesen Informationen mehr als 30 Meter
lang. Die Gefangenen dürften mehrere Monate daran gearbeitet haben, hieß
es. Nach Informationen des lokalen Nachrichtenportals ""
machten sie sich dabei Teile eines unterirdischen Stollens zunutze, den
Häftlinge im Jahr 1996 gegraben hatten.
Damals waren bei einem
der größten Gefängnisausbrüche in der griechischen Geschichte etwa 120
Insassen aus der Haftanstalt entkommen. Die meisten von ihnen wurden
innerhalb kurzer Zeit wieder festgenommen. Der von ihnen gegrabene
Tunnel wurde aber offensichtlich nicht komplett zugeschüttet.
Wenn die Dumm Gangster aus Berlin, der KAS, Brüssel auftauchen, konnte mit der Dezentralisierung, Privatisierung Nichts dabei herauskommen. Es wurden nur Oligarchen, Verbrecher Imperien im Kosovo, Moldawien, Albanien, Montenegro errichtet, und die EU und KfW Kredite verschwinden mit Hilfe der ordinärsten Dumm Gangster auch aus Deutschland im spurlosen Nichts. Israelische Gangster sind fast immer dabei, wie in Moldawien, Kosovo und lassen auch mal schnell 1 Milliarden € spurlos verschwinden.
Hans-Gert Pöttering – KAS und die Zerstörung mit Gangstern von Moldawien bis nach Bulgarien und die Politik Mafia ein Balkan Problem
Wie sieht die “Systemkriminalität” und von “Systemkorruption” aus: am Beispiel der CDU – KAS. In Albanien mit der Super Mafia, u.a Dr. Franz Jung, im Kosovo und Mazedonien, wie in Kiew mit Todesschwadronen unterwegs, welche auch Menschen entführen, verbrennen.
Ein ganz normales Verbrecher Imperium, rund um Privatisierung, Betrug, Georg Soros und korrupter EU – Deutscher Politiker identisch wie in der Ukraine. Die KAS ist immer dabei, im Balkan wie Albanien, Russland, Ukraine mit jedem Verbrecher wie die Grünen Ganoven mit der Heinrich Böll Stiftung. Warum diese Leute immer ein Foto brauchen wie die dümmsten Berufs Kriminellen den Deutschen Lobbyisten Vereinen, lässt sich in deren Inkompetenz, Ignoranz und mit der Pflege der Profil Neurose erklären. CDU Gestalten, mit gut dokumentierten Super Drogen Mafia Bossen, Betrügern, NATO Skandal Geschäfte rund um den ordinärsten Betrug, man wird im Parlament von der Hof Schranzen Bande empfangen, wie Franz Jung, Lampert!
Mit krimineller Energie wird auch in Moldawien einem sehr kleinen Land, durch die CDU – KAS, die Dezentralisierung betrieben, welche selbst in grösseren Ländern wie Albanien, Spanien zu Mafiösen Kommunalen Verwaltungs Strukturen führte und Nichts mehr funktionierte. Kurz gesagt, man vertritt Programme, um ein Land zuzerstören, denn was will ein so kleines Land, mit Hunderten von Institutionen und Inkompetenz, wo sich jeder Kriminelle erneut nur Posten kauft. Gut für das Geschäft der Privatisierer und Bestechungs Motoren allerdings. Nicht blöde, wenn man etwas verbreitet mit falschen Programmen, sondern eine primitiv kriminelle Energie entfaltet sich, wenn man 100 % weiß das ein Land danach zerstört ist.
In solchen Kreisen, wenn Verantwortungslosigkeit Kultstatus genießt, warnt der EU– Korruptionsbekämpfer(Zitate nach „Kontext“), “geht es nicht mehr darum, was du verdienst, sondern darum, was du dir holen kannst, und wie du am einfachsten reich
wirst”. Und das sei soziales Dynamit. Hetzer spricht ausdrücklich von einer sogenannten Finanzkrise, von einer “Systemkriminalität” und von “Systemkorruption”.
Kommentar: Damit ist Alles gesagt, durch einen Insider Fachmann der EU: Wolfgang Hetzer
Parliamentary elections in Moldova will take place later this year.
For PDF attachments or links to sources of further information, please visit:
Klaus Klipp, Secretary General of the Assembly of European Regions Vollkommen unsinnige Programme, welche überall Alles zerstören, und Karrieristen, welche nicht bis 2 zahlen können, aber sich gut vermarkten, mit ihrem Schwachsinn. Seit 2 Jahren ist der Kerl abgelöst, nachdem er überall einen Scherbenhaufen hinterlassen hat.
Date: Sunday, June 10 @ 17:27:36 PDT Topic: Albania News
Read inside:
"Mafia Clan of Democratic Party of Albania" , "My letter to Tom Ridge" ,
"Fatmir "Watchman" Mediu and President Bush" - by Gary Q. Kokalari
H.E. Sokol Olldashi
Minister of Telecommunications and Transportation
Republic of Albania
Tirana, Albania
Zoti Olldashi:
Not surprisingly, as of this date I have not received a response from
you on the correspondence below and the attached report that contains
various allegations against you. If this information is not true, one
would think you would have an interest in clearing your name.
Gary Q. Kokalari - Political Analyst
By Gary Q. Kokalari - Exclusively for ACLIS
With respect to another matter, now that your are responsible for
telecom, do you plan to take any action to bring the transparency to the
interconnection agreement and Albtelecom privatization issues that were
intentionally avoided by your predecessor, Lulzim Basha, and Sali
Berisha? Perhaps you will have the opportunity to ask President Bush
his opinion on this matter.
Gary Q. Kokalari
H. E. Sokol Olldashi
Minister of the Interior
Republic of Albania
Tirana, Albania
Zoti Olldashi,
It is my understanding that Sali Berisha and you were offended by my
letter to you that alleges your affiliation with Albanian criminals.
This is completely understandable. But please know that as an
Albanian, I am offended by the persistent stories of crime and
corruption emanating from Albania . And I am offended by politicians
like Sali Berisha, a communist dictator masquerading as a democrat, who
says one thing but does another. And I am also offended by politicians
like Fatmir Mediu, Lulzim Basha and Fatos Nano and their unexplainable,
unjustified sources of wealth.
However, as I am certain most Albanians will agree, the allegations
about you contained in the report are extremely disturbing because those
who support or protect criminals should be considered criminals
themselves. And although I cannot state with certainty that the report
is accurate, I still find the allegations troubling as I have reason to
believe it is possible there is validity to the claims.
But I have a suggestion that may help clear up this matter. The report
alleges that you maintain relationships with a number of criminals in
Albania . I suggest that you immediately make available for inspection
ALL of your communication records for the past year, including ALL
telephone and text records, so that they may be analyzed by an
independent third party (with my input) prior to the elections to
determine if you have associated with those individuals who are alleged
in the report to be involved in criminal activity. And if this
analysis indicates that you have no such criminal affiliations, then
this will be at least a first step toward clearing up this matter in my
mind, but more importantly, in the minds of the citizens of Tirana who
you are asking to support you on election day.
Gary Q. Kokalari
The Hon. Sokol Olldashi
Minister of Interior
Republic of Albania
Tirana, Albania
Zoti Olldashi:
It is my understanding that you were recently interviewed on the
Albanian TV show "Free Zone" where you stated you would vote for Fatos
Nano if he were to be nominated to serve as Albania's President, and
there was a report that Prime Minister Berisha made a similar comment
several days before your TV appearance. There was also a report you had
a secret meeting with Nano in Durres where this matter was discussed.
If I have misinterpreted your words or actions I am requesting you
provide clarification.
If there is any truth to your statements and actions (related news
reports appear below), your comments would be very surprising due to the
fact that it is unlikely you would make such a statement without the
knowledge of Sali Berisha since it is well known his ministers are too
intimidated to take any action without his approval. It should also be
noted that your statements would represent a major contradiction on the
part of the Democratic Party due to the fact you so aggressively
attacked Fatos Nano as being corrupt prior to the election, the key
reason why your party was able to prevail in the elections.
That being said, I want to make sure you are aware of the attached
report (Albanian and English versions) containing numerous allegations
Fatos Nano and other members of his government were engaged in drug
trafficking and other criminal activity. This report was assembled in
2004 by one of Berisha's closest confidants, and after a meeting I had
with Berisha, it was emailed to me by this person (which I can verify
with email files) with Berisha's approval. It could be interpreted
that your comment about supporting Nano for President is an indication
that a deal was struck between Berisha and Nano to pave the way for
Nano to become President, and this would go a long way to explaining why
your government has taken no action to pursue Nano for the numerous
allegations you leveled against him prior to the election. The only
way to prove there is no basis to this claim is for you to immediately
request that your government open an investigation of the allegations
contained in the attached report.
I would like to remind you that Fatmir Mediu, with the full cooperation
and approval of Sali Berisha, used the office of Congressman Frank Wolf
to arrange to appear before the Helsinki Commission, and in his May 2004
testimony before this U.S. Congressional Committee in Washington Mediu
"Albania is facing a difficult situation, as a result of an inept
government unable to serve its citizens, and at the same time overly
capable in serving the illegal interests of a group of high-powered
people. In great measure this is a result of the influence of organized
crime and corruption on the Nano government, which is undermining the
foundation of the country's and our people's futures."
If Berisha and you now consider the support of Nano for President a
viable option, given comments like Mediu made above and the numerous
attacks Berisha made against Nano prior to the election, it could be
construed that Berisha and Mediu committed an outright abuse of a U.S.
Congressional committee for the sole purpose of gaining power in
Albania. I am certain the people of the United States and members of
Congress would frown upon an abuse of power of this nature. I am also
certain the people of Albania would feel they have been betrayed by
Berisha. Do you believe such an abuse of either a U.S. government body
or the people of Albania is appropriate?
Gary Q. Kokalari
bcc: Marci Ries, Rosemary DiCarlo, Tom Ridge, Frank Wolf, CIA, FBI, Helsinki Commission
Olldashi was asked by Arian Cani on the TV show "Free Zone" (Zone e Lire
at TV Klan) "whether he would vote Fatos Nano if the Socialist Party
would present him as candidate for president in 07". Olldashi said that
"he would vote him". The article below also mentions that a few days
prior to this statement, Berisha didn't rule out the possibility of
voting Nano as a president.
Mafia Clan of Democratic Party of Albania
Prime Minister Sali Berisha
kukRexhep ARAPI, resident in Katund Sukth, nicknamed “KEPI” has a criminal record as follows:
In the year 1991 (in March) he has killed at the Port of Durrës, for
feud issues the citizen A. Cyrbja, resident in the Katund Sukth
village; has been arrested for this crime in 1994 and has been released
because of lack of evidence.
In April 1997, in collaboration with Gëzim Aleksin, resident in
K.Rruget Shijak (arrested for armed robbery, convicted for 12 years in
prison, is being tried as a member of the ‘Kanun’ band) have kidnapped
for the purpose of profit the business partner of Lul Alimadhi (The Shoe
Firm in Qendër Sukth) and has released him after taking the fee of 150
million Italian liras.
In April 1997, together with Zaimir Cyrbe from Katundi Sukth, has
killed the nephew of Cim Xhije (partner of Lul Alimadhi), who was in the
same time Luli’s bodyguard, murder happened in Qender Sukth, uncovered.
From 1998 to 2001 has been one of the main organizers of women’s
traffic for the purpose of prostitution coming from the former Soviet
Union countries; in 1999 has been investigated by the Fier General
Attorney’s office, and during the search of his warehouses along the
highway in Fermë Sukth, two Moldavian girls were being sheltered. The
Fier General Attorney Office closed the case.
In 2003, together with his criminal band, they have tried to murder
the citizen Xhevdet Plaku resident in Neighbourhood no.15 in Durrës in
his neighborhood, because the latter had murdered the other brother of
Kepi in Italy, in Torino on drug issues. The weapons of the crime have
been found and the General Attorney in Durrës is following the case.
He is one of the main women, guns and drugs traffickers that go
through Albania to Italy, Germany and the Netherlands. He has currently
destroyed his warehouses along the highway in Fermë Sukth and is
constructing a gigantic object of many stores with profits made from the
abovementioned trafficking activities.
There is information at this moment that his picture is published as
internationally wanted by the Spanish Interpol or Portugal for
international drugs trafficking. He is one of the closest friend of the
I.M S. Olldashi, whom he meets almost twice a week, where they dine
together or with other members of the group. They keep in contact mostly
through Olldashi’s driver, Lali, his most trusted man. This citizen is
dangerous and harmful, registered in the police archives as having
strong criminal tendencies such as murder, drugs and prostitution
The ‘XHAKJA’ clan, residing in Katund Sukth have a criminal record as follows:
In 1994, the citizen Ilir Xhakja has shot his gun inside the bar of
Qerim Maloku in the Sukthi village, has been arrested but then released.
The bullet shellsfound in the scene are the same with
those found in the murder scene of citizens Gentjan Gjoka and Petrit
Lyti, in 1998 in the village Hamallaj, surprisingly uncovered.
In 1998 the Xhakja band (Ilir, Agim etc) have murdered in the
village of Hamallja the citizen Gentjan Gjoka (newphew of Dash Gjoka)
and Petrit Lyti, friend of Genti both from Hamallja, uncovered event.
In the year 1998, Ilir Xhakja with others has killed the citizen
Qerim Maloku in Katund Sukth, an event that was resolved in the year
2003 when an arsenal of weapons of the Xhakja band was found. He is
currently being investigated for this murder. Mr. Olldashi is personally
taking care for this case to be closed as a reward for the help that
the Xhakja clan provided during the 2005 elections. This event is
currently being tried by the Court of Grave Crimes in Tirana, where
witnesses included former police officers Urim Koka (SPZ at
the time, currently arrested in Italy and sentenced to 15 years in
prison for prostitution traffic) and Maksut Zhiti (SPK at the time),
both friends of the Xhakajs, the latter has been appointed as the
Director of the State Reserves in Durrës by Olldashi in return for this
In 1998 Ilir Xhakja has murdered in front of many people the citizen
E. Shega from Peqin, during the funeral of his cousin (son of his
uncle) Agim Xhaka, Arben’s brother because E. Shega had murdered Agim in
Krrabë, Tirana four years ago because of issues about women prostitutes
to Italy. This case is also uncovered despite being carried out in
public. Both the former police officers U. Koka and M. Zhiti were
present at the murder.
In July 1999, the entire Xhakja Clan (Azem, Ilir, Bardhi-deputy
chairman of the Katund i Ri commune, Genti and other collaborators) have
hit all the residents of the Maloku clan with an arsenal of weapons,
even a tank, thus destroying all the houses. They were arrested by the
special forces and their weapons arsenal was confiscated, including
armored vehicles and also two Moldavian females. After six months in
prison the Durrës General Attorney Office released them. This event
became quite popular and as a result the attorney Shkëlqim Xhemollari of
the General Attorney Office in Durrës was expelled.
In March 2003, Ilir Xhakja and others have murdered the citizen
Rudin Shahini from Katundi Sukth in Sallmone for revenge after he came
out of prison because the latter had killed his uncle Hamdi (Arben’s
father). During this event, an arsenal of various kinds of weapons was
confiscated and the experts concluded that one of the weapons was used
for the murder of Qerim Maloku in 1998. This case is also uncovered.
All the members have and are engaged in women, drugs and guns
trafficking in Albania as well as in Italy. The majority of the Xhakja
clan have strong criminal tendencies for murder, and drugs and
prostitution traffic.
In March 2006 there was an attempted attack against Fatbardh and
Arben Xhakaj in the Sallmone village in the Xhafzotaj commune where
Arben was wounded. According to police information they have been shot
because of the drugs market in Durrës. They have currently rented a
disco named “Fosfor Club” which is next to the Police Directory of the
Durrës circuit where all the drug dealers of Durrës are supplied. This
disco is the main and current center for mixing and dealing drugs in the
city of Durrës since the local police dares not enter the site because
this clan and the people there are known as the closest supporters and
friends of I.M S.Olldashi. The vehicles that this clan uses to move
around are the latest ones, like a gray Mercedes Cabriolet carrying an
Italian license plate, a blue Mercedes with license plate DR 5255 D, a
Mitsubishi Pajero carrying a DR plate etc; all these vehicles do not
possess any documentation and have been stolen in Italy
Dashamir GJOKA and his clan, residing in the Sallmone village have a criminal record as follows:
In the year 1996, D. Gjoka has murdered a citizen from Shkodra with
last name Zefi in Italy, by beheading him because of women trafficking.
He has immediately left Italy and returned to Albania and since then has
never visited Italy again; has been dealing instead with the
construction of the supermarket in Sallmone. The Shkodrans have come to
Shijak several times in order to kill him.
In 1998, in cooperation with the citizen Arben hakik Tollja,
resident in Fermë Xhafzotaj (he is nicknamed Zjarrmi, currently arrested
for many rapes of female students in Tirana) have killed the daughter
of the brother of the citizen Zyrafet Murati (from Kukës) and the
citizen Silvana Murati from Shijak, has been seriously injured (she is
currently working as a cleaning personnel and prostitute for the VIP
guests at the Gjoka Supermarket), has been arrested in 1998 but then
released after 11 months of imprisonment for lack of proof.
In 1999, D. Gjoka, in cooperation with his clan has shot in the
village Sallmone a vehicle, property of Ilir Xhaka, and as a result the
citizen Veli Rexha was killed and his brother seriously injured. Both of
them are residents of Katundi I ri and brothers of Qamil Rexha. This is
still uncovered despite the abundance of proof.
His newphews Beonard and Mandrin Hyqmet Gjoka are the main drug
dealers in the city of Shijak, Ferme Sukth, Durres and Tirana and have
also several girls working for them in Italy. In the same time, they are
engaged with drugs transportation from Albania to Italy. Mandrini has
been arrested in 2003 as the main suspect for the armed robbery in the
Xhafzotaj village that resulted in the death of the citizen Jaho Smoqi.
He has stayed in prison for about one month and now the Court of Grave
Crimes is investigating him while free. Fatbardh Xhakaj was arrested for
this case as well, has stayed in prison for two weeks because Fatos
Balla, the guilty person for the crime, currently under custody,
mentioned his name. Beonard is sentenced in Italy, in the city of San
Benedeto for drug trafficking and women trafficking, currently, with
profits from drugs sale, he is constructing a three store villa in the
Sallmone village. He was a member of the commission at the Voting Center
no. 1406 in Sallmone for Mr. Olldashi. Both brothers currently move
around carrying guns in their cars, which are in turn stolen and of the
latest years, they distribute drugs in Durres and Shijak and transport
drugs to Italy through other soldiers. Mandrini often goes to Italy to
collect the money, since Mr. Olldashi has provided him with a German
Schengen Visa. Also, they are highlighted by the State Police as a
dangerous criminal contingent with strong criminal tendencies like
Murdedr, Drugs and Prostitution Trafficking.
D. Gjoka has been and is one of the biggest traffickers of women
with intent of prostitution to Italy. The chief of the girls in Italy
has been a girl from Vlora, named Linda, who is currently Dashi’s wife
and they have two children. Her brother Miri works at the Supermarket as
chief accountant. D. Gjoka is on record in the State Police for
International Drugs Trafficking and Women with intent for prostitution,
Murder etc.
The Gjoka Supermarket is the main center for the trafficking of
drugs that comes from Turkey and Macedonia and the supply base for many
criminal groups in Durres and Tirana and also the location where the
cars that will be traveling to Italy and carrying drugs are supplied.
Dashi currently owns an armored vehicle which has the licence plate: DR
51 90 C. It must be noted that Dash Gjoka is the main source of supply
for all the drugs suppliers in Albania because it is a well known fact
that a close friend and financial supporter of I.M, S. Olldashi. The
latter meets with Gjoka almost every week. Oftentimes, the Democratic
Party MPs Bamir Topi, Ridvan Bode, S. Olldashi etc come to dine or to
supply in this supermarket, since they are close friends with Dashi.
The main and most loyal soldier of his is his driver, the citizen
Artan Rami Bode, resident in Xhafzotaj, the newphew of the MP Ridvan
Bode. He is also engaged in settling jobs for Dashi as far as the drug
and women traffic goes, being a key figure. Artan, together with his
Dashi’s older brother, Nazmi (called Nexhi) make the rules by smuggling
merchandise from the Durres Port, both have been members of the Voting
Center commission no.1402 for Mr. Olldashi.
Other friendly relationships of Gjoka are Hekuran Hoxha (Roni) and
Fundim Dedja, both sentenced in Italy and other countries, for drug
trafficking aimed at the Italian territory. Currently Gjoka is the head
of the area Xhafzotaj Commune-Shikaj and even more, where all drug
traffickers are supplied only by him. Strong evidence suggests that he
has an arsenal of sophisticated weapons in his residence and a high
security vault containing millions of Euros in Cash. It must be noted
that Gjoka’s drugs goes through the port of Durres and Vlora and almost
each cargo that is stopped in Italy is Gjoka’s and all the arrested men
are his as well.
The Brothers Gezim and Besnik Sijoni, residents in the village of Xhafzotaj have a criminal record as follows:
In the year 1994 G. Sijoni has attempted to murder the citizen
Pellumb Hoxhaj, but he only accomplished wounding him in the leg. He is
not convicted and even today this issue is never brought up in the
Pellumbi family and relatives.
In the year 1997, G. Sijoni, together with his brother Besnik have
attempted to murder their former son in law (Arben Vora’s younger
brother since he had left their sister after getting engaged with her)
in the middle of the city of Shijak. The case was opened, the two men
have been identified and declared as wanted by the police but they were
never convicted. The Durresi General Attorney closed the case.
In the year 1997, the two Sijoni brothers have taken through guns
and force “Filanton” and have earned big amounts of money for guarding
it; they still guard it today. For this purpose, Gezim has requested
permission for a private police through his friend S. Olldashi.
Both the Sijoni brothers are engaged in dugs trafficking to Italy
and have also three girls that work as prostitutes for them in Italy
(one of them from Burrel). They are also the main drugs suppliers for
Tirana where they have many close relations. Both brothers have been
convicted in Italy for drugs trafficking but Italy’s orders are not
followed because they are Olldashi’s closest friends and the main
supporters for his campaign. They are also highlighted by the State
Police as a contingent with strong criminal tendencies like Murder,
Drugs and Prostitution Trafficking.
Currently, together with the Tusha brothers, they are laundering
money through construction projects in the area of Shkembi I Kavajes and
in Durres.
Tusha Brothers, resident in the village of Xhafzotaj have a criminal record as follows:
Their bar “Diagonal” at the K.Rruget is the base for the sheltering
of many criminals from different cities in Albania and also a base for
the processing of drugs.
In the year 2001, in the residence of Naim Shera, the brother in law
of the Tusha brothers, 20 kg of drugs (which was property of the Tusha
brothers), at the time Naim was the driver of Klement Zguri, head of the
Central Elections Committee. Because of this issue, Naim Shera has been
wanted and then sentenced with 5 years of imprisonment. He surrendered
at the police two days before the elections with a promise from Olldashi
that after his victory, he will get him out and close all issues, a
promise that Olldashi has kept.
Both brothers are the main drugs traffickers from Shijak to Italy
where together with the Sijoni Brothers, are the closest link of MP
Fatmir Mediu. Also, the Tusha brothers, through the latter have a
permission to carry weapons as members of the National Guard. They are
the main drugs suppliers in Tirana and are currently moving around with
05-06 vehicles, Mercedes, stolen in Italy, carrying foreign licensee
plates, German, one of which is 4444.
Currently they are laundering the money from the drugs by
constructing in the beach of Durres. They have been highlighted by the
State Police as having strong criminal tendencies for drugs and
prostitution trafficking. They are the closest friends of Olldashi, and
there is information confirming that they have bought the latter a house
in Tirana that cost 100.000 Euros. Furthermore, the Durresi Police
guards the bars at the beach in Durres, where Olldashi and the Tusha
brothers dine and stay up till the first morning hours, in a drunken
One of the main bases for hiding drugs that the Tusha brothers use
is the residence of the citizen Altin Bajram Hajri in Pjeza (a friend of
theirs). Altin’s brother is currently under arrest in Italy because of
the Tusha drugs.
Other individuals and their criminal records:
Sazan Shyqyri Bukmishi and his brothers Fred and Eduard,
residing in Katund Sukth, nephews of the Jashars, owners of NTV, are
currently under arrest by the Interpol in Rome as members of the Kanun
criminal band. It must be noted that one night before their arrest they
were dining together with Mr. Olldashi in a bar on the bank of the Erzen
river in Katund Sukth. They have been the main supporters and the
charis of the Voting Centers for Mr. Olldashi in the July 2005 elections
in Katund Sukth and more specifically in the VC no. 1514 Fred and in
the VC no.1522 Eduard. They are highlighted by the State Police as
having strong criminal tendencies.
Azem Vezi, resident of Katund Sukth, arrested
several times for various criminal acts like carrying guns without
permission, burglary, armed robbery and also for women exploitation with
intent of prostitution. He has been one of the main supporters of Mr.
Olldashi in the July 2005 elections in the Sallmone village. It is
highlighted on State Police records as having strong criminal
Luan Bodlli, residing in K.Rruget, is one of the
women and drugs traffickers in Italy, carrying guns without permit and
is the driver of the Head of the Xhafzotaj Commune, Agim Hoxha (Agim
Hoxha is the uncle of Dash Gjoka) and also one of the main drug
distributors in Durres. He is one of the most loyal men of Dash Gjoka.
Has been one of the main supporters of Olldashi during the July 2005
elections in the Sallmone village. He is highlighted by the State Police
as having strong criminal tendencies.
Altin Balla, residing in Rreth, arrested and
sentenced for robbery in Shijak, women and drugs trafficker, owns a bar
in front of the RST in Reth, where he keeps women that are exploited for
prostitution. He is one of the main suspects for the event involving J.
Smoqi. Has been one of the main supporters of Mr. Olldashi during the
July 2005 elections in the Sallmone village. He is highlighted by the
State Police as having strong criminal tendencies.
Flamur Halit Cara, residing in Sallmone, was
arrested in italy for women trafficking, he is a drug dealer in Shijak
and Durres, his father, Halit is the head of the DP in Sallmone. Has
been one of the main supporters of Mr. Olldashi during the July 2005
elections in the Sallmone village and also a member of the Commission at
the Voting Station no. 1407. He is highlighted by the State Police as
having strong criminal tendencies.
Lavderim Bulica, residing in the Vllazerim village;
we have stopped him a number of times as the main suspect of some
burglaries of houses and bars in this village; he is a member of the
Council of the Xhafzotaj Commune and friend of the Head of the Xhafzotaj
Commune. Has been one of the main supporters of Mr. Olldashi during the
July 2005 elections in the village of Vllazerim. He is highlighted by
the State Police as having strong criminal tendencies.
Sinan Trimi, residing at K. Rruget , police
contingent as a placing fines upon people , arrested in 2004 for
carrying guns without permit and as a suspect of the J. Smoqi event. Has
been one of the main supporters of Mr. Olldashi during the July 2005
elections in the villages of Xhafzotaj and Rreth. He is highlighted by
the State Police as having strong criminal tendencies.
Dashamir Keci and his clan residing in Shijak,
police contingent for theft, burglary, no permit guns, drug traffick,
arrested several times and in 2004 with S. Trimi for carrying guns
without permit and as a suspect for the event of J. Smoqi. Has been one
of the main supporters of Mr. Olldashi in the July 2005 elections in
Shijak, where some of the have been members of the Voting Centers in
Shijak for Mr. Olldashi. He is highlighted by the State Police as having
strong criminal tendencies.
Clirim Avni Gjuta, residing in Pjese, arrested
several times for burglary and car theft, no permit guns, is engaged in
drugs trafficking and is a connection for the Kecs from Shijak. Has been
one of the main supporters for Mr. Olldashi in the July 2005 elections
in the Pjeza village and the Rreth village. He is highlighted by the
State Police as having strong criminal tendencies.
Ilir Domi, residing in the Reth village in the
Xhafzotaj Commune, author of three murders in 1997, one was a oil
station guard in Ferme Sukth and the two others were commited in the
Rreth village. For some time he was wanted by the police but after he
payed a sum of money in the Durres General Attorney Office, both cases
were closed. Has been and is engaged with drugs and women trafficking
directed in Italy from the profits of which he has built of complex of
greenhouses in the Rreth village. Has been one of the main supporters of
Mr. Olldashi in the July 2005 elections in the villages of Pjeze and
Rreth. He is highlighted by the State Police as having strong criminal
Ardian Riza Mema, residing in the Xhafzotaj
village, drugs trafficker in Italy, is wanted by the Italian police, one
of the main supporters of Mr. Olldashi in the July 2005 elections. Has
been vice chair of the Commision of the Voting Center no. 1395 for the
DP. He is highlighted by the State Police as having strong criminal
Lorenc Fiqiri Gjoka, cousin of D. Gjoka, residing
in the village of Xhafzotaj, drugs and prostitution trafficker in Italy
is wanted by the Italian police, one of the main supporters of Mr.
Olldashi in the July 2005 elections. Was the Chair of the Commision of
the Voting Center no. 1400 for the DP. He is highlighted by the State
Police as having strong criminal tendencies.
Ylli Sure Sheshi, residing in the Xhafzotaj
village, drugs and prostitution trafficker in Italy, wanted by the
Italian police, one of the main supporters of Mr. Olldashi in the July
2005 elections. Was a member of the Commision of the Voting Center no.
1400 for the DP. He is highlighted by the State Police as having strong
criminal tendencies.
Alfred Pashk Tola, residing in the Xhafzotaj
village, drugs and prostitution trafficker in Italy, is wanted by the
Italian police and has been sentenced with 23 years of imprisonment
there, one of the main supporters of Mr. Olldashi in the July 2005
elections, has changed his name to escape justice. Was Vice Chair of the
Commision of the Voting Center no. 1401 for the DP. He is highlighted
by the State Police as having strong criminal tendencies.
Adrian Flamur Deda, residing in the village of
Xhafzotaj, and prostitution trafficker in Italy, is wanted by the
Italian police and has been sentenced with 15 years of imprisonment
there, one of the main supporters of Mr. Olldashi in the July 2005
elections, has changed his name to escape justice. Was a member of the
Commision of the Voting Center no. 1403 for the DP. He is highlighted by
the State Police as having strong criminal tendencies.
Nazmi Binak Bllaka, resident in the Fllake village,
Katund i Ri Commune, arrested several times for theft. Was one of the
main supporters of Mr. Olldashi during the July 2005 elections in the
Fllake village and was a member of the commission of the Voting Center
no. 1516 for the DP. He is highlighted by the State Police as having
strong criminal tendencies.
Abedin Sahit Rexhaj, residing in Katund i Ri,
together with his brother Qamil, they are currently under arrest for the
murder of the Head of the DP in Has, Behar Kastrati. Have been main
supporters of Mr. Olldashi in the July 2005 elections in the Katund i Ri
village and Abedin was a member of the commission in the Voting Center
no. 1526 for the DP. They are highlighted by the State Police as having
strong criminal tendencies.
00. DARDAN DOMI, residing in Shijak,
currently holds the position of the General Secretary in the Ministry of
Interiors, (or Human Resources Director in the MI), former head of the
DP of Shijak, head of Team for Mr. Olldashi during the elections in july
2005. The coordinator and brain of all the abovementioned criminal
links for Mr. Olldashi and his most loyal men.
My letter to Tom Ridge
H.E. Lulzim Basha
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Albania
Tirana, Albania
Lulzim Basha
Zoti Basha:
Below is my May 30 letter to Tom Ridge. As
of this date, I have not received a response from Mr. Ridge. Perhaps
you can shed some light on these questions? It would be greatly
appreciated if you could be so kind as to provide your input.
respect to another issue, as you know, Greek soldiers were caught on
video chanting, "we will use the intestines of Albanians to make our
shoelaces." Just in case you haven't seen it, here's the video .
As Minister of Foreign Affairs, why haven't you demanded that the Greek
government discipline the soldiers who made those racist, anti-Albanian
statements? For some advice, I suggest you ask President Bush what he thinks about this outrage.
Gary Q. Kokalari
May 30, 2007
The Hon. Thomas Ridge
Thomas Ridge LLC Washington, DC
Dear Governor Ridge:
In light of Lulzim Basha's recent visit to Washington and President Bush's impending historic visit to Albania, I have a number of questions about your relationship with Albania and I am requesting that you respond to the following:
1. In the interest of transparency, as I have previously requested, what is the nature of the services you are providing to Albania, how much are you being paid and who is paying this fee to you?
2. What was the purpose of accompanying Lulzim Basha on his visit to Capital Hill?
3. Bechtel was recently granted a contract for a major road construction project in Albania. This
appears to be another Albanian tender process where there were was a
minimal attempt at transparency. Did you in any way function as
an intermediary in this deal? Have you acted as an intermediary with
regard to any other company's efforts to secure business in Albania? If so, did you receive any form of remuneration for your efforts? Does this present a conflict of interest?
4. Below is my May 6, 2007 letter to Congressman Engel regarding Foreign Minister Lulzim Basha's recent visit to Washington,
and you were copied on the letter. Many of these subjects have been
brought to your attention before including questions about the source of
Basha's wealth. Have you asked Basha about the source of his wealth?
Have you inquired about his family's ties to the Vefa pyramid scheme?
How is it possible for Basha, a young man with little professional
experience, to have accumulated $1 million in assets (that’s just what
he’s declared, there may be more)? Can he provide pay stubs, tax
returns and records of stock transactions to support his claims? I know
this would not seem an unreasonable accomplishment in the U.S., but
this is Albania and knowing the situation there quite well,
I can tell you that in the best case it's highly suspicious. In a
related matter, as I previously informed you, Basha’s father-in-law was a
key figure at Vefa, one of the largest of Albania ’s
notorious pyramid schemes that were responsible for fleecing the large
majority of Albanians and subsequently plunged the country into chaos
in 1997. Despite the fact that Berisha was repeatedly warned about the
danger associated with these schemes, he maintained a close relationship
with Vefa and ignored all warnings. Did you ask Basha if he is aware if
his father-in-law was able to abscond with illegal gains from Vefa and
did Basha in any way profit from these assets?
5. In
light of the recent events related to Fort Dix and the fact that three
of the alleged "terrorists," the Dukas, were Albanian illegal
immigrants, and given your former position as Director of Homeland
Security, did you do anything about the information I provided to you
about illegal trafficking in Albania?
6. I have made a number of concrete suggestions to Sali Berisha about attacking crime and corruption in Albania
and you have been made aware of this information. Supposedly, you have
been retained to provide counsel on these issues. Other than
suggesting a national identity card plan, what have you done in this
7. I forwarded a report to you that was provided
to me via email by one of Sali Berisha's closest advisors
that alleges various acts of corruption and criminal enterprise against
Former Prime Minister Fatos Nano and members of his
government. This report contains very specific charges and was given to
me with Berisha's full knowledge and approval. It was also made a key
election issue when I made this information a matter of public record
in Albania 2005. What have you done about this?
8. Regarding Telecom & Transport Minister Sokol Olldashi (former
Interior Minister), you were also provided with a similar report that
discusses various allegations about Olldsashi's relationships with
Albanian criminals. Have you discussed this matter with Berisha?
9. You were provided information about Defense Minister Fatmir Mediu's
unexplained wealth and allegations that he was arrested in Italy
with a reputed Albanian gangster alleged to be engaged in human and
drug trafficking. Have you inquired about the source of Mediu's wealth
or the allegations that he maintained a relationship with a reputed
Albanian gangster?
10. I have informed you about possible security breaches at the U.S. Embassy in Tirana? What have you done about this matter?
11. Based on his actions, it is now clear Sali Berisha blatantly lied to the people of Albania
about his intentions related to fighting crime and corruption and
governing with transparency. Have you discussed this matter with
him? If so, does he intend to do anything to rectify this matter?
12. Despite various DP campaign promises to
rectify various problems in the telecom sector (your office has been
kept fully abreast of these issues), Berisha and Basha have made a
complete about face on their promises. It is known that Basha has
forged a close relationship with executives of Greek owned AMC. Are
you aware if Basha has received any form of remuneration from AMC in
exchange for his cooperation on matters that are beneficial to the
economic interests of AMC but detrimental to the people of Albania?
13. Recently, there was a large demonstration in Tirana
to protest Sali Berisha’s heavy handed attempts to censor media. Did
you advise Berisha that such attempts to stifle free speech are direct
affronts to democracy?
Your input on these matters would be greatly appreciated.